CONDITIONAL REQUEST Miss Catharine Edy of Thornhill who died on the 20th of May. left a. will dividing her estate of $9,080 be- tween her two sisters Alice and Jane Edy, With the provision that they re- main unmarried. Upon the marriage of either, her share is to be invested and the proceeds devoted to the one who remains single. If both marry or die the emote reverts to the executors. the income to be paid to the Hospital for Incurables. The Metropolitan Railway Company are straightening their line in the vicinity of Bond Lake. Commencing at a point directly south of the Power House the bills will be cut down, the hollows and the west art of the Lake ï¬lled up with earth. t 6 line to be run straight from the car barns to a point on You e street near Mr. Durham’s ate. T mt part of the line east of onge street will be double-tracked. and a long platform to be erected for the convenience of visitors coming to the Park. The work will be expensive. necessitating the removal of several buildings, but will greatly improve the appearance of the Lake front. and add much to the accommodation. THURSDAY. Aug. lâ€"Auction salt‘ of 12 fresh milk cuwsâ€"Holsteins and Dur- humsâ€"at the Palmer House, Rich- mond Hill. the property of Taggurt and Patton. Sale at20’cluck. Terms, 4 months. Saigeon & McEwen. Aucts. FRIDAY. Aug. 2â€"-Auction sale of fresh milk cows. spt-ingers, beef ringers, etc., at; the Maple Hotel Yards, Maple. the property of T. Allison. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 3 months. Saigeon & McEweu, Auzts. SATURDAY. Aug. 3â€"Auction sale of two car~lnads of fresh milk cows, beef ringers &c.. at the QuPen’s Hotel, Aurora, the property of J. H. Brillinger. Terms. 4 months. Sale at; 1.30 p.m. Suigeun & McEweu, Aucts. One of the best properties in Thorn- hill fur 'snle. Ten-roamed hunse; stable; g, acre of land; Well supplied with fruit; trees; hard and soft water. and uther conveniences. A very snug home. A ply to B1. A. NICHOLLS. Real 133ng Agent.» A 52- tf The ï¬rst of the harvesters’ excur- sions to the north~weat provinces WWII leave’Toronto August 20. The follow- ing dates are August 28 and 30. The fare will be $10 to Winnipeg, plus half a cent; a mile in each direction beyond that point. V The return fare will be-half a. cent a mile to Winni- Peg. plus $18 east of that p011“). ‘ N4 GOOD STOCK OF School Books, 1 Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums, ‘ Papetries, Rubber Balls. Etc , Etc. Printing _ Stationery School Books +é+é++~Â¥+ Go to The Liberal Office for Bill Heads, Letter Heads, \Nedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, &c., &c. Mr. R. G. Schell has arranged a series of discourses on "The Church’of Christ." The ï¬rst will be given at Sherwood next Lord’s Day at 7 p.m. subject. “The Foundation.†Those who cm: do so are invited to come and hear the entire series. H0! FOR THE WEST. Auction Sales ran. L‘ruu . . . .nuso a e'cif..'."."I..'.'.’.'.'.'.'z 'k n ....~............ I.......‘....... ... .u..... .w- ..u-u.4 For Sale BOND LAKE FALL FAIRS Sherwood. . .Aug'. 24â€"Sept. 9 . . , . . . . . Sept. 6-14 . . . . . . . . Sept. 17-19 . . . . . . . . . Sept. 18 .. .._Sept. 18-20 Richmond Hill. . . .Sopt. 23â€"25 Sept. 30. Oct. 1 . . . . . . . . Oct. 1-2 .. Oct. 1-2 . . . . . . . . Oct. 2-4 . . . . . . . Oct. 3-4 BINDER TWINE 3-tf 2-t.f. Hay Forks, machine Oil, Oil Cans, Screen Doors and Windows. One cow, due to calve, on lot 30, con. 3, Vaughan. PETER JONES. 7 It uses the‘ most expensive engrav- ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world. a’ V 7 We handlé nothing but: the best at n kg .. ____J r nnnnnn ble price. GEO. McDONALD, Richmond Hill Weekly Newspaper of the .Dominion of Canada. It is national 'in all its aims. ’ Its articles are carefully selected and its editorial policy is thoroughly independent. A subscription to The‘ Standard costs $2.00 per your to any addresa in Canada. or Great Britain. @119- Pa nii Hi3; BERâ€"n? $11765}? Wynn. ynbont _ u: ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬lï¬iï¬Ã© as F .Bt. Wuhlxwton. n. Mantra! Standard Publish‘ingACo'... W13»: Mun Dtstaus COWï¬IGH‘I’S tc. Anyone lending a notch and amalgam: any Fuck)! noel-tun our opinion free I other In nv mmunlcnp em. on ll rob“! I tub mam §wrd°éflï¬rmnwmprw n 0 Pgtqntq yang; mush Mupn‘gr ’molm wfï¬ï¬'ï¬yâ€"Eï¬iï¬ï¬ iSnan'w' Tm'"' '5: 33. Stuntman“ would. Bold Di THE RICHMOND“ HILL HARDWARE CU. THE STANDARD 15 the‘ Naï¬dnal App]; to Hoilse and Lot To Rent PHONE 18 TRY. IT FOR 1912! R. and L. PERKINS Gilt Edgeâ€, - 650 ft. to 1b. Gold Leaf, - 600*fb. to lb. Silver Leaf, - 550 ft. to 1b. No Bette? TwinemMade. Limited, Publishon. For Sale MONTREAL. We , Have in :stock Time Now Victoria Square. Maple P.-O. *FORL-f‘ 38-tf Because we offer leadin bargains an}! back than up \_vit,_h qua ity._ ' mï¬ei'vsrt-ï¬gs’ We“ Vlle inrï¬uifle gn'ods buy of us because they know tbry’ll got the beat. WThBeIé' not an well posted deal here forging sun}? reusppâ€"tlhey fee! nfe. _ WE LEAD IN HARNESS AND HORSE GOODS WilloWdaEe PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for six months. We send free on re- quest our catalogue of t h e b e s t books on outdoor life and recreation. new departâ€" ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its surroundings. FOREST AND'S'I'REAM PUB. 00. 346 Broadway, New York. “FOREST AND ‘ 0 STREAM," or send us twenty-ï¬ve cents for {out weeks trial trip. A an large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, ï¬shing, natural his- tory andya‘chting. A Sport â€" eriences of an ler. 51's and campergs, 1: Adventure HOLSTEINS V and TAMWORTHS all ages , for sale NORMAN BATTY. MANAGER. Alpeclflc monthly medicine tor ladlel to restore Ind reguhu! the manag- roduolm: tree, heunhy Natl pm lschnl'gu. No aches or pain- on up prowl: Now and by our 30,009 lulu Onwused wmuseagnln. Influence. these orgm. Buy of your dmzclfl only than with om- !» acro- hmaol‘lnbul. Avoid nu! mm Denied man-manna :c lump. In per 3. Adqu EUREKA 08 men. 901.0»! x. Dinars. no; . If you ’ like to read of the ex- periences of anglers, shootf ers and campers, Ol’ yachtâ€" j terested in count life, ask your newsdc er for Siack Farm J. MCKENZIE ing; or If y_ou are m- The Blacksmith shop and hunsr-nt. Elgin Mills is for sale- ur tn re-np. Thele is half an ncrenf land. and nu thl- pI-PmisPs are gnud hlavksmil h shnp. wm-kahup. :md gnncl huusu. all in gum] Staten-fr? air. 'l‘ermsnnsy. Pussussiun at nm'e. [his is mm M" tlw best black- smith stands nu Ynngv slrnvtv. U. KERS \V I LL mm. Parties ge-tling mute hills 01- cards printed at, THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce will recvivv a nntiw similar to below free of charge, during the svasun. ALLANDs PRIDEâ€"Imported Clydps- dale, the property of I). G. Bluugh. Kin City, will trm e1 to Nubletnn, Map 9. Richmond Hill. Elgin Mills, Victoria SquarmOaik Ridges. Home stable, King City. Terms $14. LORD MORVENâ€"Impnrted Clydesdhlp, the propelly M“ 'l‘. H. Legge, Tem- peranceville. will trawl to King City, Maple. Richmond Hill, Elgin Mills, con. 3. Markham, cnn. 3, Whit- ‘ church, Aurora, Evel-slev.’ Hume stable, Temperance-ville. Terms $15 TOWARD CHIEFâ€"Imported Clydesdale, the gmperty of D. C. Stet-lei, Rich- _,mun Hill. At home stand exery day except, ‘VVi-dnesdny after-noun and night when he will he at. Chris. Horner’s. Headford. Terms $15. THE MARQUIS OFCOWALâ€"Im nrtvd Clydes- dale, lhe prnpri-ty nf . Thnmpsnn. Oak Ridges. Will he at Elgin Mills Tuesday'nighl; at. Juhn Carlyle-’5. lot, 6. con. 3. \Vhitchm-ch. Friday night; home stable the balance of each Week. Tex-ms $11. MINTO CHIMEB-Amvri‘can bred regis- tered trotting stallinn, the pmpH-Ly of “’m. Gould. will stand at, his own stable, Richmnnd Hill. TPI‘IIJS $10. GOLDEN CHAMPION XXXâ€"Imported Draft Stallinn, Vnughan Farim‘rs’ Uulnpany Stuck Bursa. lot 17. cm). 5. Vaughan. will travel to Edgeley; lot 12, mm. 2, Vaughan; Oak. Ridges; int, 31. con. 3. Vaughan; lot 22. cun. 6, Vaughan; at own stable Saturday till fullowmg Mun- day afternmm. Terms $10. EARLMONT 1369 -- Registered Young Road Hm-se, the pi-npertv of Hill Brns,. will stand at his own sham. Int 32, cnn. 2. Markham, New Gm-mley. Terms $10. PRINCE DRUIDâ€"Pun‘ bred impm-tpd Clydesdale, the pi-npvrty uf R. Michael. Palmer Hnnso. Rit-hnmnd Hill, will stand at his own stable. Tel‘iiia $15; PROUD BARONâ€"Imported Clydesdale. the prupw'ty of W. Palleu, VDavis- ville. \Vill travel to Cancun-d. Lan- sing. Newton Bumk, Elia. Maple. Edgeley. Home stabie at Thus. ancs, Cnncord. Tvrms $12. GREFFIERâ€"Impmwd Pvrchm-nn, the roperty of W. Glass. Elgin Mills. tVill tiavel through Vaughan, King. Whitchutch and Markham. Home from Saturday till Monday. Terms $14. A ‘ “91) OFFICE nqh‘requixe'a large deposit to begiq TORONTO .l ' as J RICHMOND HILL BRANCH LEHAND, ~ _ , Manger. Branches aka a! Map“). Mukhnm. Stouffvme, Unionvme and Locust Hm. For Sale or Rent The Government has thxnwn 0pm: fur enhy 150.000 Free Hnnwstmds ~160 acres Puflh â€"alung 1h» lines (If tht- Canadian Nm-thvrn Railway in Munituba. Saskatchewan and Alhvrta. VAVt 19a81r35J’000f {Elli-SP prq Within a mdius of 20 milvs of opt-rath lines of the Omnpany. while the balance will be served by Branchvs now under (:unsLy-ucliuu or pmjn cted. Aiherta'. thv' Pl-nvinm- already nntewwthy for its ff‘l'tik' lands and mlubriuus Climateâ€"takes ï¬rsL place In the tum! of bumesteuds (-fl’ering. But the VVondm-ful \Vheat, Lands of Saskatchewan are Well l'l'plb‘Sf‘Hth in the frets Farms which have he‘t‘n thrnwn open for entry. Manitobaâ€"- the oldest settled of the t.ln'eeâ€"'â€"lmlds out n large numhm'. Manitoba, 21,800 Saskatchewan, 48,080 Alberta. 74,000 Wostorn Unlmdu is an big that, practically EVH'V farming (-nm‘iitinn is mat with in the cumhined tubal. Thm't- is open prairie. the bluff cumm'y. which needs some. clearing. and also the rolling land wlwn- hmm and climate are n'dmirahlv adapted to the iweds nf mixed farming. The atmosphereâ€"Clear, Dry and Invigm'aLing-makes this land the brst laud tn liVe m. The best Humvstpads are rapidly bving taken up, and intending settlers will he wml advisvd {9 make their salvation withnnr. dulav. \Vritv for u fwe lmnklet giving the lmmtiun and a dflscriptinn uf the land bring ufl'uwd. A envy will be mailed Lu anyone- making applimtinn to R. I4. Fairbuirn. Asst. Geneml Passenger Agent, Canadian Nurlhurn Building. Tut-onto. Ont. BANK OF CANADA Stallion Register. STANDARD 166 Syd enhu m Sb. Tux-onto. 150.000 Free Homesteads ALONG THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY ' ' IV Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. ‘ EEPING a bank account for ‘ "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has'many advantages. It shows the balance on hand.the amount'expended, provides receipts for every payment and does notArequixe "a large deposit to begin A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly owerful in regulating the generative portion of t e female system. Refulo all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's are sold at P5 a box. or three for :10. Mailed to any address. rho Soobell Drug 00., St. Catharina. Ont. ALL BRANLHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDEI ) T0. Dr. de Van’s Female Pills ‘ I †WEBSTER’S \' I} F. J. Wflï¬ï¬Wï¬RD nc'ds Ire scares. but thou who with Suuuon dz Co..Pornnnd, Mnlne."|ll receln frag, full information than! work which I ~ hey can do. and liven! hommhnt will [my lhum (mm 85 to w per day. Some h". aimed ovnr 5'0 in a dny Either sex. younger old. Copihl m mun ‘erL You are sin-ted free Those who mm I! an!!! it mommy sure or nun: Hula (annual. All i um, [ ‘bIcTIoNAï¬? ‘â€" THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged die- tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence or an authoritative library. . Covers every ï¬eld of knowl- edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. ‘ The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. ‘ Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. V Write fol-sample / pagesJunpu- ï¬oulars, etc. ‘ Name this paper and we will PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFAC'MON GUARANTEED INTERNATIONAL SHOEING LAKE AND‘ INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY F. 3. WUUDWARD. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New "Gormley