Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Nov 1912, p. 1

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URERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. ONT. T. F. MGMAHON. IS PUBLISHED EVEM REE URSDAY MORNING W. HEWISON V HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VOL. XXXV. Ialgeou a: Mcnwen. Mum“ Autiouurn for an Oomyo! York. Oslo-“magi! $0 on shortcut “Hanna Intros- MIblc "to: Enron-u lolloihd Cells by phone m- otherwise promptly responded to. $1 per annum, in advance.] Oman AND RESIDENCE M up 1 e , () n t . Phone No. 28. Hound Anchonur for flu Count!“ of York. Dumb and Noah Tomno. Special attention gun to In” of every dalcription. Farm and stock sale- ‘1. specialty. Forms bought Ind Ioldon communion. All sales “tends to unmet-0;.» notice u‘d eonductod. by uh. Into-I “mo-duo methods. AddnuL 289. Bongo) 8%.. No: sh Toronto. (t Prepares pupils far the graded ox. uninutions held at. Tm onto Conserva- tory of “Music and University of To- mm. Special course in "Myer's" Kinder- . n Method. particularly helpful to nnon. Clans recitals are given throughout the your 42-” DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL ‘P lagoon. [up]. TheNewton School of Music Richmond Hill, om. Fall Tum Opentmwayuswt. 3. 19:2 D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. m" ‘ ‘V ‘ E‘héiih'oifi.’ 'J."ht=uoretlealL Teqbnicpl and Artigtic first house north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. KISS MILLIE TRENCH VETERINARY SURGEON, Elements 'Develo ed Systematically According to odem Methods. VBUSINESS CARDS. Me ‘fiibcml erou £: Paoumroa. Thornhill . mm: m Teacher of Piano J. E. Prentice Phone No. 2102. murmurs; RESIDENCE gamital. AT THE J K Heinon Walton I, PIANO TUNING Organs Repaired and Expert Work Guaranteed A. 61‘. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. Telnphone, Main Cable Address. “Dedo.” A. Cameron MacNaughton Tel. M. 363]. LENNOX & MORGAN Konov to loan on 1 3nd anucnntholmonxquat awose rates Aurora onceâ€"Removed to the old post om. one door west of the entrain-.0 to tho Ontario Bank » Ruwmnrkat officeâ€"Three doors Ionth of fill- pose otfine Hmuinnrlmxxox 6 81V Mom“! Aurora. BARRIHTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Em. Torontn Office, Ruom Confedera- tion Life Bldg" No. 12 Richmond St. E. Richmond Hm Office (“Liberal" Oflice), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridqe. Saturday forenoon. Munav to loan at. Five Per Cent (5%) Richmond. Hill J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC CCXMISBIONE . OONVEY AN'IR. m. Undertaken-s a tubal-ion. RICHMOND H1LL& THORNHILL A huge stock of Funeral Furnishin kep at bath places Benton, Grover & Field Lawrence & Dunbar, H. A. NICHOLLS OF FICE-SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG” 18 KING STREET WEST Commissioner, Oonveyancer, 0: Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Barristers,301icitors. Notaries, kc. REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL GET THE BEST! 11' ms 11 Among the many positions our col- lege has recently filed wc-re two worth $1100 and $1500. We are now trying to fill one at 81030. De- mand for our graduates if fully five times our supply. Barristers and Eollcltors. VQICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING fie/in f7. 9avz'dson THORNHILL s a. business college of the higheqt grade. Several former students of other colleges are now in anten- dance. It; pays to get abnsinnso eductinn IF YOU Gm rr IN run men-r SCHOOL. Write for our cats- ‘ogue. Enter now. w. J. ELLIOTT, Pump-L _or. You. and Alexander 513. Barrister, Schema, Notary, Etc. RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 191.2 NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers. Solicun's. 8m. WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. momma. our. Vicmrla Sts.. l‘nronto. “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity.” mm. Pnone Main 2984 The annual plowing match of the King and Vaughan branch of the On- tario Plowmen‘s Association was held on the farm of Mr. Emerv MaltheWson. half a mile west. of Maple, last Friday. The morning was so threatening it was thought the match would have to, be postponed on account of the rain. but the day cleaned and quite a crowd assembled. After tlrc matcth excellent dinner was nerved at the Maple Leaf Hotel, under the management of Mr. R. J ones. The 'udges in the first four classes were VS m. Hmvstmuser, N. A. Mulloy and Wm. Rennie: 5th. 6ch and 7th classes Juhn McLean. Mr. Jackson; for best equipped teams &(‘. Wm. Russell. Championship Classâ€"l, Geo. Mc- Laughlin; 2, Cameron Watlkington; 3, Tom McLean. ' Beat. menâ€"-â€"Oameron \Vulkington. Best Finishâ€"Geo. McLaughlin. Best Ins and Outsâ€"Tom McLean. First Classâ€"1, Stunle Tyndall, 2, Ohms. Clubine; 3. Ed. Mufloy, Best Crownâ€"Stanley Tvndall. Beat Finishâ€"~Stanlev Tyndall. Best Ins and Outsâ€"Ed. Malloy. Second Classâ€"l, Wm. Orr. Beat Grown-«W. Orr. Beat Finishâ€"Wm. Orr. Best Ins and Outsâ€"â€"W. Orr. Best Plowed Land in 15!, or 2nd Class ~â€"§_tnnl_eyh'._l‘yudu_.ll.__ The' following are the nets:â€" Thini'Ciassâ€"l, Elmer Orr; 2. J05. Wells; . . Harold Wilson. Best Crownâ€"Jon. Wells. Best Finishâ€"Elmer Orr. Best. Ins and Outsâ€"J03. Wells. Fourth Classâ€"Roy ‘Nilson. Best Grownâ€"Roy Wilson. Belt Fiuihâ€"Roy Wilson. Best In: and Outsâ€"Roy W'ilson. Fifth Class, Stubbleâ€"Clark Young. Alex. McDonald. Best Crownâ€"Clark Young. . Best Finishâ€"Clark Young. Beat Ins and Outsâ€"Alex. Méanald. Sixth Glassâ€"l, Wilford Widths: 2. Harper ‘Velln, Best. Orownw-W. ~“fundauls. Best Finishâ€"W. Windlass. Best Ins and Cumâ€"W. \Vindnne. seventh Glassâ€"l. Alex. Walklngmn; 8. M. Wilson, Best Grownrâ€"A. Walkington. Best Finishâ€"M. Wilson. ~ Best Ins and Outsâ€"A. Walkin tun. But going team in sod or stu )bleâ€" Stanley Tyndall. Belt roomed and equip ed team in md_â€"-l. gou- Mano}: 1., _ m_. Orr. luuâ€"l. mgnr annoy; é, "V Ill. Ul‘l‘l Bust groomed and e ui pvd team. in stubbleâ€"4. Harper e la; 2. Alex. Wilkingbop. ' VYmih’Eeat; Plow Boyâ€"Alex. Walk- lngton. [believe as I an old subscriber. ;"thet every time he Youth’s Companion enters e home it does that home a genuine service.” That. describes the purpose of the publishers exactly. The paper in not filled with mischievous or Idle tho hts to fill an idle hour. It provides ealthy pastime. recreation thetbuilde up. It, is to the minds of eager and impressionable young people {(3151: sound athletics are to their lee. At a. east of less than four cenua week The Youth‘s Companion opens the door to a company of the most. dil- tinguished men and women in Ameri- ca. and Europe. Whether they are revealing the latest discoveries in science, or describing great industrial «movements. or telling of their wan- dering. in 3mm 8 corners of the world. or feeding t e imagination with me Itoriec. the are givmg Oompun, ion mden the est of thggsolvepL _ Bevel serials at. least will be ubllsh- ed b The Companion in 19 3. and near 7 :00 other mmplete stories. in addition to some 508peciul contribu- tions. and a tragumre-box of sketches. snecdobes. “rel-t advice as to athletic a orta. ideas or handy devices round t 9 house, and so forth â€"long hours of complnionshi with the wise. the ad- venturoul an the entertaining, An- nouncement for 1918 will be sent. with sample! copies of the paper to any ad- drgsa on request. Every new subscriber who until 08.25 for the fiftydwo weekly issues of 1918 will receive as a gift The Corn- nion Window Transparency aloud“- for 1913. the moat exquisite novelty ever offered to Companion waders: also all the issues of The Com mien fox-the remaining week: 0! l 12. free. TIE YOUTfl’S COIPANION I“ Igrkcley St» Boston. Inn. New Swat-{pliant uceived at this The Ontario Rallan and Municigal Bond ha": decided that, after the 1 th at December the present. town of North Toronto will be part. of the my. ' fihmmk KING AND VAUGHAN PLOWING MATCH A GENUINE SERVICE News N otes. prize-win- The above Council met at Sliney’s Hotel. Schomberg, on Saturday, Oct. 26 Members were all present. Minutes of pig} wepting lead and cqnfiI-med. A Petition was presented to Council signmi by 597 Ratepa era, praying the Council to submit a gv-law in accordâ€" ance with the provisions of the Liquor License Act. and Amendments there- to. Said By-iaw received its First and Segpui reading. The Treasurér was instructed to pay a 1311-2163 nugnher of bills. W'éllsâ€"Lemonw-That Dr. N. K. Dil- lane be paid $31.00 re services as M.H. 0._59 §ept. lst. McCubeâ€"VVells â€"-Thab the Reeve and Mr. Watson be a committee to arrange for selling theTpine trees 0:- posite Lot. 17. Con. 5. he sale to ta 9 piggy got Inger than D39. 15th._ Wells:â€" Watsonâ€"That, Joel Ed wards he paid $12.00 re services. as Sanitary Iu_spegu_»r as_p_et_{accogmt rendered. . Wells â€" Lemon â€" That; Leonard Hutchimmn be granted a. refund of $2.00 on statute labor of 1911. he ha_\:ing perfgrmed thg work later. McCénbeâ€"Lemonâ€"That the V idllnw- ing sheep claim he paid being § value of same:â€"Japnes T. Burns $29.00. \Vatsonâ€"Lemonâ€"That the bill of W._ E. Freelo against M. McGinnis for groceries during quarantine amount- iugjx) $10.10__be paid. McCgbeâ€"Watsonâ€"That the Clerk be hereby authorized to have the By- Lelw to prohibit the sale of Li nor in the Township of King, (said y-Law having passed its First. and Second reading by this Council), duly ad- vertised in the Aux-om Banner, and to take all steps required by Statute to legally place the By-Law before the Electors for their qppigwal 0_r rejection Electors tm- their nppl oval or re'ection. \Vutsnuâ€"McCabeâ€"Thnt the lerk be instructed to write Frank Altcheaon. retired Overseer for Llyodytown, and ask him to leport. all money collected or work done on' Road List for 1911. and return to Treasurer all unexpended money and all unused material to hil successors in office. MoGaheâ€"WatsonuThat this Council grant. 850.00 for gruelling opposite In; 18. con. 10. Lemonâ€"Watsonâ€"Thnb this Council grant $125.00 tngravel and improve roads leading from Schomberg to Llpjdtnwn. ' W’utson--Lemonâ€"-That the Treasurer be instructed to receive from Dr. Dil- hg‘e the 89-") 0131.00 _f_or agyger pige.‘ On motion idilrdcifilnnfitijgtifiaeiaflto meet at McBnde’s Hotel, King. on Saturday November 16. After a. long and very painful illness Boy, the youngest son of M13. and Mrs. Caleb Crook. passed away on Snturda last in his 19th year. The funeral no]; place on Monday after- noon and was attended by a la 9 number of relatives and friends. r. and hits. Crook and family have the sympathy at eVarvone it: their be- reavament. The quarterly meetin services were held on Sunday last an the Quarterly Board met. on Wednesday afternoon. The officers and rteécfiefifléfi £17175 Methodist. Sabbath School are pre- paring for their annual entartuin- ment at Christmas. Hallowe‘en paused very quietly, only a gay harmlegs prxcks being playyi. The annual plowing match of King and Vaughan took place last Friday. but owing to the cold weather the number of spectators was not, nearly ue_l_argg_|_u gn sgme formgr qecasjqql. Mr. W. S. Ferguson. B A... of the Shaw Correspondence School. Toron- to. and lecturer at the Toronto Uni- versity, s m: the week-end a. the [19mg 0! r. and Mrs. P. “has. Maple. The Guild will meet. on Friday evening at. 8.00. The topic of the evening is "Perils of the Home." Leader Mr. Oowie. essayist, Mrs. G. B. SimsL r The Rev. H. A. McPherson 0! Tu- mnm will give a lecture on "The Alt of Fishing. on Tuesday. Nov. 26th. under the ans ices of the Willing \Vorkers‘ Mic-1m Band. Mark the date. The W. F. M. 8. held a. social meet. ing at the manse on last Tuesday evening. in honor of Mrs. Grant. who has been president of the auxiliary, since its ince tinn eighteen years ago. and is now u out. to take up her resi- dence in Toronto. The evening was spent in an informal way. and an address and beautiful tea. tray were given as expressive of the apprecia- tion and good wishes of the members of_che soclgty. Interesting services with «ppm. priate music are on the program for next. Sunda , when we hope tn see the good atben ance of the congxegation well maintained. KING TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. PBESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Maple. f++++++ifi°$$+++w$+~Â¥+Q°++4°+9 Em Sandersnn's ink-5+4"? White Plne and Tar Cough Syrup .5; Little Liver Pellets a-.. **+$*+M*$$+*4~*++++M++i°fl STIVER & RAMEB Believing it will be beneficial to 00th buyer and seller, have decided, Coal, Flour, . Corn, Bran, Wood, 800. AT THE END. STATION AND ELEVATOR We thank the public for the generouc patronage in the past. and will earn. estlv strive to serve you faithfully in the future. Best Bread Choice Cakes Fancy Biscuits Hill’s Choice Confectionery always in stock. D. HILL 6‘: 00., Sanderson’s Winter Balm William’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil the best. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. Sandersoni BEST \ORANGES' Good Lemons Staple Groceries AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. AND OTHER SEASONABLI FRUITS. for biliousness, headache, torpid Liver. for healing the skin and beautifying the complexion. [Single copies, 3 cts. RICHMOND HILL Lfor that cough. STIVER & RAMER. GOOD STOCK 0F DEALERS 1N ...A'r._. Bakery .19

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