Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Dec 1912, p. 7

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m YOU A! WELL AS A MAGOI Dr. William? Pink Pills Point the W3: to Health um Strength Ban 'whether you us in mg as yonwereayeuago,asbodflyfit I» you Ihould be. Many a. reader has to confess "No." Same weak- tning ailment has during the past 1' bid hold of the system, unfit, 3 you for the duties of life and seriously clouding the outlook of the days. It may .rhcu- 5.1 _A, ~I. ._ L__..._A- A) oning disorders arise from an im- fioverished condition of the blood. anew and enrich your blood and all your troubles will cease. This is a ptrong ptabement,_but it in mafia its sharp Ewing” of pain, indigestion, headache, nerv- ous debflity, _depro_uion 531d luck 9! is a young man well known in the town of St. Jerome, Que. He says: 1“For a couple of years I began to find my Itrength failing, but did ‘not dream that the trouble was serious. As I grew weaker I began to doctor, but it did not. help me. The least exertion made my heart palpitate violently, m stomach Deemed out of order an my whole system became so run down that I was finally forced to quit work. I had now been doc/coring for almost ‘eix months and was very naturally rowing discouraged. At this functure I read of a case similar to mine, cured through the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and decided to try them. I took the Pills faith- Jully for about two months, gradu- ally growing stronger and at the end of that time I was as, well as ‘Iny man could be. I shall always praise the medicine that raised me from dispair to the blessing of good health.” Special Soldiers or Attendants Watch Over Sleeping King. Every night the palace at which King George is sleeping is patroled by night-watchmen, who pass along the corridors throughout the night inspecting doors and windows. These watchmen wear carpet slipâ€" pers to deaden the sounds of their foothills, and are specially trained ,to know exactly what to do in case of fire. In addition to the night pa,- trol, there is always a. sentry on duty outside the chamber in which )thp King sleeps. King Alfonso of Spain is guarded Lat night by specially selected sol- diers, who take charge of the keys of all the palace doors each night. These men pledge themselves that the doors shall not be unlocked un. til daybreak, and no one is allowed onerr , or. 'tbe -pains and ailments 111' only common folk know. It is well to know that all these wepk- on the testimony of thonsanda who once suffered, but who have gained health and strength by the aid of the new, rich blood supplied by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. We can quote thousand: 01 cases eimilar to the following: Hr. Jog. Grandznaisgn Sold by medicine dealers everyâ€" where or sent by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brock- ville, Ont. M fiirl Cured of Disfiguring Pimples A Nova. Scott: gm. Miss Mme! Moran; 0! Dover West. writes: "When I was about twelve or thirteen years of age, my (we broke out with pimples. and I tried every- thing to get rid of them. but Xailed. The pimples were the worst on my forehead and chin. They came out. in groups and developed later into sores. Being on my face they caused great disfigurement. and were most ombufrwlng, By Cuticura Ointment. Broke Out on Face when Twelve or Thirteen. Were Most Embarrasaing. Had Tried Everything. "Alter trying I0 mmy remedies without success. ! saw the Cu‘icum Ointment adver- tised. and I sent for a. box. I then applied it to the pimpies. and in I week I saw 3 great change in my lacs. I kept using it. and in a kw months it rendered a. complete cure. Now you cannot tell 1 ever had pimples. thanks to the Outin Ointment." (Signed) Miss lube] Momh. Mn. 81. 1911. Ask youna‘l the WAY ROYALTY IS GUARDED. “My baby boy land & hue pimple come on his forehead. It burst and spread all over hi! {we whlch noon looked llke a piece of nw beef, all smothered with bad pimples. It was nwful to look at. We poor little thing used to scratch it Ind cry terribly. I took him to a doctor but he only got Worse until I w um frightened tint he would always be at gured. Then I got. ho tins of Cutlcun Ointmt, Mather with Cancun Soap. and In {mammals had quite cured him. Now of course I use amour. flow for .11 my children (Signed) Mm. E. Perry. on. wuorloo 341.. Aldonhot. Ens- hnd. Kay 21. 1930. Cumm- Boon md Ointment are told through“! on world. hm to thou who hvo Moral much, lost hope sud are with. out mm In my treatment. a liberal mph deuhwlthnaz-p.bookmonthoskh and leap will bungled free. on Application. Adan-I Potter may A: Chen. 0089.. 5. Mn)!!! Am. Bout-n1. U. 8. .A- Baby's PM Like Raw Bee! to enter or leave the place until the night in over. The guards deep outside the royal bodchamber, so thatnoommyqnterdutingthe night. King Albert 0! Belgium in un- other canttu gunrded monarch whom no one my disturb once night has let in. Soldiers patrol the corridors of the king’s filalace, and hi: special valet locks 'msolf in the king’s ante-chamber, which no other person is allowed to enter. The valet is forbidden to open either door until morning under penalty of death. The Czar of Russia, the closest guarded at any monarch, is protectr ed at night by several oompanies of soldiers, including Englishmen, members of the secret police, and a body of Cossacks. The various comâ€" panies work independently of one another. The Sultan of Turkey in nightly watched over by a. very large num- ber of soldiers and councillors, who remain within the neighborhood 0’ his bedroom until morning. The Sultan changes his sleeping apart- ment ofteuer than any other mon- arch. He has the choice of two more bedchambarn, and he visits many of these in turn throughout the year. 7 One of the best stories given in the newly published life of Mark Twain is the one illustrating his presence of rpind in an emergency. His Holiness the Pope is guarded by an attendant who is able to watch the welfare of his master through a spyhole in the wall of his bedchumber, so that the Pope is al- wayn under observation. Exact. “That lawyer oi mine has a nerve.” llwhy 802), “List-en to thi item in his bill: ‘For waking up in the night and thinking over your case, $53 ” “Boys,” said Mark, “I had great presence of mind once. It was at a fire. An .old man leaned out. of a four-storey building, calling for help. Everybody in the crowd be- low looked up, but nobody did any- thing. The ladders weren’t long enough. Nobody had my presence of mindâ€"nobody but me. I came to the rescue. I yelled for a rope. When it, came I throw the old man the end of it. He caught it, and I told him to tie it round his. waist. He did so, and I pulled him down." Fact and Fancy. An oyster’s life is twelve years. If a skyscraper fell down, the paper: would write it up. Money is the best thmg goingâ€"- but it in still‘ better coming. 7 Morocco is the only 'civilized colxntry without a newspapeg. Does- the ocean greyilofxnd drink on} of thejrough of the my! H Some folks alver put off till to- morrow the mean things they can do toâ€"day. "Yes, I saw seven of them chasâ€" ing one pedestrian the other day and I decided that; I was on the wrong end of the sport.” can For consumptionâ€"For oonsnmp. Hon. weak lungs. lingering uougha. laryn. with and bronchitis. Names and addresau of those only given a few days to live bv specialist and doctors, after taking thh cure, are alive and well. will be sent on request. Write Wm. B. Copeland. 511 Papa Ave" Toronto, Ont. While~ proud of a. good field of corn, the farmer hates to have it crowed over. “I understand you have just bought an automobile 7” A statesman is a fioh‘tician whb an say-nothing at. the right time. The blue-eyed are immune to m-elancholia, hypoehondria. and other oomplginta of the mind. IF YOUR BABY IS SIGK GIVE BABY’S OWN TABLETS The little ills of babyhood and childhood should be treated promptly, or they may prove seri- ous. An occasional dose of Baby’s Own Tablets will regulate the sto- mach and bowel: and hep your little one: well. 0:- they will promptly restore health if sickness comes unexpectedly. Mrs. Lenora M. Thompson, Oil Springs, Ont, saystâ€"“I have used Baby’s Own Tablets for my little girls as occa- sion required, and have found them always of the greatest help. No mother, in my opinion should be without the Tablets.’ Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a. box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Many British army ofiicers secret- ly wear bulletâ€"proof shirts of chain mail under their tunics. ulnard'a Llnlmnt Gum cars“ In coin. Great Presence of Mind. The Chase. Are You Droopy, Tired, Worn Out? Here is Good Advil» to All Who Feel as If Their “my and Life Had All 00204! Away. Your experience is probably somewhat similar to that described by Mr. J. T. Fleming in the follow- ing letter from his home in Leban- on: "I think I must. have the most sluggish sort of a liver. In the morning my mouth was bitter, end that foul, soft feeling that tells you, ‘No breakfast needed here this morning.’ A cup of coffee would sort of brace me up, but in two hours I was disposed to quit work, all energy having oozed out of me. gripper veaanly only good meal, bnt mmoahoumwomdw ammmum I guess I didn't digest very well, for I dreamt to beat the band. A friend of mine put me wise to Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. I think they must have taken hold of my liver, perhaps my stomach, too, because at the very start they made things go right. Look at me nowâ€"not sleepy in the daytime, but hustling for the mighty dollar and getting fun out of life every minute. That’s what; Dr. Hamilton’s Pills have done for meâ€"they have re- built and rejuvenated my entire system." Mrs. Jonesâ€"“My sister is wor- ried to death over her son Reginald. She wants him to enter the minis- try, his father wants him to go into business, while Reginald himself has got his mind set on being an actor and says nothing shall keep him from it.” Mrs. Brownâ€"“How old is he 1” Mrs. Jonesâ€"“He’s get- timz on for seven." To keep free from headaches, to feel young and bright, to enjoy your meals, to sleep sound and look your best, nothing can help like Dr. Hamilton’s Pins, 250. per box, five for $1.00 at all druggists and storekeepers or postpaid from The Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N.Y., Sheâ€"“You’re always late. You were late at the church the day we were married.” Heâ€"“I wasn’t late enough!” Bacteria in Stack Makes Centre Sterile. The familiar phenomenon of the heating of hay in the stack has usually been ascribed to purely chemical reactions. Recent re- searches carried out by Michel, however, show that. the process is a physiological one, and due to bec- terie and other lowly organisms. It was found that sterilized hay would not heat, but that if sprinkled 'with water contaminated with earth or ordinary hey it did so. A species of bacillus and a. fungus were found to be chiefly responsible for temper- atures up to 50 degrees centigrsde. For higher temperatures another species of bacillus was found to be responsible. The work of the hu- teria in the heating of hay. illus- trates the curious feet that these orgrmisms usually end by killing themselves. In the centre of a large heated stack the hay is found to be sterile. And this is attributed to the killing of the bacteria. by the heat which they themselves evolved. In other cases they are poisoned by the toxins which they themselves produce. and Kingston, Canbda. Minarg's Linkpeut 09., 1119314204.. Gentlemen.â€"Last winter I received great benefit from the use of MINARD'S LINI- MENT in a severe attack of La Grippo. and I have frequently proved St to be very effective in cape» of Inflammation. You", W. A. HUTCEINBON. ulnard's Llnlmcm Guru Dlatcmpor. ED. 7. WHY HAY HEATS. ISSUE 49â€"‘12- Protester Knight, of Queen’s Uniâ€" versity, Kingston, while addressing his ‘bxology class recently on the relation of sleep and food, and how the abnormal use of viands often serves nature in place of lost slum- bers, took Sir William Van Home as an illustration of what the huâ€" man body can stand when deprived week after week of a .fair share of rest. The professor stated that in the days when the pressure on the exeâ€" cutive officers of the Canadian Pacific demanded an almost conâ€" stant service and unwearying vigil- ance and initiative, Sir William Beating the Law. “You are charged with going for- ty miles an hour,” said the rural Justice, “and you are fined $403: WHY NOT SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA] Attractive rates will be quoted by vari- able routes. ufl’ording finest scenery The L06 Angelou Limited. leaving Chicago daily 10:16 pm. for Southern California, the San Francisco Overland Limited, leav- ing Chicano 8:50 n.m.. less than three tiny: on route. provide the bent. of everythmg in railway travel. The China 5nd Japan Mall leave»; Chicago daily 10:45 pm. for San Francxaco and Ims Angclee. Illus~ trailed literature on annlicatlon to B. H. Bennerzt. General Aprnt. Chica o and 370?}: Western By” 46 Yonge BL, omnto, n . “Well; yau’ve got a. nerve going forty miles an hour on a. reserve of $2. Hand me the money.” Why Bread Gets Stale. The staleness of bread is not due to the bread’sr becoming actually drier by the gradual loss of water, for stale bread contains almost exâ€" actly the same proportion of water as new bread after it has become completely cold. The change is merely in the internal arrangement of the molecules of the bread. A proof of this is that if a. stale loaf is placed in a covered tin and exposed for half an hour ‘or an hour to a heat not exceedimr that of boiling water and then allowed to cool. it will be restored in appearance and properties to the state of the new bread. allowed himself only three hours’ sleep in each day, sometimes for a. week at a. time. That he could keep up his strength and handle gi- gantic problems under such treatâ€" ment was due, declared Prof. Knight, to the feet that he tem~ pomrily increased his meals to three times their usual quantity, thereby giving nature a substitute for the loss of vitality occasioned by his grind of twenty-one hours a day. auisuce, aluu you are uuw u'rxu. “Judge,” said the motel-lat, “I have ogly goti $2.” but trouble.” “Still. it is the only kind of trouble which it is hard to borrow.’ ’ ZamZBuk will also be found a. sure cure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite, ulcers eczema,2 blood- THE MAGISTRATE’S STORY. What He Owes to Zam-Bnk. Mr. C. E. Sanford, of Weston, Kings 00., N.S., a Justice of the Peace for the county, and a dea- con of the Baptist Church in Bar- wick, says: “I have used Zam-Buk for pile: and found it a apiendid remedy. It cured me.” >Mr. Thomas Pearson, of Prince Albert, Seek, writes: “I must thank you for the benefit I have received from the use of Zam-Buk. Last summer I had a. fever, which left me with piles. I started to use Zam‘Buk and found it gave me me lief, so I continued with it. After using three or four 'boxes it effected a complete cure.” poison, varicose sores, scalp sores, ringworm, inflamed patches, babies’ eruptions and chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises, and skin injuries generally. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or Zamâ€"Buk 00., Toronto, .for price. Refuse substi- tutes. ’ Imrd’o LII-.230" Gun. .0!“ fl. ulnlrd’s Llnlmnm Guru UthlMTII. “Money, after all. means nothing VAN HORNE’S MEALS. 81x Wm. Van Horne. Our aim in life should always be to do our best. Our life will be . failure if we are satisfied with the aim simply to make our life bot/ooh her father. “Absurd, indeedâ€"non- sense] Let me tell you that I con- sider Mr. Jenkins a hard-working, steady, respectable, young fellow-â€" just the very sort of husband for you. You’ll die an old maid, Ma- tilda, if you’ to so oonfoundodly par- ticular. Just you tell Mr. Jenkins to see me, and I’ll make it all right!" Cheim find on eras-y terms. VEVENTY-SIX ACRES WITH GOOD buildings and a 916 canard; than. five miles from Hami ton. nnmsu Auazggnyjnvsma co. H. w. DAWSON. Nlmty Gotham. 5m». Toronto. 4 ARMS WANTEDâ€"LOW PM F03 old count? buyers. J. Brannon. 16 Toronto BL, oronto. H Ii w. DAWSON. Tornnlo. :74 market. sol! clay loam I were: on- chard. good frame house, frame hm. Would exchange for city. town or vfllm mommy or for smaller ram. '13. Walter: Baal Edam. London. Ont. ANGER. TUMORS, LUMPB. E'l‘0., internal and external. cured wl_th- out pain by our home reatment. Wnu up before 100 late. Dr. ellman 1“th 00., Limited. Golllngwood. Ont. Just what you need after I hard day’s workâ€"A Refresh- ing cup of LIPTON’S TEA Men’s Suits ‘Goes farthest for the money ‘ TAMP COLLECTORS~HUNDRED DI]L b ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue, Album, only Seven Cantu. Marks Stem, Company. Toronto. - \V 7 Cross Fons. Marten. Fibber Hana Mink alive. Illkl VOIIMHOI‘, lama.- fad, bnmrlo. - G ALL STONES. KIDNEY AND BLAD- > der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. anbago and kindred ailmema poanhaly cured with the new German Remedy. “Sanol,” price 81.50. Another now named; for Diabetesâ€"Mellitue, and sure cure, “Sanol’s Anti-Diabetes.” Price $2.00 from druggista or direct. The Banal Hangma- turing Company of Canada. Limlwd. Winnmez. Man. 0f Vital Interast to Syrup and ,.. Maple ‘ Sugar Makers made Blanks“. 82.75 p F paiirVD'e'li- vorod Free. Club with order. THINGS WORTH HHOWIHG ABOUT CHRISTMAS BUYING The General Imports 00. of Ganada l4 Cartler Bld¢., Montroal Tho Le Rog Import 00.. 13 Bloor St. . - - Toronto. Wide-awake Maple Syrup maker!» will cunsult their best interests by ordering their supplies now instead of delaying until Feb. and March ~onr busiest time. Write for free booklet telling about our Champion Evaporator, made in 22 sizes, suitable for large or small groves. THE CRIMM MFG. 00.. UNITED sa Wemngtop St, MONTREALQUE. -'-- v ni£n Best Work In Canada. Gold Medalist BLANKETS WW. BMW. 00 v e r n me n t. Per PM -Dalivar:d -531; UNDBED ACRES~COUNTY BALTON 00m! House: Buildfngm Orchard ANTEDiBLACK, SILVER AN Write to-dn for Catalogue. lt'syl'Rlln. ACRESâ€"5 MILES _rnou_ 1.0mm; 'fiabwn‘s NURSEms‘. IEUAND commr. our. p o. nox. 233, woman: BTAMPI AND COINS. FARMS FOR SALE. FARMS WANTED. fiéifiéfid 51:?" 46-3. IlSOELLANEOUS. Fli "OH-OLE"!!!

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