DEER“. PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUS£ awmmup HILL,0N1‘. IS PUBLISHED EVERY EH URSDAY MORNING 1h 14‘. MeMAHON. HOUSE PAINTER, C iaziei“, Grainer and Paperâ€" Hang‘er; r W: HEWISON RFBIDENCE. RICHMOND am. ibioensod Auctioneers for the County of Yd‘rk. all.“ “handed to on ghorjest notice and at res; usable rates Entronaee solicited VOL. XXXV. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. 1351 pm. autumn, in advance, Calls by phone m' otherwise promptly responded to. . l6 YIAoensed Auctioneer for the Countieq of york. Ontario and Notuh Toronto. ï¬p‘e’cial attention ‘ngen to sales of every generip‘uon. Farm and farm shock salsa a. up cinlty. Farms bought mu sold on commission. All sales attended to "911 shamans notice and conducted by the latest np-;o-da.te methods. Address: 239 Bulliol Star, flowh Toronto. Phone: North 6312. Phone No. 28. _ Prepares upils for Ihe graded ex- miuntidns £9!!! at Tmonto Consent» '7 of Music ané University of 1‘0- mntn. _ ‘ H Special course in “Myer‘s†Kinaer- Erin-gen Method; particularly helpful to egmners. Class recitals are given throughout the van- 42-13: EFL W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE ï¬rst. house mirth-0f Atkinson & Switzer’s store. The Newton School of Music m Balgobn. J K m Mawe We: Salgeon & :VIéEwen. 'fheoreucai, Techni‘cai and Artistic Elements Develnprd systematically Wording to Muï¬vrn Methods. imss MILLIE TRENCH D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. BUSINESS CARDS; VETERINARY SURGEON, 1‘11 ornhill . Maple, ()nt; (15112 ï¬ihezal Richmond. Hill, 0111;. OFFICE AM) RESIDENCE iï¬mmvn a Paormuoa . RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano 3'; H. Prentice Phone No. 2402. =1! statuary “Quaint. .s THE J K McEwen Weston PIANO TUNING Organs Repmired and Expert Work Gum-unwed A. (HP. bmwrmwi F. J. Dunbar Barrisv.‘era,301icitors. Notaries, kc. Home Life Buimug Cm. Aï¬elaide & Victona; Stan I‘uronto. Telephony, Main Cable Address. "Dvdn." NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS ZU KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada A. Cameron MacNaï¬ghton Tel. M. 363]. Money "0 loan on land anuchatnel mortgages“ bw‘est rates Auxoraomceâ€"Bem'o'ved to tho old post ofï¬ce one door west or the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the poaiotï¬ce '1‘ Hamsza'rnnxxox G 81“? MORGAN Aurora. LEN N 0X & MORGAN BgRRISTER. Sohi‘é’ï¬â€˜on, NOTARY, E'rc. Toronto Offlc a. Room 328 Confedera- tion Life Bldg.. No. 12 Richmond St. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Libex-ar’ ()flice), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thi‘i'rs'day afternoon, > Woodbridqe, Saturday foren‘O'o‘n‘. Monev to loan at Five Per Cent (57.) Richmbna Hill J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC C‘CMMISSIONE . CONVEY \N"ER. ETC. Danton, GroVer‘ & Field A large stock of Funeral Furnishing k‘ep at both ï¬laces Undertakers a: Embalmers. RICHMOND HILL 8: THORNHILL Lawrwï¬e OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR. BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST H; A. NICHOLLS , TORONTO. ONT. in Business and Simrbhénd Educ» tion are invited to ,«writp for the Large Catalogue of the Popular Commissioner, Conveymrm‘er2 etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Mm-nage Licenses. This school has now the reatest attendance in its history. here is a 'reason for it. We have room for more. This may be your best. qpportumty. DECIDE» NOW TO ENTER OUR SCHOOL AT AN EARLY DATE. Our graduates readily get posxtions. v BEAL‘ ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL w. 5'. ELLIOTT, P'rmclpal. Cor Yonge and Alexander Sta. vow-em; ANY) . 4. - . ACTION REGULATING 30ft: 3. @avidson THORNHILL Barristers and Solicitors. Bummer, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. NOTARY PUBLIC A11 Desiriflg the Best Barristers. Snliclurs. &c‘ RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 16. 191.3 WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS “In EsSentialc, Unity; in NM ï¬nal. Dunbar, Pnan‘a flain 2984 Fridny, January 24. at 11 o’clock in the morning is the time set by Judge Morgan lyesterduv afternoon for the xe-cnl'mt. 'nf the ballnts on the local op- tiun by-law l'rl Aug-Ufa. ‘ .ludgq Mor- the time to inspect the ballots in the City Hall here. Before that time. h‘oi’vever, Mr. W. E. Raney. K. 0.. act- ing on Behalf of a ratepayvr in Auro- ra. and in the interests of the local ,opâ€" tion hy-law. will move in the High Court for prohibition. contending that his Honor has no jurisdiction to order a. timé for the inspection of the bul- lots. The time-s were fixed ï¬esterdny afternoon in the City Hall nfr-er much animated discussion by the contend- iimr counsel, before J udge Morgan. M r. Eric N. Armour, acting for Alfred V. Snowd'en, hotelman of Aurora. strong- .ly favored an inspection of the ballots. Mr. Thomas Urquhart; appeared for the municipality of Aurora, and con- curred in the attitude of Mr. Raney. iThe lafter. during the discussion re- garding the jurisdiction of the Judge, said: “It, is a vicious precedent to set lip.â€â€"â€"Glohe. Min Galeh Crook had the misfortuné to fall (11f his stack one day kast 'week and break two bones. one in two places. near his ankle. As he has been in pum- health lately. he is in a. rather serious conditim-L ‘ Much sorrow Was félt in this neigh- borhood when it became known t It Mabel Louise. the beloved wife of r. George R. Crank had passed away on the last day of the old yum‘. She will he gm:er missed here as she was of a. bright and genemiis dispoéitihi} and a kind neighbor. She was a member of the adult Bible Glass and was fox merly n member of Hope choir. Much sym- thy is felt. for her son-owing hus- and and also for thé three small chlldren who are left Withnut a. lovmg ‘ nmtherfs cane. Her aged father. Mr. i \Vnn Kirby, and her brother“ and sisters alsn have the sympathvl of the community. The interment : took place at Maple on Janum-y'3rd, and WM) la pger atmmea. There were many beautiful floral tributes from the Bible Class, friends and relatives. inn by-law in Au «gm. Judge Mor- gm also setrnext h onda‘y xgbmigggs An effort is being made to get the rink in running order. It, is hoped this will be done as the yuung people enjoy thg s_p_m-t. _ Last Friday evening a large load went. from here to the home of Mr. Norman Ryghlg in King, and had a veg-y enjpya l‘e yin)?!- .L.n . , . _ V"MiSIMJfgliéritggï¬iléy entertained nineteen of hex- young girl friends M. a higpday patty last, Su_turda_y qvening. The monthiy meeting of the W0- Meh s Anxiliary was held an the home of Mrs. Thos. Uonsink on Wednesday afternoon. After the business was ï¬nished tea. was served and an enjoy- ablq time spent. There was no service in the Presby- terian church on Sunday on account 'df Anniversary services at St. Paul’s. The sermons were preached by the paggorzï¬ewf. S. U. Rnhinson. ' The Missionary anniversary services on the Maple Cir nit will he held On Sunday, January 9. and Sunday. Jam- uary 26. Rev. Dr. Ockley. Toronto. willpreach next Sunday and Rev. A. F. Fokes on the 26th. TEPWORTH LEAGUE. - A pleasant hour was spent at the League on Monday evening. A piano duett was given By Miss .s. Bertha Harding and Marjory Wrig (a. Miss Susy Connell and Dr. Smith read selec- tions from Jean Blewett. and Mr. A. E. Lehman gave a short, address on " The Place at Litermnrain the civili- éation of the British Embi'r'e" and read “The Battle of Queenston‘ Heights" by Ourzon. All the numb‘étjs, were given with good effect and with real plgilsure to {he 591.9%}:ch ‘v- u. A METROPOLITAN LEAGUE U . > HOCKEY. There. “gill he alias; game of hockey in our rin' tbLï¬ioi'x-‘ow hight (Friday) when the local seven will clash sticks with the fast septette which Keswick is sending down. Richmond Hill needs this game to stay in the rim- riing and will try hard to win it. Our team has had some fast practices dur- ing the week anticipating a hard struggle Friday‘night. The manage- ment; ope to see a good thmout of cluh members and supporters. The Rich mondflill Band Will be in attend- ance. skating bél‘dr'e and after the game. ._ †Eli)in "ljabmbs cure dizziness. mums Tabulea cure headacl’m. Rim: Tabules' cure flatulenén. r Next week is Missionarv Night. A paper on “TheDecieive Hour of Christ.- Misaionsâ€â€"Mott. will be read by Miss Mary Trench. AURORA REE'OUNT am. 24. AE‘siï¬Ã©â€™ni‘iï¬lï¬, iiéefly; in allthings, Charity.“ Hope. maple. The death. call came With great suddehnet‘as on Monday. Jan. 13th, to Mr. J. Thee. Brown of Macpherson Avenue. Toronto. He had been ill for a few days but the doctor saw no cause for anxiety until Monday. It was found that the disease was spinal men- mgma Rm! M. Brown taken in the mnbulsmce to the Western Hospital fora consultation. Shortly after his arrival there the end came. The de- ceased was the eldest son of our late esteemed townaman. Mr. John Brown. He leaves a widow who was Miss Martha Hodge of N ewmark et. a daugh- ter. Vern, age’é 12, at!!! '3. 30!). Harry. aged 10, also a. son, .Mr. Torrance Brown of the Methodist Book Room. Toronto. The funeral will leave the 0. P. R. crossin§bat 2 pdb‘. bn Thurs- day 16th inst.'. "r Aurora cemeterv. where he will he laid to rest beside his ; ï¬rst wife, Annie Andrews. MABONâ€"-â€"Ab Markham. Oht.. on Thurs‘ day. January 9th. 1918, of pneumonia; Robin Mason, druggist, son of Arthur and Evelyn Mason. BEDDITrâ€"Ou Sunday; January 12, 1913. at Newmarket. Margaret, re- lieu of Robert. Reddit and mother uf Rev. J. J. Redditt of the Methodist, Buck Room. Funeral from the residence of her son- inâ€"law, G. H. Ruse; Prospect street. Newnmrket. on Tuesday. January 14. to the Aurora Cemetery. BROWNâ€"0n Monday, January 13th, 1913. at the \Vestern Hospital. To- ronto, John Thomas Brown. eldest son of the late John Brown of Richâ€" mond Hill. ‘ Bonmsomâ€"On Monday, Jan. 13. 1913. at. th‘é. residence at his son-in-lnw. ' John Buckle, lot 84, ‘c'o'n. 1,. Whit.- churcb, George Robinson, of Dollar, In his 76th year. Interment in Aurora Cemetery, \Ved- nesdny, Jan. 15. The ladies who have been members ‘ of the Richmond Hill High School have organized themselves into,,an Alumnae. The aims of the Sociéty m-é tn pmmnte culture aniongits mem- bers, to foster sociability,- and to give ï¬nancial aid for the improvement 'ch the High Schnnl from an aesthetic ‘view. The meetings will be held on the ï¬rst Friday of February, April, J une, October, December, ‘élich‘ year. Alsu there will be one public meeting during the year. The ofï¬cers elected for the ensuing year are:â€"-Pres_;, Miss Mary Trench; Vice-Pres.. Mifs’. 1“; Todd; Sec.. Miss Nora. McMahon: Treats; Miss Emily Boyle. The next meeting will be held Friday, Feb. 7.’ at ‘4 p.m. in thehfligh School Library. Thanks are due to Carpenter. assistant teacher in 11.8. for her interest in the organization of this society. The Canadian Magazine for Janu- My contains a fine appreciation of sm Richard Cartwright by. Professor W'. L. Grant of Queen’s Univer'sitv, King- ston; an illuminative essa entitled "Canadian Womanhood an Beauty, by J; D. Imgan; ayslartling account of “A Sm'nmbtKNighj; in .My Lodging- house.†by Kenneth Douglas; an ex. pm-ience in superstition by Dr. Wil- frifd Grenfe-l; “The Life of the B0“â€" hu‘nk†being an account of railway lat- bnr and construction work, By: W; Lu: cey Amy; 5 popuinr scientiï¬c articl‘é by Prof. D. Fraser Ennis. entitled “Mechanisms before Metalsf’ a review of the early theatrical season in New York, by John E. Wehberzï¬ pictures- que description of Bristol. Pntitled “Canada's Cradl‘ei†and other contri- butions of note. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ‘ The anh'u‘al ’con Minna! ’meetin'g’ Will b'é held on 9' neaday evqning. Januar 22nd, at 8 o’clock. Please mark t 9 date. A week of special services will be held in the church preceding our Oom- mu ion on Feb. ‘Ilnd'u and allme people of ichmond Hil are invited to be pre; sent, and our own people in particular are asked to plan thin s so that. they may be able to give t e assistance of their presence each evening We do not observe the week of 'myer in the beginning of the uncut , and so we may reasonably be expected to observe this series of services with devotion and much of blessi k.“ The program as arranged in as fol owe:â€" Sun. J an. 26th, The minister. Mon. 27th. Rev.D. Strachan. B. A. ‘ Tues; 28th. Rev. 8. B. Gray. M.A. ‘ Wed. 29th, Rev. W. G. Grant. 3 Thu. 30th, Rev. A. Logan Gegxie. ; Fri. 815E, Rev. Dr. Mimgilliva. , Sun. Feb. 2nd. Communion Services. Toronto Dï¬m 0F MR. J. 1*. BROWN. Ripans 'Dabnlei: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure billousnesa. Ripann Tabulea cure ton-pm liver. ï¬iGlâ€"i soaoon‘ALUMNAE. CANADIAN MAGAZINE. DEATHS $++$+++W$+$¢$+~§¢¢ï¬Â¥$HW i W. A. Sanderson; +++W+MÂ¥M~b$iï¬$¢$$ï¬$++ï¬ STIVER & RAMER Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, _‘ Wood, 863. AT THE C.N.0. STATION" AND ELEVATOR * Believing it Lwill be beneï¬cial to 06th buyer and seller, haye decided, - Wethank the public for the ‘genemï¬! patronage in the past, and will earri- estly strive to ‘serve you faithfully in the future; - LASKAY P. d. A; NIGHOLLS Solid Brick, 7 roamed house, stHbIe, 5 acre of land on Richmond Street. Frame House on Uelxbre Street East House, large barn, all nearly new with six acres of way best‘lanu 1m Mill Street. The above in Richmond Hill. , Store and Dwelling in Carl-ville.' Most desirable residence, stable, large lot. in Thm nhill. ; 100 acres 5 i lot. 24, cm). 2. Vaughan, 2110? acres r § Int 31, can; :2; Markham, -t. ‘. ‘ 7 Manicure Sets flair Brushes We solicit; a. call no trouble to show our lines JOHN ELLIS BELL PHONE "RICHMOND HILL Painter. Paper-hanger General Decorator ‘ F. O. EGAN HAS FOR SALE AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS: ON _A CASH BASIS. SATISFACTon Gï¬ARANTEED. PEBFUMES i My Stock ofï¬ne lines of PERFUMES for LICENSED AUGTIONEER are up-to-date and Reasonable m prices [Single copies, 3 cts. For the County of York. Real Estate Agent RICHMOND ‘HILL Richmond Hill .STIVER & RAMEHs Comb Sets} Pictural Caids "‘3 PRESENTS DEALERS 1N DRUG-GIST ONTARIO No. 29