Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Sep 1912, p. 3

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EURflNEfl CORRESPONDENCE war tn; Exhlbltlon~lmper|allsm at the Fairâ€"Tho Guy's CounseIâ€"Tho lelo Abbatolr. The exhibition authorities have to ad- :mit that this year the attendance of far- {mers was not up to previous records. For this the phenomenally bad weather and “late season is made to bear the blame. 'But on the whole the attendance was re- markable. Jupiter Pluvius did his worst ‘and failed. The Labor Day attendance, breaking all records on a day which did not have a. glint of sunshine, and with the rain sometimes coming down in tor- rents, was particularly astounding. 0! soul-5e it has to be borne in mind thet _l‘oronto, according to the figures of the Assessment Department now coming in. ‘ as 35,000 more people of its own than it and this time last year. It is difficult to realize how fast the place is growing. The increase of a single year is greater than the whole population of most of the other cities of the Province. and as great {as the population of a good sized coun- :ty. Whether this rapid concentration of l pulation is an altogether unmixed z leasing for the rest of the Province is a question which will bear serious consid- eration. INTERESTING GOSSIP FROM’ OAPITAL 0F ONTARIO. The week following Exhibition finds To- ronto with something of the “morning after" feeling. The streets, bereft. ot zheir flags and hunting, and their immense throngs of people seem by comovii'n dull and deserted. And there is a notice- able reaction in most lines of trade, both retail and wholesale. The two weeks of Exhibition are probably as active in the retail district as any in the whole year. So profitable is every day that many of the largest stores have given up ‘he idea of observing Labor Day, “hich bomes in the middle of the fortnight all a holiday, but. keep thur stafls 21'. their posts to cater to the great numbers who find it a. convenient day to shop. Those who cater particularly for an out-oi-town trade take care, too, that they offer bar- gains sufficiently valuable to attract fur- ther business during the year. This, of course. doesn't do the out-of-town mer- chant any good, but he has some mea- sure of revenge when Toronto shoppers In turn go off to Buffalo or New York to make purchases. which generally never meet’ the eye of the customs oifloials on the border; For the wholesalers the period, too, was one of unprecedented brisknesa. Many “of them kept. their oflicea open day and might. ' An arrangement by which Mayor Geary would succeed Mr. Drayton as City Coun- sel. Controller Church as member of the Hydro Electric Commission. leaving the ineld comparatively clear for Controller fiocken as the next Mayor. was spoken «of as the “deal” that was under way. And pie are not generally enthusiastic bout “deals.” T0 HEAD OFF CIVIC ABBA‘I‘OIR. The proposal of the city to spend a bird of a million dollars on a civic ab- - utoip 13nd cattle mayket qxtenisionr drcw But, Torontonians are wholeheartedly wmud of their Fatir. There used to be a {disposition in some circles to regard it -rather disdainfully. All that has passed Inow. And with rigid adlflerence to the truth it can be said that the Exhibition of 1912 surpassed a“ previous efforts. In \uearly every department there was a. (noticeable sprucing up, and there were several new feautres. \ BIG MONEY IN SUBURBAN FARMS. ‘ The prosperity of Toronto is at all meats extending some distance out into who surrounding country. A concrete ex- ample will illuntu’n. Ton years ago a. £Iva-mm- without men. a rented 160 acre. bout 20 mm. from mum. He took a ‘ us lease, but at the end of four years { and made anfilolenc progress to buy. Ho maid 813.000, whisk mangd‘ 9. big prion in fimtoir and cattle market extension drew . skilful open letter from the Harris Ab- batoir Company. which offers the city a tree site and a seat on the Board of tractors it it, would abandon its old f use of operation and move out to the .’ nion Stock Yards at West, Toronto. The .Iupporters of the_civic_scheme were in- ined to regard this offer as simply an a ndication that the private packing inter- .aats feared the eflect of the city’s plan, ‘tnd wanted to head it off, and it was promptly turned down. Despite the frank Itatement of low profit: on the part of the packing companies it is probably mating the situation fairly to say that in this vital line of food supply the pub- Iio regards the private interests with tome suspicion. Consequently, it is likely 1th“ for we'el or for woe the city will go phead with its ambitious plan for the take at ensuring competition as far a: ,poasible in the meat trade. The resumption of activity in munici- «pnl politics after the summer holidays found the most pressing issue to be the uestion of the city counsel appointment. , he refusal of Mr. T. G. Meredith to ac- cept the position hastily offered him left usb a little shamemceduess. To have a 15,000 Toronto job turned down cold was Just a trifle humiliating. But no doubt the receiving of the offer did not hurt Mr. Meredith. He has a comfortable home in London, and at sixty a man does not lilhply sever the connections of a. lifeyime: no days. a. devoted himself to max-- : gardening sud mall fruits. The 11- :- problem was tn" obamle. but he had , fairly lug. run that he was .1110 to keep a homo. ho wu reoouroelul "There were the bands from the mother fiend. And the siege of Delhi from India a a nightly spectacle. _ All thia was deliberateh planned, for VHume in charge of the Exhibition’s for- tunes are ardent Imperialists. It oost 840.000 to bring the cadets. The bands cost $12,000 more. And it was probably not by accident that. many of the speeches at. the directora’ luncheons echoed the alarms of war. Those who are not in active sympathy with the propaganda were inclined to ask what was the connection between theae sentiments and a purely industrial and agricultural exhibition. which might be supposed to glorify, if anything would, the blessings of peace. With the ground cleared for a local man. the question on everyone’a lips was. "Will Mayor Geary get it?" He himself laaid no word. but, of course, at the sal- ary. or even half the salary, it is a. posi- tion that would attract any young law- yer. The criticism of Mayor Geary’s chances arose partly from thaw fact that he has not devoted much time to law. Politics has been his forte. 0n the other hand he had to recommend him an ex- ceptional knowledge of current municipal problems. STRONG ON IMPERIALISM. The distinctive note was probably the [tinge of Imperialism that was injectedA {There were cadets from all parts of the tEmpire. Newfoundland, New Zemlaud. Au- stralia, England and Ireland giving daily bxhlbitions and nightly fiormdng into a giving flag. Thexze was _the Kings ungle. FARMERS DIDN’T TURNOUT. A $15,000 JOB A-BEGGING. THE With the Toronto baseball team holding on to the leadernhip in the International League by its eyebrows the Toronto fan -â€"the real dyed-in-the-Iwool kindv-was in a. querulous mood. Convinced that the 1912 aggregation was the finest baseball team that ever appeared In this league, he thought that their place was far out in front of the race. So, whenever the team lost a game, and particularly on the day it lost both ends of a double header to Rochester, he was not particularly pleased if told that the team that played the best ball won. “There's a reason." 7 Eur rad QM am mun I now on. appear. from mm to "no. Tm an sacrum. true. and um at human mural. in getting help, so that often he had as many as fifteen men, women and chil- dren in his fields in the busy season. The wet weather this year has just suited his sandy soil, and he has never had such a successful season. At the mo‘ ment he is busy marketing his green corn. die has been selling it since the first of August, but just now it is at its best. On one day he sent to Toronto 1,200 dozenâ€"14,400 ears. For the last week hi-s receipts from corn alone were 3700. And corn is but one of his products. He has refused $40,000 for his 100 acres, a. figure, no doubt, fixed by speculation. and by the desire of wealthy citizens to se- cure country homes, but he calculates that the farm is still worth more than that to him as a going concern. A fair return he has for ten years work, even if it has been hard work. Many men in gold mining cannot show anything like the record. It’s a pity that all the farm- ers of Ontario have not shared in this man's prosperity. The great rally of the team in the latter half of the season in which they came from sixth place to the top was a splen- did piece of work, and raised a. load from the fans‘ heart, because he had just about given up hope. It is said that previous to the rally the owners and management talked to the players in pretty plain terms. This talk, assisted by the acquisi- tion of two or three big league pitchers, Kent, ucke and Maxwell, seemed to have I marvellous effect, and the team immediately started on its winning streak. But there is not much left of the pitch- ing staff that began the season, and in this respect the early criticis s were all justified. Nor is the play in t e field al- ways of the gilt-edged variety. Nor is the team exceptionally speedy on the bases. The one department it has shone in has been batting. Nearly every man has developed into an old-fashioned slug- ger, and most of their victories have been won, not by keeping the other fel- lows score down, but by running up a score on their own account. Probably the player who has acquired the most popularity during the season is Benny Meyer. For several seasons he has been used as a spare man by various teams, and came to Toronto in that ca- pacity. But he has hit like a fiend, run wild on the bases and developed fairly well in the field, so that he has made a. place for himself among the regulars. “I had nervous dyspepsia and was all run down and my food seemed to do me but little good. From reading an advertisement I tried Grape-Nuts foodhand, after a few weeks’ steady use of it, felt greatly impgoved. “I relish Gmpeâ€"Nuts best with cream and use four heaping tea- spoonfuls as the cereal-part of a meal. I am sure there are thou- sands of persons with stomach trouble whowould be benefited by using Grape-Nuts. Name given by Canadian Postum 00.. Windsor, Ont. Read therrlifilonbogk, "_The Try helping the stomach by leav- ing off heavy, greasy, indigestible food and take on Grape-Nuts â€"â€" light, easily digested, full of strength for nerves and brain, in every grain of it. There’s no waste of time nor energy when Grape- Nuts is the food. “Am much stronger, not nerv- ous now, and can do more work without feeling so tired, and am better every way. “I am an enthusiastic user of Grapeâ€"Nuts and conmder 1t an 1deal food,” wrltes a Marne man; Indigestionâ€"dyspepsiar-is caused by what is put into the stomach in the way of improper food, the kind that so taxes the strength of the digestive organs they are actually crippled. » A When this state is reached, to re- sort to tonics is liking whipping a tired horse with a. big load. Every additional effort he makes under the lash diminishes his power to move ’the load. Good Food the True Road to Health. ‘ The pernicious habit some per- sons still have of relying on nause- ous drugs to relieve stomach trouâ€" ble, keeps up the patent medicine business and helps keep up the “guy of dyspeplsics. It's the CLEANEST. SIMPLEST. and BEST HOME DYE. one can buy--\Vhy you don't even have to know what KIND cf Cloth your Goods are made o{.--So Mitt-Ike: are Impossible. Send for Free 001m; Card, Story Booklet. und Booklet giving results of Dyeing over other colors. The JOHNSON-RICHARDSON 00.. lelted, Monueal. Canada. THE BALL TEAM’S GLORY‘ A FOOD CONVERT. Walking," in' pkgl. MAKING SAFE INVESTMENTS Sponulatlon In the True Meaning of the Word Takes Timeâ€"Buylng on Tim Dangerousâ€"Few Speculatorsâ€"80m. Es- 'sentlal Points of Difference. The articles contributed by "Involtor" no for the sole purpose of guiding Droi- nective investors, and. it possible, of sav- ing them from losing money throua‘h lacing it in "wild-cat" enterprises. The mpartial and reliable character of the information may be relied upon. The writer of these articles and the nublishet of this paper have no interests to serve in connection with this matter other thin those of the reader. The other day a man said. to me, "It's all very well for you to talk about the dangers of speculation. Just. because a few men lose money you condemn the whole game. It‘s just as reasonable to suggest closing all drug stores because a few men buy poison and kill themselves, or to condemn apple‘pie because some people eat too much and suffer as a con- sequence. You’re pat-01y right. and in your enthusiasm you condemn whole- sale.” In the first place, I do not condemn speculation. Speculation and gambling are two entirely different things, yet. the word speculation has come to have a meaning with the public which is syno- nomus with gambling in stocks. In specu- lation one studies the situation. 1nd hav‘ ing taken the pros and cons into consid- eration, buys some security which should advance in value over a course of a few years. A gambler buys a stock because the market is strong, and it should ad- vance a. few points in a few days. The former takes an intelligent business ch_a_nce; the latterâ€"«mall he just gambler}. Most people who dabble in the stock market are gamblers. because they merely follow the “dope sheets" and jump in and out, scalping a. point here and losing a point there. Such men. in about 95 cases out of 100, eventually lose all they have put up, and sometimes all they have. The average man in' a. commercial busi- ness is a speculator. He buys something people want and figures to sell it to them at a price greater than he paid for it. But it he were to go along a street and see a. car load of lumber and buy it without first examining- it to see if it were sound and not all culls; without first figuring on whether he wasn't paying more than the lumber was worth, and without enquiring whether there was any demand for lumber, he would be gamb- ling. And that is just exactly what most so-called speculators do in the stock market. A man looked at the quotations in the aper last year and saw Black Lake As- estos preferred stock selling around sixty, let us say. He sees it is a seven per cent. dividend payer. It looks cheap: other seven per cent. shares are selling at about par. Why it’s a great oppor- tunity. He buys, and in s few months can't give it away. Had he been a specu- lator he would have studied the situation surrounding that special security, and so would have known that the market for asbestos had all "gone to pot." That the company was doing business at “11.1033 and the prospects for its earning enough to pay the interest on its bonds were very slim. “But.” you say. "to do that takes too much time. and I can‘t afiord to spend much time in that sort of thing." Quite so. Speculation takes so much of a man’s time that very few people are in a position be speculate. sometimes a man comes in contact with some large corporation in the way of business, and gets to know all about its business and prospects. He may, from his observa. tions, have reason to believe that the company is growing rapidly in prosper- ity and prestige. He buys the stock, puts it away and wakes up some morning a year or two later to find that he has made a nice profit. He has speculated, but if he had not taken advantage of his opportunities he would certainly never have found the time necessary for get- ting together all the information es- sential to intelligent, speculation in the stock of that particular company, or of any other. There is a firm in Toronto who give hun- dreds of men and women an opportunity to'earn from $250.00 to $1,500.00 every year with but little effort. This firm manufac- tures reliable family remedles, beautiful toilet preparations and many necesaary household goods, such as baking powder, washing compounds. stove, furniture and metal polishes. in all over one hundred preparations that every home uses every day. Just one person in each locality can secure exclusive right to dis‘ribute these preparations to their neighbors. They pay 100 per cent. commission to their agents. Write and secure sole agency be- fore it is too late. Address The Home Supply 00.. Dept. 20, Merrill Building, To- ronto. 0nt., for full particulars. It isn't the scanty information one gleans from the financial page: of the daily press that enables one to speculate intelligently. 'that amounts to little more than scraps of news to egg on the stock gambler. First hand study and hard work are the rime essentials for the successful speou 3101‘. Few people can give enough of their time to this sort of thing, yet, unless they do, they are foredoomed to failure. "77sfiééifééi§xi“ie'aafiééréis.” as the Irish- man .said, “because people don't specu- late." They gamble, and that is the height of folly. TURN YOUR TIME INTO MONEY GPEOULATION VERBUI GAMBLING. lmn 0| cg. - for to gang-non pm. Ildp, Canton 0 oonhlfl. - - London. It. GANADA SEWRITIES WRPDMTIW LTD. INVESTMENT SECURITIES IF YOU HAVE MONEY T0 INVEST and our free Book- let: “What a Bond Investment means." They may halp you. write for our Sep- tember List of (By “Inveswr.") While Lord Kitchener’s military training scheme, which has been adopted by the Commonwealth of Australia, provides for the physical training of boys of 12 and 13 year; as junior cad-eta, and this is made compulsory under the Defence Act,“ the Australian Defence Department has made it compulsory under school regulations for practically the whole of the pupils of the State and public and private boys’ schools to undergo a. course of phy- sical training so soon as they are 0141 enoughfio profit by it. An Australian Army of Young Scholars. During the past six months the system has been so effectively ap- plied that most of the 800,000 chil- dren now attending school in Aus- tralia. are each day engaged for at least 15 minutes i_n physical drill. In each Australiafi State a numâ€" ber of instructors have been sup- plied bry the DgfencerDe‘partmept. In the smaller schools the boys and girls 'go throv'ugh drill together, but in the larger institutions they are drilled separately. Drill books are issued showing the course of exercises, and these are classified into trunk, arm, balance, shoulder- blade, marching, running, and jumping movements, arranged in groups extanding over seven years, and leading up to the more seriouq drills of»th¢ junior cadets. The physical drill is not confined, however, to a strict course of exer- cises but a, portion of the 120 hours whiclu must be spent annually in this way may be devoted to sports. Ball games are allowed, and mater- ial is provided, but running, jump- ing, paper chasing, and games in Ontario Veterinary collegL 800,000 CHILDREN DRILL. For sale at your dealer, if he does not carry these guns, wt“: direct or me and gee thexp at our store. Accept no substitute, the HON ARMS CO., brand is the best at . popular prions! - Cat-locus (En Rah Edition) containing the Hunting y-Laws free on request. 911 "SI-Lumen“? Blvd Enu§$re ' ~ Affiliafled with the University of Toronto and under the control 01 the Department of Agriculture of Ontario. Apply for Calendar. Torouto. Canada. E.A.A. GRANGE, V.$.,M.So., Prlnulbal. The latest returns show that in the Commonwealth of the 1,415 male and 131 female school teachers who sat for examination at the instruc- tional schools, 1,353 male and 112 female teachers “passed,” and are qualified to conduct physical train- ing at the various schools. which all the scholars may take pafi aye encouraged. All this preparatory work has been successfully carried out prac- tically Without any outside display, and the scholars have taken up en- thusiastically the new courses of training. In In a class by itselfâ€"«ha easiest running. the most subsmnflally built, the most satisfactory washer. ever Inven’ted. MONTREAL lie-pens OGWEER 1st, 1912

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