Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Oct 1912, p. 5

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@112 @1111”,th MI; “7. B. Brown. Mrs. Brown and snn'Gordnn‘ of Toronto. and Mr. Marshall H. Brown and :family mo- ttm‘ed uplast Sunday and spent the affternoon with Mr. and Mrs; S. M. Blown. . Mr. Berwick Weldtick, who recent- 1y sold his farm at. Langsmfl’, has pur- chased Mr. James Kirby’s 130 acres between Maple and Teston. The price paid is $13,900. Mr. ‘Frank H. Helmkuy’s farm, at ~Hendf0rd, has been sold to M 1'. Thomas Kane of Newbun Brank, who will take possession about April lst. The deal was negatiwted by Mr. H. A, Nichâ€" olls, real estate ngmlt of Richmond Hill. ‘ Free will offering services will be ‘held in the Methodist Church next; Sun- day. Special '88] moms will he preach- ed at 11mm. and 7 p.111. by Rev. Mr. Chantle'r, pastor of Sb. Paul's Church, Brampton. Mr. Armand G. Savage has been ap- pointed game warden for this district. Any person requesting a'license for deer or moose czm get same at the post: office. A solid brick house on Yonge street, "in Richmond Hill, with 3-8 of an acre of land, Will be offered for sale by public auction at the Palmer Huuse on Saturday of this week. Sale at; one o’clock. ' Mrs. John Hamilton of Elgln Mills spent ten days in the city visiting 1191‘ nieces. Mrs, Emerson, Mrs. Sheppard amd' Mrs. Young and other friends. Miss Florence Hanuiltun. her grand- daughterLgccompnmed 1181‘ home. MiXPd Herbs for seasoning 150. hot- tle. '(‘Jhnice cocoa 25c. lb. East brnnk’s Japan Blend tea. 3 lb. tin for $1.00, lentils 10c. lb. Atkinson 85 Swilzur. Mr. Blankstein, Violinist. of Toronto, has been secured for Band Concert on Thanksgiving night. Also Mrs. (Rev.) E. G. Currie, Mr. Harry Sanderson and Mr. E. Mason. H Motor veils, pale blue, copenhagen 'blue.grev and rose at 500. Robes- pierre collars 75c. Lace coat collars 35 and 500. Collar and jn'not not; trimmed withlace at 250,. Atkinson -& Switzer. BAND CONCERTâ€"Don’t forget the date, Oct. 28. Everybodv is going to it. Names bf other artists will appear next; week. Plan of hall at Mr. Hume’s Gfilce after Tuesday. Mr. Roy Turner (fif'Uxhridge whh is attending the Central Business Col- lege in Toronto, came 'up and spent, over Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. C. P. Wiley. Mr. J. P. Glass, in company with Mr. Edward Bribuell and a number of other sportsmen from Toronto, 19ft Monday eveningfor a few days’ hunt- ing near Huntsville. Mr. 'Ira. D. Rzunér who had an auc- tion sale last Saturday, ishawinga residence erech on Oefitre Street gEasmed as soon as finished will re- move here with his feu'nily and assist his father, Mr. D. Banner, at the ele- vatar. ‘ ’ Mrw Chas. Oomisky has purchased a. farm at Aurora, formerly knowrfias the Russell Farm. The price paid was about. $11,000. Miss. Reynolds of Toronto and Miss W’_. A. Reynolds of Campbellfnrd have béen visiting their cousin, Mrs. H. A, Nicholls, fur the past Week. Stone creeks with covers, 11;, 2. 3. 4 gallons. Stone crooks without covers at 8. 15, and 20c. Flower puts at, 5, 7, .10, --15 und..200. Atkmson 85 SwiLâ€"zer. "Miss Remy of Newmarket Was the guest; uf Miss L. Harrison on Sunday, the 6th inst. ‘ " Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Newton spent the week unison their way home. from abroad, wvith Mrs. J runes Newton of Foulden Lodge. ' ' Dr. Spnuldmg nf Tor-outns‘mm't a night last Week with Mr and Mrs. S; M. Brown. ‘ ‘ Baitrm Fair Will be held on' Satur- day'and Monday, October 26 and 28, the last. dav being Thanksgiving Day. amalgam» HILL; Own. 02m 17, 1912 Mr. O. E. Hopper and Miss N. Ho :- of Toronto visited relmives an fliends here this week. .Mm; Frank Spanner of Toronto spent Friday visiting Mrs. \Vm-. Hat-r naun. Miss Lu “in. Porter of Tor-unto visited overfltmdfiy with the Misses Trench. Ta PHEHT sum! Edna: may. be secured by our aid. Address, I w: "’ENT neconn, ‘ l myunu L "‘W Cnmtinences “Me Uooksville 79.30 mm. Tues. Oct. Meadowvu'le. 1.00 p.111. l‘ues. Oct. Brampton 8.30 aum. Wed. Oct. Snelgrove 2.30 p.m., Wed. Oct. \Voodhill 9.00 mm. Thurs.0ct. \Veston 1.00 p.m. ’I‘ Kleinburg 9.30 mm. Fri. Nov. Bolton 2.00 p.m. Fri._N0v. Totteaham' 9.00 mm. "Sat. Nnv. Al‘lismn 2-00 p m. Sat. Nuv. ‘Glencuirn 9.30 :mn. Mun. Nov. Duntruou 2.30 10.111. .Mon. Nov. Notice 1 creditors RICHMOND HILL IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT KELLAM, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, IN THE GO UNTY 0F YORK. 'YEO‘. MAN, DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to I. George V. Chap. 26 that all {per- sons having claims against the estate rof Robert. Kellam, late of the Town- ship uf Vaughan, in the County of York, deceased. who died 9n. or about;. the let day of July. 1912, at Vaughan aforesaid, are required tq send Ipost prepaid to the undersigned, solicitors for the executors of the said estate. on or before the 12th day of November A. D. 1912, Lheirnalnes and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims' and statements. at their ac- counts and the nature of their securi- ties, if anythgld liz‘thgm, I , AND TAKE. NOTICE that after the said date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said e3- tate having regard only to the claims of which tlwy almll than have had no- tice and the said executors will but be liable for the said assets 01- for any pat-Lthereof to any person 01- persons of Whose claims they shall not‘ then have hztdrnntice at the time of-the dis- tribution thereof. ' - Dated nt'l‘nmntu this 14th dav of October, 1912. coogngILQHmsw, F ‘328 Confederation Life. Bldg, Tomntn. Solicitors for John Henry Kenni‘n and George Albert. Miller}, executors of the said Robert Kellam. Mr. John Michael of W'nldrup, Skill. in renewing his ‘smiscnptinn (0 T1! LIBERAL; adds the following friend! unmetâ€"“My mother and sister m wit us yet“ They like the West: very much“. My mother stood the trip like a Young person. We have had bad weather here until this weak. but it is ideal now. Threshing is in; full swing, and grain is turning mltl'bet- tfir‘tfian farmers expected, so we are looking for a good year.” 16-4 ROUTE FOR STALLION INSPECTORS ’ FUR DISTRICT No. 5. T0 THE PUBL‘IG ! As Mr. R. J. Shell is mnving from this vicinity to resuum his duties in sq:th he-will speak at fiherwood next Lord’s Day at 7 p. mafmwhe lust. limo. His subject, will be “What in Mom?" 90 not; fail to embrace this omen-tum icy of hearing him. - - Mr. Blank-flu}?! who will appear at the 'Bgud Uuncvl‘t is a pupil of Van Kimits nf ’I‘m-unln Symphony 0111le km, and comes highly" mcnmmendrd.' He has played to remrd audiencén in New Yul'k and (ither large cities of [7.8. JACOB EYER Place is just the kind you get under the very best conditionsut any one of Shaw’s Schools, Torontoâ€"The Uentml Businessw-T‘he Central Telegraph School, and Four City Branch Business Schools. .Our curriculum explains the practical courses given. Write. for a capv. W. H. Shaw, President, Yonge 85 Genrard St5., Tm'mm'o. Stallion ' lfiSpection Tinsmithing, Grinding and ‘ All Kinds of Repairing. SKATES SHARPENED Electrone Coal Oil, Machine OH, - Motor Cylinder Oil, and Peerless Gasoline in stock. . Charcoal, 3 bags for 250. Come and see me. ‘ ' Stove-pipe time is, her e. ”I keep the best po‘lished pipe on hand. Any per- son can put together my ‘crimped pipes. UNDER ONTARIO STALLION ACT. THAT PAYS Tim; Inspectitm ONI‘A RIO Date Lnrgv sidubon rd. cherry ‘ Extension Ilahlo. cherry 6 Chain! Extension table. walnut 2 Walnut centre tables l Wnlunt library ‘tahle . 1 Mahogany connve'lahle Cuirn tea tnblp ‘ Ehnnv {(-rn table; Painted card [able ‘ 2 Foldingsrwing tables Oak fern tnhle Squaw walnut, table Kitchen tuhle ’Fnlvl leaf table 8 \Vipker chirirj: 1 Walnut Sofas and r‘hnirs Child’s high chair 10 Light; odd chairs Flair mattress Mahogany secretary Walnut bookcase and desk combined ¢ Cherry bookcases \Valnub cabinets Screams East-ls Music box Camera Batten y Vapor bath Ebony clock Umbrella. tiles Chins» Bric-a-bruc Soft cushions Pillows Feuthnx- brd Mahogany bureau ' ‘ Quilts 2 Vannut bedroom sets ' Comfortath ‘ Countc'rpunes Blankets Curtains _ Gal-pets Oil paintings ~ Engrnvmgs Etching: . M usm; Books (several bullied) Lamps 4 Large mirrors Sweepers Kitchen utensils Toilet Bets Toy furnitm e “'icker swing cradle 2 Silver ten set: 3 (lups Ice pitchm and goblets _ Clout Cake hash-t, ‘ Knives zmd fm ks UliYe ’diéh Numerous odd pieces Dinner knives Mid forks : Several genst Veranduh furniture ‘ Kitchen range Uonl heater ‘1 New Perfection oil cook stove 7“ l Large wood heater Ice cream freezer j Harness ,.2 Cutters 3 Lap rugs { Horse blanket Lawn roller { Garden tools 3 Mowers Lumber Quantity sixinch tile . Fivegalkm coal oil tau-1k Tobnggam Sled 2 Pair snowshoes Tmmis'rncqueb Fluting iron Pressing iron 1 Brass fire irons . Sleeve hoard ‘ Brass bird cage 1 School globe * Lawn umlnwellzr 2 Flower stands Quilting «frames } Wnsbtub, wringer and bench Large copper boiler Ottoman Hanging hall rack English, tea basket I . Notica is hereby given that I have transmitted ur delivered to the 1391'- sonsâ€" mentioned in sectinns 5 and 6 of :the Voters’ List Act, the C(xpies requir- éd by sa'id‘sections to be su transmit- ted or delivered of the lists ma‘de. pur- suant to said Act, of all persons-ap- ,pearing by the last revised Assessment 3011 of the said municipality to be en- titled to vdte in the said municipality at. the electim) for members of the Legislative Assembly and ab Munici- pal Elections, and that said. list was first posLed up in my office at Union- ville on Sdtm'duy, 12th day of October 1912, and remains tl‘aere fm' inspectign. A numlmr of Lhumughhwds. and some grade Shropshire nuns, lot 17, con. 3, Murkhzuu. NORMAN BRODIE. .163 V ,__-r. . Electors are called upon to examine the said lists, and if any ‘omissiuns or other erroas an» found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have said errors corrected according to law. TEAMING The. undersigned is now prepared to do a1 kinds of teaming for the public of and vicinity. VBTERS’I LIST, 1912 Clmk of the said Municipality. Dated at Unimmille~the 12Lh day of October, 1912. 16 2t; Dish, Cal-pet's, Chiha’ware, Silverwaer m. AummN: ’SME TOWNSHiP 0F MARKH'AM COUNTY OF YORK. TM pmpet-tv of the Estate uf the Sat. Oct; 26, 1912 RICHMOND II-ILL Hougehold Furniture At tic residence, Elgin Mills, on SALE AT ONE C‘CLOUK. N9 RESERVE. ' LATE 4A5. '7 NEWTON MUNICIPALITY OF THE For Saia O. H. STI VIC R. L( U STONGI Tennis'mcqueb Pressing irun Sleeve hoard School globe 2 Flower stands lelutaB. '0. 01' I 1 . . ., .; . é Atkmson & _ SW1tzerg; O99. 9‘ Papers Papers O¢Ot$609904§§§69005000990909090999000§§§§O§¢§§OO¢§O§¢ Our stock is most complete and we sell away below Toronto prices. (Ihoicest patterns. All well selected. In many shades for all kinds of papering. Sample book of the more expensive papers can be had on shortest ’notice. Call and see our stock and get prices. which we also sell away below Toronto prides convmce you. Get our prices. +++++w++++ +€‘+%++W+M-§ J°++++MH++ #‘3‘ri"f"§' +$+®é°§°§§°é+§ fifl+'?*ߢ%Ԥ+~hfi&$%$§+ B‘Q‘W!’ fifit}$=§v'§'+'§v-i~i'-§%~t-+WWhinéui H‘s;- ‘Ffi'éé'évfié"?+é+++é+$++¢++'§‘*§‘~§‘3"§“*' K‘éfi'u’réfiuéwl ++++++é$+++~§‘;§"§“§‘+++fl .X‘ ..Wa.ll.. Hmm 'twflmemmwmmwwfiww+a- Men’s, Women’s and Children's Underwear and Hosery ("Mk 40%+'?++M'N Comfortable ' Clothing WEParedi Men’s Heavy Workng Boots at right prices. All lines of boats and shoes have advanced in .price from '25 to 50¢. per pair since Sept. Ist‘. But We had 2-1 iarge stock bought in and can seii them the Eight price. Come and see foi‘ yourself. Oct. 47, 1912. NO E1: we A N, J; (3 LASS PRQPRIETQR The fiis’hmaasfl m 3% Sims is the time when stocks are complete of and warm‘w‘ear' for winter weather.‘ forWinter? Have you supplied yourself With «â€"â€"-â€" US'UAL STOCK FURNITURE m++++M£§§+++++-+w ‘Wé‘Mfié‘t-i-d-d-é‘H-fi NOW! Phone 17 at us

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