hie-mam Auctioneers for the Gbun£yof York. (“.45 amended to on shortestnotice'nnd urea.- Im um rates Patronage solicited Pmpzyres pupils fur the gmde ex. dmiuatlons held at; Tmonto Gunsm'vn- tury of Music and University of 1‘0- runtn. ’ ' ' Special course in “Myer's†Kindpr- game-n Method, particularly helpful to luuzhnwrs. . Glass recitals are given throughout flu? year 42-137 Fn’l Term Opens Tnesday.Sept. 3, 1912 I‘M-Newton School of Music Richmond Hill, Ont. Thmmvtlcal, Technical aixd Artistic Elmueuts Developed__Systemnticully According to Modern Methods. Licensed Aucuoneer for the Counties 01' York. (haurio and North Toronï¬o. Special attention given to 31183 of every description. Farm and hmn stock sales a. specialty. Farms bought hm sold on commission. AM 53.13:) amended to on shortest notice and conducted by the 1am: munâ€"daze methods. I address: 239 Balliol Sh. Nb; ch Toronto. Phone: North 6312. Gulls by phone or otherwise proniptly ‘ ‘ ‘respunded to. is PU‘ï¬msHEDEVEBY 3 310.3311 4:†MORNING : 3 ' THEM :‘ umnwamwm a PUEUS-HINE'MQBE .‘.._ RICHMOND ammon. V JOHN B. CAMPBELL. 'Maple, ()nt. PhoneNo.28. 1‘ M c M 0 N. nous]; PAINTER, CIaz‘ier, Grainer and Paper-1 Hanger. ' 1' 83139011. Maple R ESIDENCE; RICHMOND HIL Y. HEW-ISON MISS. MILLI‘E TRENCH DR. W. R.‘ .PENTLAND VOL. XXXV. $1 per annum; in advance;] ‘6 RICHMOND HlLL RESIDENCE ï¬rst. h‘uus'e nurth‘pf Atkinson & Sivitzer’s store. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’,l_‘h0rnll‘ill . 189°“. _ J K McEwen Maple I wouon Salgeon a: McEwen. bUSINESS. CARDS. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano me _. gnaw . PINKERTON; v.5. limbo." a Pion‘aukou . ; H. Prentice Phe'ne No.- 2402. wzteriuum gmazcax, J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC CCMMISSIONER. CONVEY ANTR.‘ ET! A large gtoc' undertaken at Blubalmcrs. RICHMON D HiLL & THORNHIL]. Richmonc‘. Hill BARRIS'I‘ER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY. ETC. Toronto Otflc e. Rnnm 328 Confedera- tion Life Bldg.. Nu. 12 Richmond St. E. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Libel-a!" Oflice), every Thursday forenoan. Maple. Thursday afternoon. Wnudhridae, Satin-day fm'enoon. Monev to loan at Five Per Cent (57,) Mouov to loan on land announce} mortgages“ avast rates Aumrnnï¬ceâ€"Removed wsho old pout ofhoa one door we“ otthe entrance to the Ontario Bank Nuwmarket oflioeâ€"Thuaduou south of the puss omce - ‘ ' T. HEBREBTLENNOX G S'x‘V M0334): A n LEE {PI AND “TU'N I N Tel. M. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.'. TORONTO, Canada Teh‘phnnv; Main Cable Addl'vss. "Urdu," (or Yong: and Alexander Sts. is well known as nnenf Canada’s best Business schools. Our grad- uates age in STRONG DEMAND be- cause business ï¬rms KNOW they render SUPERIOR service. Satis- faction follows sun‘erior training but never lelows inferior trainin . Get. the best. You want it. e give it. Wxite for new catalogue. w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Buristouï¬olicitou. Notariea, to. [191110 Life Building Con] Adelaide & Vicmna 81's.. Purontm [awryan . J. Dunbar ‘ A. 6.1“. l" 01'5an Rangiml and Exisnrt‘Wox-jr Guardinqu REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL Commissioner, Gunveyancer. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Danton, Grover & Field. .. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"JETJITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \YEST Lawrence & Dunbar, Barristers n and solicitors. NOTARY PUBLIC WINTER TERM TORONTO. ONT. NNOX »& MORGAN . A. NICHOLLS gain 17;" '9gplesvbn ' ‘ .THORNHILL ' RICHMOND HIL'L.‘QNT.,‘IV THU-RSDAY,; DECEMBER-19. WRIGHT BROS. Barristers, Sunliclurs. 8m. WILLIAM COOK stock of Funeral FuEniShin kep at bothplaces vommc. AND. . .' . . ACTIQN REGULATING From January 2nd. ELLIOTT Aaron. Email. “In Essentials, Unify; iii Plume Hutu 9.984 ‘PROQTOR-â€"At V’Vellesley Hospital. Tn- ronto, on Wednesday, December. 1], 1912, Minnie, Wife of 8. Al. Proctor. aged 39 years. ’ Funeral from the Wilson House to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Friday, December 13. I The Sabbath School of this place will on Christmas Eve. Tuesday, De. cember 24. present that splendid cun- ‘tqtn “Santa‘s Remedy". The cast of characters as seen on the calm ed post- PIS will no doubt ensure a full house. Other features on the programme are choruses. drills and a March of the Nations. The chair will he taken at. 8 o‘clock by Dr. G. S. Smith. Ad- 1iniasirm. adults 20 cents; all children we. HILLâ€"Coxâ€"On Dec. 11th. by the Rev. J. H. Ha‘zvlwood of 13100! street Methodist Church. Pearl Mildred 00:: of Amber. to John Henry Hill of Lansing. TBOMPï¬QNâ€"At Richmond Hill. on' inday. December 13. 1912. to Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson. a , daughter. Reid the bill describing the enter- tainment to be given by the Maple Me- thodist. Sabbath School un Christmas night. Special services on Sunday, Dec. 22. Sermons by Rev. J. W. Mow-gun. Afteralingexing illness Mr. Robert. Phillips of the sixth concession passed away-last. Thursday. The interment. took place at King on Saturday uftex nunn. ‘ - Thé funeral vGem‘ge Hunt- er of Vellm-e, took place here last. sugqrday gfternpon. w- -_.., n-“ul‘lulv uuuv wcnu IVE“- McNaughtou’s new resxdeuce is almost. completed. and he and his fagilyï¬re mpvipg in this week. The. Masonic Hall was crowded on Thursday evening of last, week when a concert was given under the aqspices of the lodge o 1.0.F. All the artists who Were advertised bu take part were present and delighted the audience with all the numbers that were given. Mr. I Manhunkonha.‘ _...._ _ __,_‘ A, An Entertainment and Christmas Tree will be held ‘in St. Andrew’s Church. ‘on the evening of Friday. the mth’of December. A good programme of drills, dialn lies, duets. and songs will be given y the children of the Sabbath School. Teu‘will be served from 5 to 8 o‘clock. Admission 25 and lï¬cents. > The Ontarin Agricultural College. Guelph, is offering a free course of lecturvs nu beekeeping lasting two weeks during January. Put-sons inter- ested in taking this course should writeto the Presidentpf that Institu- tion. Asking for a copy of the program. A good Colony of bees will require thirty ,or more pounds of this syrup unless they are well supplied with honey. At this late dz‘lte the only feeder to use for outdoor wintered bees is the half gallon fruit, jam. Fill the jar. d1 aw over the top a piece of cheese- cloth. then Screw down the ring hold- ing the cheese cloth tight. The iar of syrup is now placed upside down on the frumealof the brand chamber so arranged that the bees can come up between the frmuesnnd suck the syrup through the cheesecloth. Air piessure will prmreut the. syrup running out any faster than it is taken by the bees. Fire or six of these jais can be placed on one hive at once and warm packing placed around them to pre- vent the escape of bees from the colony. In a. few davs the bees will have taken the syru all down and stored it in the combs w ien the jars can be taken off and the packing fixed down on the hives for winter. , ‘. ' Place twenty pouna's of water in a. boiler on the stove and bring to a hnil. then; stir in ï¬fty ponnds nf‘hest gmnu- luted sugar, stirring thumughly until fully dissolved; bring the syrup near to a boil again and stir in three tea- spounfulsrf tartaric acid previously dlsénl‘ved‘ in half a cup bf water. This makes agnod thick syrup.-wbich will pmke the very best of winter‘store for Buckwheat. honey ‘seemé to be a. very scarce in ticie this fall. 3 Dealers in. this grudnct whu usually buy and sell from ‘ fly thousand tu'bn‘e' hundred thousand pmmds evei-v 'year «be (hip iï¬gf'gi-eater dimcultv‘ than usual in: getting their winter‘u'snpply. As bees in u ‘gleat many parts at Ontario depend on full hum-y for their winter’s stores. this would indicate that they also will he running short. befnm spring unless the beg-keepers are careful to see that they are supplied with artiï¬cial stores. The Provincial ApiMister. Morley Peat. given the following directions for mak- Ing‘feed for wintering bees: new LET THE BEES suave. Victoria Square. MARRIAGES DEATHS BIRTHS Maple. €Es‘sentidls, Liberty; Iql'l KYLEâ€"HADWEN The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hadwen. Teston, was the scene of a uiet but pretty wedding or. Wednes- ay afternoon. December-11th. when their youngest daughter Alberta Edna .was united in marriage to John Albert Kyle. third son of Mr. Wm. Kyle. also nf Teflon. Rev. F. C. Keam perform- ed the ceremony. The bride who was given away by her father was beauti- fully gowned in white grenadixe with earl and satin trimmings. Miss Mary Evie. who was hecnmingly dressed in ‘white lace over silk, acted as brides~ maid, while Mr. Lewis Hadwen sup- ported the groom. The groom’s gifts to the bride and bridesmaid were gold brooches set with pearls and to the best man a pair of gold cuff links. Mr. and Mrs. Kvleleft on the evening train for Toronto and points ii) Michigan, the bride wearing a navy blue whip cord suit. with blue and white but and sable furfl. An Oyster supper and Enter-taxin- ment will be held‘ in the Methodist. Church on New Year's night. Ex- cellent“ talent has been secured. of which further notice will be given next-week. Anniversarv flex-vices will be held an Sunday. Dec. 29. Sex-mom will he yreached at 10.30 and 7 o'clock by Mr. . 0. Bell of the Y. M. C. A" Ton-on to. ,The usual monthly meeting of the Literary Circle on Monday evening, pioved to be quite successful. The music by Miss Marguerite Boyle, Miss Idu Kirby, Mr.,and Mu. LA. Thompson and Mr. Reggie David of Toronto was quite inspiring and worth‘ the journey; but in ndditinn the fund of’ numerous anecdotes have not. been equalled at; any previous meeting, causing grunt. amusement. The readings of Dieter; Neil McDonald and Bert. Toddie should be mentioned. The address of the evening lathe Rev. El 0. Currie up- on “Thu bylonian Captivity of the J ewe†wan muse instructive. The pre- sentation uf the prizes for "deï¬nitions" Was made by Rev, J. H. Oke in very felicitous remarks. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. F. Simpson on January 2011'], 1913. A special feature of the evening will be “flat Speeches." r The local agent will be glad to gix'e' any further particulars. In. u)» 55'\ II VII (Ill lll’llllao In addition to the‘i-egular service; the regular service, the Canadian Nul‘tllkru Ontario am putting on a special train to take care of the extra travel the day befme Christmas and the day befme New Years: This train will leave Toronto at. 2 p.111., and will _stnp at all intermediate stations to Napanee' giving direct connection at Pictvn. Your journey home will be abreasure if ynu travel by the Canadian orthern, Ontario taking advantage of the low special rates in efl‘ect. The lsplendid equipment uf their trains. and the cnurtvsy and attention of their em- plg‘yees {we renmrked bygll. . v ’ "T ‘J "" To pre'vent, any cmwdin . a large numlu-ruf extra coaches. a an parlor cars will be operated on 'the trains at; holiday time. and dining‘car service w1_ll he gjyen on all trains. TRAVEL SUGGESTIONS. Christmgs and _New Year's Holidays. -.....‘. .v. u..- nurtu- A By-law to authorize a contract for a supply 0f Electric energy was given a ï¬rst and second reading and was read in Committee. The By-law will he voted (m by the Electors at the. forthcoming MAunici al elections. and the third reading dc erred untilnfter that date. ‘ r ’ A resolution empowering the Reeve and Treasurer to raise certain sums by 1mm on the Electric Light debentures wig mmjed and carried. ~ ' The Clerk Was instructed to procure necessary banks and stationer with reference to Electric Light. book keep~ ing. also a committee was instructed to procure twenty: ve electxic current mete-rs, and Council adjourned. ‘ The followin accounts wererpresen éd which urna ï¬easurer was instructed to aV:-â€" “ ’ W21. Trench & Sun. sundries. ...$l4.00 R. H. Hardwnm Co ....,..... 10.91 Shiver & Runner, cement and tile 25:90 H. Sanderson, paint. and lubor.'. 16.26 J08. Hull. oil. etc. . . . .. . ..". . v . . . 7.62 Thé Treasurer presented his annual report and on motion the Clerk was in. structed- tn inve 100 copies printed for distribution. By-lnw 2-13 for amending Byâ€"iaw 237 was given its several readings and passed. The By-lnw was for the pur- puse hf raising the rate of interest from Him 5 per cent per annum on the Electric Light. debentures. and will he submitted to the Municipal and Railway Board for approval. A HILL-m 5n ....LL._.. . - Pursuant to statute the Council met on Dec. 16th, 1912, in the Olegjk’s ofï¬ce, All themembera present.__ " Minute'sï¬f las'ng mgeï¬ingyead and conï¬rmed; VILLAGE *- comm: Thornhill. 19I2 D. HILL & CO. (All, Kinds) 20¢. per 1b, Xmas Cream' ' Lemons Cranberries Orange's, Mixed Nuts Malaga. Grapes XMAS r .. 7...- -v. nul‘. Erin-run! patronage in the past, and will earn- estlv strive to serve-you faithfully in the future. r i Believing it will Hebeneflcial to not I; ' buyer and seller. have decided, Candy 15c. per lb. Come and See our. Window Display of BON BONS Merry Cï¬ristmas to one and all ' STIVER '85" RAMER Coal, Flour, Corn,‘Bran, » _ Wood, 860. AT THE C.N.0. STATION ‘ 'AND ELEVATOR ' pnuaarsr .Vj ; :2:fpggigrtum's “fly stock-5g dԤ;§ 15nd; - of 7 , PERFUMES for: . Inn-4+»++++ :***i***t9¥¢+§§¥§§$+¢+§+Â¥4 We thank the puhliq fdr {be gfperbus nun-uâ€... ..'. .L - ‘ WEEK = SPECIALS We joligit‘aqfll .. no tumble to show bui- lined Manicure Sets flair Brushy; {AFTER ocT. [9 T0 no ' 'BUSIN'ES’S‘ON CASH 311513.. he Iï¬'béto ante {md‘ Rgaoonable in priégg Christmasrnsents [Singlé copies; 3 Chi RICHMOND HILL STâ€"IVER & RAMER. 30 and 40c. per dqz. . . :60;me Chyistmai' Cards ~' 3* DEALERS. IN 200 per doz. 20¢. a quart 20c. per lb.