Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jan 1913, p. 4

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I ' Judge pointed out that although “the :' seems to be substantially undisputed ._ has been convicted of publishing obâ€" .e scene literature while those who pro- full ll; guilty.” E,zggiven by the jury themselves:-â€""It "that we bring in a verdict of not :proprietor and those in charge of the . show houses cannot be too strongly amoral, indecent or obscene.” :sscene, yet their verdicc in allowing "Wery much like the Scotch verdict: ealNot guilty, but don’t do it again.” 'lbetween Rev. Dr. Shearer, General ,‘hB Way James L' Hughes has been ‘Orders now being taken for pring delivery, 1913- .___,,______,____ _,_.__ . _.._-A_._ .._, ._.h_._..w.._. ""l‘here always was war, and there: Markham Economist-41hr; always will be war.” gtion of Local Option appears to be “it ‘ ' at t 1 ' w- B x . “Strong drink was always sold ov- lvseuled for man-V years to come in or the bar, and it always will be sold Markham WWnship- 1}! January. over the ’barf" ' g a 1909, the vote was 669 for and 530 ~ . ‘3 ~ A SINGULAR VERDICT- The above are common eitpres- agamum (11?“ 1:03;:3; :ifitvmfi': "' 'sions, and those who give utterance were P0 e or an g , Little wonder is it, after .reading to them wish their words to imp‘y 'four yearsa majority ot139 has in. the ev1dence, that Mr.“ Justice Mid- that there is no use working along creased to a. majority of 448. {new} condemned “1.6 Jaw in 3th. these lines. But there is use. If, ”'-â€"â€"â€"-.-~~' an? mime for the“ ,verdlct m the men slackened in their efforts to pre- nurt against the proprietor and the vent war, the loss of human life manager of the Star Theatre. The would be much greater than - it now _ _ f .h b is. And the same may be said rel- man who drew attent‘on O t e p“ I ative to the liquor traflic. Much “'0 w Wis and describe? what “:1; can be done for the cause of human- ‘pmce m the theatrem a way t a 'ity by earnest work. May the good work continue. ‘ Special attention given to» _______________.____..._.._._â€"â€" monarpr HILL. OWL. JAN. 16. 1913 ‘__._____._.___.â€"._. ',r Pressing - Cleaning r ... Repairing n; llmitomyi?? ' I i AJ.HUME hinder. the ammo“ NOTARY PUBLIC} FARM PROFITS lay be largely by knowing the '; exact condition of the farmer's market, i and by learning of the best method in l farm practice.‘ This is , ' sort of information the Farmer: Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has unequal as a rams- Business Paper.’ 0096 km: relyonit. Myth-cam . «but; 0hr. “l mom of inpproximto HIST fit me build «Hum, “Mmfln‘ cost. weren't sacs. " RICHMOND HILL. duced the play itself have been found Listen to the verdict . Conveyancmg, 15s with exceedingly great difficulty Leases‘ Wins, Etc. SWING REAPING A l-lARVEST OF SORROW How many young men can look back on their early life and regret their misdeeds. “Sowing their ' wild oats’ ' in various ways. ' Excesses, violation of na- . ' ture’s laws, “wine, women 9 ‘ and song”â€"all have their ' victim‘s. Ylou have re. :; formed but what about the - guilty, but the jurors wish the citi- :z‘.ns to know that they feel that the .- ' v RiCHMGND HILL Rgfimgggmtuumu - mum. The Next‘Sitting of Divrsmn Court to .scensured for allowing such plays as sthis isâ€"mggestive of anything im- , , . ' seed you have sown~ivhat :5- ,_ . ‘ . - ’1 b h d / Twill”? admlts m 9131“ Wolds about the harvest? Don’t ,4 AGENCY N0 5, e 91 ficthat thep‘lay “.The Darlings Of Par “£1151; to I‘m:- “12'0"- :fie J H ’ V S PT, , ' _ I , _ a presen wit in e ., _ .u D . . ’ was indecent, numeral and ob dutqhesofmymretham .l: MANAGER ' which is sapping your life by degrees; if you are suf- ' fering {rem the results of ,. ast indiscretions; if your I lood has been tainted from - a. . . a any private disease and you dare not in .; if you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and e ng our past; it you are suffering as the result of a misspent ‘ Y - hieâ€"DRS. K, GI. K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay Your case be‘m‘e . them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. ' YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Trent and Cure VARICOSE VElNS.‘ NERVOUS DEBILITY, '- BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Dia- - cues and all Digeales Peculiar to Men. 3 ; CONSULTATION runs. 3min has on on“... or Men. I: mini. is «nun. 3 ' '. for a Question Blank for HOME TBEATIMENT . ’ as.KENNEBY& KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Sh, Detroit, “ON” Monday, Feb. 24, Igi3 Commencing at 9.30 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY - ALWAYS ON HAND. ' Electric Restorer for Men restores every nerve in the body PhOSphonol to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make on a new mam Price 38 a box. or two for $5. ailed to any address. The Soobell. Dru: 00.. St. Catharines. om. ~chic immoral show is “not guilty.” __ ____._,____ We believe the following dialogue _ ‘I For Sam One copy of ’Wehster’s New Inter- national Dictionary. This is got a revised edition of Webster, hat a new creation from cover to cover. There are 2700 pages. 6000 illustrations. and the Volume contains more informatbn of interest to more people than any other dictionary. The copy for sale is indexed, and the leather binding should last a lifetime.‘ The publisher’s Secretary of the department of Social .‘Service, and Counsel in the noted rStair case, as to his attitude towards rtheatreâ€"going, racing, and smoking, is worthy of insertion :â€"-V “DO you patronize the theatres?” he asked. ‘ “ Not as a rule.” ‘ Public Notice Applications for electric energy for light. and power purposes may he fyled in the Clerk’s Office, and connections uill be made in. the order in which a \plioationsare received. A. J. HUME, ' _ = price is $13.00 less a discount of 25 I u were Ivou at any theatncal Per‘ All letters from Canada must be addressed to our ' VillageUl-erk. per cent. .’ ‘ formance in Toronto, besides that you m Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, ' Richmond Hill, Nov. 23. Enquire at r Ont. Ifyou desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in :3 2)-t.f. ‘ 43-t.f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. have described ?" “ I was at the Princess last spring to see ‘ A Fool There Was‘,’ ” Dr. Shearer admitted that the Star and the Princess were the only theatres he had visited. “Why don’t you go ?” “ Because I’m too busy.” “ Is that your honest reason ?“ “ Yes.” V “ Have you been so busy for 25 years-that you only had time to. go to the theatre twice :3" -‘ I have had other things of greater importance to do.” “ Do you object to the theatre ?'" ~' Not to the theatre as such." ‘f Do you condemn smoking?” asked Counsel "1 think it may be a dirty and objectionable habit,” was the reply. Counsel tried to force an answer. 1“ Am I to understand that you can’t answer Yes or No ?” " I have already said I disapprove for various reasons.” “ Do you condemn horseracing ?” " I’ve no objection to. horse racing as such.” " Do you object to the Woodbine ?" “ I object to the betting and gamb- ling there." “ Do you condemn a man for hot- ting ?” Detroit as we se'eand treat no patients in our Windsor ,ofiices which are used for com . nee: and. Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all. letters as follows: , ‘ ‘ DRS. KENNEDY 8r KENNEDY,‘Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. is ~.- gnu-(1;: TO THE PUBLIC REMZE The money you can make selling ‘ fruit-trees? The present demand for Nursery Stuck is the greatest in the history of the business. Everybody who has the land is planting or pre- paring to plant. we WANT NOW for Fall and Winter months a reliable man to sell in RICHMOND BILL and surrounding district. Good pay. exclusiVe territory, and all the advantages in representing an old established firm. Over 600 acres under cultivation. Established 35 years. Write “i PELHAM NURSERY c0. ' TORONTO... ONTARIO. Stove-pipe time is here. I keep the best polished pipe on hand. Any per- son can put together my crimped pipes. Tiusmithing. Grinding and . All Kinds ‘ of Repairing. SKATES SHARPENED Electrone Coal Oil, Machine Oil, Motor Cylinder Oil, and Peerless Gasoline in stock. Charcoal, 3 bags for 25¢. Come and see me. JACOB EYER RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO Tombstone Lettering 'AE N33 y E i - In Marble or Granite. Good work, MUNN A: (30.. or the Smnmxne I ma . , . ' ‘ . :lnue to not its Solicitors for Patents. ailmuxbrfiggn reggonable Lharges' Town 9‘ mgr.“ y‘ Marks. Co yrignu. rm- the United States. (5mm... Write. Every family. should have both.. ’ their local paper and a. ‘ cit-y paper. ‘ Subscriptions .for weekly and daily papers taken with "The Liberal” at the following rates:-- Family Herald and Week- 1. 7 5 1y Star, 1 year + 1.75 . 2.40 I 12411:. _Wee-kly Globe V Weekly Mail and Empire ~ (with premium) Farmer’s Advocate “ . . I condemn the husmess 0f betting, Epglnnd. ‘ ranoe. harmony. etc. Handy Book about vvA A. JQfiESy . . . . _ Parents sent free. ’lhlrt Jeven years experience , - I think an mdlvujqal who bags 3 Patents onmined throw MUNN a co. are noticed 22 Buchanan St., _ in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. the largest. hest.s.nd ‘ Turonto . ‘ very foolish retransmit...“ museum at“ "a M L d p - ' . ~ ‘. . 2 n , s It .' Monuments ar 'ers an ornei‘ C ' F onmmon. S eelmen oo ofthe out A . V <~ 5’ ~ ’ " - M mm aunt (reg. A ddres’ilyMUNNgc‘JOH Epsys: a) . ‘ ’ unmenn Uiiice. 291 Broadway. New York. 51â€"3 in, apparently great minds do not al.- ways move in the same direction. A few evenings ago Mr. James L. . Hughes, Chief School Inspector in To- ’ route, in condeming entrance exam- inations said, “They are the devil’s greatest agency in Canada.” Principal Fraser of Manning Ave. School has said in reply: “I have seen 3.50 of 2.50 2.50 1.75 l w " ’ Dail -,,_ob ,YorkCo, AGENT WANTED .rGIe Prosâ€"e . RIOHMQND HILL.- , , To sell for the “The Old Reliablei" FONTHILL NURSERIES Prospects bright Daily Mail, York Co. Daily Star, outside towns and villages distinguishing himself. , And it's the season’s trade. ,. - ‘ V‘ ' , quite in a line with the way he usual.- i Experience unnecessary. We instruct our salesmen how to sell Fruit Stocks‘Da’ily ly distinguishes himself! There’s no in the country and Ornamental trees in the town. I i The "Weekly Sui; r . l , START NOW and have your territory reserved. ’ Weekly Pay. Free Outfit. foollike anold fool, and you wontl WRITE FOR TERMS. _ - find many old fools to compare With l the Chief Inspector; STONE 8a ‘w-ELLINGTQN.

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