FRIDAY. Oct. nthâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, furniture; etc.,"'property of John H. 0. Durham, on lot 64. con. 1. Whitchurch, Bond Lake, Yonge Street... Sale at 1 pm. Terms 12 months’ credit. SATURDAY, Oct. 12,â€"â€"-Auction sale of the east half lot 10.’con. 10. King, at Wright’s hotel, Nobleton. Sale at 1 o’clock. ~ SATURDAY. Oct. 12â€"Gattle and colts, at the ,Royal Hotel, Aurora. the property of-J. H. Brillinger. Terms _ I 6 mos. Sale at 1 o’clock. MON. Oct 14â€"Horse. rigs, harness, furniture &c. at Old Gormley, the property of George Schell. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms cash. THURSDAY, Oct. 17,â€"Auclion sale of farm stock. implements &c. on lot 34, con. 4, Markham, near Gormley Sta- > tion, the property of Geo. Forester. Salem. 1 o’clock. Terms 12 mos. FRIDA‘L. Oct. Iiiâ€"Fresh milk cows, young cattle. colts and breeding ewes. at Wrights Hotel, Nobleton, the property of Taggart and Cousins Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 6 mos. THURSDAY, Oct. 24â€"szm stock, at lot 35, con. 5. King, the property of Jos. Wilson. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 12 mos. } SATURDAY, Oct. 26â€" Household fur-‘ nitnre, books. oil paintings, cutters. harnessetc.. at the residence, Elgin Mills. the property belonging to the i ’ estate of the late James Newton. ‘ Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 4 months. THURSDAY, Oct. IOâ€"Extensive credit sale of farm, stock, implements. fur. niture etc., lot 3, con. 3. Whit- ‘ church, the property of L. B. Schell. Sale at 9.30. 'No reserve. Lunch“ provided. 12 mos. credit. ' TUESDAY, Oct. 15â€"â€"â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc., lot. 3], non. 4. Markham, the property of T. S. Doner. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Terms 12 11108. SATURDAY, Oct. 19â€"Gredit sale of Farm, stock, implements. ete., lot 10, con. 6, Markth in the property of thelate Joseph Eckurdt. Sale at 1 o’clock. 12 mos. No reserve. FRIDAY. Oct. 11th â€"75 head of cattle, fresh cows, springers, young cattle, at Agincourt, the property of Spark- hall 85 Talbot. Sale at 1 sharp. 3 mos. MONDAY, Oct. 14. â€"- Auction sale of house and lot, furniture, &0, at. Unionville, the property 01' the late Wm. Weatherell. Sale at 1 sharp. Terms made known on day of sale. WEDNESDAYDct. Iiiâ€"Postponed cred- it sale of farm, stock. implements, etc.. lot 23, rear of con. 2. Markham. the property of Louis Stong, Sale at 1 o’clock. ‘ Terms 12 mos. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 23â€"â€"-Farm stock, implements, etc..lot 18 Con. 6 Mark- ham. the property of Ed. Kirk. Sale at 1 o’clock. 12 mos. credit. THURSDAY, Oct. 24 â€" Farm stock, implements, furniture &c.. on lot 10, con. 2, East Yonk, theproperty of Soloman Turner. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 12 mos. FRIDAY. Oct. 25thâ€"Household furni- ture. etc., at Thornhill, the property of Mrs. J. A. Pickering. Sale at 1 Church of England~~Services at; 3 pan. lab and and 4th Sunday. Thml Sunday at. 11 mm Preab ï¬eriau Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. m.,a.nd . m. unday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting huradav evening. ' - Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- natp Asungiayg at 9 9.. n}. aqd 10.30 3.. m. ... an, A ,~,~ Methodist Churchâ€"Servioos at 11.00 a.m.,nnd 'I p‘. m. - Sandy. School 3152.30. General prayer meeting Thurs ay evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- dav on or before full moon CourtRichmond, A O F -- Meets fourth FriT day Ivy Lodge. A0 U Wv-Meets third Wednesday of each month Camp Elam, S O B ~Meets second and fouxth Wednesday. Hill Crest Lodge, I.0.0.F.. meets ï¬rst Wednes- dnv and third Friday of each month. Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of evety month Public lemry and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Epworth Leagueâ€":Meeta evorv Morning. Pregbyteriuu Guildâ€"Meets ev‘erv Fri ay 8.178 p.m. m the Church. I 0 'Fâ€"Meets third Thursdav of every month. R. H. Ratepayers Association meets last: Tuesdw of everv month. Schomberg . . . . . . . \Vood bridge . . . . . . Bradford . . . . . . . Tam: MARK: Dzslans : COPYRIGHTS to. Anyone lending a sketch and descrl uon may ulokl noel-min our opinion free w other an nvom on Is probablytrnmnta la ommunloa. tioulstrlctlyconflden n1. "AN 860 on Patina sent. tree. Oldest one for se magma ‘takqugrguï¬h Mupn‘gejï¬. who Bwuv u v.. v- uvu. Pawnta tak WWâ€. E919“?- YER; ï¬ing’éï¬â€˜tfg‘ ï¬l'Iâ€"tï¬ï¬i'of a'ny scientiï¬c journ'nl. 'rei-ms for Omdn. 83.75 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by 9!! ngvnsgeglerg- __ » -- - iï¬'iiewéaeslersl . v _ â€" I r ' M9,!!! mgï¬zzzammw flax-3‘5 5 WuT-gnï¬; 'niufst'nï¬ï¬r'eElâ€"u'y.’ Erie-"i Enr- gulnlpngfhany scientiï¬c journal. A‘Teg‘lrg‘s‘t‘gg o’clock. Saigeon &‘ McEwen’s List of .. Auction Sales $¢i€ï¬i§§i§flfll§ri§§ngl . PRENTICE’S LIST OF Auction Sales Village Directory FALL FAIRS Oct. 10:11 .7 .. Oct. 15-16 . . . . , Oct}. 22â€"23 ' AGENTS FOR Paroid Ready Rooï¬ngs Brantford Ready Rooï¬ngs Amatite Ready Rooï¬ngs Carey Ready Rooï¬ngs different grades ranging in price from $1.50 per square and upwards BUILDING PAPERS, CARPET FELT, 860., . also METALLIC ROOFING and siding at lowest prices. CONNOR BALL BEARING WASHING MACHINES $10.00 MINERVA READY ‘MIXED PAINTS, MURESCO and. ALABASTINE. THE RIGHMUND HILL. HARDWARE 80. A good time 11on to buy any of the above lines. ‘ ‘ ‘ “‘Vg‘hilrï¬ale nothing bui the belt at a reasonable price. GEO. MéDONALD, Richmond Hill In the Surrogate Court Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES RUSSELL, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, GEN- TLEMAN, DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given thatï¬ll persons having any claims or de- mands a ainst the late James Russell, who die on nrnbuut the 9th day of August 1912 at ‘the Township of Vaughan, in the Ouunty of York and Provmce of Ontario, are required to send post prepaid. or to deliver to the undersigned. sniicitnrs herein for William Russell of Richmond Hill, the administrator of the estate of the said James Russell, their names and addresses and full particulars in writ- ing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nlttmze of the securities, if any, held hy‘them: NOTICE is hm-ehy given that; a Court. will he held pursuant to the On- tnrin Voter’s List Act. by His Honor the Judge of the Count-y Court of the County nf York. at the Council Cham- ber, Richmond Hill, on Monday the 14th day of October, 1912, at 11 o’clock“ a. m., to hear and determine com- plaints nt' errors and omissions in the Voter’s List: of the Municipality of the Village of Richmond Hill for 1912. Dated this 1st day of October, 1912: A.‘ J.» HUME; ‘- . And Lake notice that after the 3lst day of October L912 the said .William Russell will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, among the persons entitled thereto. having 19.- gard only to the claims of which he. shall then have had notice and that, the said William Russell will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any persun-of whose- claim he shall not then have recelved no- tice. - 000K 85 GILGHRIST. ' 328 Confederation Life Bldg. - Toronto. Solicitors for the said Administrator. 7 Détéd V‘at Torbnto this 27th day of SPptember, 1912. 14-4 Court of Revision. 14-2 THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CH; PHONE 18 the county of York. 'dléilviio’f‘ï¬ichmond Hill; '3yC~AS SE. L LS’ [Canadian P u b - of {ï¬shing Company WE LEAD IN HARNESS AND ‘ HORSE GOODS Because We' offer leading Marga-ins 2mg back Lhenlnp \_vit_h quality.‘ “V-lgelr'gtvrilvsVQell u‘p in hui'se'gu'ods buy of us because they know they’ll get the best. Those not so well posted deal here for-ithe sanle 1-easp_nâ€"t_l)ey feel_ safe. _ Cassel’s Magazine, per annum . $ The Story Teller . . The Quiver . . . . Musical Home Journal . . The Girls’ Realm . . . Little Folks . . ‘, . Chums . . . . . ' rrrrrrr zggggaw The farm of the late Fullax-ton Gibson, 223 acres, parts of lots 53 and 54. rear of the ï¬rst concession of Vaughan. is for sale. The farm lies near the Metrnpolitan Railway, there are 23 acres of bush. the buildin s are good, the soil is excellent, an the farm is well watered. This is a very desirallwle prnPerty. A y on {)6 pre isvs pp JANE Gr BSON ,11-4 Richmond Hill P. O. The monthly magazines oi the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subshription at low rates. \Vest half of lot 32, 2nd 1301]., Mark- ham. Good dairy and grain farm. Good buildings. Well watered. A de- sirable prppeytyz Subject, to Tenancy. ' It is not necessary L.) send to foreign countrie: hr maga- zines. Read the following:â€" 15-tf. Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sentto CASSELLS &_ QoMgANV. NORMAN BATTY, MANAGER. 42 Adelalde'St. W Toronto Apply to H. A. NICHOLLS, Real Estate Agent, RichmondHilL For Sale For Sale Tombstone 51-3 m. Tu Marble er-ranitv. Gumd wm-k. reasonable charges. Town 01 ‘Uuunhy. \Vritq, W. A. JONES, r 22 Buchanan St., has instructed J. T. SAIGEON, auc- tioneer, to offer for sale by public anc- tiun at the Mrs. Peter BassingthWaighte has the following to dispose of by pri‘vate saie at her residencezâ€"Home Comfort: steel range and pipPs: Parlor: Cook stove: Parlor heater and drum; Large iron kettle; Bucksaw, Sausage ma- chine. good buffalo robe and good blankets; , ' Trustee’s Sale 'of House Property. Sat. Oct. 19, 1912, at 1 p. m., that valuable house-hold property belonging to the said estate situate on the east. side of Ynnge street. in the village of Richmond Hill, containinggucre, mme or less. On this pmperby is said to be erected a solid brick house, containing seven moms. There is a. quantity of excel- lentlarge fruit and small fruit) trees. and n galden in a. good state of culti- vation, also soft water. The property fronts on Yonge and Church Streets, and is in every way a. desirable loca- tiigi for resigential par-Roses. Terms: 10% down‘on date of sale, the balance within 30 daYS thereafter. Further garticulars and conditions of sale will ’6 made known on date of sale or on application to the Tiustee or his Solicitors. The property will be sold subject to a reserve hid. H. A. N IGHOLLS, Trustee. ' Richmond Hill. LAWRENCE & DUNBAR, Splicitors, Dated this 30th day of September, 1912. 14-3 THE - LIBERAL Palmer House, Richmond Hill, 'ToRONTo |.... . . '5; RICHMOND HILL BRANCH The Trustee of the Estate of the Choice of doetilintiun left to excnrsinnists. Half-n-r-mt a mile- flu-m “’innipgg to Regina. Snsknumn. \Vat-man. Swan Rivâ€; Edlmmton and all other points on the Canadian Nun-them Railway. Return half-a-cent a mile from alI'points nu C. N. R. to \Vinnipeg; $18.00 from Winnipeg to m-iginal stat-ting puint. ' The richest country in the West ts served by the Canadian North rn Rall- way. The demand hr Harvesters along its lines Is very heavy and .he w.=.ges the highest. Canadian Northern Railway \Vrite for Hmueseekers’ Guide showing 35,000 free honwstends awaiting the settler. ' For full information apply to any agent of the O.N.O.. (7,0.R. and Bay of Quinta Railways. m: ' R. LPAIRBAIRK Gen. Pass. Agt, C‘NJL. 68 King St- East», Toronto Monuments. Man-keys and Owner Pusls. ©F' “NADA. Subscribe for Private Sale. Late Matthew Carr END. , a 8 Manager. Brupchm It Mtglc; ‘Mnrkham. Stouffviile, Uniqswillg and Locqu Hi1er v 60 Victoria St. Lettering Going Date October l4lh To Garner Western Canada Crop 20,000 More Harvesters Wapted EXTRA EXCURSIONS T0 WINNlPEG $10.09 Tornn to. bran tn T'is an advantage someï¬mes to keep a bank instant in the names of two persons, to that either one may make withdrawals. Such an agcount a join} acppunt." QM Be pleased'm fumisb pa:- ticulars. ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE 7 STRICTLY ATTENDED ’1‘0. “’D’A’TEI’) £6155“ L6 i'n‘tï¬ Â£- ï¬HxiBt'y of York and vaince of Ontario this Tgvgntkyth day of September, A.D.. 1.1“. CURRY, 0100193703. yvALLAOE _& NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Edward MacKay Creighton of the City of Toronto in the Oountv of York and Province of Ontario, Gnmpositor, will apply to the Parliament; of Cam :Ldsl at, (the next. Session thereof for a bill of divorce from his wife Sarah E: Creighton of the said City of Toronto in the said County of York on the ground of adultery and dqset-Eion. _ MacDONA\ED. 13-301; Solicitoxs fun, the Applicant. F. J. 'WWWARD A reliable French regulator; never fails. TheQ pills are exceedingly owerful in regulating tho generative portion oft e female system. Refuse all‘cheap imitations. Dr. de Van’l are sold at t5 2 box. or three for 810. Mailed to any address. rho Boobell Drum 00.. 8t. Catlin-incl. Ont. 38-†Dr. de Van’s Female Pills Notice of Applica- tion for Bivnrce~ Willowdale HOLSTEINS and ' TAMWQR’I‘HS all ages for sale PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEEi") SHOEING LAM F. J. WOODWARD; GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley m LAME AND :NTERFERI‘NE} HORSES A SPECIALTY - Stock Farm J. MCKEN ZIE