"I am only thirty years old, yet for almost two years I have felt more like seventy-ï¬ve. I have found it diï¬cult to sleep at mght, and» in the morning felt 90 de- pressed and heavy that effort was (iflicult. My hands were always dummy and perspiration on alight oï¬ort-wonid break out all over me. It was not unnatural that I should "I Sleep Soundly, Feel Like New m Who Lack Vigor, Those Who mnlsplrlted and Worn Ont, Should Read This Carefully. On“ 'nm "with and Renewed Vt- umy Quickly Return Winn mum begin to breed over the chance that I should be unï¬t to do my work, and this dread made my sleepless nights perfect misery. After repeated trials of medicines end mixtures, Dr. Hamilton’s Pills ave me the ï¬rst gleam of hope. rom the very ï¬rst I could see they were different in wtion from other pills. The didn’t gripe end ected ss natural y as if nature and not the pills were cleansing my clogged- sp system. My spirits rose. I felt much .better. The sluggish action .1 the s‘ystem‘gave~ way to normal nctivity. Dizziness and headaches ceased, appetite, good color and Imbition to work returned, and have remained. I am like a new man, and I thank Dr. Hamilton’s Pills for it all." Her White Peacock Was Given Her By Lord Beaconsflcld. Among the many things for which the Countess of Warwick is famous is her collection of pets at Warwick Castle. The Countess has every op- portunity to gratify he!“ love for animals, asz-the .eetate has special advantages for the care essential to the different species. The jbirds have almost the freedom of a forest home. The Avon River, which sep- Irates just above the castle, sur- rounds a little castle on which king- ï¬shers and wild ducks mingle to- yetheg. ,_’ . e . u u n ‘I This was the experience of J. E. Parkhumt, a well known grocery dealer in Jefferson. Follow his ado vice, use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills for your stomach, kidneys and liver, Ind you’ll enjoy long life and ro- bust good health. All druggists and storekeepers sell Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills, 250. per box, 5 boxes {or 81.00, or postpaid from the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., tad Kingston, Canada. A very old family. servant remem- bers it as having been a, vigomus bird in his childhOod. while his fa- ther, who died a very old man, re- membered it as having been a vigor- ous bird in his childhood. It. is still hale and hearty, though it is losing its feathers and generally beginning to look aged. Perhaps the best beloved of all her pets is the famous white pea- cock, which was presented to the late earl by Lord Beaconsï¬eld acme forty years ago, before that havin been the property of the author 0 "Inthair." It would thus seem to be quite an old bird, yet, judged by peacock standards, it is not yet middlemged, for a companion bird. tlso belonging to the aristocratic breed of white peacocks, which ne- ver mate with any but birds of their own feather, is established as being more than a century old, though by how much there are no authentic records to iprove.__ “Mother oouid never go about in disguise,†says Lady Marjorie, the oountess’s daughter. “She would always by kpown by heal-flog}: Lady Warwick’s most constant companion is a ï¬ne collie, which is never happy save when at her heels. Lady Marjorie also is fond of pets, and many pictures have been pub- lished showing her on the lawn with strange assortment»: of rabbits, LADY WARWICK’S PETS. ISSUE 51â€"912. IF YOUR BABY IS 810K GIVE BABY’S UWH TABLETS The little ills of babyhood and childhood should be treated prompt, 1y, or they may prove seuous. An occasional dose of Baby’s Own Tablets will regulate the stomach and bowels and keep your lithe ones well. Or they will promptly restore health if sickness come: un expectedly. Mrs. Lenora. M. Thompson, Oil Springs, Om., says: “I have used Baby’s Own Tablets for my little girls as occawion re- quired, and have found them al- ways of the greatest help. No mother, in my opinion, should be without the Tablets.†Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a. box from The Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. To rearrange and adjust all these differences would be very simple if the sidereal year contained only 364 days, for 364 divided by seven, the number of days in a. week, gives 52 weeks. But no juggling of ï¬g ures can squeeze 365% days into 52 wgeks or seven days each. ‘There is a leap year every fourth year in order to stow away that troublesome oneâ€"fourth day, which cannot be packed into the week, and if one entire day is‘to be left over each year there is only one thing to do. The overflow day will have to go without a week-day name. Feminine Recluse Also Put Flowers on Dead Dog’s Grave. A North London (England) celeâ€" brity died at her homo at Muswell the other day. For years Miss Burnaby, who was known among her neighbors as a daughter of the late General Burnaby and a. sister of the onceâ€"famous Colonel Fred Burnaby, had lived a secluded life, tended only by en old housekeeper. ‘Every day brings certain tasks in every business, and if it were possi- ble to proï¬t. by experience and learn how best to perfom the tasks which should be done on a. holiday the day before or the day after it would be of assistance to business men. Take the case of a. newspaper, Monday is a dead day, Saturday the best dav in the week. both from an advertising and circulation stand- point. But Saturday of this year is Monday of next year, so that it be- comes necessary to compare the days of the week and not the day of the month. Her only society was the com- panionship of a. houseful of cats, lucky animals who slept on their mistress’ quilted bed ooverlet, or in dainty baskets lined with swans- down. If thank! lady herself lived frugally her'cats did not, for the pets were feasted on the best; of hue. Fish cutlets provided a dainty dish, and other delicacies were supplied for the especial delecta- tion of the fortunate_ pussies.» A disadvantage of the present calendar is the inequality of months,†quarters and half years. Holidays such as New Year’s and Christmas may occur on any day of the week, and this is a. source of confusion in the business world. Then in making comparative re- ports of receipts, the fact that the same date under the present method does not always fall upon the same week day is annoying, as every bookkeeper knows. By Proposed Calendar Day of Month Would Fall Same Day. One day of the year will have to be an orphan without a name, if the projected reform of the calendar goes into effect. Instead of wand-er- ing all through the week in consec- utive years, each date will fall on the same day of the week year in and year out. one ofvthose who are working out. the present plan to reform the calendar is W. E. G. Buesohing, of KalleZ Gormany. Nor were cats Miss Burnaby’s only love, though perhaps foremost in her affections. Pigeons were kept on the upper floors, dogs on the lower. According to one neigh- bor who had a long acquaintance with Miss Burnaby’s gentle eccen- tricities, one of the dogs fell ill and died. and for the burial a grave was dug in the garden; the corpse was wrapped in a, white shroud. Over the grave a. tombstone with a suit- able epitaph was reared. and from time to time the mourning mistress ;placed (lowers on the dead pet’s lambs, terriers, collies, and the favorite donkey. Lady Warwick is one of the best judges of a horse in England, and loves horses as only those who really know and under- stand them can. ‘ grave. FED FISH OUTLETS T0 CATS. DAY WITHOUT A NAME. to be raised. We have tightened all the ventilators so they won’t open, and have ï¬xed the heating plant so that ï¬ve minutes after the car is loaded the varnish will smell like fury, everybody will be too warm and it will be impossible to get any fresh air.†The Waiterâ€"“Bacon rank, sir! Impossible, sir! Why we; cured it oqrgelvgg qnly lgst week!†Ready. “Is this car ready for fall and winter service?†asks the railway manager. _ “Yes, sir,†says the shop boss. “We have varnished it inside With a. nice, smelly varnish that acts like glue and won’t azllow the window§ Very Sorry. “Look here,â€11e said to the groom, “are you the man who put the saddle on Miss Jennie'e horse ‘1†“Yes, sir. Anything wrong, sir ‘I†“It was looseâ€"way loose. She had no sooner mounted than the saddle slipped and if I hadn’t caught her she would have been thrown to the ground.†“I am very sorry, air." “But I did catch her,†went on the young man, meditatively. “I caught her in my arms andâ€"here’s half a. dollar for you, John. Do you suppose you could have the girth loose when we go riding again toâ€"morrow 2†The VictimL“We11, it’s bad a re- lapse I†Still Anxious. "Are you going to keep your new cook 2†V 7“I can’t tell. We don’t know yet. whether we suit her. llnarl‘u Llnlmm Cum Imam. Head so Itchy Could Hardly St_aqd 223 3W 3:... Montreal. Quaâ€"“Om!- cupSoopnndOlncmemcumd-wmv nanny from «natal! and min itch that I minim-1n: with since overuyear. 1M mhflanmdmdmolunnudsvry man: (not. When I recover“.de mmaodwlshmklnndw.md hwuuimhylcoxfldhmlymdm TM dandruflthowodon-yeootoouu. IN and vnfloul modicum- “than and. I MotCuuem-s Soaps-acousth Mdodtomï¬hmmdlumvmwcf lu‘bmmltmpafocflrwrd. Ind tmi boxe- of Guam. Ointment with 0|. Cancun-38m. Ittookoumthtom mo. [mph-“nix: yucca-landing Oua- cun Soap Md Ointment.“ “you. who I: SGALES,DANDRUFF AND ITBHING Dr. Morae'l Indian Root Pills and... cud my itching And Irritation of the lab. Mum shampoo- w’th (Duncan Soto. MM by one-dong! droning: with Oudeun Ointment. mot-d the spoodlut and most minimal manna». They mm In pronoun; a» 3mm And My 0! m halt by "moving mono condition: which tend to mks It. dry. cm. and “felon. and Mummzunmnmmdhnot hair. Cuucm 809p und Outta». omm‘ as told by man- and dealer. throughout the world. “bani mph a! such mu tree. with 324». Skin Book. Adana- post deoththhmOorD»Dm (Sinai nocwr Pan-u. Doc. 80. um. Clo-no. chi System ere made encoding to e formuia in use nearly a century are among the Indians, and learned tom them by Dr. Morse. Though repeated at- tempt. have been made. by physi- cians and chemintl. it has been Imam! impossible to improve the brutal. or the pills. Dr. Mom’l Indian Root Pills are a household remedy through. out «he world lot Comigation and all Kidney and Liver trou lee. They act promptly end deceiveiy, and - hr. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured in One Month. aad so Itch Uouid Hardly Stand It. Dand Showed on Coat Col- TO REMOVE DANDRUFF CONVALESCENT. Lord Knollys Retires From Arduons Post at Age of 74. The retirement of Lord Knollys, the King’s private secretary, is an- nounced. As a matter of {not he resigned before the Cofonétion. Few people understand how really onerous have been the duties which Lord Knollys has carried out for so long. The work of the King’s private secretary is never ï¬nished. It is of so conï¬dential a nature that, next to the King himself, the private secretary knows more of the things that matter than any man in the kingdom. The conï¬den- tial reports of the Prime Minister, the Foreign Secretary and all the other oflieers of state, as well as all social matters, pass through his hands. He opens the despstch bags and goes through the contents with the King, hearing his views, taking notes and afterward fram- ing replies. He is thus conversant with the inner working of the mar chinery not only of the kingdom but of the whole empire, and has a. more intimate knowledge than. any one of the relations 0! Great Britain with other powers. Prime ministers and foreign secretaries come and go, but the King’s pri- vate secretary remains. It is no wonder that Lord Knollys at the age of 74 feels that it is time to retire from such an exacting post. His successor is Lord Stamford- hsm, better known as Sir Arthur Bigge. who was the King’s Private secretary when he was Prince of Wales and who has since been as- sociated with Lord Knollys. BridgeEâ€"e-All right, What. in the deuce makes that girl so slow with the .enpper bell? All wfloring from consummlon. 0mm, Golds. Bronchitis. Larvnums. weak Lmn. or 1! Weak Throw. should write for oartl- cuiars of my mdlolno. It never fails. ll sstIsz you that It does you good. mm. B. COPELAND, 6" Papa Avm,ToroMo, om. Mrs. Bridgely â€" Seems to me you’re pretty unsociable for a. bus- band. You never talk to me when we’re ‘alone, now-ardays. Say somqthing. "I see that some professor says that the average man wastes 15 yang; of his_ life): slgq wig. “Minnie,†said a, mother to her little daughter who had the tell- tale habit, “why is it you can’t keep a. accret?†“Because, mam- ma,†explained the precious miss. “two of my front teeth are gone and the secrets just slip out.†I wan cured of painful Goth-e by IAIN- ARD‘S LINI‘MEN'I‘. FAILED .McMULLIN. Chatham, Out. I was cured of Inflammation by MIN- ARD’S LINIMEN'I‘. HRS. W. A. JOHNSON. Walsh. Ont L I was cured of Facial Neurnlgia by MINARD‘B LINIMENT. Parkdale. Ont. J. H. BAILEY. ' “Yes, waiting'for his wife, prob- ably,†he replied. Heâ€"It’a 8 o’clock, and you werq to be here at 6! WflV NOT SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA! Attractive rates will be 11qu by varl. able tomes. aflordinz ï¬nest scenerv Loo Angela lelmd. loavlng ("hicaco daily 10:16 mm. for Southern Calliomln. the San Franciooo Overland Limited. leav- ing Chicago 8:30 9.11).. less than three day: en route. nrovlde the belt. of everything In railway travel. The China and anan Mall leaves Chicago daily 10-45 pm. for San Francisco and Lo: Angela. lllum lrated literamre on npvllcatlon to B. H. Bennett. General Agent. Chm o Ind gosh Western By†46 Yonn St" to. n Sheâ€"Did I say 61 I thought I said 7! 11 sergeant-major of an infantry regiment stationed in Bremen was sentenced to a. slight disciplinary punishment for having mortally wounded a man with a revolver in the course of a ï¬ght. He appealed against this. but was informed that his appeal had been rejected. 'He then ordered his men to load their rifles with blank cartridges. but during their absence reloaded them with ball cartridges. He then drew up his men in ï¬ring line and care- fully showed them how to aim their rifles straight at his heart. With the utmost cahn he then ordered, “Fire!†and fell with four buileta through his heart. German Soldier’s Dramatic Death. Ulnar-Ira Llnlmont Cum cunt In Gm llnard'o Llnlmnt cunt colâ€. to. mm. “mm Guns Malabar». KING LOSES SECRETARY. The Rendezvous. Congenlal Topic. By Appointment. CONSUMPTION He (bitterly)-“11 I were rich yon’j up"! mg {as}; e‘ngugll 3’: She â€"â€""Don’t, Gussie, don’t! Such de- votion breaks my heart!†“What do you mean ‘3†“Often have you praised my beauty, but never ba- fore my common aensa.†' 3 30m Illguvo, vuvn-M. v uw~~ v..â€" rlee: eighteen acres raspberries and black caps: buildings lair: would exchange to! larger farm or on: property. Wuwrn Real Estate. London, Ont. 8â€"amn-j 1.59133,“ ; ï¬reâ€"unfind on aniv terms: ‘ V “min-aux ' ACME?" mm; 0000 \ buildings and I pk orchard: mm In mm: [mm Ram! ton. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT NEEDS Railway Mail Cher-km $90M month; examinations everywhere soon. Specimen yucatiqng_ ï¬res: Franklin Institute, u. w.,kos ? Whom mt. ToroMo. M "m, n * 13.75%?“ xi H h w‘ DAWSON. Toronto. FARMS Wari'immw PRICED ron old country buyers. J. Drummer. 18 Toronto at“. Toronm. 36m FARM - FIFTY Elï¬n Connâ€. 12011 {004 5 :nln; Vuuuuvov-w-v _ fer-em, Foreign seamiifaéï¬mc. Album. only Seven Gents. Marlo Stamp Company. Toronto. CANCER, WHORE. LUMPB, ETC, internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home uortmem. Writ. as before too )flw. Dr. Benman Medical 00.. Limited. Collinzwood, Ont. ALEWETONEB. KIDNEY AND Bun 7,1 7 def Stqngq, Kidpey__ tumble. Glf'avgl: a... ulvo‘uu .-.. . .. .-- _ ‘1 def Stones, Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbazo and kindred ailments poem")! cured with the new German Remedy. "Sanol'." price $1.50. Another new rowed; for DmbemwMemme. and tune ours, "Sanol‘l Ami-Diabown.†Price 3200 from dragging or dim The Sam)! Mannhe- mflng Company of Canada. Limited. British Amofloun Dyeing co. WEI-{pen “an; TRY IT WHEN YOU'RE You will find it wonderfuliy refreshing and ude Snug would look M“: d d. U I. Agent 0! our» in yunr tqwn '7“. root to Manual, Box 33. ’ pm maul-r, LIPTON’S TEA Your Overcoats : “up cqfliï¬drongrnunnyfp‘ mn- J. 8. Le!!!†& 00. "gun your mm In On yearnâ€"lu- mmod Noun um» I" nonunion. m to 32,800, bruising In 821 to per month ml, and can be mm mm 5690 or “00 don». wm noon pay for Itulv. Writ. lor particulars. If Toronto Keeps Growing x ‘ Count the number of fun Santa ha. Ilowod may in MI win-ml m not Ind win 0. priu. m przu, Ir May aim and prIn. yl’ or all-W watch 8rd prlu, prlnfln. outï¬t or do" The. but“!th gold Ind silver am- boued Chrhtmu Cards given to every boy or girl who «ta-m. Cut out «L 3nd marl two. with croo- nnd In“ to up 19-day with your nan. 3nd uddreu written plainly. 'ronou'ro TRADING co. 410 Loan Av... Toronto, can“. It suntan: and cheers unnnm) Acuzéébbtjmv mums. Good Home; Bunch)â€: Omharï¬ â€˜ï¬ï¬n SCSIIIUI‘IMLY. mifiaaa. 33133! 10am: en unbleb. charm; acres mgqu- 111 Queen 2., TORONTO VIR‘UWR’S NURSE.le WILLARD COUNTY, ONT. And It I: Sun .To STAMPS AND WINS. I‘ll. FOR 35“. PARIS WANTED. {gnu-MAJ h. ‘0', IIICELLANEOUS. HELP WANTEQ. Boys! can you Sotvo Th5. PUZZLE 7 Girls! 33903 mum‘-