Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Sep 1912, p. 1

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Licensed Auctioneers for the County»! ,York. Saks ttheuded to on shortest notice and at rob sortble rates Pntronave solicited Prepares pupils for the graded ex- aminations held at Toronto Gnnservar tory of Music and Univelsity of To- ronto. . ' Special course in “Myer-’8" Kinder- M'ten Method, particularly helpful to eginnvrs. I Glass recitals are given throughout the year ‘ 42-1y AT THE USERM mums & PUBLISHmB HOUSE RICHMOND IflhhfiNl‘. Fall Tenn Opens Tuesday, Sept. 3, 1912 JOHN R. CAMPBELL. The Newton School of Music Richmond Hill, Ont. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toronto. Special attention won to sales of every descriphon. Form and germ stock sales a. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest; notice and conducted by the latest up-to-dete methods. Address: 239 Balliol St, Noxth Toronto. 9110119; North 4875. Phone No. Theoretical. Technical and Artistic Elements Devekfifed Syitematically According to oderu Methods. - Gulls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to. 1". F. McMAHON, Glazi'zr. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. T Samson. Maple EHURSDAY lWORNING MISS MILLIE TRENCH D. H. PINK‘ERTONJ V.S. DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL VOL. XXXV 5 I per mnum, in advance.] “ First. huuse nurtvh of Atkinson 8r - Switzer’s stare. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’IL‘hornhill . lSIDENCE. RICHMOND HIL‘. Maple, ()nt. HO USE PAINTER Salgeon an McEwen, bUSINESS CARDS; . HEWiSON OFFICE AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano (153:2 @ihaml IS PUBLISHED EVERY J. H. Prentice Some n. :3 9839311103 . Phune No. 2402. Whammy RESIDENCE “gmme J K McEwen Weston Richmond. Hill NOTARY PUBLIC ccmmssm'N‘ER. comma: AN"! A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at both places BARRISTER, Soucxron, NOTARY, Ere. Toronto Office, Roam 328 Confedera- tion Life Bldg.. N0. 12 Richmond St. E. Richmond Hill Office (“Lil)eral” Office), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridge, Saturday forenoon. Undertakers dc Ell-banners. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Monov to loan uuland announce; nortgagont owe“ “to: Aurotaomceâ€"Removed to the old post omoa one door west of tho out-taco to the Ontario Bank Newman-km owesâ€"Three doors south of the puncorfice Hzmmm-meqx G STV Manon! Monev to loan at Five 'Per dent (5%) LEN Tel. M. 3631. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada Te-lrphun’o, Main Gable Address. "Dedo. Organs Repaired and Expert Work Guamuloed A. (LY. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Barristersfioncitors. Notaries, kc. Hume Life Building Cm. Adelaide. 85 Victorm Stsn l‘orouto. Cor. Yang. and Alexander su. PIANO TUNING is now ready. It gives full infor- mation concerning courses, cost lacing of students in positions etc. rite for one bo-dny. Read it carefully and consxder the ad- vantages otfered. Enter any time. 1'. human. Principal. REAL ESTATE._â€" ETC. THORNHILL Commissioner. Conveyancer. etc. Insurance, and Rea: Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Danton, Groveréiâ€"i‘ierfj ER'ICHSEN BROWN 8: MACNAUGIJTUN Lawrence 34 Dunbar, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, CONVhYANCERS, ETC. ROOM 48 CANADA LIFE BUILDING, 42-46 KING ST. WEST, Barristers and Sollcllors. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL. ONTQ. THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 12; 1912 . A. N ICHOLLS 530801110. 981'. 505:1 3. Qavidson THORNHILL EDWARD FRANCIS, WRIGHT BROS A NEW CATALOGUE of our large, popular and influential schoolâ€"the WILLIAM COOK NOX & MORGAN VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING FRANK Emcunmx Bnowx. A. CAMEBQN MACNAl‘un'l‘oN. Furrismrs. Snlicturs. 8m. TORONTO. A uron final. “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non Phone Main 2984 'ER. ETC. 5L6": V- ..-....â€"J - Quiteanumbei‘fidf V50 3 and girls from here are attending igh School. some going to Aurora and some to Richmond Hill. The funeral of Anncle Franks, Wife of Mr. Amos. Shunk of Toronto took place here on Monday afternoon. The deceased was the youngest; dau hter of the late Henry“FI-anks,an was well known In this village having lived here a' number of years. Her many friends here regret her death and extend their sympathy to the be- reaved relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. Watson visited Rev.‘J. W. and Mrs. Gar-don at theil hnme in Branlaford oyef- Sunday: n.‘:L_ A ., , Mr. and Mrs; Evans of White Rose visited at Mr; {LG}ng on Sunday. h--. n. - --. ._- in; Mr. Alex. McNaughton and Mr. Jas. McNeil attends-d the meeting of Pres- bytery at. Ul'angeville on Friday. During the storm last Thursday night the chimne of W. Camp's house was struck bylig thing. the bolt pas- sing throu h the roof and out through the wall. eveml other bfiildings and some trees were struck, but fortun- ately not. much damage was done.‘ '1‘]... t..........l .4! A _.__- n . Mr. E. Manny was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. Patton, Laskay. one day this week. Mr. J. K le and friend went Sun- day at. the ome of Mr. Wilson, Vel- lor'e. Cheer up Barney. every cloud has a. silver lining. . ' Mr. Jack Murray. Mr; E. Hadwen and friend spout Sunday at the home of Mrs. Robson. - Mr. I. R. Wilsdh of Vellore made a. short. visit at the home of Mr. E. Bow- en_¢_m Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dicemau. Misl McBride and Miss Mary Kyle visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hadwen on Sunday last. on Sundn last. Mr. J. lough, Mr. Elmer McGluskey and sister spent Sunday renewing ac~ qqajntgnqesflear Vellore. Miss Rennie Clarkson and Miss Bir- die Magmn spent a few days last week visiting in Toronto. I‘lullLl-U ‘Vlâ€"lC Unnl'lrvu "ll. "‘i‘iié‘w‘fiéi‘e r\Ivm-k of the Branéb 5fm' ; Biallch Bist. 1912. is the year ending loviewvd in the Annual Repnrt of the u. an» r lclu ocul’t’hfll'ysfllp, SCI“ re- tains the Honnx-ax-v Superintendency of the Adult, DPpaI-tment. While Mr. Orwig’s special attention will bede- Dairy and 001d Storage. Commissioner "2th m the Secogldary DiViSiOD. he justuut. Cepivs will heusent, 3n a9- 1 “7111111! all the Igequmemenbs of a Gen- blicutinn to ihe’ tia‘lhiégitiBHA' 15-73635 of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa. Through the. cold storage Service, suhsndies are paid fur the median and npurutiim of (tuld stat-age wm-ohnusrs. and hnnuses are granted under cer- tain ('nnditiuns to cx-emueries that con- struct cold sun-ages. During the past fiscal yea r, six contracts fm the puy~ mth of subsidies, under the Cold Storage Act. were. entered into. while 47 bonuses (If $100 each were paid to crvamvriee. Important wnrks ho fa- cflitule the sufe transpm-tatinn hf pel- ishahle pnfiucts were cam-iéd on. . The Extension of Markets division gives considerable attention, among nthi‘r things. to the work of compiling \vlinlusale prices in differént. max-ken.) for animal and agricultural pl'uducts. Through the services of this division the Commissioner, Mr. J. {A. Ruddick, is in a pnsitinn (u give reliable and in- telligentadvice to Canadian shippers swking new markets, 01- to uthers looking for such products as Canada has to dispose- of. During the past year a. special in- quiry was made into the fruit growing industry of the Dominion. The re. port nf the officials down; this work is pngnnisggl at, an early date. During the past year, a number of new features have been cmnmvndvd. In connection with the cmv testing service. a number of dairy rvcm-d cen- tres have been estm-lished fur the pur- pnse nf assisting and encuuraging [he imprnvemént of milking herds. Then in two districts model factories are In:ng established for experimental amd (lvmunfitmntinn purposes. The Branch of the Departmehb of Agriculture, supervised by the Dairy and Uukl Storage Unmi’nissiuuer, em- braces fuur divisions which deal with duirying.fruit, extension 01‘ maxkets and (mid storage. Each divisinu ,enl- hudies '1 far reaching service calcula- ted to foster and assist the industries cnncei-ned and now rpquireg the ser- vicrs of about, one hundred employees including many technical and semi- Lechnicni uflicials. Report of the Dairy and Com 5m- v Ontario Sunday School Association a e co i ion r. ' Appoints Successor to Rev. R. J. M. g [ET-:8 e Glassford. B. D. Field Secretary. 'l‘lâ€"‘n ulna-ink A: .L- nn_n_,;‘_ 4,; n Maple. Teston, -Essmtials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Rev. Mr. Glassfnrd, though resign- Iing the Field Secretaryship,stillre- I teams the Honnx-ax-v Superintendency ' of the Adult, DPpaI-tment. While Mr. Orwig’s special attention will bede- voted tn Ith-e Secogldary Division; he I _.:n an I The rate avers of Aurora on Mon- day carl-ie municipal by-laws grant- ing to' the Cnllie~Cockerill Company, makers of office furniture, a, loan of $15,000 at; five percent for ten years, re ayable in annual installments, and a. xed assessment of $6,000 for a. like period. A majority of 239 was record- ed in favor ot the measures, there be- ing only 17 dissenting votes. The cumpany assisted will begin npera- tinns immediater on the construc- tion of afuumxy. . The present plant is in Toronto. It well behove the sun to shine out on Wednesday afternoon. September 4. when such a. popular young lady as Miss Edna. Earl Richardson has al- ways been. was being united in mar- riage to Mr. \Vilbert M. Cody of New- market. The ceremony took place in Trinity Church at half past four, the Rector, the Rev. Mr. Desperd officia- tiugr The chancel and guest pews were gracefully decorated With golds}: glow andrwhite asters, the Work of the Youn Ladies’ Guild of which the bride has een a valued member. Miss Rowland presided at the organ. and during the signing of the register Mrs. Rice sang sweetl .“Oh Fair. Oh. Sweet and Holy." ll‘he bride who was iven away by her father, Mr. G. H. ichurdson, looked sweet and modest in her travelling suit of brown broad- clothwith bodice of Marquisette over embroider/ed silk, and a. littlembrown toque completed her costume. She carried an ivory prayer book with Lil- ly of the' Valley markers. A recep. tion was held at the home of the bride’s parents on Spruce Street, and among other guests a. special feature of interest was the presence of the three grandmothers. Mrs. Richardson Mrs. Cody and Mrs. Legge. Later the young couple left on the north train amid tangible and hearty felicitations. The bride is a grand daughter of the late James Legge of Oak Ridges. Up- on their return from Notwwagaga Mr. and Mrs. Cody will reside in New- market. - Mr. Orwig will spend the last half of Septemberin a Training Convention Tour with Mr. John L. Alexander, Su~ rel-intendent of the Secondary Divis- ‘on 'of the International Sunday School Association, and will report for duty October lsr. He will identily himself with the membershi of one of the Toronto Presbyterian hurches. 1_V___.--.v.. v- w “vu‘ em] Field Wm-ker. . Mr. Orwip; is the son of a. minister. has». business oducatinn. a business experience, and though still under thirty years of age, has had five years’ experience as a worker in Sunday School, also in the Boy Scout- Move- ment. and in the boys’ department; of the Y. M. G. A. Inasmu'ch as Ontaxio is the first of all the SLates and Provinces to place a wolker in the field in this depart» ment. and in \'l(-’\V of the fact that, the Ontario Sunday School Association and the Boys’ Department of the In- terpmvmcial Y. M. G. A. have both developed at spirit, and plan of co-Op- eration. it. was felt; that the opportu~ nity which offered was most impor- tant. and that it was incumbent; upon the Ontario S. S. Assouiatlon to pro- videatruined leader for this Depart- ment. During recent years Llfia "been age” has been aSSPl'ng itself. It is recog- nized that here is the broken lmk in the Sunday School work. A spec- ial Suh~Gommittee of the Ontario Sun- day Schunl Assnciatiun has been ma- king a definite study of conditions. Meanwhile the Boys’ Work Commit- tee of the Interpiuvinciul Y. M. U. A.. feeling the urgent, need. has been de- veloping What it' calls “non-equi ment. work”. which is an efl’urt to be p the “between Sundays” problem of the youth. In May last the two Com- mittees held conference and are plan- ning co-operatinn. : Ata. special session, called for the purpose. the Central Executive Com- mittee of the Ontario Sunday School Association engaged Mr. Preston G. ,Orwig as Superintendent of the Secon~ dary Division of the Ontario Sunday School Association. At a, former meeting it was decided that. in select- ing a successor to Rev. Mr. Glassford, the effort should be made to secure one trained in special work with the Secondary Divnsion, comprising the Intermediate and Senior Departments of the Sunday. School, familiarly termed the “teen age.” The Com- mittee entrusted with‘ the recommen- dation has been at work investigating all through the summer months; and founddifliculty In making the choice. Aurora. in. HILL 8:: 00., Choice Confectionery always in stock. Hill’s We thank the public for the genemux patronage in the past, and will cum" estlv strive to serve you faithfully in the future. Best Bread 7 Choice Cakes Fancy Biscuits Believing it will be beneficial to both buyer and seller, have decided, STIVER & RAMEB Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, ' Wood, 800. AT THE C.N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR ++*+++++++%*++++++++++++§3 W. A. Sanderso} i PARIS GREEN f++¢$$$$fifi°b$¢+~b+ ++’!'++4'+9 Staple Groceries BEST ORANGES Good Lemons AND OTHER SEASONABLE FRUITS; Disenfects, purifies and pre- vents contagion. Insect Powder Get our prices and see the quality of our green before purchasing, Arsenate of Lead AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. for potato bugs And all other insect life GOOD STOCK 0F [Single copies, 3 cts. STIVER & RAMER.’ DEALERS IN Louse Killer Carbonol Bakery Hellebore for cum-ant worms Fly spray No. II

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