Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jan 1913, p. 7

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Mr. Whimley said that. systematic Downbeating, the bedrock principla of dairy herd improvement, was be.- Deming more genera} rhmughnnt A deapafxflx from Kingston says: In an address far more 'i'omantaic than the flurry of (jubalt, the great Wsibilflivs of the dairyng indus-v by of Ontario werv rkulesd to the Dairymen’a Association uf Eastern Ontario by Charlox J“. “hibioy of file Dairy Division 0f {the .lf‘edm‘al Department. of Agrimfltnrc. liven $6 most. inveterate: optim'itt must; ve been Martial. “Ontario has “ milk Dow§," said Mr. Whitby “With Sn Inomam of on); $10 mu-h the lit-m revenue deuvod frmn the-m might easily be. owr $12.000‘OOQ an ear; and that is very conservattve. ' he pogsibie extra prnfii, is THE DAIRYING INDUSTRY Startling Results Announced by Chas. F. Whitley at Eastern Dairymen’s Association Meeting 2.. amt-aye won. 186- long clear bacon. tom and ’33”. 151- ; backs (plain). 211â€"20; backs animal;i 221:. Green “mom; of pickle, 1c less than gmoked. .. Porkâ€"Short out, $25 to $23 per barrel; new pork, 821.50 14) $23. Wholesale dealers are selh’ng to the Undo an followuâ€" Smohd and Dry Salted Meats-~Ro}lsâ€"« plucked, 14_l-4o to ‘1_59;_ balmy mogiiung. 17a Beansâ€"«$2.75 for prime-s and $2.85 for hand-picked. PomtoeHnt-ario pot-(1mm. 90:: to 950 or bug; oar lots, 800; New B-runswicks, 1.05 m 81.11) per bag, out of store: 950 ‘n onr lot». in burrela; strained clover honey. 1-20 a. bound in Gil-pound tine, 12 3-4:: in 0-pound tins; 150 in 5-pound tins: oomb ney, No. 1. $2.60 per dozen; ext-fa. $3 per dozen; No. 2. $2.40 per dozen. Poultryâ€"Live chickens, whnleeale, 100 110 per pound: fowl. 80, to 100; ducks, 0 to 130; live turkeys. 15c to 170; geese. c to 100. Dressed poultry. 20 to 30 above ive quotations. excepting dressed turkeys at 200 to 210. ts; fresh eggs an aching at 300 to 520; riotly new-aid at. 400, and American ‘Mw-luidl at 350. Ch inn, new. 14840 to 150, and rec. new, at, 141-20; old cheese, ‘cwlnn, 1-40 to 1151-20: large, XGcA Butterâ€"Latent butcer quotations my” amen mints, 51 to 520; 4.19., aohds. to 30¢; dairy wink. £6 to 27m inferior aka-5’). 23 to 2 . Ho’noyrlnqkwheap, ppm“? in tings and jgeuslâ€"No.’ 2',"§1.10"td $1.20, on lot: out I} u. Blmkwheaino. 2, 470 to 48¢, Ryowblo. E. 750 to 760. Rolled Oat: Pm‘ bag of 90 pounds, $2.- ”; per barrel, $4.85, wholgsale, Windsor to Montreal. ' 2Barleywfllolfl making, 011132113. 60¢: to <- Millfecd‘Manitoba bran, $19.00 to $20.- 90, in 13339, frapkL ’l‘oroqygifihorpg! 7822.90 Manitoba. 0ats~No. 2 (L W. oats, 411-40. .rack. bay port-s; No. 0 H. W., 391-40; No. feed, 59140 for prompt Shipment. Col‘nr‘American No. 6., an mil, Toronto, 005mb? slxipment- 54 $149; Toronto, Jan. 14.â€"Ma‘nimbu Wheatâ€"Lima arts, No. 1 northern, 941-2“: No. 2 920; o. 3, 891-20; feed wheat, 650. Ontario Wheatâ€"No. 2, 900 to 910 for car lots outside, ranging down to 700 for poor y'gdes._ â€" Ontario Oats~No. 2 white, 350 to Me at western points, 570 to 580 on Mack, To- taint/0.7 A. despatch from Calgary, Alber- ta, says : One of the most disastrous fires in the history of western Cyan- wda occurred on Sunday, when the large packing plant of P. Burns & Company was totally destroyed by fire. The loss, including carcasses in Cold storage, will probably be in excess of $2,000,000. On account of the low water pres-sure the fire de~ partment was unable to do clfecu five work. The loss is serious, in that the local plant wzm the largest institution of its kind in the west, from which all of the western cities, including Vancouver and Victoria and the coast cities, draw largely for their meat supply, and butcher- ing in the open may have to be re- sorted to in order to prevent. a meat famine. The storage plant con- tained from 15,000 to 20,000 C‘a-râ€" cusses. '"u: a cum. Gram. emu. ma on»: "noun at "amt am! Abralt PRIBES 0F FARM PRDUUBIS “roan morn TNI LEADIND nun- csmnss or “12mm. PACKING PLANT BURNED Calgary Has One of the Most Destructive Conflag- ratipns that Ever Visited Western Canada 7995;713me anions-«Per cage. $2.50 Onurio Flour~Wintbr wheat flour, 90 DGI.‘ cent. patents. is quoted at $4.05 to £4.10.d delivered Toronto. and $5.90 nea- your . o $35.00; Ontario bran, $1900 to $20.00. in In”; shorts, $22 to 823.00. Manitoba Flourâ€"First patents $5.30 in me bags; second pamnts. $4.86 in jute rags; strong bakera’, $4.60 in jute bags. 11' cotton bags, ten cent: more per bat- oronw wholesale selliu r prioeazw ggsâ€"Cold-stm'me es a, 5G to 28¢ in case ntg; fresh eggqiar. ae ling at 300 to 520; The fire was discovered about country Produce. Provision; Breadstufis l-urio Wit-h {tho three hundred puma est. Mr, Whitley said tâ€"hc )'-l,‘{.:(11'(l(‘l'8 working madm'. his dil‘ch-ion had Obtained gonna amazing infomnaiim'x h1st year. The Ehrfie- hundred pw‘u‘ animals had yielded 833.33 mum, the must. beng leaving a profit: of 83 cents. The best. xhroe hun- dred cows yielded $104 mwh; fwd Cost, $40, leaving $64 profit m r uni- meal. The. best three hundred gave: ovw two million pounds of milk more than the poorest three hun» dred. 'Thus the startling discovery was made that each one of. the three hundred good cows made as much profit as .1915 of the poor kind. Comparing- Hw pi’rfnrnmmm u 1.1m t-hr-ee hmMmd heat cows in, ()u the Province, and the mws that vmrc not moneyâ€"makers were being weedod out. Disorder and chaos war-e giving way to sypfmn, sat-isâ€" faction and profit. James Mmkay, aged 20. o-{ Ham- iltpn, ended his life with carbolic amid . A despatch from London says: A Government return shows that Canada sent: hor'e last year twenty» one and a half million hundred- weight of wheat, the next largest, figure to twei‘xby-five millions from the East Indies. Canadian cattle imported totalled 6,800, as against 42,239 in 1911. The value of Cana- dian bacon sent here was £1,175,~ 000, over six hundred thousand less than in 1911. The United Kingdan sent. Canada. 1,600,000 gallons of spirits. The most noticeable thing about British exports to Canada, is the steady drop in raw material, and the steady increase in finished products. Imports Fr?!“ Dominion Exceeded Only by Those From India. _-..~. v- w WM, mun-..“ a... w $2.75. Culverâ€"Good veal. $7 to $9; mm- mon. 85 to $3.25. Shockers and Feeders-â€" Steel-a. 550 to 750 lbw. at $5.25 to $3.50; feeding bulls, 600 to 1.000 “08., at $2.75 to $4.25: vearlings. $3.15 to $3.50. Milken and Swingersâ€"From $50 to $80. Sheep and Lambsn-Light awea, $4.75 #1135325; heavy ewes. $5 to $5.50: lambs, $8 to $8.65. Homa-~-$8.60, fed and watered, and $8.35 to $8.50, f.o.b. - CANADA’S WHEAT IN BRITAIN Toronto, Jan. 14.â€"vCattvla'â€"'Cholm hutch- er. $6.25 to $6.85: good medium. $5.25 to $5.75: common. $2.75 to $3.75; cowa. $5 00 $5.25; [3311.15, 25; to. $5.2§; gynnsrg.» $2 to am an Duluth, Jami ‘1’4.:Wheab-~~No. 2 hard, 950; No. 1 northern, 840; No. 2 (10., 20; Ju7y. 881-40 asked: May, 870 bid. Mantras]. Jan. 14.~Choice steers, 87 in $7.25, wood at $6.50 to $6.75, fair at; $5.50 to $6. common at $4.50 to $5. and Gunners at $2.75 to $3.25 per 100 pounds. Lambs, $7 to $7.25 and sheep $5 to $5.25 for ewes per 100 pounds. Calves ranged from $5 to $12 each. as to size and qualit . Sales of selected lots of hogs were ma a freely at stgady price}. Montreal, Jan. 14.â€"â€"â€"Cheeseâ€"-Finest wast- erns. 150 to 131-40: d0.. finest easterns, 121~20 to 125-40. Butuu-~Choicest cream- ery, 500 to 301-40; (10., seconds, 26 L20 to 271-20,. Eggnm-Fresh. 550 to 600.; (10., select, ed, 300 to 520; (10.. N0. 2 Mock, 210 to 230. Potatoes-“Per bag, car lots, 750 “m 854:. United Sir“: Markets. Minneapolis. Jan 14.-Wbea.t~v~Ma‘y. 86 3-40: July. 885430; No. 1 hard, 811-40; No. 1 northern, 840 to 85 340; No. 2 (10., 820 to 85 3-40. Corn-*No. 3 yellow. 411-20 To 42o OatsflNo, 5 whim, 300 to 301-40. Rwyâ€"$10. 2, 541-20. to 581-2n. Brunt-£19.00 to $19.50. FIpuyfianhanged. ‘ A, V 7 12.30 o’clock Sunday morning. The whole of the easement was in flames, and the packing pliant deâ€" partment, augmented by all of the city fire department, was unable to make any headway against the flames. Repeatedly the firemen enâ€" tered the basement, only to be driven back by the overpowering ammonia, fumes. In a short time the fire had gotten into the greaseâ€" soeked floors of the upper stories, and when this occurred the water had no effect whatever. Several ‘of the firemen had narrow escapes from exploding ammonia tanks, but no one was seriously injured. The fire raged furiously, all day and by night little remained of the magâ€" nificent plant but charred ruins. The property destroyed was fully insured, the insurance of the stock in storage being in the neighbor- hood of $1,000,000. Quotations, vtrack, Torollto:~Baied hay, N0. 1, $13.50 to 14.00; No. 2. $9.50 to $10.50: £113,005, $8.00 to 9.00; Ba-led straw, $9.50 to Lard~Tierces, 131-2 to 13 5-40; tubs, 15 5â€"40 to 14¢. Montreal Country Produce. Balsa Hay and Straw. Live stook Markets. iStrm-k on Ledge While Manoeuv- 1 ring for a, Pilot A duspa‘h‘h from Halifax says: ;me the stranded steavn'lship i (Travnium 9H0 passm’lgers were “tn-ken éuf‘f ml (Thohucto Head, at the, 01% : trance (u ~Halifa’x: Hayrlmr. and mac-bud here in mfet-y.‘ No lives were 'Ensi.. The Uranium struck at H] ukxlmk on Sunday morning in i lhic-k \N'nzn'hmf. She. crashed on the Hedge‘ a quarim' of a mile“ north of iohflbllciu Head light and fog sta- }’ri«m. How the captain got out at 1 his cmH'SE‘ in this way is a mystery. I Hr) was manoeuvring for a pilot at lthe i’inw. Word was at once sent ; to Halifax for assistance, but there : was some delay, and it was 2 o’clock before the (Jvovernment steamer Lady Laurier, the 'Bridgewaior and other waft went down to the wreck. A despatch from Pekin says: Chinese robbpm shot and killed John, the five-year-old son of the Rev. R. O. Jolliffe of the Canadian Methodist mission. A party of missionaries, were returning by boat: to the town of Tzeliutsing, when thrry were attacked by the robbers, between Chengtu and (Fhungkiug, in thé province of Szechuen. One of the robbers was captured, but; the rest took to flight. Canadian Central & Labrador to Run from Cochl‘ane Eastyvard. A despatch from ,Ot-taWa says: A railway from Cochra-ne, Ontario, Mross the great new hinterland of Quebec, to Cape M. Lewis, in Lab- rador, with branches to the mouth of the Hamilton River and to the city of Quebec, is projected. The Canadian Central & Labrador Railway (‘0. has given notice of ap- plicaHon {'0 Parliament this session for a charter for the undertaking. Fivn-ymr-nld Son of Rev. R. 0 Jollifl‘c Shot: by Chinese Robbers. Unique Result of Swirling Icebreak- ers to Fort William. A dospatch from v Fort W‘illivam’ says: Ready with the first breaking of ice in Thunder Bay and Lake 811- perior to steam out of the harbor to their destinations, sixty vessels are tied up at the elevators in Fort William with 13,000,000 bushels of grain in their holds. This work, which has never been equaled at 'tho head of the lakes, is due to keeping the harbor open after navi- gation had closed... The vessel‘s were able to move to different; eleâ€" vators with little. or no assistance and Without any undue rush. Iceâ€" breakers are breaking ice two feet thick in the harbor and will con- tinue to keep the river open until January 20. Practically all.the vessels here have been loaded, and there will be no necessity of work being done after the ice breakers quit. - lJonquierc Woman Killed, Another l and Two Children Hurt. Adezspatoh from Quebec says: A fatal accident occurred on Thurs- day night; at; Jonquiere, 10 miles from Chicoutimi, by which one wo- man lost her life and another wo- man and two children were badly burned. In the residence of one Hick, an employe in Price’s paper mill, a gasoline lamp exploded, in [sitantly killing Mrs. Lilaburn, a. servant in the family. Mrs. Hick and two of her children were badly burned. How the explosion 00‘ curred is unknown. The house was only slightly damaged. Passengers on Allan Liner Have a Thrilling Experience. A despa-teh from St. John says: A narrow escape from destruction from fire and severe experiences by passengers and crew were reported by the Allan Lin-e steamer Cartha- ginian, which arrived here on Fri- day nighrt from Liverpool. The steamer lefit Liverpool December 28 for St. John’s, Halifax and Philadelphia. Capt. McKillop said that when she was three days out her cargo caught fire in some un- explained manner. The flames spread so rapidly that it was neces- sary to pump an unermous amount of water into the vessel to drown them out. The fire was finally ex- tinguished, but for twelve hours-the water was knee deep on the lower deck. It is eetimated that repairs to the vessel will cost $10,000. A large part of the general cargo was damaged. M] SSION .\ RY" S‘ SON KILLED . S'I‘R. I‘RANIUM STRANDED. NEW RAILWAY PROJECTED. GASOLINE LAMP EXPLODED. ON FIRE IN MID-OCEAN: SIX-TY VESS'ELs READY. Wumau at Sussex, INJL. Fails (0 Rally From Anaesthvtic. A dcspafich from Susmex. .N.B., says: M rs. Harry Seoley, of Mark- hamvilllv, near here, died in a, den‘ tisf’xs chair 011 Friday. T he young wmuam was having some teeth (ex- tracbeél. ‘An anaesthetic was adâ€" ministered by a physician and the operation carried through, but Mrs. Sealey'failed to rally afterwards. Austin-Canadian Lme by the C. P. R. is Rumored. A despatch from Montreal says: Mr. G. M. Bosworth, Vice-Presi- dent of the C.P.R., would neither confirm nor deny the rumor that the Canadian Pacific Railway will shortly inaugurate an Austro-Cana- dim: steamship service. “The company,” Mr. Bosworth said, “has not made any definite decis- ion regarding such a serviCe, and as the matter stands now it is only a rumor.”- The rumor current. in London is that the proposed line will run directly from Trieste to Canada, and that Montreal will probably be the landing port in summer and St. John in winter. A de‘spatch from Ottawa says: lC‘anadats total trade for the twelve months of the past year passed the billion-dollar mark by a. little over five and a half million dollars. Final or detailed figures will not be available for some wee-ks yet, but the returns received so far by the Trade and Commerce and Cueâ€" toms Departments show that the billion-dollar mark has been well passed. As compared with the Dominion’s trade for 1911 this re- presents a, gain of rneamly $189,000; 000, or 23 per cent. Imports for the past twelve months totalled ap- proximately $654,000,000, While ex- ports amounted to nearly $352,000,- 000. The gain in imports was near- ly $140,000,000, while exports in~ creased by nearly $49,000,000. Only one country in the world rivals Gain of Nearly 23 Per Cent. Over the Dominion’s Record for Previous Year This important announcement was made on Friday on the author- ity of Premier Asquith and Chan- cellor of the Exchequer David Lloyd George by Viscount Haldane, the Lord High Chancellor, at a po- litical meeting in Manchester. Vis- count Haldane said the existing sys~ A despatch from London says: The Government has decided that the next great work in its‘pro- gramme of social reform, to be un- dertaken as soon as the Home Rule, the Welsh Disestablishment and the Franchise Reform Bills are dispos- ed of, will be a, colossol scheme for improvement in elementary, secon- dary and higher education. CANADA’S TRADE FOR YEAR Colossal Scheme to be Subject of the Next British Government Legislation ‘ DIED IN DEN'l‘ISfl‘W CHAIR. EDUCATION BY THE MATE FROM TRIESTE T0 CANADA. MAP SHOWING PROBABLE DIVISION 01“ 'l‘l'RKl’J The: six-yfiar-Qld son of‘ Lorne Jackson ,of Mount Forest was thrown off a. sleigh, breaking his neck. A despa‘tch from Montreal says: Mackenzie (Kt Mann, or the Calm-- dian Northern Haflway, will short‘ 1y commence the erection of 2;. large sevenâ€"bundredâ€"romn hotel in Ménv Tea]. The new hotel will face on McGill College avenue, and be within two blocks of the new C. N. R. station. Putrid Bacon Eatefi by London Family Kills Two Children. A despatch from London. Ont, says: John Murphy, the eighteen» months son of ~John Murphy of Blackfriar’s street, West London, died at Victoria Hospital on Wed- nesday of ptomaine poismiing. His four-yearâ€"old sister, Christina, suc- cumbed to convulsions induced by the same cause on Tuesday. The malady is attributed to the eating of bacon, whichis said to Have been in a state of putridity. Company Shortly to Erect One of 700 {Rooms in Montreal. The principal gains in exports during the paint year have been in exports of agriculture, mines and manufactures. The increase in ex~ ports of agriculture has been over twenty-five millions, in mine: over twelve millions, and in manufao times over seven millions. Exports of the forest and of animals and their products have shown a falling off of several. millions, due, doubt,- lcsrs, to the increased demands of the home market. “ Canada. in the percentage of trade growth during the past few years, namely, Argentina. By the end of the fiscal year it is expected that Canada will have reached tanth plaCe among the muncrios of the world in respect of total trade. The Dominion’s trade has doubled within the past six years and treb- led Within the past thirteen years. SECOND DEATH FROM. POISON. barison with that of our rivais,” he added. The explanation given by the Ministerialists is that the land question cannot; be dealt with until the land valuation scheme under- taken in David Lloyd George’s fam» outs budget is completed and that this will require at least another tern of education was chaotic and must be altered. It would be an expensive problem to handle, and- the expense must not be borne by the taxpayers It would be a pro- ductive expenditure, and was abso- lutely necessary “if our productive power is to be maintained in com» couple of years HFGE C. N. R. HOTEL.

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