Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Dec 1912, p. 8

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\Vhereas, it. will be necessary for the said purpose of street improvement that certain works, such as the build- ing of sidewalks, the grading and re- pairing of roadways, etc..‘ shall be carried on. and also that. purchases of neCessmy material shall be made. and Whereas. the amount of the whale rate-able property of the Village of Richmond Hill. according to the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Village is $287,149.00, and Whereas, in order to provide for the said debt it is ex edient to issue deben- tures of the sai Corporation to the amount of seven thousant dollars bear- ing interest at the rate ut five per cent per unnuui, and that such principal sum shall be repayahle in yearly sums extending Over a period of twenty years from thv date of issue of such deben- tures of such amounts that the aggre- gate amount payable for principal and interest in any year in respect of the princnpal shall be equal as nearly as may be to what is payable for princi- pal and interest during each of the other years of such periud. and .Whvreas, seven thousand dullars is the amount of’the debt intended to be created by this By-law, and Whemas, seven thousand dullars is the amount of money required for the carrying on and for the completion vi the aforesaid works, and Whereas, the general debenture debt of the said Village amounts to$ll,277;73 of which no part. of the principal or in- terest, is in arrear. and 2ud,‘WiLhin the said period of twenty yvurs there shall he mused and levied annually by asp'euinl rate, in addition to a.“ other rates, upon the whale rate- nhle property of the said Village the yearly sum of $561.69 fur the payment ut' the'said debt and interest. BY=LAW N0. Whereas, it will require the sum of $561.69 to be raised mumtu us afore- said by a special rate un the whole rateuble pmgeny in the said Viiluge for the paying uf the said debt and in- U'l'est: Nuw, therefore. the Municipal Coun- cil of the Uul'pumtiun of the Village of Richmond Hill enacts as follows.â€" lst, that the Reeve of the Corpora- tiun of the Village of Richnumd Hlll be and be is hereby nuthm‘ized to bur- row the said sum of seven thousand dollars on the credit. of the ()mpom- tion for the purposes Mon-said. and to issue Debentures of the said Umpma- bion fur the sum of seven thousand dollars payable at the office. of the Treasurer of the said Village. Toa'provide'lor the raising of s‘feirien thousand dollars by way of Debentures for the purpose of repairing and improving the roadways and sidewalks within the Municipality of the Village of Richmond Hill. 3rd,fThe said Debentures shall bear date as of the First. day of March, 1913 and slmll be. signed by the. Reeva and Trcdsurer, and sealed with the seal of the said Um'puralion. 4Lh. This By-law shall come into oper- utiun and be of full force and effect on the_ Twentieth day of February. 1913. 5th, That the vnws of the electors of this Municipality w‘uu am entitled to \‘nte on this By-lnw, shall be taken on the 6th day of January, 1913, Commune- ing at, nine o‘clock in the nmruing. and clusiug at five o’cluck in Lhe afternoon in the Council Chamber, in [he said Village of Richmond Hill. 6th. That on Monday. the 30th day of Decgiubei, 1912, at the huur of ten o’clock in the fun-noun, the Rom-e nf Richmond Hill shall attend at the nfiiue (if the Village Glen k for the pur- Fuseuf appointing in writing. signed iy himself. twa persons tn attend at the filial summing up by the Villnge Ulerkfinf [he vutes pulled on this By- law. Hild‘l‘tlfiil) ()f uppuiuling one person In utténd at the pulling place nu he- haltuf the persunsflntewsted it: um! dash-mp of rpmumting the passing of this By-law, and mm person to attend at the polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desiruns of opposing the passing of this By-luw. 7th, That on Tuesday the 7th day of J.umu1-_v. 1913 the Clerk of the said Village shall attend at his nt’fluo, at the lumr (If ten o'clock in the fut-ennui}, to sum up the number of votes given for and against this By-law. Real! 3. first and secnnd time and read in Committee the 3rd day of De- cember, 1912‘ Take notice that the above is a true eupv of a proposed [By-law \Vhll'h has llt’t‘ll taken into cunsidei-utiun by the vMuuiuipal Cnuncil (if the Village of Richmond Hill. and which will be final- ly passed by the said Council, in the event, of the assent. of the Elech-s heing uhbained theretu, "(Lei-(me month fI-mn the first plllflluntinn filmed in the Richmond Hill "Lilieml". the date uf which publication was Thursday, the l2le day of D‘Acvmhvr. 1912. and at, the hnur. din and plum! fixed therein fnl- taking the um»: “f the. Electors, [he pulls Will be ll"l;l, CLERK’S NOTICE. A. J. HUM E. v Whereas. it is expedient, that the Corporation of Richuwnd Hill shall enter into a contract, for a supply of electric energy with the Company herein named, gmd _ _ Notice is hereby giv'én to Leasehold- ers within the Village. of Richmond Hill that. the are quuired tn file in the office of the Hinge Clerk, at hum, ten days before the day of pulling.. a statu- tory declaration as follows.â€"Thut the lease extends far the period of time within which the money is to be raised for the payment: of thedebt created by my; By-huv. . s 2 ,1 ,_Am_: u...“ u, That the property leased is of sufllci. ent. value to entitle the holder to vole as the Municipal Electiun and that; he has cm'euauted in the lease to pay all Municipal taxes in respect of the pro- Ferty leapd (other than gazes use-zed or loyal improvpmeqts}; ._ .... 1.112-- L- fv'il‘ix‘éfi‘x‘lfafx-QgHf'lékérhbideri failin to make the required deciaralion s all not be placed an the Voters' List for voting on this By-law. A. J. HUME. To authorize a plant for the supply of electric energy within the Village of Rich- Whereas. the Corporation of the Village nf Richmond Hill is installing an Electric‘h htin nnd puwer‘systeua within the Sn. (1 Vi Inge, and {£33 dérce'ész'iry to obtain a supply of electric euelgy for the opera- tiuripf the sujd gystem. and Notice to Leaseholders. ‘Vhereas. it is necessary that ch? as- Sent‘uf the Echtnrs of the said Village of Richmond Hill be obtained to this By-law in order that. the said contract mil! he gntn-gd him. _ _ u n ,2: ,1 BY=LAW N0. rthé Municipal Council of the Our oration of the Village of Rich- mond ill enacts as folk)ngâ€" 1. That the Corporation of the V illageI of Richmnnd HI" shall elltPl’ intn a contract with the Toronto and York Radial Company fun a supply of electric energy according to the terms and con- dlLiUlls hPreinafLer set ful'th. The T0- x'nnto and York Radial Company (here- inafter called the Uumpanyl agrees to furnish electric energy for the use of the Village 0f Richmond Hill as fol- lows.â€" POINT OF SUFRLYâ€"Yongg street, KIND OF CURRENTâ€"The current delivered will he that known as 25 cycle. 3 phase. alternating current and will he delivered am nmninml voltage of 4.200 volts as measured between any ,twu phase wires. in-thIJVillage of Richnmnd Hm. exact. point. to be determined by the Company and the Yillage engineers,“ USEâ€"Pawn- to 69 supplied is tn he sold by the Village for street. commer- cial and residence lighting and for the supplying of Eower to motors of any approved nm e ..v...... n... . A - . ,,,,,A, VTAMUUNT- â€"This enntract is to cover a minimum of 80-100 watt, tungsten street, {ggyps and a maximal“ cf 590 H. P. Whenever umvunts of over 50 H.P. are to be connected the Village will ive thirty days written notice to the ompany; and should they desire at anv time to take more than the 500 H.P. heruiu stipulutvd. the Unmpany is to have at lvast ninety days notice in which to pmvide for the added loud. IID'I‘D‘D 'I‘L.‘ “and” A! "Hum", an METERâ€"The supply of energy as delivered to the Village is to he meter- ed at Bond Lake or at, a point of de- livery us the T0101)th and York Radi- ul Cnmpany may elect. RATESâ€"Fur three phase, 25 cyzle alternating current’delivered to the Village at 4.200 volts. 1.35 per K.W. hour or $2650 per Horse power per year with the gunrnntee that the annual hills \Vlll amount to $24.50 per ILP. of gleatvst maximum demand during thut year. MEASUREMENT OF DEMANDâ€"â€" Said demand to he mensmed by a Graphic Recmding instrument t0 he» installed by the Company. It is here- with agreed that the maximum de- mand for the purpose of establishing the'nnnunl minimum shall be the high. est maximum demand for ten cztnsecn- tive minutes as shnwn any month of the contract year. DURATION OF CONTRACTâ€"This contract is fur a period of five years from the chnmencement of simply. TERMS OF PAYMENTâ€"Péyn'ients to be made monthly for current used the reviuus month, as measured at and y the meter or meters provided bv the Company. The balance due on account of the unnqu minimum clause to he paid at the end of each contract year. the cnntract year being assumed to begin on the cmnmencement of the supply nf service. It is understood and agreed thut the entire respnnsihil- ityof the Company shall end at the pnint where the Company’s service enters the building uf the Customer. at which point the Cum nny’s cut-out and nieter or meters wil be sut at the expense of the. Company. The entire installatiun. wiring and motors shall be furnished by the Customer who shall be respnnsihlevfm- all repairs. It is agreed that at the expiration of the stated term this agremnent shall continue in force until terminated by three (3) munth’s wriuen notice by eigfltger party. A u . u The customer consents that during the term of this agreement. the Com- pany shall, through its proper agents and employees. at all reasonable hours have access to the premises of the customer, for the purane of inspect- ing‘ adjusting. l'epaiiing and otherwise curing .fm; its service connections, mond Hill. Clerk. The Compun; will not be liable. fur damages by reason of failure tn supply electric energy whore tlw fuihue is caused {rum natural causes 01- accident. in any way, nut shall the Company be liable in any event or vitamin-renum- for damage to pvr’snn m- property arising. accruing m- result,ng hum Lhc use of current. I-Ilv unu- u .. , . Meters and all other appliances of the Company in said px-Hniaes shall be In the. cure and at, the Iisk uf the consumer, where located in'che Village hf Richnumd Hill, and if destmyed or damaged by any cause other than or- dinary wear and tear or act of the (knu- pany. the Value of such meters and up- pliances, or the cost; of repairing and replacing the same shall be paid by the 90 "S u mer. 3. That the votes of the Electors of this Municipality whn are entitled to Vote on this By-lmv, shall be taken on Mundny. the 6th day of January. 1913. commencing at. nine u’clnck in the furennun and closing at, five.- n’cluck in the afternoon In the Council Chamber in tug Said Villfgepf Riclnnund‘flill. . meters and ()lhel [n'upntv which may hem) the said pxemises, and on the termination of the cmulnct, shall be permitted to remove the same from mid premises, and the customer furthrl‘ agrees that 1er one who Is not, nu agent of the Colnpnny or ollu-nwisu entitled to do so shall be permitted lu remove. inspect, ur tamper wnh the «have mentioned appliances or prupeny of lthmnpnny. n .I A ,,-_1:,,_.__.. A! It is hen’by ngreo’d that the Gum- pany almll hate the right, to dis- continue. cut off and remove it» m-rv- ice and all other material belonging tn it from the mid premises vnlsA suun and as often as default. shall be umde by said customer in payment 01' bills. or in performance by said customer at the talks (3( this agrcqmcnt. “i. ‘i‘fiig‘fi§:l}iw shall come intn up: m. Hun and he of full force and effect on 'll‘gbursduy, the 9th day of Janualy, l3. ' Nina) The Electors qualified tn \‘ntc on this By-law shail be. the electors qqplifled Ln_vote sz Mu-nggipnl Elections. '4. That. on McflIdav, the 30th day of December. 1912. m, the hour uf ten o’clock in the furennnn. the Reeve at Richmond Hill shall attend at the nif- ice of the Villugv Ulerk fur the pur- ose 0f nppuinting in writing signed )v himsdf. twu pal-suns m attend at the final summing up by MW Village Clerk of the votes pnlll'd on this By- law, and also (If appointing one pers‘m tn attend at the pulling place on he- hulf of the pen-suns iultn‘slod in and desiI-nusnf plum-Hing the passing of this By-lmv. and une person m] behalf of the persons imert-sted in and desir- ims uf opposing the passing ul’ this By- aw. 5. That un Tuesday. Lhu 71h day of January. 1913. the (HM k 21f the said Village shall attend :QL his nfficv at, the bnm‘ ut Lon n'ulmtk in “w fun-1mm), tn sum up the numlwr Hf ',\‘l-lt‘.s gheu [m- and against this Bylaw. ' _ , . .. u I . ' , . _ S BMW?" [5: gééhnd Lime: and l‘PHd in Cnnunitu-e Lhu ldLh day of Decvmhm-, 1912. Take notice tlmt tln- abm‘o is A true- cupy of .1 pmpnsed By-luw which has been taken intn ('Ull\l(lt‘l'illlllll by the Municipal Council uf the Village uf Richmond Hill, mm] which will be final- ly pnssr-d by the said Uuuucil. in lhe event of the assent nf [he Electra-2: being obtained there-tmaftel' one month from the first publication thereof in the Rizzhmuud Hill “Liberal”, the date uf which publicatiun was Thursday. the 19m day December. 1912. and at the hour, day and place fixed therein fur taking the vntes 0f the Electors, the polls will be held. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS HOLIDAYS " I canadian Northern Ontario Railway SINGLE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP GOOD GOING DECEMBER 24.25. I9ll RETURN LIM’T DECEMBER ‘25. 1912 ALSO DECEMBER 31. [912 and JANUARY l. 19!! RETURN LIMIT JANUARY 2. ISIS Goody house on Richmond Street. Richuldnd Hill. Apply to ' 22-x: AMOS WRIGHZL‘ Between all Stutinns in Canada. East of Port Arthur. FOR SPEOI AL SERVICE Ftc. sea Excursion Posters 01- your Local Agent. GOOD GOYNG DECEMBER 21; mm to uANUA-xY I. 1913 Inclusive RETURN LIMlT JANUARY 3. 1913 CLERK’S NOTICE. FARE AND ON EvTfllRD For the Round Trip To Rent A. J. HUME. 0191 k. THE And a few suggestions for )ou Xmas buying, «we will be pi'eascd to have you call and inspeut our list of articles; suxtable for gifts. ’ ‘ GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill Christmass ' Greetings Blood Meat and Bone Mixture 194.1. He FORSTEB Repairing“! “£30 OFFICE and money ordexs are used. . TORONTO l ,. "‘ ‘ RICHMOND HILL 'BRAR‘OC'IH THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU. BANK OPPOSITE DR. LANGSTAFF’S v ‘ v ‘ V V’TlnuzefisNOW 18 THE TIME to fwd for winter eggs. Try our Boots and Shoes Repaired from 45c7up to $3.50 Skate Straps and Ankle Supports Hockey Eticks PHONE 18 A New Perfection Oil Heater or a. Stove or Range” ~ QF @ANAEA and watch the egg basket fill. F. R. OLIVER. AGENT Nickle Plated Copper Tea Pots \ND, - V a a m . “ Mali-[on ‘ Branch" also at anh. M-rlrhun. Stouffviflo. Unionri'lrlcrjtnd locukt Razor Straps and Brushes ' Hockey SKates from 75c. t5 $2.25 I Leather Mitts and Gloves 'f thu tc‘Ll’fL-r’h Carving Sets in Cases trom 25c. up to $2.00 per pair “Eggs :FOR MAN would make a nice XmaE gift. from $100 up to $5.00 each Pockez Knives Richmond Hill Hand Sleighs from 40c. to $2.00 from 50. to 75¢. each froanfiiz 00 to $4 00 fromyxoé. to 750. Razors ENDING money to any point in Canada, khe United States or Europe is safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank's drafts and, in fact, m vrything in Un- luw pf Hnnwss. Blankvh, and many r-Ihvi' fll'Lil'lPS net-vssau'y fur yuur Harlwsrs rmnn. The g mds \veufi'm- are hnm’slly mudn‘ and “’1” xtnnd the wvayr that, 3106' rxpeut (If thvln. . lielinhlv guuds :Il' l'vasmmblt) prices. Admksahle collie dog. with mum. row stripe in face. four white legs and white hl-Pnst and collar. strayed or was taken from the premises. lot 46. cm). 1. Markham, on or about U)? 25th day of October. Any pet-sun detain‘ ing the dog will be prosecuted, Re. ward. - JONATHAN BRI LLINGER. A reliable F: ach regulator; never fails. These pills are exce ~ingly owerful in regulating thg generative portwn o! t e female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's are sold at '5 a box. or three for 810. Mailed to any address. rhn amen Drug 00.. 8t. Catharina. Ont, ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED ’1‘0. F. J. WHBBWAHD Dr. de Van’s Female Pills lQ-tf “"9 h:le sum} «:mnfm-t'in tle PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTERD Blanket-s, Robes; Mitts SEOEING LAME AND INTERPEBING HORSES A SPECIALTY, F. 3. WUUDWARD. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley NORMAN BATTY. MANAGER. Exams) 18,75 Dog LoSt‘ OR BEAST. Richmond Hill

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