Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Aug 1912, p. 7

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As a. writer of fiction, Mr. Max Pemberbon enjoys great; popularity both in England and on this conti- nent. Thousands of schoolboys have revelled in “The Iron Pirate,” Mr. Leg’Like Raw Flesh from Knee Down Horse~drawn carts, vans and carâ€" riages (exclusive cabs and omni- buses) are still, however, sufficienquâ€" ly numerous to be the greatest source of danger, for they kill beâ€" tween eighty and ninety persons every year in London, and injure between four and five thousand. "I have been treated by doctors for twentyâ€"five years for a. bad case of eczema on my leg. They did their best. but failed to cure it. My Own doctor had advised me to have my leg cut off, but I said I would try the Cuticum Remedies first. He said, Mry them if you like yut I do not think the will do any good At this time in legywus peeled from the knee down, in; {loot was like a piece of raw flesh and ad to walk on crutches. "I bought a. cake 0! Cutlcura Soap. a. box of Cuticura Ointment and a. bottle 0! Cuticura Resolvent. After the first two treatments the swelling went down and in two months' use 0! the Cuticura. Remedies my leg was cured and the new skin grown on. The doctor could not believe hls own eyes when he saw that Cutlcura had cured me and said that he would use Cuticura. for big own patients. Put for the Cutlcura Remedles I might have eat my Me. I am truly grateful for the wonderlul cure that Cuticura. wrought and I always recommend it most highly use sure economical cure for skm troubles." n iSlgned) Mme. J. B. Renaud. 277 Montana t.. Montreal. For more than a generation Cutlcura. soap and Ointment have afforded the s eedrest and most economlcal treatment for s m and scalp humors. Sold by druggists and dealers eyerywhere. For a. liberal sample of each. firth 32-9. be send to “Potter 39.3170. -__ .n n,.... AUIVDCL u. a w WV... “m. w u Com. 49 Columbus Ave.. Boston. U. B.A. The motorâ€"omnibus is a greater peril still, for whereas the old horse-drawn vehicle killed twenty- two persons and injured 503 in 1901, the motor~0mnibus toâ€"day is the caursa of more than a thousand acâ€" cidents and is killing three times thg number of it‘s predecessor. Eczema 25 Years Cured by “Buticura” Whereas at the beginning of the century the 01d horse cabs were running down between thirteen hundred and fourteen hundred per- sons 3 year and killing only a dozen or so, motor cabs Iboâ€"day are killing between thirty and forty a year and injuring approximately 2,000. Authorities Anxious Over Growing Number of Accidents. The alarming increase in the number of street accidents in Lonâ€" don. England, is attracting the atâ€" tention of the authorities. In 1881 there were 127 persons killed and 3,400 injured in the streets of London. Ten years later, While the horse still held undisputâ€" ed sway, the numbers had grown to 147 and 5,837 respectively, a, lotal increase in the year of 2,257 arc‘ciâ€" dents. With the advent of motor power the increase became more rapid. In 1901 there were 9,383 persons kiH‘ed and injured. At the end of 1910 the number of accidents had more than doubled, the total numâ€" ber being 17,927. ' Dr. 0. Gordon Howltt, Do. mlnlon Entomologlot, Bays, referring to the infantile death rate from intestinal disaases and diarrhoea spread by the house fly, he believes that the so-called harmless fly is yearly causing the death of thousands of infants, as well as spreading the germs of typhoid fever. are the best thing to rid your house of these dangerous pests. PREFERS THE GO UNTRY. Wiwmrs LOND 0N STREET PERIL S. Eontreal Uphill or down the winding vale, Through sorrow, failure, trial, The best 35 us will often fail, And meet with strange denial. Be cheerful, and it matters not Which way the winds are blowing; However hard may be your lot, Whichever way you’re going-â€" It costs you not-hing to be gayâ€"- The very birds are gladsome. So tuck your worries well away; I say it, and I’ve had some. We have no hesitation in saying that Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial is Without doubt the best medicine ever introduced for dys- entery, diarrhoea, cholera and all summer complaints, sea sickness, etc. It promptly gives relief and never fails to effect a positive cure. Mothers should never be without a bottle when their children are teething. There’s nothing sweeter in the land That meets with more resentment From misanthropes on every hand Than simple, sweet contentment. It cheers you like the summer sun That shines when it is raining, Or like the smile of anyone Whose days are swiftly waning. A medicine that will keep chilâ€" dren well is a great boon to every mother. This is just what Baby’s lOwn Tablets do. An occasional ‘dose keeps the little stomach and bowels right and prevents sickness. During the hot summer months stomach troubles speedily turn to fatal diarrhoea or cholera infan- tum and if Baby’s Own Tablet-s are not at hand the child may die in a few hours. Wise mothers always keep the Tablets. in the house and give their children an occasional dose to clear out the stomach and bowels and keep them well. Don’t wait till baby is illâ€"the delay may cost a precious life. Get the Tab- lets now and you may feel reason- ably safe. Every mother who uses the Tablets nraise them and that is the best evidence that there is no other medicine for children so good. The Tablets are sold by medicine «dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00.. Brockville, Ont. “Jinx’s daughter bids fair to be- come a humorist.” “That so ’l” “Yes. I was visiting there last night and I told her she had her mother’s voice and her father’s fea- tures. and she- asked me if I thought suicide 8. sin.” Bury St. Edmunds, is of the opinion that creative work done in the country is decidedly better than that done in the town. Describing his methods, he states: “I do my work between eleven and one o’clock in the morning and five agd seven in the evening. The two hours before dinner are the best in the day. but I generally get my ideas when I first awake in the morning. This is all very common- place, but it is true. My experiâ€" ence tells me that you can do, in the country, a, good day’s work in three hours, whilst in-London you do a bad day’s work in seven. That is why I hafize out myself free from telephones, and gone where the taxis are at rest.” Pemberton’s first great success. Since then he has written over a. score of novels which appeal to lovers of who‘ie‘some, exciting fic- tion. HOT WEATHER AILMENTS Mr. Pemberton, who lives at Some folks make us dizzy By the way they Shirk, Keeping wondrous busy Avoiding honest work! Mr. Max Pemberton. BE CHEERFUL. “Nobody. That’s just ma telling pa a few reasons why women ought to vote.” “Yes. I’ve 011th “Outgrown it? : yotflye tired _(_)f itj” “Not at all. I’ve simply grown too stout to crawl underneath it any more.” ~ “Who’s getting scolded in your house now ‘2” bile 2” A Sure Corrective of Flatu‘lency. â€"â€"When the, undigested food lies in the stomach it throws off gases causing pains and oppression in the stomaehic region. The belching or 'ernctation of these gases is offen- sive and the onlv way to prevent them is to restore the stomach to proper action. Parmelee’s Vegeâ€" table Pills will do this. Simple di- rections go with each packet and a course. of them taken systematically is certain to effect a cure. “Hold on, old man,” said the clerk; “you’re in the wrong deâ€" partment. Marriage bureau on the left, three aisles down.” ED. 7. The meek-looking man walked up to the book counter. “I want some- thing to keep me home at night, show me my faults, tell me how to spend my~â€"â€"â€"” Minard's Llnlment Cures Diphthorla. Mr.Dnbbâ€"â€"“My brain is on fire.” Miss Keenâ€"“I hardlv think we need call out the fire department.” Sheâ€"-“VVould you love me better, dearest, if my hair were a different color?” Heâ€"“Well, I don’t know, darling. What other colors have you ’2” As a vermicide there is no pre- naration that equals Moth-er Graves’ Worm Exterminator. It Has saved the lives 0i countless :hildren. ' ' Mlnard's Llnlmont Cures Dlstemplr. Magnificent Structure for Exhibits at Canadian National. The new government building at the Canadian National Exhibition is being rushed to completion and will be ready for the year’s Fair. It will cost $160,000, of which the Doâ€" minion Government pays $100000. the Onhwrio Government $25,000 and the City of Toronto the balance. It Will be used for Provincial, Doâ€" minion and Educational Exhibits. Ever notice that the most glaring faults are those of others? Mlnard's Llnlment Cures colds. Etc. While 340,000 tons of shipning has been added to the United Kingdom register since 1911, Germanv has in~ creased her tonnage by 162,000, Ja- Dan by 141,000 and Norway by 138,â€" 000. Of this huge total of steamship- ping the. British flag boasts practi- cally one-half, as much as 17,700,- 000 tons being registered in the United Kingdom, and 1,600.000 bone in British colonies. It may be con- jectured too that the British half comprises the newer and more ecoâ€" nomiqallv worked moiety. The world’s sailing fleet now toâ€" tals little more than 4.000,000 tons. whereas the merchant steamers of the globe are in excess of 40~OO0,000 tons. On the assumption that one ton of steam is equal to three of sail, steam-ships now do thirty times as much of the carrying trade of the world as sailing ship-s. NEW GOVERNMENT BUILDIN G Comprises Practically One-half of of World’s Steam Tonnage. An idea of the rapidity with which the sailing ship is disappearing is conveyed in figures given in the new volumes of "Lloyd’s Regis- ter.” BRITAIN’ S MERCHANT FLEET. >“S”0A you’ve sold .your automo- OUTGROWN HIS CAR. A HOT ARGUMENT. SMALL BLAZE. ’ve ‘outgrown 1 .” NEEDED. Do you me an ISSUE 31â€"’l2. No matter how deepâ€"rooted tth corn or wart may be, it must yield to Holloway’s Corn Cure if used as directed. Pain Flees Before It.â€"â€"There is more virtue in a, bottle of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil as a, subduer of pain than in gallons of other medicine. The public know this and there are few households through- out the country Where it cannot be found. Thirty years of use has familiarized the people with it, and made it a household medicine throughout the western world. The teacher of a Sunday School class tells of the excuse for being late offered by one of her pupils, a. boy of ten years. “I askedyhim: ‘James, Why were yep Sp late» yofdayZi “ ‘I couldn’t help it,’ he ex- plained. " ‘And why not '1’ I asked. “ ‘Well,’ he said, ‘I dreamed that I was running, and running, and running, and when my brother woke me up I was so tired that, I went back to sleep again, ’cos I’d been running such a. long ways.’ ” Owen:S-â€"“How do you do, Mr. Shears. What can you show me in the way of a new suit toâ€"day 1” His Tailorâ€"“Your bill, sirâ€"that is de- cidedly in the way of a. new suit.” OBEYING ORDERS. Employerâ€"“You’re late again.” New Clerkâ€"“Well, you said you didn’t want a. man who watched the clock.” Mlnard's Llnlmont Cures cargot In Cows. “I believe honesty pays long run.” "So do I; but I often wish it; were not such a. mighty long run.” ' " "" NoSmartlngâ€"Feels Fineâ€"Acts Quickly. Y Try “for Red,Wes.k, Watery Eyea and a U r Granulated Eyelids. Illustrate-d Book In each Package. MURINE is com- Ey e s ficunded by our Ocullstsâ€"nota. "Patent; ediclue“ but. used in successful Ph al- N d cians‘ Practice for many years. ow e 9 dedicated to the Public and sold by Drugglsts at 2bc-60c per bottle. Murine c a re Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, saw-boa, .. . A A. . AA p. n,,, when Irv murll N08martlng- Yo Trynfor Red Granulated E‘ I h P k Ey e s I(lmenadced 11;?“ _ ediclue‘mut “Have you any relatives living in the county?” “No; whenever we take our vaca- tlon we have to pay our board.” MOISE DEROSCE. Hotel Keeper, St. Phillippe, Que. I bought a horse with a. supposedly in- curable ringbone for $50. Cured him with $1.00 worth of VMINARD'S LINIM_E_N{I‘ and éold him for $85.00. Profit. on Liniment, $54.00. Willieâ€"“Paw, What is the middle class 2” The Foe of Indigestion..â€"â€"Indiges- tion is a. common ailment and few are free from it. It is a most dis~ tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most seâ€" vere. The very best remedy is Parâ€" melee’s Vegetable Pills taken acâ€" cording to directions. They rectify the irregular action of the stomach and restore healthy action. For many years they have been a, stan- dard remedy for dyspepsiar and inâ€" digestion and are highly esteemed for their qualities. Pawâ€"“The middle class consists of people who are not poor enough to accept charity and not rich enough to donate anything.” APT TO GET OUT OF BREATH. “I thought she married him to reform him ’I” ' “So she did.” "But he’s just as wild as ever.” “Yes. She can’t keep him home at nights long enough to start the reformation. ’ ’ CANNOT BEGIN THE WORK. WAS ALL WORN OUT. WHAT THEY ESCAPE. HARD BUT TRUE. Eyev‘éalve in Asefitlc 55366;}, Murine Eye Remedy 00.. Ch|cano Try Murine Eye Remedy in the JAMES LANGMUIR 8; 80.. Umited 13741: Bathurst Street TORONTO Wifeâ€"“Oh, splendid! After I dressed the children and got them off, washed the dishes and made some; pies, cleared away the lunch- eon table and answered some let- ters, I still had time enough left to darn my stockings.” Protect â€"~ Preserve â€" Beautlfy Samples and Booklets on Application Husband (cheerily)â€"â€"“Well, love, have you had a pleasant day 'l” LANG-IVI'UIté’s CREOSOTE Shingle Stains U Patentable Inventions. Patents pro~ cured, bought, sold and developed. Write for free booklet. The International Patent Syndicate. 805 Bathurat St. Toronto. for positions in stations. These men are placed in positions as fast as we can prepare them. Railway officials endorse our School, Now ‘5 the. time to make ar- rangemenfs for Fall studios. Free Book No. 18 explains. Dominion School Railroad- inrr Toronto. NICE CURTAINS NED hw‘o’ cimzn _ LIKE NEW. W rim to us about, yours. Gold Medalist. BRITISH AMERIGAN DYEING 00., Box 233.Montreal Keep the Children Well Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills ‘1 HalkinTPéel, York, Durham, North; umber-land. Prince Edward counties I. NMNWHA nriran. blanks [j ternal' and exitelznailfaxiré'd Hahnâ€"11‘! pain by our home treatment. Write 11! before too late. Dr. Benman Medical 00.. Limited. (‘nHintzwood Ont (a TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson’- 1 7 Scale Works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto. D buy beautiful hundred acres in Northumberland County, including Stock and Implements. There is in the stock 4 horses. 10 cows. etc TM is a sun . and can be had on easy terms. Possess on It our-9. CHENH-LE CURTAINS H. w. DAWSON. Ninety Colborno Strut. Toronto. H. W. DAWSON. Tor-unto, OOD FARMS IN LINCOLN. WELLAND. T Halton. Peel. York, Durham, North- RUIT FARMSâ€"ALL SIZES. IN THE Niagara Fruit Belt. I: guaranteed to keep Flles off your Cattle $2.00 PER GALLON THE MAOLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE 00.. LTD., WOODSTOCK. ONTARIO. Sole Mfrs.â€"The Sapho Manufacturing 00., Limited, Montreal. are just the right medicine for the children. “Then they are constipated -â€"when their kidneys are out of order â€"when over-indulgence in some favorite food gives them indigestion -â€"Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will quickly and surel put them l’l ht. Purely vegetable.t ey neither sic en, weaken or gripe, like harsh urgativea. Guard your children’s health by always keeping a box of Dr. Morse 3 Indian Root Pills in the house, They COW COMFORT A§H ADVANCED FOR APPROVED ANGER. Tumons, LUMPSt am, In; IGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL LBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN AND Manitoba lands in large or small AILWAYS REQUIRE YOUNG MEN A? iANT) FARM SCALES. >Wi‘lson’a 90979, Works,"9 Esnin gait; and All kinds 0! house hnnxlnzl. sllo Dilute with 4 gallons of water. Write for a gallon now to MALE HELP WANTED. EXCITEMENT. FARMS FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS

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