Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Aug 1912, p. 5

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Mr. John Hi1) hf Peterhm-nngh is spending a few days with Mr. D. Hill and family. Girls All VVOOI Black Cashmere Hose. 25c. pull‘; Ladies Llama Hose, black, 35 and 500. Atkinson & Switzer. Mrs. Mapos returned from Bulmnnt, Mum, on Tuesday. after a very pleasant, six Werks' visit with her daughter Mrs. Grant. RICHMOND HILL, ONT., AUG. 29, 1912 Mnstm-Clnrvnvo Palmer is snending the week \\ ith friends in the City. Rv ulnr mer‘ting :md pmcLirre uf Fh'i: rigudc next Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley and son Jack of Tut-onus spent mm- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Palmer. Miss Ethel Short of Toronto is a guest- of MrsuHugel-man, “Crosby Hal-H" for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Ludford and Mrs. Non-is of Davis-ville came up and spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Jerry Smith. The W.-C. T. U. will meet. a home of Mrs. J. H. Sande-mm Tuesday at 3 o’clock. -- Rev. A. J. Paul. wife and children of Sndhux'y. are here to spend a couple of weeks with M r. and Mrs. Musun. Mrs. Coleman and daughter Verna, from Prince Edward County spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Glass this Week. Mr. and Mrs. James A. McCague of Davisville spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. The Mmkham Economist, i‘s taking a holiday, L-mnquuenle no paper will be issued from leL ufliue this week. A large door key was lost. between the Skublng Rmk and Patterson side line. The finder will be rewarded at THE LIBERAL Office. Mrs. Thomas Barber and two child- ren returned hnme on Tuesday after having spent a few days with Mrs. R. Pinder of Aurora. Schools will ze-open next, Tuesday the 3rd of Septembm‘. Let every buy and girl he in his and her place on the morning of the re-opening. Caretaker Loece is brushing up the interior of the schools so that every- thing may be in ship-shape- ab the re- opening next Tuesday. Mr. W. A. Glass. Principal of the Midland High School, and Mrs. Glass and son, me spending the end of the holidays with relatives here. Mr. Clarence Heise of Victoria Square and Mr. Landon Steckley of Bethesda expect to leave on Friday of this Week for Kindersley, Sask. Ml‘. Curl Snider, bank manager at Rochester. N. Y.', spentd day with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopper-after camping two weeks at the Northern Lakes. (751w .Ȥi'hctzt.l; Mrs. W. J. VViIson of College St. sails on Saturday for a visit to her son Dr. N. King \Vilson of the Throat Hospital. Golden Square, London. Mr. Orville Heise and Miss Eessie Brownsperger of Markham spent last, Sunday at, Richmond Hill and took tea with Mr. and Mrs. Dlllman W'ide- man. Youths Oxford Working Shirts, 50c; Men’s Heavy Flannelet Night Shirts, '75 and 950; Shield Ties. neat patterns, good colors, 250. each. Atkinson & witzer. Mrs. Hector Currie from Coiling- wood and Mrs. Sheppard, McPherson Ave., Toronto, spent, Monday with their aunt Mrs. John Hamilton, Elgin Mills. Rev. F. Elliott will preach in the Methodist Church next. Sunday mom- ing. In the evening the pastor, Rev. Dr. Smith, will speak on the subcht of “Labour.” Nothing transpired at the Rate- pnyers’ Meeting Tuesday evening. Another meeting will be held after the engineer’s report on the water supply comes to hand‘ Brown Betty Tea‘pnts, 15, 20 and 25c; \Vhite Bowls, whth pattern, 8. 10 and 120.; Decorated Bowl, 15c.; Oyster Bowls, 900. doz. Atkinson & Switzer. The 27th annual meeting of the Division Com-t Clerks’ Assocmtiou will be held in the Opposition Lobby, Par- liament Buildings. next Tuesday, the 3rd of September. The house and lot, Richmnnd street the residence of the late Mr. John Bastard, went under Auctioneer Prentice’s hammer yesterday for $2700. The buyer was Mr. Jacob Williams. l 4 ()‘0 A14 S will meet. at, the next Dr. H. B. Moer nf Sin-ivespm-t. Pa", specializing ahmg the fine nf mentally defective children spent nvc-r Sunday with Mr. Harry Mnylennd Miss Mnyle. Mr. and Mrs. VVaitel‘ Bi Evans of Tn- x-nntn also visited Mr. and Miss Moyle last Week. 7 0n the 9th of September the Tuwn Uf Aumm will vnte on a hy-law to authorize a 1mm of $153er to ‘lhe Gnllie Gnckerill Manufacturing Omn- pauy fur the purpose 0f purchasing a site and erecting thereon a factory to manufacture furniture in that town. Dr. F. E. Grant, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, U. S. apvnt part of last. Thursday and Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jessv Grant. havin previously attended the Medical Cnn~ \‘(mLiuu at Niagara Falls. The press¢=d hrick manufactured hy the \Villcnx Luke Brick Company is turningr (mt most satisfactnry. Sever- nl cublunds have? been sent out, and new orders are being received almost every day. Builders here are fortunate in having such an induwtx-y in their midst. The (\stnte of Peter Bassingthwaite. faruwr. of Richmond Hill, is valued at; $10,785, the greatpr part, being a. farm in Vaughan township. $7.000, and a. quarter section of land in Saskatchew- an. $2,000. The widow receives a. life interest. after which the estate 18 to be divided among the children of de- ceasedâ€"The News. . The Fraser Valley Ream-d. Mission 7ity. B.C., of August, 15, refers to the death of Wm. Knight, SI. of that, place who formerly resided at, Victoria Sq., Markham Township. Among those who attended the funeral who were formerly neighbors at Victoria Square were Mr. Hutchison and Mrs. E. Fier- hellex', both of Vancouver. le Bunrd nf Edmmtinn is having thv fo-mte (m the nurth side _uf ‘Lhe Public Sclmul buildings removed so that it. will include the additional play ground recvntly puwhased' from Mr. Palmer and Mr. Hopper. Mr. H. A. Nicholle. Real Estate Agent,.has sold during the week the Pat-ton Pruperty to Mr. Louis Stung of Hendfm'd. Mr. Stung having sold his farm has for some time been is pos- Session of Mr. Hopper’s livery and in the near future he. will take up residence here and endeavm- to serve the public by keeping a first-class equipped liverv. The \Veekly Globe, with its Illus~ tl‘ittk’d Magazine Supplement, is a. cred- it to Canadian journalism. The regu- lar price is one dollar ‘ a, year. New subscribers, however. are now offered the paper 16 months from presentdate at that figure. And better VehLIBER- AL subscrilwrs ‘ Will get the Weekly Globe for 75 cents until Dec. 31, 1913. Leave your subscriptions at; THE LIB- ERAL Office. V Mrs. MoClinw (.f Builtesville Visited with Irs. \Villiam Sheppard last W ed nesdn y. - I The Palmer House property has changed hands. Mr. John Palmer who owned the property many Veal-s has sold to Messrs. William and Arthur- Pngsley. We understand the sheds and stables will be removed to the south side of Arnold street, directly west of the hotel building. and on the north side of the street the Pugsley Bros. may erect several dwelling houses, something very much needed at the present time. ‘ SHAW’S SCHOOLS. The Central Business and Shorthand School, Toronto.organized hy Principal W. H. Shaw. in 1892, with its four well equipped Branch Schools. The Central Telegraph and Railroad School and The Shaw Correspondence School, all located in Toronto, are now com- monly known as “Shaw’s Schools.” These schools are doing a great work in training young men and women for business pursuits and a. successful record of twpntv years gives to these schools a long list of active graduates who are’now cont-rolling in part the commercial interests of our country. These schools are well known to be reliable in every particular and are worth of the wide and liberal patron- age hey enioy. See announcement in our adv. columns. THE LIBERAL is always pleased to insert persunals and other news items of local interest, which may he. handed in by our subscribers (ii-readers. If a. friend or relative visits you, or if you or any member at the family goes rm a trip or visit, don‘t be too modest to let your local paper know. The read- ing‘ public likes to hear of births and marriages and anything of a social nature. The, editor always appreciates any assistance he receives from the outside. The average person is in- ierested in little things as Well as great issues. The attention of the members and officers of the Guild is caned to the program which is arranged to begin Segtepxbeg.‘ The Choir will meet for practice on Thursday evening at 8 o‘clock sharp. A bunch of keys and a. pair of spectacles in motor accident near Richmond Hill on July 17. Reward at Richmond flill on Jul 17. Reward at. publisher’s office “'1‘ E GLOBE” To- i'outo. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Lost For the owning yozn' full courses in the Lower and Middle Schmrl will be taught. Special attention will be given to pupils pwpuring for entrance to Nv-rmal and .lnniI-r Matriculation in all the fmsuilivs, im-Imling the Latin, French, G1-mnnumlSuiwnwnpliuns. 'l‘his sch ml has lie-en plm-Hl in the list-f “pm-mm] st'lumls hy the De- pmhneuL (If Education. I Th-- (-qu'pm H! is t't)!llp1rt“.ill)d the Science Department will be in charge Of Mr. Bt‘”. ' Tuesday, Sept. 3, 1912 Students are éarnestly roqnusted to be present, (-n the first day. Second and Third Terms. “Late Gill'i \vili leave Toronto for NeWmm-ket and internwdintp points at, 11.00, 11.15nnd 11.45 p.11)..nn Aug. 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st. Sept. 2nd, 3rd, 4d), 5th. 6th and 7th. .‘ The follmvingr, regarding special ser- vnre in Cnnnwrtinn with the Canadian National Exhibitinn and also Labor Day, on Metmpnlitun Ry. should be noted:â€" “7m lie-Open First Term, and $3 00 f0r«| Special Holiday Svn‘icn as'slmwh in' the small time- tnhlos will be cancelled for Lahm‘ Day. Mmulnv, Svpl. 2nd. Monday Min-Hing ‘Aillllted Uzlrs, as per Lime tulilus, will be Opel-:Lted‘on Tuesday, Sapt. 3rd." F. S. LIVINGSTONE, VOTERS’ LIST, 1912 RICHMOND HILL ' HIGH SCHOOL County of York. Notice is herth given that I have transmitted ordelivui-ed in the porsnns mentioned in Sectiuns Eight and Nine of the Ontario “Voters' List Act” the copies require-d by Said sections to hé so transtnibtvd (n- dulivei-ed of Lhe List made pursuant to said Act, of ull per- sons appearing hy the lust. Revised As- sessment, Rnll nf the said nmnicipalitv to~be "ntitled to vote in the said muni- cipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative‘ A8semhlv. and at Muni- cipal Elections; and that the said List was first, posted up in my office at the Village of Richmnnd Hill on the 28th day of August. 1912, and remains the-re fur_inspectiun. Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omlssions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have {he said ef-rors conected according to aw. In Richmond Hill, a min cunt. Re- ward at LIBERAL OFFICE, 01- by leaving with ‘ F. P. FRAME, RICHMOND HILL “on”wo¢+¢w¢++¢u+++++ I READERS OF 2 A. J. HUME. Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 28th day of August, 1912. f 66133120.“ i E ERUERIE‘I‘OR QW+§‘§+§§+§§+§¢§Q§§Q§NQ «mum-p” Mi WNWQ**+'I Phi-'3»? u. uu..w.u “4‘...” The Fees are $4.60 for the J. DAViDSON, M.A.. L.L.B., Principal. G. A. MCDONALD, Sec’ r'ull Stafi" of Teachers Special Service. Municipaliiiy 0f the Village of are advised that. the Fall Term in Shaw’s Schnnl, T0- I'ontn, is now open and that, Students will he admitted any school day until Dec. 20th for a. cum-s9. in Business. Slmrthzmd, Civil Set-vice 01' Telegmphy. The new cuta- lngue just issued is interest- ing in its drtuils and is mail- ed free on request. Write fur a copy to W. H. Shaw, President. Head Office, Ynnge and Gel-mid Sts., Toronto. THE LIBERAL “\V 1TH A â€"- lhost mfiic Manager. Mame f¢+$+¢i++fi*m++| %-'§-++%VOM' i“?*i'++++:b+ +++é+4“§‘+ @é'é-é'é'é-fl‘: iConcrete House Values Our stock is most complete and we Sell away below Toronto prices. (Zhoicest patterns. All well selected. In many shades for all kinds of papering. Sample book of‘the more expensive papers can be had on shortest notice.' Call and see our stock and get'prices. Papers Papers O§ §§§O§§§O§9§§6§+O+O§§¢O§#990090 §+§§§§O§§§§§O 9 OOQQQQO} ..Wa11.. which we also sell away below Toronto prices. convmce you. Get our prices. ++é+~i$+++++++++é++++++¢++$i5°§++++w +++§¢+é++4++é~§+¢++4 Whole MiXed Pickling Spice, 5 and 10c. Celery Seed, Mustard Seed, Curry ] Whole and Ground Ginger, Cased Allspice, and Malt Vinegar. {‘%%++%++++ +++++$+++~§+++¢é4 ++$+~9+++M+%+4¢ 9+‘i'mm-l'4'; Atkinson & Swi’tzer Aug. 29. 1912. We have just purchased a large variety of Wom- en's and Men’s High-Class Boots, travellers’ samples, which we are selling at from 50c. to 35:00 less than the regular price. These are extra values. In sizes, women’s 3% to 4%, men’s 6% to 7%. Come and see these for yourself. Dairy Salt, 25c. package. Finest New Cheese, 180. lb. Stelton Cheese, old, 230. lb. Preserved Ginger, 30c. 1b. Choice Salmon .1; lb. flat tin 15c. Bun Ton Laundry Snap. large bar 15c. H. O. Ammonia Powder, 3 packges for 256. Refined Borax, 6 packages for 250. Crest, White, floating. toilet; soap, 3 cakes for 100. Glass Tumblers 35c. dbz. l Men’s Black Cashmere Hose 35c. pr. Boys Fine Cashmere Jerseys, long sleeve, $1.25. Navy and Black all wool serge. 44 in. wide, 50c. yd. Cream, all \Vnol Serge, 50 in. wide, 60c. yd. Black fancy all over silk embroidered net, 500. yd. Ladies’ stripe print house dresses, high neck. long sleeve, $1.50 Heavy Loch Lamond Skirting, 28 in. wide, 10 and 110. yd. Striped Flannelet, 34 in. wide, 10 and 11c. yd. Ladies’ White Vest. long sleeve. high neck, full weight, 25 and 353‘ Bell Shaped, chin glass tumblers. 550. £102. The Richmond Hiil Shoe Store NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR -â€"â€"â€" USUAL STOCK OF FURNITURE M+++M~a~+$fi§§+a~+++w++ DRY GOODS +++~§~+3§~+H§£€+%ot-+++1’+ GROCERIES SAVAGE Curry Powder Turmeric, Ohillies. 2, Pepper, Cider, White Wine pk g. "Wall. Papers Phone 17 n ‘U‘ et us

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