Lloanléd Aï¬dtioneers for the. Gdunty of York. Sales “bended $0 on shortest notice and at rear stumble rates Patronage solicited rdURSDAY 1\K{ORI~II1\3GI>3 $0511 3. flavidson _ H ram 3 momma. “353M pmmme & puwsï¬mg House mgmanemma and mum Work Gum RICHMOND ammo“. i Licensed Auctionâ€: for the County of York. re'p Ipelstmlly solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales atthded on‘the shortest notice Ind M; reamnnble races 1‘ 0 address King JOHN R. CAMPBELL,‘f Calls by phone ur otherwise prompth respo nded tu. Prepares pupils flyi- the graded ex- hminatimns held at Tmontn Conserva- tn'r'y of Music and Univezsitv of 1'0- rontn. EG I. [ NTONâ€"ZO Cast h-ï¬cld A ve‘ rest, uf the wce-k. BIUlll-IONI? HILLâ€" \Vednesday. 9.30 Gus and Cocaine {m e-xtmctiuns. Phune: N. 4593. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toronto. Special Attention given to sales of every description. Farm and Inn aback miles a. specialty. Fermi bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the [about up-lo-dete mohhoda. [A‘ddr mammal sc; Noun Toronto. Special course in “Myer’s†Kinder; gal-ten Method, particularly helpful to beginnprs. Phone No. 28. Class recitals are given the year , Is PUBLISHEDEVEB! IEHURSDAY MORNING The Nevvton School of Music Summer Term Opens MondaV‘Apx-il 22 Theoretical, Technical and Artistic Elements Develnped Systematically According to Mudox-n Methods. '1‘ 8.3123011. Maple ' ddreqn: 239 Bulï¬a hone: North 4875. MISS MILLIE TRENCH D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. VOL. XXXIV. 5! per 'umum, in advance.] 33. W. R. PENTLAND f RICHMOND HILL 1 I 1 RESIDENCE Faust. house tmrth of Atkinson & Switzex"s sum-v. VETERINARY SURGEON. ’PhOPnhill. a. m. (u 5 p. m. Maple, ()nt. bUSINESS CARDSn DR. E. J. WOODS {Bennie-at, Salgeon & flchWen. Richmond Hill, Ont. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE @112 Eiiiml" PIANO TUNING 5‘. McMAfl()N.; 3103mm HILL Teacher of Piano Eamon .3: Pnommron J. H. Prentice n. G. uno‘van. Phone No. 2102. attainng gnaw. £12m]. J K McEwen We: Eon throughout 421v the 1 Monov to loan on luuu’ anuohnum workman: uwen rates « Aurornufliceâ€"Romowea on tho old post omea one door was: 01 the sultan. to flu Outurlu Bank Newman: maceâ€"Three doors south of who pmcomce T Haasmnn'rmxxox G S'rv Malena ' Marin. Tvl. M. 3631. J ‘EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC CCMMXSSIONER. CONVEY \N"ER. ETCI NA’I‘XO‘NAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2'15 K [NG ST E... TORONTO. Canada Teio phmw. Main Uuhh: Addl'vthx. "Dvdu." BARRIHTER. Sonmx'ron, NOTARY. Em A. G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Richmona Hill Tut-unto 0111c a. Rnum 328 Cnnfedrrm (inn Life Bldg.. Nu. 12 Riv-hmnnd St. E. Richmond Hill Uï¬lce ("Libel-n1" ()flice), every Thursday forenmm, Mu ple, Thursday afternuon‘ VVm-d bridge. Saturday fun-noun. A large stock hf FHJ'MM anishing kep at; both p‘laces Muncv to loam at. Fine ‘Per Cent. (5%) Burristersï¬ollcltm. mums. ta. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victarm Sta" Toronto. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL LENNOX & MORGAN? % EL'LIOTT W ‘ - mnn nut-an nun? M NY BUSINESS COLLEGES close for vacation duping July and August but the large and popular does not. students desiring strictly high grade training for choice positions are Invited to write for 0111' catalogue. Enter now if you can. Our graduates readily get employ- ment. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principa Cdr. Yonge and Alexander Sts. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Danton, rover & Field REAL ESTATE. ETC. Commissioner, Onnveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Lawrence & Dunbar, ERICHSEN BROWN & MACNAU {ATDN BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, lCONVhYANCtRS, ETC. ROOM 48 CANADA LIFE BUILDING. 42â€"46 KING ST. WEST, nuclei-takers & Elllhalmers, arrile rs an: d Solicitors. TORONTO. ONT. Barristers. Snlicturs, 8m. WRIGHT BROS. WILLIAM COOK VOICING AND . . ; ‘ ACTION REGULATING FRANK Enxcusmy Baum. 1;. Ummmm nacxuau’l‘ox. RICHMOND HILL. ONT; THURSDAY, JUNE 13. 191.2 TORON TO. Emu. †In Essentialv, Unity ;, in Phone Hutu 2994 51.6“: mmqu ! le nlmve hutngrm‘eur shows rm thg- right ban the large huteliu which the Canadian Press Aasnciutiun held 3 theirnnnunl meeting last, wvvk'. The Sgt-out lruiiding. mum-(l after the- Ex- : I’m-min; Was built by the Grand Trunk Railway «1. a cast of SVAWMDU. It, is built. at gramm- and light, huff ’ Iudmua sundstnne ‘ with a (-nppel' ruuf. I and cnnmins 350 bedrooms. {wan-thirds 5 (21' which h‘uw privutafbulhs The ‘lwtx-l is connected with the Grand From the genesis of the show until its presents colossai' perfection there has not bern a solitary season in which it has not led its fellows m the multiplicity and‘ eneral excellence of its attractions nu now it towers above and dwarfs all other tented exhibitions in comparative insigniï¬cance. and this season it presents such an opulence of sterling and meritorious attractions as to entitle it to be designated as it vast Amusement Golconda whose won- drous wealth of entertainment is un- limited and immensuieuhle. Sungei-‘s Greater European Shows are prolific in loading and sensational features. and fully equipped with the finest stable of homes and the most skillful and flu- ished bareback riders, gymnasts and act-omits in the profession. The Show has a. lax-gu, weledervd and well- selected uienagerie. containing living, vigorous specimens of all that IS strange, rare and curious within the range of natural history. and this Royal Roman Hippodrome is :a real- istic reproduction of that of the days of'the I mpg-ml Cagesny. SUDDEN DEATH. The sudden deathof Mr. Wm. VValk- ingtonhof King, at the home of Mr. John Malloy. Oak Ridges. came as a sorrowful surprise to‘1-elatives and hosts of friends. Aftera‘ hearty dinner deer-used fell from his chair and died instantly. It would be. difï¬cult to find a man better known in the County, and more beloved and respected than the late Mr. Walkingtnn. He was alwavs 'the picture of good health and good spirit, and was prominent in agricultural societies, plnwme-n’s as- sociations and other organizations. He was a Presbyterian and a Conservative. Heart failure is the cause of death. and many will remember that his honored father met a similar tragic death a little OVH' fmty years ago. Interment took place in King City cemetery Tuesday afternoon. and needle-Sn to say the funeral was very large. The deepest sympathy is shown on every hand for the widow and family who have been called upon to sufler the terrible shock. ~ It may‘ be said, however. that to these always prominent and desirable attractions have been added {01' the current, seasqn, many features so stu- pendous in magnitude, so overpower- mg in unprecedented grundeurund im- mesgiVelxess. and so mormnus m the Pipense necessary to this productinn that. the features mentiuned, grand and wonderful as they are, nun at. best pléLy hpt a secmulm-v_purt. Sanger's Greater {European Shows. Nu u-mwl amusement enterprise on earth has met. with sunth Continuum praise and applause as has Sunger's Gu-utw Elu'npvalu Shuws. An m-uliun gl‘mzls this clean and beautiful «organi- mtiun at evvry pniut in its mutual “Mr. Nut u Circus Fever. But a Luudahle Desire. Tu Be Insu-ucu'd, as Well as Amused. . D'nn't forgetv thevdï¬téfNewmm'ket, Wednesday. June 19. N on-Esssntiats, Libefty; in all things, Charity." COURT MAPLE UITY I. O. F. EXCURSION. Court anls City ‘I. O. E. Maple, will run their ï¬rst annual excursinn to Jackson’s Point. on Friday. June let, over- Lhe Metropnlinm Railway. Cars will leave Newton Brook at 7.40 mm. and will stup zit 'l‘hornhill. Richmond .Hlll, Elgin Mills, Schnmberg Junction and Aurnm. Returning will lean-v Jackson’s Point at 7 o’clock. The-re will be u fOULhHll. match between V0- -lme and Edgeley, and a baseball match hetwven VVuotlln'idge and Ma- ple. Suitable prizes will he giw-‘n fm- l-unning and nthe‘r sports. ‘The pnhli: is curdiully invited'to accompany! the excursionisls. ‘ - . - Nnteâ€"Oml Rendng may he tnkpn at such hours as are cmxvenieub during the days of the exmninatinn. By direction of the Hon. Martin Burl-ell. Minister of Agriculture, a timely bulletin on. bee-keeping has been issued by the Federal Depart- ment of Agriculture. According to a. statementof the author. Dr. G. Gm:- (ll'n Hewett. Dominion Entomologist, thiswork has been prepared to meet a very persiStant demand for informa- tion by pelsuns who wish to learn how to begin and Lu continue the industry ofapiculture. It was the furtherob- jert of the author to increase the num- her of bee-keepers in Canada by indi- cating the advantages cf beekeeping. It is pointed out that bee~keeping re. turns the direct pioï¬t of a honey crop and the indirect one of improvement to yields of clover seed and' fruit. It is observed that a bullock after being fed and cared for during an entire winter will not realize much more than the produce of at colony of bees in a single season. Beginners are rec- ommended to start on a small scale with one or twu hives. increasing the number annually as expriienoe is gained. This treatise of 45 pages, which is helpfully illustrated, covers, in plain language. the whole ï¬eld of apiculture, including equipment. man- agement, the production of honey and wax. diseases. legislation of the. vari- ous provinces against bee diseases. etc. It. is designated “The Honey Bee." Bulletin No. 2, Division of Entomol- ogy and No. (59. Experimental Forms. Copies may be had free by applying to the Publications Branch. Dval‘Ullellt of Agriculture, Ottawa. P. M FRIDAY, JUNE 21. A.M. 9.001100. ..Eng1ish Grammar. 11.10-12.00. . . Writing. RM. 1.30- 3.30. . .Geogmphy. Trund Central Station by means of a subway ntthe fnnt of the muinstpiryay. IIY .- u VVe fer-l that. even a. synopsis hi the subjects disuussed by the Press Associ- «Linn would not be interesting to the grout mu‘juriLy (If our reudels. We wnuld like to say. hnwevm‘. that after an uddressnf welcome- by Mnyur Hope- well the members of the Press and their wivvs were given badges that admitted them free all the. street. cars of Oumvu and Hull and to the the- Junior High School Entranca. CHATEAU LAURIER, OTTAWA. A GUIDE TO APICULTURE. \VEDNESDAY. J UNE 19. 1.l5~1.30. . . .Reading lnstructinns 1.30 3.30. . . .Cumpusitinn. 340-425.. .Spelling. ‘ THURSDAY, JUNE 20. 9.004130. . . .Aribhmetic. 1.30- 3.30. . . .Reuding (examina- _ Minn paper). Victoria, B. C. is the place. and S Ipt. 4, 5 and 6. the tune selected for holding the next; Convention of the Canaiiam Forestry Ass‘ chtinn. The Secnetm'y. Mr. James meler, of Obta- Wa, is now engaged in :u~r2mg.::g the details with Hon. W. R. Russ, Minis- ter of lands, 'zmd Mr. ann Henda-y, of Vancouver. the Presulent of Lhe Assn- cieit’un. The Convention is being held this time upon the invitation of" the Govenmwnt ('f the Province, and Hon. Richard McBride is Enthusiastic- ally fox-warding the project. It, will he one of the- lxl'l'fZPsb cnnventinns If the kind ever held inï¬ffv‘i'eslm-n (Jan.- ad“. Chipter 2 of the Order deals with the carriage. of horses, asses and mules by Water, and lays down requirements as to ï¬ttings, etc., of vessels on which such animals are carried to m- from any port of Great Britain, and Chap- ter 4 relates, inter alia, to the cleans- mgandï¬i‘sinfecting nffuch vessels. 7 The Order, exceijt. Chubtci “(Vin come into operation on July 1, 1912. The Department of Agriculture at, Ottzlwnis in receipt of a. new 0rd":- hy the Board nf Agriculture at Lon- don, England. entitled “Tbé Horses, (gngpm-Lation and Transit.) Order of l l. .0, ' With muliein, on and after Januar; 1st, 1913, of all hnrses, asses and mules Inn-Jed in Great Britain from abroad. except, such as may be. exempted for special reaenns under liceuses issued by the Board. It also contains pro- visiuns designed to prevent the intro- duction of various equine- diseases, as Well as glauders, such as Duln‘inc, Mange, Strimgleg. Ringwm-m, Me. FORESTRY CONVENTION IN B. C. A Bee Demonstration is to hp hold in the A iary of Mr. 'Wsitel-St-nn, Tuesduv. une 18th, 1912, commencing: at (me o’clock sharp. The purpose of this demonstration is to ex lain-whe «mum-emf Foul~Brond and s mv hmv to cure it. also how to save the “fax from the combs by means of the wax press. In Chapter 1 of this Order revision is made f()l'.the detentiinnmzm ‘ testing ntres. Other entertainment included automobile trips around Ottawa and environs. luncheun at Experimental F arm. tendered by the Minister uf Agri- culture; and a visit to the E. B. Eddy paper mills. Thursday evening the male members were tendered a. bun- quet by the City uf Ottawa, and the ladies had afternoon tea, tendered by the women editors of the‘ Ottawa newspapers. Altngether the trigund entertainment, were most enjoyn le. v- With fln'e weatbér next ï¬atnulay Victoria. Square will he crowded with patrons of the annual ï¬eld day spurts and other entertainment 0n the rounds of‘ Messrs. Russ Klinrk and ms Nichals. The funth‘ull tum-11n- ment for intermediate and junior teams willhe a feature of the after. noon. Tea. will be served, and in the evening an interesting programme at readings and songs will he given. On Sunday, the following day, special ser- mons will be preached at. 2.30 and? p.m. Music at both services will be furnished by the choir of the Maple Methodist, church. IMPORTATION T0 GREAT BRITAIN 0F CANADIAN HORSES. Mr. Geo. McCague of this plflt'i’: ï¬nd Mr. 0. H. Stiver of Uuiouville lefc last. Tuesg‘ay on a‘pyip'tn the Wash 1-7:.1 [Single copies, '3 cts. VICTORIA SQUARE No. 50