Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jan 1913, p. 5

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Mr. J. Tayhm of Ym-ktnn. left with El mu-lnad of horses un Thursday morn- ug. ' Rxcnnmm HILL. Own. JAN. 16. 1913 Mrs. Geo. Grainger spent, a Week with» friends in Nuhlewn. arriving home Satumay. @Iw :fliheml. Make old calendars into new ones, h‘ry attaching a new tab. They can he bud at. THE LIBERAL nl’fice at. one cent much. Richmond Lodge, A.F. & A.M. will meet, next, Monday evening, when an uffifiiul visit is expected from the D.D. (:‘r. . Mr. Gm. Metcalf found a Pearl Cmscent in the Masonic Hall after one of the [event entertainments. and has it, in his possession. Mr. N. W. Rowe", K.C., will speak at North Toronto next, Monday (aven- ing. January 20th, on the subject "Tax Reform and the Housing Problem.” Mr. H. R. Heise of Gm-mley is leav- ing for Suspension Bridge. Ounesus, Clarence Centre. and Buffalo, N. Y., and othez points farther west. Our local hockey team lefered de- feat, in the home rink Friday evening, when Thou-uh“! scored 9-1. We must hope for better success npxt tune. A conference, which it is hoped will pave the way for the construction of a radial from Markham Village to To- ronto will he held at, the City Hall next \Vednesduv. I The 9xecutors of the Hart estate have sold thehnuse and lot on Yonge street to Mr. William Martin, who. a tew days ago disposed of his double. house on Elizabeth street, to Mrs. Hinehiey. Don't forget about the illustrated lecture on “The White Plague” to be given in the Masonic Hall this (Thurs- day) evening by Mr. J. B. Watson, Field SeczfiLaI-y of the National Sani- Larium Association. The members of Court Richmond. No. 7046. A.0.F. are summoned to at- tend a Special Meetin in the Court Room, this (Thursday afternoon at. 2 o'clock to attend Lhetuneml at their hue brother Thomas Brown. Member’s hockey tickets are on sale at “Ted” Grainger’s barber shop. Grét one now and save admission prices Friday night. These tickets e nbitle you to free admission to all league and exhibition games as well as practices. 'A. meeting of the Curling Club will beheld in the Club Room at; the rink this (Thursdav) evening at 8 o’clock. Skips will be elected for the different. series of games and other business transacted. Curlers will please attend. Men’s heavy Winter cups with fur band. 50c., 60c. and 72c. each. Men’s smoked Horsehide palm Yellow "Bur. row” back and cuff, heavy wool-lined gauntlet mitt, embmidered melted, extra. wide cuff pr. $1.35. Atkinson & Switzer. King and Vaughan Plowmen’s Assoc‘ iation will hold their annual meeting at the Maple Leaf Hotel, Maple, on Monday, 20th insb, commencing at, 2 o‘clock. At this meeting officers and directors will be appointed for the coming year. Through a printer‘s error. last week’s report of the hockey game in 'Thornhill left out F. Bredin’s name as centre for Richmond Hill. “Mm-k” played a. very good game considering that he was making his bow mto se- nior hockey. The annual meeting of the East York Conservative Association was held at Mirkham last Saturday. Mr. Garnet Duncan was inNthe chair. and Mr. Edward Francis acted as secretary. The speakers were Capt. Wallace,M.P.; Alex. McGowan. M.P.P.; W. H. Pugaley and Robert Miller. Invitations are being issued for the annual complimentary banquet and concert of the King and Vaughan Branch of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association. The social event will be 139131 phis year _on _'I_‘bu_rsd§y evening, 83rd inst... at the Maple Leaf Hotel, Maple. Oysters will be served com- mencing at 6 o’clock, and this will be followed by an entertainmenbin which Eddie Piggott, will take a. prominent part. Brown’s Nurseries are famous for thei; fine Peach, Apple. Plum and Sherry trees. They have the best nursery soil in Canada. and are the largest growers of trees in the Dominion. All scions and bud- aticks are cut by one man and he has been in their employ many years, so no mistakes are made by using wrong scions or buds. Send for Catalogueor write for agency, as they have some unoccupied territor in your country. BROWN BROS. C ., Browns Nurser- ies. Welland 00., Ont. '16‘3mo, IA()C A148! The Thol-nhill Literary Circle will meet at the hume of Mr.‘ Simpan next, Monday evening, 20th inst. at at. 8 o‘clock. A gnnd literary pm- gmmme will be pun-MPG. ' All are in- vited todlttend. The following news item is taken from the Newmarket. Em fvle nf Jau- uary 6, 1888:â€"â€"The Altarâ€"At the resi- dence of the bride’s mother. on the 29th ult., by Rev. G. Webher, Mr. J. B. Grice of Thurnhill, to Miss F. F. Snider. nf Newmarket. Mr. and Mm‘D. L. Lepard of Newâ€" market spent. yesterday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs.» McMahon. A hotly contesth match Was played in the Thor-nhill rink Monday evening between Newmarket and the hnme team. At the end of full time the sides were even. but the Lie was after- wards broken by Thm-nhill scoring a game. Mrs. Margaret Redditt, mother of Ben J. J. Redditt (If the Methodist Book Ronm.-and Mr. George Redditt of this village died on Sunday the 12th inst... Newman-kw. Herlatemusband. Robert, was for forty vems a carriage make:- at Eversley in King township. Fur the past six years she had lived at Richmond Hill. and was 011 a. visit tn Newmaz-ket when the end came. She was a life-long member of the Method. ist, Church. The members of the family who survive are Rev. J. J. Redditt, Toronto;Geo.. Richmond Hill; Beverley, Newmarket; Alfred, Barrie: Edward, in the States, and Mrs. E. J. Clubina and Mrs. Rose. Newuuu'ket. The funerle took place Tuesday to the Aurora cemetery. True to promise, the publishers vi The Family Herald and \Veekly Star of Mnntreal have vastly improved that, already great paper during the past few months. It is said several new editors have 'been added to the staff. and still greater improvements are contemplated. The beautiful picture. "Mother’s Treasures," in great demand. Everynne who sees it Wonders how such a picture can be given with such a great paper at one dullar a vear. It: is the best dollar’s Worth [.0 hehad, and those who miss it will regret it. Old subscribers should see that their re- newal subscriptinn is sentnt once to guarantee the picture. Did it ever occur to you that, a. very large number- of farmers are trying to do what. no other business men think of doing. that is, to run their business without, a business paper. This shnuld not. be. and £8 disastrous. Farming is the largest and InnsL important. indus- try in this country, and every farmer should each week have the latest par- ticulars regarding his business. The Weekly Sun, Toronto. is the farmer’s business paper. It costs little and will repay you many times its price. It can help make the farm pay all it. can pay. ANNUAL MEETING. Every farmer in this section of country should take an interest in our annual spring exhibition. And if they are interested they should Show it by amending the annual meeting to he held in the Lorne Hall toâ€"murrow (Friday) at. 1 o‘clock. The meeting is open to the public, and suggestions my lative to necessary changes will be appreciated from any quulter. The election of officers for! the current year will form a part of the business of the afternoon. The Richmond Hill High School Will hold a Skating Party and Fancy Dress Carnival in the link next, Monday even- ing‘ the 20th inst. The Richmond Hill Band- will supply music during the evening. Carnival at 8 o'clock. Ad. mission 15 and 10 cents. The public will be allowed on the ice before and after the Carnival. Come along and iiwnd a. pleasant evening. and give ouv . S. a. boost. See the suitings and overcoatings we can make to your measure for $18. Fit, style and workmanship guaran- teed by the HouSe/‘ot Hobberlin, To- ronto. Atkinson & Switzer. A Pair of Goad Curling Stones for Sale. May be Seen at McDonald's harness shop. T. NEWTON. VVONDERFU LLY IMPROVED. DEATH OF MRS. REDDITT. Rum.“ Tabulos we nausea. Ripans Tabulea assist digestion. n.1me Tahqu m pod m hummgommm MAKING THE FARM PAY. There are many way. of fixing them. No two cases are alike. Dome and let us tell you “Haw” and “Why” and "If! )We advlee free. Health and appearance depend upon your tgethg 91“ the mast." «rm! thought! Curling Stones SKATING PARTY. Thornhfll. 42:14:13], Jan. 17, 1913’ At One O'Clock RM. RICHMOND HILL Electinn nf Officers; receiving repnrts and any "(her husiness that may legn_l_ly_lwlu~nugl_1 t hejfpre ghe memhers. 'All'iuterestb'd will please govern themsvlves accordingly. TUESDAY. Jun. l4â€"Farm Stock, im‘ plvmenrs. &c.. Int 37. con. 1, Vaughn 1m. Lnngsmfi’. the prnpmty of Gen. Chapman. Sale at 1.30. Terms 9 mos. WEDNESDAY. Jain Iiiâ€"Farm stock. implements 820., Int 27, can. 8. Mark. ham. the puiperty (If Jns. H. Hoover. Sale at, 1 o’clock. 9 months’ credit. THURSDAY. Jan. 16â€"Farm stock. im- -Dlenu-nts dun, Int 11. mm. 10. Mark. l}:uu.__anust Hill. thqprnpoxly;fl 0A. A. Hagprmnnu. Salé' lf.30. months‘ credit. SATURDAY. Jam. 18â€"17mm stocx. im- lvnn-nts &c., lot, 30. con. 9. Mark- ;un’ noaernuvaille. the pl'npertv of R. Hamilton 650. Harper" Sale at l u’uluok. 9 months‘ credit. WEDNESDAY. Jan. 22â€"82119 of well hrpd Ulydesdnlu Horse‘s, cattle, farm implements &c., Int, 12 and 13. con‘ 8. Markham Village. the property of Alex. Douglas. Sale at 12 O‘clock. 9 mnmhs’ credit. -The undPrsigned wish Lu inform the public that thy have a good sup- ply of feeds. bran. shuns, gluten meal. and a car of corn ‘ust arrived. JA VIS & RUMBLE._ RICHMOND fllLL AGRICUL- TURAL SOCIETY Will beheld in the LORNE HALL Abnul 40 bags of good Seed Potatoes fur sale. Apply to , ALBERT JONES. \VIICDNESDAY. Jun. 29F--Anctio_n sale of farm stuck. implenwms, etc.” lab 2‘, rear 6th (201)., Vaughan. Purple’vilie. the property of Frank Mm-de‘n. ’ Sale at l o‘clnck. Terms!) months. Lot 31, Gun. 3. Vaughan. Iihgme N0. 1850 Mab'le Exchange. fivtl. A desirable residence on Centre St. \Vest, Richmond Hill. Possession ar- ranged Ln suit. purchaser. J. H. PRENTICE’S UST 0F Auction Sales gal/w: the uftermmn of farmer should know that the co oflezed by the dealers for cattle, 033, etc, in a. fair one. How can he know thin if he does not take a. farm business paper! Whut doctor or law- yer or busineu man Would be without his business papa! There in but one farmera’ business and market per, that in The Weekly Sun; {fiat-t 1331431“. by wblcx'ibing. not H'uuired. You mental-ted free. Thane wnouan an own I - .5. wax-w; mm mm umrorm w a nu- «HWM'P'N H‘if'MH-b-Hfig kfifi, tfl'l‘i‘iflvév , _ He‘d! tn ucarco. but than gnu mu: ' Stiusou h Co..Portland, Mainenrill receive , free, full infnrmminn “30111 work which they can do. and live It homo.that will pay . than: from $5 to $25 por duy. Some bzva named over 5 >13 In a day Either sex, young or old. Capital Thane whonan at om ., ,, u.4l- "h‘... .An I. n.- Annual. Meeting Toronto. Ounnda’, include the 09m... ral Business College. The Central Telegraph and Railroad School. and four City Branch Business Schools. All provide excellent cuurses lead- ing to good salaried positions. Free catalng ue on request. Write for it. W. H. Shaw, President, Head Offices, Yonge & Gerrard Sts. Toronto. Saige‘on & McEwen's List of Auction Sales SHAW’S SCHOOLS The Annual Meeting of the THERE IS BUT ONE a Apply to For Sale For Sale F or Sale Pres. G. A. McDONALD. H. A. NICHOLLS. Richmnnd Hill. Mn p‘le. TreaS. f-MN-H+~l~i-Md-++MH+~H-m (++++»+«wW-t~+++++~a«+¢-+++-g i°'!~+++++m+%~l'+ 9+$W M+H++++*4~ MéM¢$++é+é++ofi +++++W$+¢+¢4IM+M++*+ P++++++§°++Tv++++++4 '~§‘-§~-§‘Mv§-M§ Confederation Life Association London Guarantee 86 Accident Co. Norwich Union Fire 86 Accident Go. Western Fire, Rimouski Fire " Mercantile Fire, York Fire Sovereign Fire » Your business will have our prampt attention. See our list of Companies below: ’ ’ Real Estate List, enquire at our- office.« *Qt-lvkki-fi+¢++++¢+Â¥$fi+¢++§fi§1'4“? ++++++$éé~+++fifi~+¢$+++{44+ Humans-4n NORMAN J. GLA‘TfiE’fi PROPRIETOR~ All pure linen Huckaback guest towelling 15 in. wide, 35c. per yd. All linen Huckahuck unveiling 22 in‘ wide, 20c. per yd. Checked linen glass towelling 26 m. wide 15c. per yd. Plain linen glass Unveiling a) in. Wide, 10c. per yd. » Blue and white ehmknnd plain blue apron gingham with border, ' 1%. per yd. . Extra. heavy Oxford shirting. grey and white stripe patterns 28 in. wide, 15c. per yd. , Extra heavy all woo] may flannel 28 in. wide, peg yd. 30c. . )Hemstitched pillow cases 42 in. Idng and 32 in. wide, pr. 40c. Navy fiannelette wrappers. trimmed with fx-ill over shoulder. yoke and collar trimmed with braid. each $1.35. Atkinson & SwitzerÂ¥ PHONE 17 Lndies‘ striped flanneletbe night gowns made with tucked yoke and frill on neck and sleeves, 75c. each. *‘ Ladies’ white flannelette night gowns with pink embroidery trim- ming. each $.00- ' GROCERIES Men’s Catharrt overalls made- of extra heavy blue drill with White stripe-:2 hip, 2 top. watch and rule pockets. elastic suspenders, ' double stitched throughout, per- pair, $1.4? We have just refilled all our different lines of Rub- bers with bright new stock of the best grades. ~ Men’s Heavy Rubbers, laced, red soles, sclid “heel, heel! snag brooi a a: Men’s Overshoe Rubber, best grade V\ omeh’s Overshoe Rubber, best grade _ snag proof - ' . '7. Men’s Heavy Rubbers, two buckle, heavy sole, Table Raisins 250. lb. Natural size cooking figs 4 lbs. for 25c. W'heatine, 6 lb. bag for- 2501. wheat granules 6 lb. bag 30. Pure Gnld jelly powder, assorted fiavars. 3 pks. for 25c! H. 0. Ammonia powder, 3 pks. for- 25c. Handy Ammonia powderl 6 pks. for 256. Tip Top Snap Chips. 6 pks. for 25. Dryffioods CONCRETE, HOUSE RICHMOND HILL ANU‘ ‘ E Insurance i Agents Savage Ref" 135% --1--v+4ee¢~s~-s~+-:br:«3~i ring-$1 $250 solid {.00

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