"RICHMOND HILL. ONT" AUG. l_, ’ was var COUNCIL’S J ANSWER. ’ The judgment of the Privy Coun- cil of England in the marriage case, handed out Monday, conï¬rmed the opinion of the four judges of the Su- preme Court- of Canada, that the v Dominion Parliament has no power ‘to pass laws relating to marriage. In 'the opinion of the courts the various provinces have the sole authority to make laWS for the solemnization of marriage. That settles the question wvithout a doubt, but it seems unfor- tunate that the Privy Council in its? wisdom did not condescend to give an answer to the second question: "Does the law of the Province of. Quebec render null and void, unless contracted before a Roman Catholic priest, a marriage which would be otherwise legal. which takes place in such Province? (a) between two persons who are both Roman Catho- ' lics, or (b) between persons one of whom, only, is a Roman Catholic ?" The Privy Council‘s only answer is: “In View of the previous decision this becomes 'unimportant and super- ' fluous.†.~ The man in the street cares little Whether the marriage laws are enacted by the Provinces or the Dominion, but he wants to know whether the marriages referred to above are legal 01' illegal, and whether children of such contracting parties are to be branded as illegiti- mate. The public will not be satis- ï¬ed with anything less than a posi- tive answer. If question No. 2 is answered in the affirmative there will be a strong agitation to have the Quebec law changed, failing which a change in the British North America Act will be asked for. Canada will not be inclined to submit to a law which is more favorable to Catholic priests than it is to Protestant minis- ters. fl _____....__.. The Mail and Empire is opposed to giving Ireland the privilege of mak- ing her own local laws. In an edi- torial note Tuesday The Mailoasks:â€" -"What sort of prosperity will Home Rule give Ireland when the very discussion of it results in the crippling of Harland and Wolff’s shipbuilding plant, one of the great- est industries in the countryâ€. It is true a 'gooddeal of rioting ’ and much bad feeling have sprung up over the discussion of Home Rule. In Ulster on the 12th of July when Orange speakers mentioned the name ‘ of King George that Sovereign was treated with derision. because he is supposed to be in favor of an Irish Parliament. But we cannot see why The Mail and Empire should blame supporters of Home Rule for the trouble. Home Rulers in Ireland 'nowobey the laws made by the British Parliament. If the same Padiament pass a measure for Home Rule is it reasonable for the Orange- .men tosay they will not submit to it? ‘The minority should submit to the q‘major‘ity, and The Mail should not ,{cncourage them in their spirit'of "deï¬ance. _¢=â€"â€" ____.__._.___ The Catholic Register says: “There were 38,247 converts re- ceived into the Catholic Church dur- V ‘ing 1911.' These ï¬gures have been , secured .by the Apostolic Mission House at Washington, D.C., from the reports from chancery ofï¬ces through- out the country, and they possess all ;a'vailable accuracy. They are the aggregate of adult baptisms taken ' from the baptismal records." » If these ï¬gures are correct is‘the report not startling from a Protestant: standpoint? Can it be shown that Roman Catholics in any considerable numbers are leaving their church - and connecting themselves , with , Protestant denominations? Orange societies are increasing rapidly, par- ticularly in Ontario. Can it be shown that Orange lodges are making con- verts from Catholicism, or are they g driving Catholics more closelv to- gether? These questions are asked ' in all seriousness. An answer will be appreciated. oi goods. ' from me or elsewhere. somining, Etc. Yonge St. E t E E t E E t E E . u out and exposing your Address all letters as follows: Write for our private address. I am prepared to furnish the above at a lower “price than you will pay in Toronto for the same grade Estimates cheeriully given on any decorating you wish done, no matter whether you buy your paper You will ï¬nd my prices reasonable for House and Sign Painting, Paperhangiug, Graining, Glazing, Kal- JOH N ELLIS, PAINTER and DECORATOR Richmond Hill AAAMAMMMAAMAAAAAAMAA AAAAAAMLAAAAMMAAAAALMAA t,» 05-7-44 ' can look back on their ’ ‘1,- ' early life and regret their 2 †a» misdeeds. “Sowing their - wild oats' ’ in various ways. dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking past; if you are suffering as the result of a misspent lifeâ€"DES. K. a K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. them conï¬dentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED, 2"†. ' We Trent and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBMTY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Dil- . eases and all Disease. Peculiar to Mon. CONSULTATION FREE. Books Free a: Disease of MCI. lf unable to call. write for a Question Blank for HOME TREATMENT . DRS.KENNEDY3: KENNEDY ' Cor. Michigan Ave. and" Griswold Sh, Detroit, Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our -> A In Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor; Ont. ‘If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroxt as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofï¬ces which m1 used for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business'only. DIG. KENNEDY 8: KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. SORROW How many young men Excesses, violation of us- , ture’s laws, “wine, women ‘ and songâ€â€"-‘all have their victims. Yiou have re- formed but what about the seed you have sownâ€"what about the harvest? Don’t trust to luck. If you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees; if you are suf- fering from the resultant past indiscretions; if your blood has been tainted from any private disease and you Lay your case before The farm of the late. Fullarton Gibson, 223 acres, arts of lots 53 and 54, rear of the rst concession of Vaughan. is forsale.‘ The farm lies near the Metropolitan) Railway, there are 23 acres of bush, the buildings are good, the-soil is excellent, and the desirable property. Apply on the premises , JANE GIBSON , 5-4 Richmond Hill P. O. For" Sale ' Miss Manning has for sale Dulferin household articles including the fol~ lowing:â€"â€" ' ‘ 1 Parlor Suite 1 Library Table 2 Bedroom Suites and see them. 4-2 wï¬ï¬ï¬i‘sne. j .v by Tender 2nd Concession Georgina Township. County of York. 1031 acres. 35; acres [Which is used now as a. Market Garden and would sell same separate with buildings. Apply M. MttcLEAN. Cedar Brae - â€"Wanted A young girl to assist in light house- work. No laundry. Apply at once. I 3â€"tf MRS 4-4 Grove, ,Ricbmond Hill, a number of, Interested parties will please call , . H. A. NICHOLLS. 3-tf l n A.NICl10LLS Real Estate Agent ‘ Richmond Hill, HAS FOR SALE T... .f t... b... a... o. a... 3... at the following rates:-_- Family... Herald . and Week.- "1y_',Sta.r,.1year, . . form is Well watered. This is a. very co", 0f Markham. . «Two choice farms on the 2nd con. of Markham. » _ . V ' Erich contains 100 acres, and in good stateâ€"of cultiruoion, with good build- ings. . E , ' And l43'acres and 100 acres on 2nd " con. of.Vaughan, also choice and, well built on. v ‘ Several choice Buildi g Sites on Arnold street in the village. 47-tf Estray Notice Came to the premises of the under- signed a Dark Red Steer, about two years old. The owner may gave the same by provin ropertyan aying expenses. 3P . W.pR. LINE. 3-3 4 Maple. Lost Two yearling sheep with their wool. strayed from the preinises of I. VValder, Richmond Hill. ‘ Suitable reward for ï¬nder. l-tf - I. WALDER. ______.__,____X_____._ t For Sale Houseand lot, corner of Yonge and Mill street, Richmond Hill. Agra to as N STARTUP. On the premises. For Sale A Heavy Horse, 5 years old. JOHN SLINEY, ‘ Elgin Mills. RICHMOND HILL SOWING HIS L OTS, REAL ESTATE REAPING A HARVEST OF â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"AGENCYâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" J. H. SANDERSON. V.S. MANAGER . r VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALW'AYS ON_.HAND. . ' Electric Restorer foerlen Phosphond restores every nerve in the body to its proper tensron : restores vim and vitality. Prenntnre decay and all sexual weakness nverted at once. Phosphonol will mike on a new man. Price $3 a box. or two for 35. ailed to any address. The Social! I)!“ 00.. St. Calhoun“. Ont. . For Sale“ Barn, two small brick . buildings and two hon houses. with Wire fencing. Apply on premises to i MRS. JAMES NEWTON. Elgin Mills. l-t.f. ‘ RICHMOND HILL Special attention given to Pressing I Cleaning m Repairing __ . ' G 7;AJ.HUME NOTARY PUBLIC ' Conveyancing.†Leases. Wills, Etc. 7, DiViSlUN ‘- noun. The Next Sitting of Divmon Court for N0. 3, County of York, will be held v in the Court Room. ' RICHMOND HILL 1 __0N_ Tuesday; July 30, 1912, )ommencimz at 10 u. m. ' '1‘. F. MCMAHON CLERK VVi-ite to-day for our catalogueâ€"Lit explains everything. "’ 520 Bloor W.“ aooï¬iccpiqgixw‘g «thud OLU BINC RATES Every family should have both their local paper and a ‘ city, paper. Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken; with ‘The Libera †Weekly Gldbe‘ Weekly Mail and Empire (with premium) Farmer’s Advocate. Canadian Farm Daily Globe, York Co. ' Daily Mail, York Co. 1 outside towns and villages Daily Star, Daily News The Weekly Sun ; 1.90 , 1.375 240 1.90 ' 3.50 3.50 of I 2.50 1.75; .