Boy’s Summer Jerseys, navy and cardinal! and navy and white, 25c each; boy’s shirt waists, white ground ‘with ï¬gure and stripe pattern. each 880; boy’s black sateen shirt “mists, 800 each. Atkinson & Switzer. Now is the time to leave your order for that fancy vest. See the one we can make to your measure for $4.00. Tailored and guaranteed by the House. of Hobberlin. Toruuto. Atkinson & Switzer. . ‘ Mr. Ernest Palmer of the Sterling Bank staff at, Alxn(vnb.-Ont., is hnme for his holidays. Miss Teefy spent u few days last week with h?» friends here and re- turned tn Orillia. Friday. The Orillia Packet saysâ€"“Mr. H. A. Lunau, of Markham, a. former emzher in EN'st. Simone, was-held up while going from Orillia to the Re- erve, and threatened by an Indian. lwho had whisky in his possession.†Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McMahgm left. last night, to attend the annual meet- ing of the Canadian Press Association in Ottawalml-sday and Friday. RICHMOND HILL. 01m; J mm 6, 1912 The monthly meéting of the ‘V. M. 3. has been postponed until next, week. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. P. L. Grant. next Tues- ia'y afternoon at. three o’clock. Mr; Glurksnn McDonald of,F1esh‘ér- ton'caiï¬e home Sutmday and took advantage of the bank holiday on .the. King’s birthday. _ _ M155 Edna A. Alcombrack has been granted an interim High School As- aistnnt’s Certiï¬cate from the Faculty of Education. I A number of the storekeepers and business men of’ the village 'signed a. ocumenb this week by which they grep to close their plzwes of business very Wednesday afternoon during he months of June. July and August. ontana. is spen ing a. few days with s brother, Mr. Thomas Hopper, and )ther relatives. This is Mr. Hopper-’8 ‘econd visit to Richmond Hill since he ft about forty years ago. He will iisib relatives in Ottawa and Lindsay. PM“ R. '1‘. Ho per of Butt City, i Miss F. M. Brown, who with her sister‘had nearly all her clothing md household eifects burned in the Jliver ï¬re. received a few days ago a )leasant shower from her friends at Huntsville where she formerly taught school. ‘ Mrs. Switzer this week attended the uneral of an aunt; Mrs. Duncan who led at, Sault Ste Mal-i9. Interment 00k place in the Town of Simcoe. eceased was mother of Mrs. HPnt‘St, ife of Hon. W. H. Hearst. Minister 9f Mines in the Ontario Government. ng. W. D. T. Atkinson is receiving yell merited congratulations fr om his puny friends these days. In the gurth year examination in the Facul- of Arts. at the University of To- nto. Donald took ï¬t-sbclnss honors Classics. He will attend Convoca- on to-morrow and receive his B.A. logree. The language of a. man under the ï¬nance of liquor during the past eek was enough to shook the nerves If those- who had to pass in' front of Re Lorne Hall. Where is our village nstable these evenings. and what 993 our Council think of such dis- ‘uceful demonstrations on the public great? In the Massey Hall. Toronto, on arch 17. 1912, Mr. Hem-i Bourassa. .id: “Canada. is a dual countiy. and E every inch of its soil French-Can- inns should enjoy with English-Can- flians equal regard to both reli ion 11 language.†In the Calm ion a azine for July Professor W. S. a lace challenges. this statement and mts out. what according to consti- tion the French-Canadians of Que- c are really entitled to. h much acceptance on the Rich- nd Hill Circuit during the past ‘nference year has passed his fourth at examination with honors in ilosophy at the University of To- nto. After his sermon Sunday rning Mr. Rowe announced to the ngregutiun that he had received an gvitation to a. church in Hamilton. (1 consequently would not be able to uin pregch here during the term. fem A. H. Rowe who has preached t he Aurora. Banner last week con- ned the following local:â€" ‘Our band appeared for the ï¬rst e in their new uniforms on the b May. The band furnished the ‘ sic for the Richmond Hill Fair and ore leaving town in the morning ated our citizens to some choice ections.†. ~ he Banner is laboring under a. mig- e. The music for our Fair on Vio- ria D: was fumished hy the Rich- ;md ill Band. The only player ganged from Aurora. was Mr. Thus. \szL ri'fï¬vtall. ~ win furnish a. su “IV for th mth of June. pp ' e 5112 NOT LACKING IN NERVE. 14's Theâ€"teachersand pupils-nfthe Pub- lic Schnol held Empire Dny~exercis_es Friday afternoon. The well-dressed scholars. can ying flugï¬.~nmde n pregty spectacle as they marches} from the school to the Park. My. Lehman. the Principal, explained that owing to the busy season the exercises had, been postponed fr’hm May 23. Teachers, scholars and the citizens who attended écholars and the citizens who attended were seated in the Grand Stand‘ where short speeches were given 'on. true Patriotism by,~Riev..Dr Smith; Rev. R. G. Schell, T. F.: Mohamng and :T; 'H. Trench. and an interéstiug pro- gramme of chOruses. x‘écitdtioï¬s, &(':;. was 'rendered- by the pupils.“ The fol- lowing numbers were gi-ven:â€"‘ ‘ Chorusâ€"“The Maple Leaf." ' Empire Ddy Recitation â€"- J r. ' III Glass. ‘ ' " “ " Chorusâ€"“Where the Sugar Maple, Glows. I .- “Sweet and Low†â€"â€" Intermediate- Form. ‘ " ' ~ Chorusâ€"~“My HomeԠr “God Save the King.†_ Ameeting of thegpii-ebtm-s of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society was held Saturday \Véxft'enmon to con- idm-t‘wO protests that, had been en- tered on Fair Day. . In the football competition on Victoria Day, Ed elev *won the ï¬nal match from the ~0r ales, but the latter entered a protest n‘nï¬hc ground that, In the‘ ï¬lm! match Edge- vley put oh a numher of, men who did not play in the ï¬rst; game. ' At the meeting on Saturday the Ed ley rep- resentatives acknowlede pï¬nyiug a. man fwm Maple "and another from Green River. who did not play in the ï¬rst game. The protest. was sustained an? the privy pnid phe Orioleg. 24. in accordance with regulétthins. As the gentlmmm who entered 'the protest, was notpresent '_to .pljovï¬hb égselthe'pï¬otesb was‘ not. suétained. ‘ The Methodist Sabbath Schoni will, half] their aqhis‘grsary on Saturday and Sunéiuy, .‘jthï¬ 15th and 16th inst. 'Dhe Saturday pgrfnrmxmce‘ will.:_he held on' the grounds ‘of Messrs. R'nss Klinck and Ross Nichols. In the after- noon there will be a football tom-mlg menb. open td'mtérmediate teams, fat-'- a prize of $15.00. Also a. -foot;hnll tournament for: junior teams. for a. prize of $10.00. The Markham I.0.0.F. Band will furnish music in the after: noon, and will assist in the entertain- ment in the evening. ' Other perform- ers in the evening programme Will be Miss Buynes of Toronto, soloist: and Miss Starry, of Markham, elocuti'on- ist. The chair will be occu ied by thé aster, Rev. Dr. smith. n the fol-_ owing day. Sundav,-June 16. special sermons will be preached at. 2:30 and 7 p.m. “Music zit/both services will be supplied by the Maple Methodlst Church Choir. Everybody Welcome both on Saturday and Sunday. V In the Fanim’s trotting race Davis) Bros. protested against the ï¬rst horse. Wa VVa-. alleging that the drive-1:, Wm. ‘Hughegr bald not owned the horse for‘twu months p1:evimga' p0 May .1. - 1 The following is 'a resalutï¬-n sent to the Council from the Richmond Hill Fig-gpepnrtlu'gxytzâ€" . - 1 .Whereas, -We. .your humble ser- vants, the Richmond Hill Fire Bri- gade, deplore Lhe unsatisfactory state of our present ï¬re apparatus. emd‘sys- tem’ of water supply, to, combat; an serious outbreak. 'of ’ï¬re, 'w2;~_,\v0lll _, respectfully petiLiun“ yiwur bï¬norable body to investigate the matter thor- nugth and devise a. scheme as spon as possibie to‘ providehetter ï¬re pr‘o: tection‘ for omwiflage. I Tnos. Taxman. Chief. GEO. Oowm. Lieut. '~ ~ v ; NORMAN TYNDALL; Sec: I. 0. F. EXCURSION; The ï¬rst annual excursion of. Court Ma le City. Maple, will be run rtn J acï¬snn’s Point 'On Friday. the 2180 0-f- June. The excursion will be over the Metropolitan Railway,- and Vspecial curs will leave Newton Brook at. 7.40 u.m., Thor-uhill 7.46. Richmond Hill 8.00, Elgin Mills 8.05. Schth'erg Junction 8.20, and Aurora. 8.30. The fare. for the roundetri will be, $1.00; childi'en half price. _ eturning will leave J nckson’s Point at 7 pm]. There will be a football match between Vel- lore and Edgeley for a. purse! of $22.00. and a baseball match between Woodbridge and Maple. Everybody welcome. FROM HIGH SCHOOL TO BANKnl Five of the larger boys who were in attendance at. the Richmond Hill high school during the past year have entered the banking profession. Douglas Lnrkin went Lu the Traders at SchnmbeI-g; Norman Francis to the Dominion, Toronto; Wm. Naughton tn, the Standard at home; Robert Redditt‘ to the Union at Sunnys‘ide and Fred Thompson to the Union in Carleton Co. The Candidates at the departmental exams thls year at Ric’h- nmnd Hill are all girlsvwith two or three exceptions. The Birthday of King George V. was quietly honored in Richmond Hill on Monday, and this a pears to have been the usual, way t mughoub the country. The flags were flying how the schools, the banks and other pub- lic buildings were cl(ised,-but business went on as usual. Some of ‘our citi- zens went: to the woods and enjoyed a. Eléasnnt alternoon, but for a general uliday the date seems to folihw'too soon after Victoria.Dav. But Oun- udians honor King George all the same, , 7 - I , . EMPIRE DAY EXERCISES. THE KING’S BIRTHDAY. mumm- M'EET’INéï¬â€˜ _ .. .SE-iarS‘w' guaré Better 'Fire Fromm; Tel.: N 3418. OVERLAND MOTORâ€" CARS ? and TRUCKS ' 1912 Models are unsui- passed for value and effluent- cy. Above gu.t3re.prhseri'tâ€s Oui" ï¬ye passenger, thirty horsei p’o'sver car at $1375 00,“ dotiv; ered in Toronto fully eguipp-J ed. Call_without fail and seei our 1912 Models. - ‘ é Douglas Allen ‘ Eleéfri Co. ., ' 2309 YONGE ST. §HAW~0VERLAND SA-LES'FGOZ‘, * 5'2'To 59 ADELAIDE s1, WEST » .. jv'rdnorégro _ †huh... " - Head Ofï¬ce; 4776 Bloor W.-, - r ' City,†_ ELEBTRIB WIRW H.0li'Sé‘Lighti-flï¬..&c. THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZXNE Elecmc ' V Fixtures FIFTEEN YEARS" EXPERIENCE ‘ Prices Moderate “CANADIAN PICTORIAL†'Exquisibely, printed on fine coated paper; Pictures of \vell-knnwn eople of current events, of things. cauti- ful and curious About one thousand, square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of Londgm appeal to the English people. Nun political. Absolutely no axe to grind. Its aim £01er to please and to infm'm. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents‘ aeopy. Oneldollar 9 yeah. The Pie- tmial Publishing 00., 142 St. Peter St. Montreal. ELECTRICITY By Rules of National Board ' of Fire Underwriters for United States and ‘ Canada. RICHMOND HILL, H. B. STIRLING éswnvmm f¢§¢+N§§HM§§§+§§O§§O§§O wmowownwwwm E'jG L I N‘ T ON We Do Contracting of All Kinds. - 45 Start acourse in Buukkeeping or Shorthand and use. your spare thneNUntfl thm Hun or Vther and then flnhh ib}uycoflegn fl you wish. Many are following this plan, saving expense and getting ready for a gnod ofï¬ce posiï¬on. VVrfle us for paruc- Mam. - QOQNOOONQQ The Shaw Corresgondence, School. an The Central Business College. . Head Otï¬ces, ' Yon e & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. . H. SHAW. President. SEE US ... ï¬ne...“ _. â€"-â€"FORâ€" IS COMING Call. 6273. ONT. 45-tf vi"!- iAtkinson &. Switzer +wfl++~gg¢«‘w+ï¬ww++++§~w +§¢++++Â¥+$3g§~ï¬fï¬++w Our stock is most cOmpleteland we' Sell away below Teronto priCes. ’ (Ihoices‘t patterns. All well selected. In many shades for all kinds of papering. Sample'book of the more expensive papers can 'be had on'shortest notice. Call and see our stock and get prices, i PROMOTES‘ PROSPERITY 9‘91. 9‘ Papers " Papers «wwwwognfnwuwwu«wwwnwwwwwo“no†which‘we also'tsell 'a‘way below Toronto prices. Let us > Convince you. Get our-prices. .‘~.‘Wa;ll.'; éé+é+éé+Wé%駰¢é-%+éé4*+i +¢¥+++~§~i¢~§¢+é¢$++i~é+4§~§4~+$+~§~l on '$:a§-doo1-+ MMytâ€"++~9++~§~++++++++~§4~+~M+ ‘Hmi'MWi-W PMQ‘Q Fiï¬-*dul-WN'I'Mé Hfl'i‘i' P. ;._ SAVAGE We have the largest and ï¬nest stock of Up-tn-Date Boots and Shoes now we haw eVer had. Game and see for yourself. It is a pleasure to show you whether yuu buy or not. We have aiso snme very ï¬ne lines of Boots and Slippers for ladies, misses and children. “he ins’ibe ynu to inspect, our stock. June 6.‘ 1912. Men’s Tans, in the very latest, laced and buttoned, at . . . . $3.50 to $4.75 Meg’s Gun Metal, in a very nifty line, at $3.50 to. $4.00 Tlgép 31-an Témato Calsup. 1 qt. bottle 180. ï¬eigz’shSwe‘e-t‘Ghetkins in bulk. large size 15c doz. .Heinz’s Catsup, 15$ bottle. I Heinz’q Tomato-Soup, 15c tine Heinz’s Poi-k and Beans,‘102 tln. Heinz’s Preharqd Mustard, 15c botylé. Sour Mlmd Pickles, 15c bottle. ‘ ~ï¬li§l§ren39Manzarlilla Olives, large bottle 250, small size 109. Essei Brand Pumpkin. 12c tin. ‘ I Ringoon Rice, 6 lb. for 25¢. . miles; Rice. 3 lbs. for 25¢. Best Fearlz'l‘apioca. 3 lbs. fox 25c. _ Bruyswick Brand: Kipper-ed Herring, 2 bins for 25c. Alb'ert' Brl‘md Sardines, extra. choice, 15o tin. thjgg Odifee's‘ii ground while you wait. 35c, 40c and 45c lb. Ogillvi'é’s Wheat Granules, 61b. bag 30c. Tlvasiies. Com Flakes, Orange gut. and Swiss Food, 100 pkg. ~Slli'edded Wheiii Bi‘scuib, fat 25c. Pattembrl’s Butter Cream Sodas in pails, 30c pail. Princess Pal-101- Matches, 1000 in a box: per box Be. N ORMAN J. G LA'SS PROPRIETOR The {Richmond Hill Shoe Store Proper ! FOOd Visit- Us and .Get the Best FURNITURE -â€"'â€"-â€" USUAL STOCK OF RICHMOND HELL ma-mwaï¬gs-wt-Mww w+f+~§+fl3ï¬+flni~++++ Phone 17