Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Sep 1912, p. 1

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AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHENG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. '1‘. F. MUMAHON. [S PUMISHED 5mm L‘EURSDA'Y MORNING Glazier. Grainer and. Paper- Hanger. W. HEWISON HOUSE PAlNTER, RESIDENCE RICHMOND HII. Y. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Q: . $I per annum, 1n advanca. VOL. XXXV. 'l' Bsmeon. J K McEwen Maple Weston Salgeon a: NlcEwen. {doomed Auctioneers for the County of York. Isles “tended m on shortest notice and at rea- IonIble rues Patronme solicited Calla by phone or otherwise promptly responded to. ‘6 Phone No. 28. Licensed Auctxoneer for the Counties of York. Onfiuio and North Toronto. Special attention given to sales of every description. Farm and am stock sales a. specialty. Farms bought sud sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest updo-dace methods. Address: 239 Balliol 8b., N016}: Toronto. Phone: North £875. Prepares upils for the graded ex~ aminations field at Toronto Conserva- tory of Music and Univexsity of To- mnto. Special course in “Myer’s” Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. . Class recitals are given throughout the veal: 421v The Newton School of Music Richmond Hill, Ont. DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL Theoretical, Technical and Artistic Elements Developed Systematically According to Modern Methods. Fall Term Opens Tuesday. Sept. 3, 1912 D. H. PINKERTONJ V.S. F'th house north of Atkinson & Switaer’s store. MISS MILLIE .TRENGH VETERINARY SURGEON, BUSINESS CARDS . Maple, ()nt. @112 {ya-2m 01mm): AND RESIDENCE Enuon a 9309313103. '1‘ hornh ill . RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J. H. Prentice Phone No. 2402. Weriuam imam. RESIDENCE PIANO TUNING Organs Boptirod and Expert Work Guaranteed A.G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Barristers , Solicitors. Navies, 85:. Home Life Building Cm. Adelaide 6; 'Victema Stsu l‘uronm. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST 8., TORONTO, Canada. Telephone, Main Cable Address. “Dedo.” Tel. M. 3631. LEN NOX & MORGAN Mwovbe iosn an land anacnathel mongsgosu owest rates . Auroraoflice~Removed to the old pout omea one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newman-lie: omceâ€"Three doom south 01' sh. post office '1‘ Bnnnnn'anNNox G STV Mom“! BARRIBTER. Sonxcx'ron, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Ofiice, Ruom 328 Confedern- tion Life Bidg.. N0. 12 Richmond St. E. Richmond Hiil Office (“Liberal” Oflice), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon, Woodbridqe, Saturday fore-noon. Monev to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) Richmona Hill COMMISSIONER. CONVEY AN"EB. ETC. A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kpp at both places Undertakers a: Embalmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Danton, Grover & Field LaWrcme & Dunbar, RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1912 ERIEHSEN BROWN 8: MACNAUGhTUN H. A. NICHOLLS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, CONVEYANCERS, ETC. ROOM *8 CANADA LIFE BUILDING. 42-113 Kim; 51‘. WEST, Commissioner, Oonveyanper, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Llcenses. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL is now ready. It gives full infor- mation concerning courses, cosh lacing of students in positions etc. rite for one to-day. Read it carefully and cons1der the ad- vantages offered. Enter anytime. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Cor. Yong. and Alexander Sta. J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC VOIOlNG AND . . . . AC‘HGN REGUMTTNQ 30ft! 3. 9avt'dson THORNHILL Barristers and sonata". NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers, Snlictm‘s. WILLIAM COOK TORONTO. ONT. FRANK Emcusmx Bmwu. A. Gunman MACNAwn'rofl. WRIGHT BROS. of our large, popular and influential schoolâ€"the A NEW CATALOGUE ELI-ION TORONTO. “1:: Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty-,- in all things, Charity.” arm. Aurora. Puone Main 2384 51-6111 The failure of man who occupv land to grow an abun ance of small fruits. Rt least for their nwn use, is due to a. mistaken idea. that, it. requires too much time to look after a garden. This is the view taken hy Mr. W. T. Macoun. the Dominion Horticulturist. and exprpssed in a aper road by him last. winter hr-fore t :e Senate commit»- ttle on Agriculture and Forestry. This paper. which constitutes a pamphlet of ghirty-fiw- pages. is an exhaustive' treatise. expressed in the plainest terms. nn the culture of small fruits. The fruits dealt. with are the straw- berry. raspberry. blackberr , guuse- i berry, and the se'veml classes of can ,‘ rants. Besides giving full inst‘m‘ct‘ious ‘ for planting and cultivation. notes ‘nre given on the relative merits of‘ I Vflrll-Lles. This pamphlet contains an interest- ing table on the cost of growing and the returns f1 om an acre of strawber- ries. Ata. selling value of five cents per box. a. net profit of eighty-four dollars is shown. A section is devoted to the preparation and application of in‘fim‘tieides and fungicides that are useful in fruit growing. Having the information of this paper to guide him there is no nod reason why every furmershoulg not have a productive fruit. garden. A large edition has been printed to he sent, free to all who apply to the Publications Brunch, De- partment of Agriculture, Ottawa. KEMWILLâ€"At 166 Sydenham Sh. T0- rnntn. on Friday. September 20th. 1912, the wife of Chas. Kerswill, of a READ‘MATTEEWSâ€"OD Wedndsday. September 18. 191.2, M; the home 0! the bride’s parents; 2698h'erhourne St. Torunto. by the Rev. L. E. Davis} Lillice Marie. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Matthews. to Alexander Pollock. can of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Read. Bonnâ€"In Loving Memoryuf 'nui' dear Dora A.. who died Sept. 27. 19”. little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \Vil- hert Bone. Garrvile. - Gnd needed one more angel child Amidst his shining Band, V And so he bent with Loving Smile And clasped our darling Dora's hand. Bonnycastle Dale’s “Every Day Scene with the Indian Trapper" opens the September issue of Rod and Gun in Canada. The Adventures of a Ger- man hunter in America. heing‘a trans- lation irom the German by Hon Will- inm Renwick Riddeli. L. H. D.. etc.. relates the experiences of Freidrich Gerstacker who visited America in 1837 and went bear hunting in the Ozark mountains. This is “some bear story." Duck Hunting is given cun- siderable attention in this issue and includes Duck shooting on the river Scugog. at Long Point. on the St. Lawrence. in the Kootenuy district and an amusing Western tale entitled “Hunting in Sage Brush Ike's Duck Pond." Decoy Shooting by Reginald Gourley is deservin of special men- tion as is also‘a We) illustrated article on Rearing Wild Ducks in Captivity. Mr. James Dickson a. veteran sports- man makes some suggestions and crit- icisms regarding Mr. Keliv Evans' Fish and Game report. “Pens and Dena" is the subject of a. Fox article in this issue. The Annual Thanksgiving Services will be held in St. Mary’s Church, Richmond Hill, on Wednesday. Oct. 2. The Van. Archdeacon \Varren will preach the sermon. and the choir of the church will furnish the music. A collection will be made, the proceeds of which will be devoted to the Im- rovement Fund. The Service will eglu ut8 .m. A cordial invitation is extende mall. MUSICAL FESTIVAL. Commencing Monday evening, Oct. 7. the great Musical Festival to be held in the Arena,-Toronto, and con- tinuing every evening during the week, with matinees Wednesday and Satur- day, promises to he the musical event of the season. The Festival will be conducted by Nuth Frzmko who has an orchestra of sixty men. and the greatest soloists from the American cities. Among the artist,- are Miss Ali‘e Neilson, soprano; Orville Enr- 1‘91“; _teno‘x_;_ Aggro :I‘ibaldi, English violinist: Miss Felice Lynne, soprano; Mme. Rosa. Olitza, Russian contralm and many others of note. Seats from 50 cents upwards are now un Sale at Bell Piano Ticket. Bureml. 146 Yonge street. SUD. SEPTEMBER ROD AND GUN. SMALL FRUIT CULTURE. ST. MARY’S CHURCH. IN MEMORIAM. MARRIAG ES‘ BIRTHS. FATHER. m1) MOTHER. The monthly meetin of theanen’s Auxiliary met on W, nesday of last. week at the [mine of Mrs. Wm. Camp. The ladies of the society decided to pack a box with new or second-hand clothing and send it for distnbution amo'ng the needy of Toronto. After the business was transacted tea. was sewed by Mrs._C_aan. u. L.‘ . . was ochugied on Sunday morning by Riv) T. \ hits: of Kiejqburg. The musical part of the. anniversary sex vices held at. Can‘vilie on Sunday. was given by the Maple Methodist. church choir. Mr. and Mrs. 0. 13'. Henry of Thom- hill spent Monday afternoon at Mr. T. Cousins. The induction of Rev. Mr. Robinson wifl take place in St. Andrew’s church on Fridav afternoon. Mrs. J. Grey is visiting friends at Sharon. Mr. J. A. Rose has rented Miss Cam- eron’s house for the winter and with hi_s_fumilv is moving this weelg.__ Owing to the unusual amount of rain the. farmer-s of this district have beg!) greatly (359Mng with file harve_s_t. Rev. and Mrs. D. Smith recently returned from England, where they had been visiting with the former-’6 pal-312nm.“ ~ . y ... u. . ' Miss Poole is visiting with her brother. Rev. C. L. Poole. Miss anM of Turonto is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker. Miss Mary BOSWell is holidaying 1n Acton,Shplhom-ne and Galt. Miss Bessie Sawtell. who 9 ent the last few weeks with Miss Gln. ys Var- coe returned to Montreal recently, tagging _w_iLther-Ma.ster Briton :Vefrcne. Mr. R. F. Tnylur returned home on Saturdav after a. pleasant trip to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Thos. Keith returned last week fru_1y a. Busmpgs trip out_west,.~ ‘_ The councd have been busy fixing up the village streets. Last week they find: up the bridge on mill“ street and put cement tile all across ‘Lhe street. Mr. John Graham is now puttingduwn a cement Sidewalk to the statiuu. to tukv the plage of _th_g (lid board walk‘.‘ 7 MES. J; McrIVntyre and son. Harry. have returned from Toronto. Mrs}: M. G. Varcoe returned- home last week, after spending several weeks with 1391‘ umther in Montreal. V Bax-544i}; Ghifid 'Vailie'y,’ 6:; Sept. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Baker, 1: daughten Au armed and masked robber held up G. W. Skuce, the telegraph open» tor and station agent of the Grand Trunk Railway at, 'Aurora, early on Saturday and secured $21 in money» The man met Skuce on the platform. drove him into the station at. the point of his revolver and compelled the agent Lolie upon the floor while he rifled the till. Skuce was unable to give the alarm until the arrival of u. northbound train shortly after the stranger’s departure. and he could he no detailed description of his midnight visitor. The Forty-seventh Annual Provin- cial Convention of the Ontario Sunday School Association will meet in Cen- tenary Methodist Church, Hamilton, on October 21-24, 1912. This is the largest assemblage of replesentative religious workers that meets in the Province. The Ontario Sunday School ‘ Association includes all Protestant Sunday Schools that can be included under the term Evangelical in faith and teaching. It is the Ontario branch of the International Sunday School Assmiation, which is the backbone of. the Sunday School Movement of the “hold. The opening sessions on Mon- day evening, October 2lst. is for mem- bers of the General Executive only. This is the governing body. It is com- posed of three representatives hom each county and city unit in the Prov- ince, and is an incorporated body. The public part of the programme con- tinues from 10 o’clock on Tuesday morning until 10 p.11). on Thursday, ‘ and is the strongest ever presented to the constituency. The host City, ‘ Hamilton, agrees to entertain 700 dele- gates on the Harvard plan (lodging and breakfast free). This number has been allotted to the various sub-di- visions in the Association in limited numbers. All applications for creden- tials must be made to the Ontario Sun~ day School Association. Confederation Life Building, Toronto. and acuoln- panied by the enrolment fee. $00.. Bulletins. outlining particulars, may he had on application to the above address. Two men were brought befure Mag- istrate Love in Aurora. last week for lremg drunk and disordealy. and each was fined $6 and costs. magma}: eag'mem-aaast 9hurgh ANNUAL CONVENTION. Grand Valley. News Notes. Mame. ________________ 7 I PARIS GREEN é *4"? +M+'§'*++*+é~++++ *é'f'io-fim +~P++++W+++M+++++M++*¢+ STIVER & RAMEB Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, Wood, 860. AT THE C.N.O. STATION 1 AND ELEVATOR Believing it will be beneficial to both buyer and seller, have decided, We thank the public for the genemm patronage in the past, and will earn- estly strive to serve you faithfully in the future. Best Bread , Choice Cakes _ Fancy Biscuits Hill’s Choice Confectionery always in stock. D. HILL 81: 00., Get our prices and see the quality of our green before purchasing. Arsenate of Lead Insect Powder vents contagion. W.'A. Sanderson? BEST CHANGES Good. Lemons Diseufects, purifies and pre- Staple, Groceries AND OTHER SEASONABLE FRUITS. AFTER OCT. 9 T0 DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. [Single copies, 3 cts. And all other insect, life STIVER & BAMER. GOOD STOCK OF Louse Killer DEALERS 1N Hellebore for curt-ant. worms Carbonol ._A']_‘... Bakery fur potato bugs Fly Spray'i No. 13

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