Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Sep 1912, p. 3

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Over £150,000,000 is the gross value of the agricultural output of Great Britain. Minard’s Llnlment Relieves Neuralgia. “You say you have noticed that people are advised to sleep on their front porches while the nights are hot. And you ask, ‘If a man hasn’t a front porch to sleep on what is he to do 1” “Sleep on his back.” Knives which smell of fish may be freqd from the smell if rubbed with tea-leaves before they are washed. Unles's worms be expelled from the system, no child can be heal- thy. Mother Graves’ Worm Exter- minator is the best medicine extant to destroy worms. The income of the King of Spain is £280,000; that of the King of Italy, £612,000. Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandruff. Finger-marks on paint may be removed by application of flannel on which a little paralfin-oil has been placed. ED. GREOSOTE Shingle Stains Protect -â€"-â€" Preservoâ€" Beautlfy Samples and Booklets on Application‘ JAMES LANGMUIR & 00.. leitad 137% Bathursb Street: BOILERS LANGMUIR'S Most Economical Odoruss SMOKE sTAc'Ks. Agents for sum. vant Ventilating and Heating Systems. and power pu rposes. hand, for heating TANKS AND POLSON “2,1132%” TORONTO American and Canadian Scientists tell us the com- mon house ‘fly is the cause of more disease anddeath than any other agency. kill all the flies and the diseage germs too. ever invented. Burns ordinary Kerosene 9i]; “A m ‘ $1.92 light a‘lllpight for Poatpald % 0f av‘cent-n WILSflN’S‘ FLY. PADS AND THEN HE FLED. Englnes and Shipbulldors mm mm 52 St. Lawrence Boulevard ISSUE 36â€"12 SURVEYER MONTREAL. TORONTO M Next time you want to estimate a person’s character at the first time of meeting glance at his eye- brows. Longy drooping eyebrows, lying wide-apart, indicate an amia- ble disposition. When the eyeâ€" brows are lighter in color than the hair, the indications are lack of vitality and great sensitiveness. Faintlyâ€"defined eyebrows, placed high above the nose, are signs of in- dolen‘ce and weakness. Very black eyebrows are signs of a passionate temperament. Red eyebrows de- note fervor and ambition. Where the arch of the eye-brow is well near the centre a romantic disposition is indicated; where it is nearer the nose, sense of humor may be looked or. The Friend of All Sufferers. -â€" Like to “the shadow of a rock in a weary land” is Dr. Thomas’ Eclecâ€" tric Oil to all those who suffer pain. It holds out hope to every- one and realizes it by stilling suf- fering everywhere. It is a lini- ment that has the blessing of half a continent. It is on sale everyâ€" where and can be found Wherever enquired for. Mlnard’s Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. “What time is it?” “I don’t know.” “Isn’t; y0ur_watch going?” “Worseâ€"it’s gone I” Idria, a small town in Austria, has a feminine fire brigade, who wear uniforms and helmets. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. “Is your father very sick ?” “I guess not. Ma. hasn’t started reading the medical book yet.” It is Wise to Prevent Disorder. â€"Many causes lead to disorders of the stomach and few are free from themp At the first manifestation that the stomach and liver are not performing'their functions, a course of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills should be tried, and it will be found that the digestive organs will speedily resume healthy action. Laxatives and sedatives are so blended in these pl ‘94 that no other preparation could be so effective as they. London streets were first lighted with oil-lamps in 1681. A man of twenty in good health may expect to live forty years lon- ger; a man of forty, twenty-seven. figure. As the time for the cere- mony drew near a shabby individu- al was seen squeezing his way through the crowd, when he was stopped by a sister, who said: “My good man, we don’t distribute re- lief here. You must go round to the back door.” “No; but you do prizes,” was the Duke’s response. Unlike the majority of the arisâ€" tocracy, the Duke of Norfolk pays practically no regard to personal appearance, and his general air of shabbiness has led to many curi- ous mistakes. ' When he,,attended Mr. Gladstone}; funeral at West- minster Abbey he wag-T‘mistaken for a vergr' " ’ On-apdtlfer occasion he entered Shof; rat Ports- mouth; .whé‘h'figfié shopkeeper, who hadwadVertised' .; for“ an“ assistant, mistookrrhimfiefgo'f' ah applicant for the and greete‘fl him with the annoynfengeg _- I, _(‘ late, ‘my man‘s-me 353s- ?xg“-fi11¢a:” ' '12)“ T"wn all, he was' once taken foni'a'féfieggai-‘Tfll‘he recession was a distrili-fiti ._ fit 7 izeag-qt‘ big con- vent;;@ndoÂ¥1%gwg 'to" 156 file central EYEBROW SIGNS. A SHABBY DUKE. NOT ALARMED. Duke of Norfolk. Casting his eyes round the room},- he fixed on Private Murphy as hls first victim. “Private Murphv.” he asked, “Why should a. soldier be ready to dig fpr his count»ij 2” Private Murphy scratched his head for a moment, and then a smile of enlightenment crossed his face. For three solid hours the captain had been lecturing his men on “the duties of a. soldier,” and he thought it was time to see how much they had understood of his discourse. ' “Sure, captain,” he» said plea,- santly, “you’re quite right. Why should he?” Limerick, in Ireland, is famous for 1t‘s lace factories. Overwork and worry give rise to nervousness, sleeplessness, headâ€" aches, laek of ambition and lack of interest in your work, weak back, indigestion and sometimes a com- plete breakdown of the nervous system. On every hand you find victims of this kind and often they do not know what to do for themâ€" selves. If these are your symp- toms you need a tonic, and the only way to tone up the nerves is through the blood. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are a direct nerve tonic because they enrich and build up the blood, and it is through the blood that the nerves are fed. Under their tonic influence nervâ€" ousness, with all its attendant evils, disappear, and the worried sufferer again enjoys health and strength. Proof of the value of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills in nerv- ous troubles is given by Mrs. Lara Svcheving, Lundar, Man., who says :â€"-“I was attacked with nerv- ous trouble which almost drove me to distraction. It would be almost impossible for words to describe my condition. The least thing would startle me and leave me trembling for an hour. I had nervous headâ€" aches, and slept- very badly at nights, some nightsnotlat all. My appetite grew poor, and I was'real- 1y 3. physical Wreck. *I had been to several doctors and had taken many different medicines, but withâ€" out any benefit. ThenVI read of a case similar cured by the use of Dr. 'Williams’ Pink Pills, and I- sent for a dozen boxes, fully believ- ing'it would take at‘least that many to cure me. You can judge of my gratitude, however, when I found that after using only half a dozen boxes ,I was again enjoying the best of health, and have since remained well and strong. I used the remainder of the pills among my children when they seemed out of sorts, and have found them at all times to be the very best of family medicines.” You can get Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills through any dealer in medi- cine or by mail at 50 centsa box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. ' " m Usually Due to [lverwork and , Worryâ€"A Tenie is Needed NERVOUS BREAKDOWN If you, or someone dear to you, are suffering the itch- ing, burning, sleepâ€"destroy- ing torments of eczema or other cruel skin eruption, With its embarrassing, un- sightly disfigurement; if you have tried all manner of treatment, no matter how harsh, to no avail, and have all but given up hope of cure, write toâ€"day for a lib- eral sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Thousands of skinâ€"tortured sufferers, from infancy to age, have found that the first warm bath with Cuticura‘ Soap and gentle application of Cuticura, Ointment bring instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and prove the first steps in a speedy and successful treatment. Adâ€" dress “Cuticura,” Dept. 10M, Boston, U. S. A. A Trial Treatment of Cutieura Soap and Ointment Free to Skin Sufferers MURPHY AGREED. To a greater or less extent super- stition affects both the educated and the ignorant, the rich and the poor. Dr. Johnson considered it unlucky to walk into his house except with a particular leg first. The great Napoleon had a belief in omens, and what is little better than the common kind of fortune-telling; and although Sir Walter Scott wrote a book to disprove demon- ology and witchcraft, there is no doubt that he was, to a certain exâ€" tent, imbued ' with superstition. There are sailors who do not like to sail on Fridays, others who do not like to meet a squintâ€"eyed woman. Then, again, there are people, like the Vicar of Wakefield, who believe in lucky dreams; for instance, a coffin and cross bones. which is said to be a sign of an approaching wedding. Gentlemen,~1 have frequently used MINARD’S LINIMENT and also prescribe it for my patients always with the most gratifying results, and I consider it the best allvround Liniment extant. Yours truly, DR. JOS. AUG. SIROIS. Nearly all infants are more or less subject to diarrhoea and such complaints while teething and as this period of their lives is the most critical, mothers should not be. without a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kelâ€" logg’s Dyscntery Cordial. This medicine is a specific for such comâ€" plaints and is highly spoken of by those who have used it. The pro- prietors claim it will cure any case of cholera or summer complaint. Soft corns are difficult to eradi- cate, but Holloway’s Corn Cure will draw them out painlessly. Young Husbandâ€"What a glori- ous day! I could dare anything, face anything, on a. day like this! St. Isidore, P. Q., Aug. 18, 1904 Mi_naljt_i’s Ilinignenj; 00., Limited._ Mrs. Much‘blestâ€"I feel uneasy. The baby hasn’t cried all day. Mr. Milchblesbâ€"So do I. He will probably cry all night. Always Serviceable.~â€"Most pills lose their properties with age. Not so with Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills. The pill mass is so compounded that their strength and effective- ness is preserved and the pills can be carried anywhere without fear of losing their potency. This is a quality that few pills possess. Some pills lose their power, but not so with Parmelee’s. They will main; tain their freshness and potency for a long time. ' Waggâ€"Yes, I do feel in pretty good shape. You sqe I’ve been too busy this summer to go away for a. rest. NOW direct your gaze across the street a moment. There goes a girl who, under a cursory scrutiny, looks the personification of What wealth can do. Walk behind her a, little way, and take good stock of the back View presented to you. You soon discover that the end of a fringeâ€"net hangs down on to the coat-collar. The collar of the blouse is done up with a large pin. The middle seam of the skirt is not in its place. There is a hole in‘the stocking just above the.ka,nkle~, and the: shoes, in spite of being expen~ sive, need repairing. Evidently the wearer is an untidy, shiftless woâ€" man. ' Wiggâ€"Hello! old man. I saw you looking so well. _ Wifeâ€"Come on downrto the mil- liner’s. Now glance at the receding back of the man who has passed you by. Why does it fill you with an inâ€" stinctive sense of reliability? Beâ€" cause there is strength in it; not necessarily physical, but mental. The back is straight and alert. The head is held well back, the arms swing easily, and the walk is buoyâ€" a-n-t, confident, hopeful. Then look carefully at that very ordinary young man who has passed you. He has one hand in his pockâ€" et, and shoulders slightly stooped. From what you can see of him, his head is bent, and every now and again he gives an aimles-s little kick at some object in his path. What back view could be more eloquent of indecision of character? A Person’s Walk or Dress May In- dicate Characteristics.. Have you ever not-iced that-the back views of men and women are intensely characteristic of the indi- viduals? No? CHARACTER IN BACK VIEWS. POPULAR TRADITIONS REASON WHY. SAVING U1). THE TEST. never ronto‘ S ALARIED POSITION AWAIT$ COM- petent business man whacan invest $1,000 in profitable going manufacturing business. Manager, 601 Kent Building, To- CANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. etc. In- ternal and external. cured without pain by our home treatment. Write In before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. Colllnzwond. Ont. GINSENG ROOT WANTED w. CRAWFORD GOFF’ATT ORILLIA. ONT. “1 likes it frustrate. We neber has to stop at de houses at all like ole udder doctors. I jes gits all de ridin’ I wants,” was the reply. A young physician who has’not got much practice hired a small colored boy to accompany him in his visits and hold the horse. ' “How does yer like yer new place?” asked the boy’s mother when he came home on Saturday night. RUIT FARMS INW'I‘HE BEST FRUIT . district of Ontario. All sizes at right prices. EARN THE RAILWAY STATION work and earn more money than in any other trade. We qualify for all Canadian Railways. Positions secured. Write for Free Book 18. Dominion School Railroading. Toronto. ( VER FIFTY GOOD IMPROVED Farms in Manitoba, Saskatchewan {and Alberta at right prices on easy terml. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. NE HUNDRED ACRES IN OXFORD County; soil sand and day 10am; two acres orchard; buildings good. Will exchange for city, town or village pro- perty or for larger farm. The Western Real Estate, London, Ont. H. W.>DAWSON, Ninety colborh} s:., v Toronto. CARPET DYEING and Clmninl. TM: in n InAnin'ltu -‘Lh " and Cleaning. rm. 1. a mental” with the“ Brltlsh Amerlcan Dyelng 00' Send pnrtinulnn by post Ind we no sure to satisfy. Gold Medalist. Address Box 233, Montreal Goes farthest for the money .‘- WITH THIS TEA there’s Purity, Uniformity, and. full weight guaranteed inside every package. LIPTON’S TEA a TON SCALE GUARANTEED. riVilson’I ) Scale Workst9 Esplanade. Toronto. When troubled with fall rashes, eczema. or any skin disease apply Zam-Buk! Surprising how quickly it eases the smut-ting and stinging! Also cures cuts. bums. sores and piks. Zam-Buk is madofrom pure her- bal essences. No animal fatsâ€"no mineral poisons. Finest healer l Dmggists and Stores Everywhere. F YOU WANT TO BUY 0R SELL A stock, grain of dairy fabm consult me. MacLaren Imperial Ghaese Go. Anti-Dust The Soul ofa. Planolsthe Action. Inslst on the “OTTO HIGEL” THE SAPHO MFG. 00., leited Montreal Lihlted Bole dlstrlbutors for Ontarlo Y AND FARM‘ SCALES. Wilson's Ecale Works. 9 Esplanade, Toronto. WILD AND GULTIVATED WRITE F0]! PRICES Ask your Dealer for it. disinfectant sweeping powder, is a, life-preâ€" se‘rver because it kills all disease germs. Floors clean; carâ€" pets bright; home fresh and sweet. No dust while sweeping. MALE HELP WANTED. Piano Action FARMS FOR SALE. A SINECURE. MISCELLANEOUS.

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