Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Dec 1912, p. 8

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THURSDAY, Dec. 5â€"The Presbyterian Church and lot at Tempel-auceville. Terms cash. Sale at, 2.30. FRiDAY, Dec. 6â€"Colts and cattle at. VVoodbl-idge the propel-Lyof J. H. Brilllinger; Terms 10 months. Sale at . SATURDAY. Dec. 7.-â€"â€"-Fumiture at Woodbridge. the property of Mrs. Stone. Terms cash. Sale at l. p.m_ MONDAY, Dec. Qâ€"Eight acres standing timber. lot 19. cm). 5. King, the pro- geny of J. H. Arming. Sale at; 1. en months cxedit. lit waist Hillf The propelfty Qf B; ‘Hagerman Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms . 10 months. WEDNESDAY. Dec. 11â€"150 acre farm, lot 28 and 28, con. 6, Markham (Cash- el) the roperty of Mrs. Dixon; Sale at 2 0’0 ock. THURSDAY, Dec. 12â€"Standing timber, lot 14. con. 4, East; York, the proper- ty of Mr. O’Sullivan. Sale at, 1. _ 11 mos. credit. SATURDAY.‘ Dec. 14â€"100 acre farm, farm stock, implements, etc., lot/1, con. 6, Whibchurch, the property of SamuelDoner. Sale at 12. Terms 11 mos. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 18â€"130 acre farm. farm stuck, implements. lot; 31, con. 6. Markham. the prnpert 0f Mr; érthurrSpotford. Sale at 2 o’clock. TUESDAY, Dvc. 10â€"Farm stock and implements, lot 1. con, 5, King, the roperty of Herbert; S. Smelser. ale at, 12.30. Terms 10 months. THURSDAY, Dec. lZâ€"Standing timber at lot 7. Gun. 4, Whitcburch, pro- perty of F. Thompson. Sale at 2. Terms 3 months. THURSDAY, Dec. 12â€"Farm stock and implements. lot 33, con. 4, King. the property of Wm. Curtis. FRlDAY, Dec. IBâ€"Slnre bogs at Arrp- stmn ’8 Hotel. King. property of J. E. orden. Terms 4mos. Sale at 1 o'clock. TUESDAY. Dec. l7.â€"â€"Fa.rm Stock, "im- lements, etc. at Lot, 14, Con.- 5, ing, the property ome-k Gillham. Terms. 10 months. Sale at 1 p.m.}..m, WEDNESDAY, Dec. 18â€"H0rse, vehicléa and farming implements, at Lot's; Gen. 7, Pine Grove. Terms 10 months. Sale at 1 p.m. m THURSDAY, Dec. 19â€"-Standing timber Vat. lot 23. Gun. 3, Vaughan, pro erby‘. of G. H. Rumble. Sale at l. ‘ erms 10 months. ' , » C A S S E L L S" Canadian P u b 4 lishing Company RIDGEVILLE Oassel’s Magazine, per annum . $ The Story Teller The Quiver Musical Home J oumul The Girls’ Realm . Little Folks Chums 0 v u . n n u o o n u n o o gggggég HrrrHHH . It is not necessary ( ) send to foreign cou.1trie:. tor maga- zines. Read the following:â€" THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON C0. The monthly magazines of \the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subs/.ription at low rates. Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to SATURDAY, Dec. 7th.-â€"-Huusehold Furniture, at lot 1. son. 3. V‘V‘hit- church, New Gormley. the pro ercy of Mrs. John McKenzie. Sae at; one o’clock. Terms, cash. TvEspAY. 13339 10:8tanding timpej, NURSERY STOCK We want two more agents in J. H. PRENTICE’S LIST OF Auction Sales Terms lO‘mos. Plant Bowman's Saigeon & McEwen’s List of. Auction Sales ASSELLS & COMPANY 42 Adelalde'St. W Toronto IT WILL GROW’. GUARANTEED this County. GKTARIO 22~2t Gnnd house on Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. Apply to 22-tf AMOS WRIGHT Patrons of the Metmpolitan Divi~ sion of the Radial Lines will please note that the late car scheduled to leave Newmarket for Toronto nn Wednesday and Saturday at 11.00 RM. will, until further notice. leave Newmarkeb Station at. 11.30 P. M. Accordineg this car will leave inter- mediate points 30 minutes later than time shown in the time table. Admk sable collie dog, with nar- row stripe in face. four white legs and white breast and collar. strayed or was taken from the premises. lot 46, con. 1. Markham, on or about the 25th day of October. Any persnn detain- ing the dog will be prosecuted. Re~ ward. V JONATHAN BRILLINGER. Frame house in good repair. one dom' north of the Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill. Possession given 18!. of December. Apply to 21- if J AM ES McLEAN. l9-tf If you are going to buy a range or heater. this (all we win be pleased to show you our line‘s. __ We make a Specialty of . ’ If we have not in stock what you want we will get it for you. ' H. A. N IGHOLLS Solid Brick. 7 romns..atable, 1} acre of land on Richmond Street. Frame House on Uentre Street. East, House, large barn, all nearly new with six acres of very best land on Mill Street. ' The above in Richmond Hill. Store and Dwelling in Gan-ville. Must desirable residence, stable. lasze lot Vin Thutnhill. Séveral farms in Markham and Vaughan. ' Change in Trolley ‘ Service THE R-IBHMUND HILL HARDWARE 'Gfl. 214/be @‘ k “W‘é‘hgfialrévnothing but: the heat-at n ‘ reasonableprice. GEO. j MCDONALD, Richmond Hill THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE- Richmond Hill HAS FOR SALE ” CHEMICAL CLOSETS Algood time now to install one. Ask us abOut tpém. P362313: '18 Oak Heaters from $8 upwards Self Feeders, Coal Oil Heaters, Etc. Real Estate Agent Dog Lost AGENTS FOR PARKY'I‘E é’c TWEED Pandora Ranges, Imperial Oxford Ranges Happy Thought Bangers To Rent To Rent F. S. LIVINGSTON. Tm fiic Manager as well as other cheaper lines Richmond Hill Because we offer ’Ieading bargains and back thenlup withqunlity.‘ WE LEAD IN. HARNESS AND HORSE Goons.- Iru‘- u. wvv . Those not, so well posted deal here for the same reasppâ€"[hey feel safe. _ “V'FeI-Efliisfifl‘il Hp in hulrsv guvods buy of us because the-[know they’ll get. the best. Lax-ets 5 awg' ion énly mm td'ho dun FIRST. a Right'uway nowâ€"tun do“: cudoranhoetotmmdgflh out the tun names Mn memand surnames) and in“ ad- dresses of TEN boy {Hindu or chum whom you know would mu (o earn some pot:th mam. (Buy. botween 8 ad 15 you: at mâ€" n_o two in an. was. many.) 8 EOON D. Sign your Mn“ and address a tan bottom of the or M to am V. will know " not A» Mail the list complete mm m cents in cola «fitting: to us right away, addressing yb‘ur letter to Sales Division. me Witness: ‘W'Atness’ Block. Montreal. Just as mnumwwm of names. we Ml! send one of these beautiful Souvenir Pine to you and you Wm uke It unmet»:- 13!. Should your chumxhave Md- yo parlance In magazine or newspaper golfingâ€"‘40 much the THEIR names.‘ Your list or name“: mom I» mgiled with“: seven. (‘0 Wm you read this aplendjd Oder. We don’t tell You Why We want the namesâ€"~begguse penning you don’t care: If you do. or If you yourselt want. ‘to ea good pay (or WorkJox: [llâ€"Why all us 111 a letter and we «will 91‘"?!th our whole money-making plug) so you â€"-a,nd besides you win learn 'Salesmans-hip.’ MAPLE LEAF PINS , BA'I‘TXxZJrAmEBw’ 'Witnoss’ Block. Montmaé. ANY ourvpoys and [his lava: My"; TH E ‘WITN 588.‘ THIRD. Edward MacKay Gl'vightnn of the City of Turuntn in the Gulan of York and Province of Ontario, Umnpusitnr, will apply tn the Parliament, of Can- mln at {be next Session lherenf fur a bill uf divm'ce frum his wife Sarah E. Creightnn ut the said City 01’ Tm-uutu in the said Gmmty of York on the grg‘und nf aqutery {1nd dfisertion. A .....__ . r v DATEb uni Tman 1n the Gummy of York and vaince 01 Ontario this Twzntiuth dav uf September 11.1), 191'. CURRY, O'CONNOR. WALLACE & MucDONALD. H. FORSTER Notice of 'Awiica- flan for Name 19M; The. undersignefl is;ft no?»x prepared to deal! kinds'- of teaming for the public of and vicinity. TEAMING Blood Meat and _ Bone Mixture Repairi ii 13-31“. MUN)! & 00..of (he Bmxmno AMERICANth- unue tour: as Solicitors for Patents. Cu oats .Mdn turn. Co yrlxhu. for the United State». dannd England. muse. (nemany. etc. Hand Book ubou Pitenu‘ mm, (roe: __'I‘h|rty-_ ygap: oxperlqua_ PATEN‘E‘S Patents mm. (roe. Thlrt -saven years' experience ‘ Patent: obtained throyv MUNN CO. unnoticed lathe Scrum-true Annumm, the urgent boat. and mm which circulated scientific pm I. 23.20.: year Weekly. Hglendld ongravlncs an, (animating m. uon. pocimen oopy of the Scientific Amen-o» :1 none true. Adm-ass MUNN a: .20.. Sumac MN 09100. 261 Broadway. New You. ham from $5 [0 $15 per day. Some have - ’5 9:: a day Eixbm sex. vmmg ox 0M. (innit-.1 '. Yuu Me nun-d fr" Thom whquuu u one. it"! me ounce. but than who "no I Sunron & Co. .Pornnnd, Mlinemfll retain free. full informuion tbom work which lhev um do. and live at bmnenbiuwfll pay as. . mu . ‘ In Mun-u mo 01 um. um. [um All a m. L E. HAND, . . I; OFFICE p . réqu'xe a large dgposit to begin :38 TORONTO I RICHMOND HILL BRANCH OPPOSITE DR. LANGSTAFF’S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thle ENNYROYAL WAFERS. NOWIIS THE TIME to feed for winter eggs. Txy our Beets and Shoes Repaired and Watch the egg basket fill. V F. R. OLIVER, AGENT f. . Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL OF @ANADA mi), ' _. fl Man-gar. Brandt-u the at Maple. Markham. Stdti‘ffvllle, Unionvifle and Locult Hill. MucUUNALU. . Shiicitms for the Apphcamb Ammo monthly medium. to! 113411“ to mwre and remth the manner roauclng tree, healthy and punk" hound-gm“ N when or pains on LP y India ncemd villa-anal! 301136. the“ organs. Buy of your dnzgia' only those with our unsure Aaron flagellum. Avoid nub: Imus, Jaded mmmwmgflm 00le X. Dawn. In: LOU STONG. ' EEPINC. a bank account for f'house’hold expenses" and paying in bills by cheque has many advantages. It show: the balance on hand.tbe amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin ALL BRANLHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO. I A reliable French regulator: never fails. The” pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap Imitations. Dr. (10 Van's are sold 1t 15 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. “to 800MB Drug 00.. 8t. Catharine» On‘. Dr. de Van’s Female Pills 513:, 2 38M Willowdale Every farmer should know that thc fine offered by the dealers fox cutie, ogs, etc” is a fair one. How can he know this if ho doo- not take a tum business paper? What doqtor or hw- yer or busineu man would be withbut his business pcper! There in but on. farmers‘ binsineu and market paper, that- is The Weekly Sun: °3mt 1910 right by wbscribing. ' ' n ’ . F.” J. wsgfiwa THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dio- _. tionary in many years. . Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field or knowl. edge. An Encyclopedia in e single book. ' The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustration. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. Write {or sample PATIEONAGE Snucx'mn AND SATISFAC’rioN GUARANTEED .THERE IS BUT ONEg SHOEING- LAME AND INTERFEEING ' HORSES A SPECIALTY WEBSTER’S '1. INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY F. J. W OUDWARD. i), GENERAL BLACKSMITH, 'EiaigTEnNs W TAKAWGRTHS all‘ages forsale New Gormley Stock Farm J . MCKENZIE

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