T Sglgoon. J K McEwon Maple Wum Sulgeon as NlcEwen. bloomed Auctioneers for the County of York. Oslo: “bonded to on shortest notice and at rou- lonsble ntoa Patronme solicited JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Full Tenn OpenaTuesduy. Sept. 3, 1912 Thmretncal, Technical and Artistic Elements Developed SystPnlaLicn-lly According (.0 Modern Methods. Prepares pupils for the graded ex- dminutions he-ld at Tmonto Conserva- fury of Music and Univemity uf 1‘0- mum. Special course in "Myer-’5“ Kinder- ï¬arff-n Method, particularly helpful to emnm-rs. Glass recitals are given throughout the year 42-1v The NeW'ton School of Music ' Richmond Hill, Ont. leud Aucnoneer for she Counties of York. 02mm nnd North Toronto. Special “caution ivon to sales of every descripuou. Farm and Inn stock sales a. specialty. Farms hon ht and sold on commission. All sales ntteude to on shortest notice and conducted by the lube“ up-toâ€"dnto methods. Address: 239 Ballio) 81'... No; bh Toronto. Phone: North 6312. Phone No. 28. Gulls by phnne or otherwise responded ’tu. USER“. PRINTINE a PUBUSHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. u ('lazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HIT. V. IS PUBLISHEDEVERY 1' E! URSDAY MORNING MISS MILLIE TRENCH D. H. PINKERTDN, V.S. 7. F. McMAHON. DR. “7'. R. PENTLAND VOL. XXXV. $1 per annum, in advance.] Ci RESIDENCE First. house north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. VETERINARY SURGEON, . ’l‘hornhil]. Maple, Ont. V. HEW! SON HOUSE PAINTER. bUSINESS CARDS . OFFICE AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano @119 (Eweml RICHMOND HILL 301103 a Psornmros. '. H. Prentice Phone No. 2102. marinara Wedicut. AT THE promptly NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEY AN"! Undertakers & Emhalmeru. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL A large stock of Funeral Furnishin kep at. both places Riohmonq H111 BARRISTER, Somewon, NOTARY, ETC. Tornntn Ofï¬c 9. Runâ€) 328 Confedera- tion Life Bldg.. NH. 12 Richmnnd St. E. Richmond Hm omce (“Lihmr’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday fm-enoml. M nple, Thursday ufternuon. Wnodhridze, Saturday fumnmm. Monev to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Cor. Yonga and Alexander Sts. s a business cullvge of the highest grade. Sevm‘al former students of other colleges are now in atten- dance. It. pays to gut nhusinvss Pduction IF YOU GET IT IN THE RIGHT SCHOOL. Write for our cam. logue. Enter now. Moucv no ioau tau laud announce! mortgagosnt owest rams Auroraomceâ€"Remmeu 50 the old post on". one door was! of the emnnce to the Ouzurm Bank wamnrket omegaâ€"Three doors south 01 She past alï¬ce 'I‘ HERBERTLENNOX G STV M014qu Aux-nu Money no LENNOX & MORGAN Tel. M. 3631. Tel-phone. Main Cable Address. "Dodo." Among the many positiuns nut col- lege has rpcently ï¬lled were two worth $1100 and $1500. We are now trying t0 ï¬ll one at $1080. De,- mand fur unr graduates if fully ï¬ve times our supply. ' NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E... TORONTO. Canada GET THE BEST! 11‘ PAYS! A.G.F. Lawx‘cuca F. J. Dunbar Barristers,501icitars. Notaries, kc. Home Life Building Cm. Ade-laid:- & Vicmz'la.~ Sta" l‘umnto. 301711 .7. 2110121301: ’ THORNHILL Orésul Ropmited (m4 Expsn Work Gunmmeon PIANO'H‘UNING] REAL ESLL‘A'I‘E. ETC. THORNHILL Commissioner} Conveyancer. etc. Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. J EDWARD FRANCIS, Danton, Grover & Field ERICHSEN BROWN & MACNAUGhTUN Lawnmce 2:. Dunbar, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, CON VbYANCERS, E IC. ROOM 48 CANADA LIFE. BUILDING, 42-46 KING ST. WEST, Barristers and sollcllors. NOTARY PUBLIC TORONTO. ONT. . A. NICHOLLS WRIGHT BROS WILLIAM COOK Barristers, Snï¬murs, 8m. FRANK Eaxcnsmz BROWN. A. CAMERON uAchcuHToN. VOICING AND . . ‘ . ACTION REGULATING RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1912 ELLIOTT TORONTO. g; tqal. “In Egantialc, Unity; invNon-E Phone Main 2954 51-6111 Expcutive Commitleeâ€" The Ofï¬- ovrs. Inspector Mullny._ Miss KPnnody, Miss Trench. Messrs. W'm. Burkhuld- ex and T. McUm-mack. The Convention by a unanimous vote passed a resolution condemning the practices of some teachers who. when applying for schools, mislead the Boards by not, stating correctly Iheir qualiï¬cations. and others who accegt positions and afterwards send war that, they are unable to fulï¬l their engagement. Oï¬icers elected for the ensuing vean Presidontâ€"Mr. A. E. Lehman. Rich- mond Hill. Vice-Presidentâ€"Miss N. Hulladay, Newmarket. Sec’y-Treas.â€"Mr. J. G. McDonald, Aurora. On Friday afternoon Prof. McReudy of Guelph Agricultural C(‘nlhge ad- dressed a joint, session of Teachers and Trustees uu Agriculture in the Public Schools. ’ Inspector Mnlluy brought before the Convention the matter of the Stmth- mum Trust prizes to be awarded in the Inspectorate for competition. in Physi- cal Culture. Military Drill. and Rifle Shooting. which was left in the hands of §l1e_ng_ecuuye to be dealt. with. The annual convention of the North York Teachers’ Institute was held in the County Council Chambers, Toron- to, on Thursday and Frida of ‘iast week. About one hundr teachers were present. and took an active part in discussing different phases of the several papers presented before the convention. Excellent papers on Lit- erature were read by hot. H. J. Cole- man. Ph. D. of the Faculty of Educa- tion, Toronto, Messrs. Wm. Burkhold- ennnd Jas. A. Bruels, and Miss L. Cleland and Miss Fitzgerald. Geog- raphy by Prof. Colemnn. Art by Miss Muiloy and Nature Study by Miss M. Trench. During the discussion on Literature». very spirited discussion arose over the use of the dictionary in the school-room. "The Murimwtte‘s Lament." a luvva cmnpuslliun by Mr. E. Diunty, who accompanied on the piami. We may remark in passing that, Mr. Blank- sLeiu has under cunsldemtinn a plan turthe furlmuinn of a class for the smdy ('1' the violin in Richmond Hill. He teaches Von Kumtz’u method. be- ing himselle pupil of [he celebluted Henri Dehruw of New York. The ac- compauiments during the evening were played by Miss Millie Trench and Mr. J. Earle Newton who acquit,~ ted themselves with their accustomed skill, and a. very pleasant. evening was brought to a close with the plaving by the Band of the Chum. Nationale and God Save the King. The receipts Were $80.60. generous assistance and appreciation giVen lo the. organization by the citi- zens. The numbers given by the Band showed a decided improvement on theii playing and were received with t“ ideot pleasure by the audience. \Vln-n all the numbers given Were so exeelleut it Would be imidious u- pur- liuiiurize, and it is sufficient to any that the singing by Miss Trench and Miss Switzm' in their beautifully ex- pu-ssivesolos left nothing to be de- sired. Our old friend and favorite, M r. E. Mason. gavea, Cornet solo "The Queen of the Earth†with all his old I time power and expleSsion. and being given an enthusiastic recall responded ‘ with “Killarney.†Later Mr. Mason with Mr. Melhuish, who was kindly assisting the. Band. gave a Cornet and Trombone duett which was much en~ joyed. Mrs. E.‘ C. Currie. gave a couple of readings in her usual excel- lent manner. Her immitations of the. participiants in the. "Debuting So- ciety†were. extremely good. while the pdthos in “I‘he Ride of Jenny McNeil" touched a sympathetic chm d in every- one. present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc- Donald delighted the audience. with their humorous selections. They are. both good singers and we will be glad to have. them Visit us again. Mr. W. D. Atkinson sang in good style "The Border Chief,†und also sang in a duett with Miss Trench, both numbers re», ceiving marked applause. But per- haps the star of the evening was Mr. Blankstein; the violinist. who gave ushis first number the Fit-St More- ment of the Grieg Sonata in IF. major. He played brilliantly this intricate and d'iflicult culllposltioll in which the beauty of his tone and the excellence. of his bowing and phrasing command- ed the profound attention of the nud- ience. As his second number he gme .um, , u NORTH YORK TEACH ERS’ INSTITUTE. BAND CONCERT ssentials, Liberty ,-_£n all things, Charity The Thanksgiving Day army ma- noeuvres bad a fatal termination Wherrtwo C. P. R. trains collided at; Slreetsvilledunctiun at 6.01 Monday evening, killing two ersons and in- juring about thirtv 0t ers. Both the vir-tims who lost their lives were Highlanders. ' Lady Mulock, wife of Sir Wm. Mu- lnck. Chief Justice High Court of Jus- flee, died at the Wellesley Hos ital on Monday. Lady Mulnck was It ady of quiet disposition, interested almost alone in her children and home. She was a daughter of the late James Orowbher, a well-known barrister. Besides her husband she leaves two sons, William, barrister, and Cawthra banker and broker, and two daugh- ters. Mrs. O’Flynn Of Luwther avenue an'g‘i M13: Arthur: Kirkpim-ick. A special jueeli-ng Vibrrrtllscuss the question will he held on Tuesday. the 18th of November. Everybody present, cuuld see the necessity of a. water rupply, especially for ï¬re prnbecpion. but all We're nut, prepared Lu sa‘y that, such a large ex- penditure wunld be advisable at. the rest-m, time. Mr. Pratt. Mr. Trench. r. Tudd and Mr. McDonald thuught the scheme could be ï¬nanced success- fully. but. as it would mean practically $2000 a year for 30 years, an increase in the taxes of about. 7 mills 0n the dollar. Mr. Hume doubted the wisdom of §|lch a lqrge expenditure, The Secretary, Mr. Todd. read a. re- portfrom engineer E. A. James. rel- ative tn propositions for water works. M I. James repnrted that he could not, gecnmmend the scheme to bring Wa- ter from the north. 3; miles awav. In hisnpinmn pumping water from the shallow wells near the 0. N. O. was feasible. This would involve an ex- penditure of about $31.00!). An eight mch main could be laid from a well at the east end of Centre street, to Yvnge street. and u 6 inch nmin allmg the other streegs in the. village._ The Rate ayers’ Association held their month y meeting Tuesday even. ing, the president. Mr. Pratt. in the chair. Mr. anal Mrs. Stewardson were the rPcipienbx-x of many beautiful pearl gifts. Mm. SLewaudson. formerly Miss Harriet, Slwppard. daughter of late Charles Sheppard of Garrville, Ont". was Imu-ried to Samuel Stewartan on Octnber‘Q. 1882. the Rev. 1. Campbell “ligating. A > Innhcdiately after dpjeuner the gun-sis retired to the dining room where {masts were ploposed to the hrjtle and» grnuxq. At eight. o'clock the guests repaired tn thc- dining room to paltake of the wedding breakfast. the table being centered with pn‘nsies and brian brute their thirtieth anniversary. The house was prettin decorated with hridal loses. dnhlins and maiden hair ferns. g‘uvscs being presant from To- rnntn. Aurm'a. Garrville and other outsidaf points} - rows.» At 35 O‘Hara Ave.. Toronto. October 9. 1912. was the scene of a. prvtw pearl wedding. when a number of relatives and fliends gathered at; the. home of _Mr. nndAMAl's. Stewardson to cele- President, W. B. Cross, Runny- mede. Vice-President. Mrs. W. H. Shields. Mt. Albert. Secretary. H. Dun-ant, Runnymede. Executiveâ€"James Mason. Weston: H. M. Wndsuu. Runnymede; J. D. Evans. Islingbun; JnmPs Moorheud, Dun; Dr. Cutlets. Scarboro. It. “was decided {drrhbid‘the 1913 an- nual meeting at Runnymede. The {unuwiug agg’t'ge‘;{e‘;;13-lzié:£ea utï¬cerszrâ€" Olil the second day addresses were given by Mr. Henry Dun-ant; and Mr. H. M. W'udsqn, buthgf Runqymgde. 7 u-uuuca, nuu axl'. n. A. nanny, Eecy O. L. A. addressed those present along similar lines. ‘ _‘ .uy . . "5 VII» MALLCI Cllll llUlfll'lUSn in the evening after an address of Welcome by Reeve Pugsley. Miss Sperenmn gave a. blackboard exercise showing the "Elements of Classiï¬ca- tiunâ€; Mr. W. R. Nursey. Inspector uf Publi: Libraries showed 'what. might be accomplished by public libraries, anuUMr. E: A.‘ Hardy, Secy n l About 20' representatives were pres~ enb from the various public libraries throughout York District at, the Llhnu-y Institute held in Richmond Hill Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. After the delegates were Wel- comed by Mr. Pugsley, chairman of the Richmond Hill Library Board. committees were appointed and the annual address was given by the Pres- ident». Dr. Dales of Stouï¬ville. Re- ports were then given by delegates represgnting Elie diifgrent. libraries. PUBLIC LIBRARY INSTITUTE RATEPAYER'S MEETING. News N otes. PEARL WEDDING. D. HILL & 69., Choice Confectionery always; in stock. Hill’s Best Bread Choice ' Cakes Fancy Biscuits We thank the public for the gem-mm patronage in the past, and will «urn- estly strive to serve you faithfully in the future. Believing it will be beneï¬cial to doth buyer and seller, have decided. STIVER & RAMER Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, Wood, &0. 'AT THE C.N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR +**+%+**H++$++%M*W+N; AFTER OCT. 9 ' TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. for that cough. â€"oâ€"_ i Little Liver Pellets i Whiteï¬Plne and Tar {Cough Syrup , V . v . . V v . v v c u . - a o o I o ' 1 t+++++++d-+++++M%++~PM*H Staple Groceries BEST CHANGES Good Lemons AN D OTHER SEASONABLE FRUITS. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES Sanderson’s Winter Balm W. A. Sanderson William’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil the best. ' for healing the skin and beautifying the complexion. for biliousness, headache. torpid Liver. GOOD STOCK OF RICHMOND HILL [Single copies, 3 01:9. STIVER & RAMER. DEALERS IN Bakery No. 18