Bzcnutmb HnZL, 0m. SEPT. 26. 1912 Mr. Wm. Rnssell has been appoint- ed a. judge on Cattle at Sutton West, Fair to be held to-day and to-mdrmw: and also at: Schnmberg Fair, Thursday and Friday the 10th and 11th of Oct. Men's working shirts plain blue 50c. Checked oxford at 750. Men’s soft shirts with sott collars to match 141;. 15 and 15; at $1.00 Atkinson & Swit- zer. _ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson spent over Sunday with friends in Barrie. Ladies‘ sweater coats. brown, navy, ‘cmtdiuai at $2.00. Misses’ sweater goats,na..v1y. cardinal, grey M: $1.85. Children’s sweater coats, navy, white and navy, grey and cardinal. Atkim gun & Swiuzer. The dynamo. typemiber and other articles taken from the High School building have been returned. The Misses Evans, of Toronto slient Saturday and Sunday of last week with Mr. Harry 'and Miss Moyle. Mr. R. S. Frisby of Victoria. Square was one of the principal exhibitors in I sine at. Newmarket, Fair last Week. Mr. 0. E. Hopper, who holds a pos- ition with the hydro-electric, Toronto; spent Satmday evening with relatiws here and called on a number of old friends. The return match in the basket bali aeriea of games for the shield will be ved in Richmond Hill between the. ewmarket H.S. girls and the home team on Tuesday. the ï¬rst, of October. Wbite elastic knit cox-set “covers, high neck. long sleeves at 25c. Ladies Minibnit vest, pure White, shaped, ’= attained ï¬ronts. drawers to match at 251:. and 350. each. Atkinson 85 Swit- pre’ssesahope that more young - eo- ple should attend Sunday Schoo in that place. The suggestion is a good «me. Lessons learned in a. well cou- ducted Sabbath School are a help to boys and gu-ls all through life. Nextï¬unday will be Rallv Day in the'Methodist‘Sundny School. A gond program has been arranged, including a. number of musical selections. Vlsi tors are Welcome. The Band is making arrangements to give a. concert in the Masonic Hall on the evening of Monda , October 28. Thanksgiving Day. Furtger.announce- meat will be given later. ' Miss L. Harrison of Toronto is spending part of her three weeks‘ ' hol- idays at. her home here. Mrs. WV. D. Atkinson leaves this eveningtn spent some tune with her brother, Rev. W. L‘Trench at Bruce Mines. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Fem of Tillson- hut-g, visited over Sunday with the {hr-men’s sister. Mus. Geo. Hamilton of Elgin Mills. .' The Epworth League will resume its services on Monday evening Sept. 30th when the monthly roll call and conse- cration meeting. will be held. It is im- portant that the members attend this meeting. ‘ subject “Thé way that is right; 'tind .cannot, be wrong}? A hearty invita- tion is extended to all to be present. Mr. John Palmer has imén-oved the Appearance of the Council lumber by mulcimining the walls and ceiling. The walls are now a pale teen, and the ceiling is pink. A rm has also iheen placed in the stairway from top «to bottom, making it much safer in coming dew-u the steep stairs. Mr. H. L. Stark of the John Stark Co. and Mrs Stark, Rev. Dr. W. J. McKa and Mrs. McKay’of Toronto Wisi with Mr. Harry and Miss gMoyle Saturday afternoon and eve- fling. An evening pa 'er contained anac- count of a wed ing at the home. of Mrs. James Gm'uaxre, 162 Beaconsfleld avenue, Tux-onto, when her eldest daughteriï¬icdie May was married to Mr, Franklin Gauld Savage, sun of the late MLGeorgeSavage. The groom is"? nepnewof Mr. P. G. Savage of this Elm 6&1me On Monday evening. Oct. 7th, the Epworth League will hold its annual ban uet. A sumptuous supper and o speeches are on the programme. nrther announcement next week. Miss E. S. Moyle of Toronto is visit- ing her sister. 'On next Lord’s Da (D.V.) Mr. R,-'G. Sc_h_ell ‘wiflï¬peak at I _hqryvoo§ £3th p.111: will».qu SBOUP was. A ate .andpleasiniéimpâ€"wa‘ï¬muisb A corpgspontflpnp from Teston ex- 1.100 ALS stopper} in 20 minute! sure wlth Dr. Shoop‘s Group Remedy. One test will sprer proqe. No vomitmg. no _dxs- The Annual Thanksgiving Services will be held in Trinity Church. Thum- hill, on Thulsday. Oct. 3. The Rev. A. J. Fidler, Rector of St. Clements Church, Eglinton. will reach the sex- ‘mon, and the choir of t at church will furnish the music. . A cnllection will he made, the proceeds of which will be devoted to the Improvement. Fund. The Service will begin at‘ 8 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. A very convenient shower-bath has been erected at the Carriage \Vnrks on Yonge Street. When the min comes down in torrents the heavy stream shoots a little beyond the ,side- walk. but in an ordinary min the pens- ser-by can get the full beneï¬t »without ever stepping rny the pavement. Se?- mal of our citizens. including a num- her‘of ladies, on their way to church, can testlfy to the convenience of this‘ up-to-date shower-hath. As no member of the Village 0mm- cil attended the Rube-payers Meeting Tuesdav evening, «some one sug- gested that as the street lamps have not been lighted during the past Week possibly they were afraid to mixtures out in the dark. Ibis certainly a little risky stumbling abounin the dark. hm; our citizens should be used to it by this time. 7 The Markham Economist contained a local last week saying the business men of Thm‘nhill passed a resolution in favor of a vote being taken in Januo ary looking to-the repeal of Local Op- tion in Markham township. The claim is made that. liquor is being brought. into the village, and that, the place is without hotel accommodation. “’43 are safe in saying that few of the busi- ness men in Richmond Hill would vote for a. resolution to go back to license in this town. Bolton Fair (which'ivas'sét for Sépt. 30 and Oct; 1), has been posbpuned in deï¬nitely owing to the proloned wet weather. Date will be announced later. The following is the Basket Ball Schedule of 1912:â€" Sept. 18.>Richmond Hill 11.5. at New- inurkéb. " r 7 7"" fl Sept. 24, Newmmket‘HS. at Aurora. Sepb.'27,'Ricbmoud Hill H.S. atrAur- om. ‘ Ogt: _1_. Newmarket ES. at. Richmond Hm; Oct. 4, Aumra ES. at Richmond Hill. Oct. 8, Aurora 11.3. at; Newmarket. ‘ The residence of Mr. and Mrs. James Hill, Elmvale. was the scene of a. pret- ty wedding when their eldest daurh- ter, Keith, was married to Mr. Nor- man 0. McLean of Toronto. The car- emony was conducted in the reaches of the near friends by Rev. . J. Mc- Kay, M. A., in the drawing room, behind an arch of evergreens inter; twined with cream satin and ink and white asters. Miss Hill 0 Orillia. cousin of the bride, rendered the wed- ding march. The bride ’ was given away by her father, and wore a gown of white princess Inca over ivory satin with bridal veil, andcarried a. shower of cream roses. She was éttended by her sister. Cassie. who wore cream satin an“ carried pink roses. Mr. Msrray A. Kerr of Toronto was groomsman. After the wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. McLean left for New York. the bride travelling in n. grey whipcard suit with hat to match. O-ntheirretum they. will re- side in Toronto. Conkstown Beaverton. . . . Markham... . . Alliston . . . . . Schomberg. . . Wood bridge. . Bradford . . . . ' DATED at Toranco' ih'iï¬Ã©â€˜Ã©gidï¬tyd Yank land Province 0! Ontario this Twentieth day of September, A.D.. 1912. ' " CURRY. O'QONNGR._WAILAOE a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Edward MacKay Creighton of the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario. Cnmpositnr. will apply to the Parliament of Can- ada at; the next Session thereof for a bill of divorce from his wife Sarah E. Crei hton of the said City of Toronto in t e said County of York on the grgu‘nd of adultery and dqserï¬on. * Notice 0! Applicat- tion‘fur Divorce ' MacDONA‘LB. 7 _ 133m. ’ Splicjtoxs for the Applicant. Good Winter onions at $1.00 per bushel. A A post capd will bring $18111 to your damn VWALT‘ER H. WATSON 18-2 PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Onions For Sale. BOLTON FAIR POSTBONED. TRINITY CHURCH. B. B. SCHEDULE. MELEANâ€"HI LL. FALL FA‘IRS Alpecmc mommy medicine for hila- w restore and reside ï¬ne minno- six-origami t ‘uh (thy and Well subarea. llo he: or on M) roach Now used by our Mind‘s. nee uuod wgnmug-dn. Invigorste. “ï¬gm‘nï¬m’m’ °‘ N" on one our on has of label. Avoid In 5“ .....‘....Oct.2-4 ....M.........:0ct. 10-11 Oct.15-16 22-23 .Box 75, Richmond Hm. 1-2 1913 Models now onzr'View. Better than ever. 730 H-.P., 5 passenger, $1350. ’45 H.P., 5 passenger, $1950 all fully equipped and guaranteed. De- livered Toronto. Also Gram and Garford Motor Trucks. A subscription tq Tho‘ Standard costs $200 per your tc's‘any address in Canada or Great Britain. SHAW-OVERLAND SALES 00., 53 T0 59 ADELAIDE ST., WEST ‘ goaox'ro - " It uses the most expensive bug-rav- lnga, procuring the photographs from all ï¬ver mo won-id. ‘ Its‘arucles are carefully selected and In editorial policy is thoroughly Independent. OVERLAND The mnney you can make Eel-ling fruit-Meek? The present demand for Nursery Stock is the greatestyin the history of the business. Everybody who has the land is planting or pre- pufing to plant. WE WANT NOW ' and surrounding district. Good pay. exclusive territory, and all the advantages in representing an old establisth ï¬lm. Over 600 acres under cultivation. Established 35 years. Write; PHELAM NURSERY c0. TORONTO, ONTARIO. ffl-IE STANDARD 1: thé Naming! Weekly Newupaper» of the Dominion of Canada. It 13 national In an Ice {01- Fall and Winter†months a reliable man to sell in ‘ ’ mm ‘m Standard Publishing 06.. Thurs, Sept. 26, 1912 12-4111. mmwomuonnonï¬ You are cordially invxted «to attend MWNOMN+§§W § E :TELEGRAPH; FALL MILLINERY DISPLAY xhuyotn do. um! Hunt homgthnvm ply than from 86 tom†dny. Some Inn and over 55!! h n a". “but at. you-Angu- old. Wu] not ranked. You are tuned I’m Thmwha than out mmmdwuflhm AMI m. mu- m me. but but ran rm. Bum a Gonna-ï¬nd, uni-1am!!! noel-n (no. {uh informmion than! wk which DO YOU REALIZB operating and Station Agent’s work thoroughly tau ht in our Schoolâ€"sThe Central ‘elegraph and Railroad «School. Tomato. get Qur_b00k :‘Glllded by the Ke ." It explains our work an the splendid chances for operators. Write W. H. Shaw, Presidvnt. Yonge and Gerrard SL8" Toronto. RICHMOND HILL Mrs. J. Shuter TRY IT FOR 1912! THORNHILL and following days Umihd, Publishers. MONTREAL Peanut Bitter per bottle...‘........ E Pineapple Butter, a delight i {133665; v at ................. ,‘. ................. g Pillow Cases, .1. i. *Wmm M++mm+w+w+m++++w NW ++++4~4°Miï¬‚ï¬ ..Wall.'. Papers Our stock is most complete and we Sell away below Toronto paices.~ Choicest patterns. All well selected. in many shades {or all kinds of papering. _ Sample book of the more expensive papers can be had on shortest notice. Call and see our stock and get prices. wumwumwonouowono»»«y«m»7«wm“ which we also sell away below Toronto prices. Let us ' convince you. Get our prices. i- ' ‘ . WWWMW hik+éMï¬~+é$$++W§+++++++é Hint-l- 23++M*+%°PW+*+¢I '3"Â¥~'§"Ԥ"§ 'OW FP++*+%¢+$++%$+§HM++++*+ P. G. ’ SAVAGE Atkinson & Switzer Lemon 0116888, for cake or tart ï¬lling Preserved Ginger pain Men’s Heavy Working Boots at right prices. All lines 01 boots and shoes have advanced in price lrom 25 to 50c. per pair since Sept. Ist. But we had a large stock in and can sell them at the right price. Come and see for yourself. ' ‘ ‘ Blankets, House Dresses, striped pattern, {on Sept. 12. 1912. Concrete House NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR The Risa-mend Hill Shoe 8mm nouuuuu u nou- ~â€"â€"- USUAL STOCK OF FURNITURE small white towel, pair Hemstitched, 'huckaback ' towels 17 x 34 each ................................... Hemstitched, damask towels, i8 x 35 each ......... , ............................... mwwwï¬gwwaww M+++~§~+W§Sféé+++++++ flannelette, special quality, white Or grey with pink or blue border, 3 sizes "unnu- hemstitched, made from heavy cotton linen ï¬nish, size 33 x 42, m me or blue border, 3 sizes 1.85, 1.60, 1.90 pr. long sleeve, high neck, six gored skirt, neat ..... 1.50 ‘ for your pear ’ marmalade lb. 800. on... "nu.- n: u for tea or Phone 17 65c 15c 150. 120. 150