' Methodist: Church-Services at 11.00 a..m..a.nd g p. m. unday School at 2.30. Genera.) praypr meeting hursday evening. V . Richmond Lodge, A F and A M Hausa: Moh- dav on or before full ‘moon . “ CourtRichmond, A 0 F â€" Meets fourth Eris GOOD STOCK OF School Books. Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums, Papetries, Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc. ‘33135111' édiï¬tï¬fé Churchâ€"Services an alter In}; gunfiayg’aï¬s) _a.. 113. anï¬ 10.30 a. m. Go to The Ifiberal Office for Sin Heads, ' Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, &c., 8:0. Church o! Englandâ€"Services at 8 p.m. In Ind and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at. 11 am: Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at ll a. 111., an X). 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meetin Flintsdav gvepiqg. wï¬y Lodge. A0 U W--Meeca third Wednesday 0’! each month Printing ' Stationery School Books Public berary and Reading Room-Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Enworth League â€"Meet.s evorv Mondav. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets every Friday at 8 11.01. in the Fhurch. I 0 Fâ€"Meehs third Thursdav of every month. B. H. Ratepayers Asucint’inn meets lust Tuesdav of everv month. ‘_ iii++++++¢++$é+¢$Â¥%+%*§%$¢ igvyâ€" Camp Elgm, S 0 S ~Meeta second and fourth Wednemlay Hill Great Lodge, 1.0.011. masts ï¬rst Wednea'i da_._v_ mug bpirq Friqny of each Rough. +++++++++$¢M+M+H++dfï¬ï¬ flFiié Brirg’adéâ€"Meéuér ï¬rst Monday of every £10th Am '~ WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL 1. i DICTIONARY ' i THE MERRIAM WEBSTER i'l'he OnIy New unabridged dic- : tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence I of an authoritativc library. 1 Covers every ï¬eld, 0! knowl. edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 ._Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations, Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us t‘ell you about this niost remarkable single volume. V" . erto tou- sample pages. full Im- wndar our special trout- ment. We often removo Lmr and ï¬ve: at one ult- " iï¬ï¬‚poï¬sibl. if lt- Mâ€˜ï¬ by pain. E; " "‘l'OYAL WAFERS. Village Directory speciï¬c monthly modicum to:- indie- “ resLore and regulm the mom much"; free, hedthy and pdnlun uhm‘gu. Nu wine! or on ID uch New used by over 30,000 Mk: llccuned mu use again. Invigorue. Acne organs, buy of your (111138“ y Mu with mu- sl nmr’e mm 101. Avmunubs imagï¬edod #ï¬ï¬-éwéé ï¬e mun mung; Our wish for the coming year is that our many patrons Will have a Very Happy New Year with all prosperity. We thank you one and all for your support duiing the yeal“ and will endeavor to cater to all your needs for the Coming year. GEO. McDONALD, Richmond Hill â€"m Tun: MARK! Dunca- : COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone landing I sketch and donor! Ion may quick) uncertain our opinion hoe. other an Invent on in robnb) tn 1 minuan tlomumou gonndenytgl. MB onin lent true. 0 dost ency tor a aï¬wflmï¬wï¬g “m --.L Amaï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬z'uï¬aï¬a ' ' hm.‘ ‘ ' c‘ an. lflofl of any column 10 Terms for '15 our Sold “Inâ€? ea! wanna prepaid. b! Mm Eammmm THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU. Royal Purple 813001: Food V Standard andMelotte Separators Best makes of Ready Rooï¬ng Chemical Closets 800. Full line of General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass an. I Columbia Grafonolo 86 Eeéords CALL IN AND HEAR SOME OF . THEM mmwgaammw.“ "°""' $69! ï¬gflmmm; PHONE 18 Beam it deï¬nes over 400,000 Words ,- men; than ever before appeared between two covers. 1700 Pages. 6000 11- Junctions. “W with the dew divide?! page. A. “Stroke of Genius.†it 1-, i133“ 6211! 51mm We are Agents for theâ€"“:- ++++++tm3ï¬Ã©Â¢++fl+++éu and. in fact, ewrythin in th'e Mia nf Harness. Blankét's. ’an' many mher articles uecvssal-y fur your Harness mum. The gnods we ufl'm- are hksh’estly made and Will stand the weat- that, you expect of them. Reliable goods at reasonable prices. Thevmonthly magazines 0! the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can~ ads. by yearly subsaription at low rates. C A S S E L L 8’ Canadian Pubâ€" lishing Company It is riot necessary ‘ 2 send to foreign countri'e. 2.): maga- zines. Read the following:â€" Make and Save Hone (or You. - Evergbod should join me MuÂ¥ual Liters In- lio cm of mes-ice. There is 1101th else I to it‘ mywhere. It costs almostnothin so oin and thy banana it gives no wonderful. 1 enables you w 3 Purchase booksand periodicals music md musical ‘ anti-uncut. at special out pr cos. n secures :94 duood rates at many hotels. 1: answers question tree or charge. It otters aoholanhipl and value ble cash Exiles th_xne‘mb_e_xj“‘1t_ mugteiggglnb; ’ .â€"â€"â€"v. -- __ w v- w nu..- VII-I- W ‘bla cash men to member:fl 1t manning club 1% apy c1 :1 a, or m; Embers. In “anon. e .7 :in mber recs v I theomolal magazine onu- tled Ev’rr Month†afnbucatlon In I. clean by inelfJucludlng 6 pieces 0 high-class vocal and In- lu-umontal mulcflun also) each month without 93'“ °’L‘.“$9L 72.913213!!! 9353.! m1! RAMA-Y9.“ extra char 0' 12 ‘10 s ln'one earl .,,YOU om engrgï¬bo 1- mnï¬mrg gas. m “ï¬gï¬n yearly memï¬erslupiae In OneDollufor whip]: you get all above; an you may wltlm draw ny time within three month. it you: want 11530 and not ynul‘ dollar back. I: you don't care tbspend 31.00. mud :5 ognï¬q tor three} months membership. Nobody can hflb‘rd to gnu: thin one: lay. You will at 0112,.m9ney bac value may: times over. ulfpaï¬gchlars will ‘ sen: ï¬ne 0 cli a; gut I: you at 130 you will send In your tea 5* Th:- membe , whhj§q r toeaton . Thaismmhree ‘ vmo - d 1in otter wutlgqeoon ganquflge _ use than our ran em: :1 ' or year'tahxgénberï¬un or twenty-nveï¬aen for me: man a MUTUAL LITERARY M17810 (1 In No. 1§0 Nan-nu as. N; Y. y.m Wehï¬ï¬'é s‘o‘l’id cnu‘ifnrt in [by way nt Blankets, Bones, Mitts. tag“ top-9m 355mb Tiaqu NORMAN mm. ‘M ANAGER. Blood Meat and Bone Mixture 11H. f. A tenable Fi'cnch xegukamune'vcr fails. These pins are exceedingly powerful in regulating thb generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's are sold at 75 a box. or three for $10. Mailed to any address. the label! Drug (10.. St. Catharina. Ont. mos. w. BOWMAN 5: SON c0. Dr.- de Van’s Femalg P_i_lls H. FGRSTEB RIDGEVIBLE Re pairing! NURSERY STOCK 'fHE ï¬ANbAï¬ï¬ his the News“! Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion or Canada. It‘ls national ln all It: ul'mï¬â€˜: It uses the 'mosi‘. e‘x'peï¬Ã©ï¬ie engrav- ings. procuring the photographs from all over the wo‘iid. ' " " To PATEIIT flood We: $753.“:‘da’33 . _ , WWW“ azconn. Raw-um. II Its articles are carefule selected and its editorial pblicy is tï¬broughly independent. * We want two more agents in A subscription to The Standard costs $256 §GF yshï¬ to any address in Canada. or Great Britiiii; Lax-ets 5 hot require a large deposit to begin with. ‘ as I TORONTO RICHMOND HILL BRANC. H .._:... ,._ ‘.-. , 1:. 5. HAND, Plant Bowman's Monti-iii Standard Publishing 06.. Limited, Publishers.,_ OPPOSiTE DR. LANGS'I‘AFF'S u v v ' ocflwo (o. “Priming NO‘V IS THE TIME h) feed for winter eggs. le nift- MONTREAL. 'fHE §¥AN5A§B 15 t Boots and Shoes Repaired Mia watch the egg basket ï¬ll. F. R; OLIVER. Aï¬ï¬N‘f E. Richmond Hm 6F @MADA TRY ET FOR 1§i21 IT WILL GROW. me fl fl E Manner; Branches also at Maple. Markham. Stouffviilg, Unionv'illgimdrlfqest Hi". GUARANTEED this ï¬dunty. LIMITED To PATEIIT flood Idea ciweefabt team-w -' ' ONTARIO Baiflnon. id WINE; a bank héï¬bï¬hg for "houséhél‘d Eigense‘s and paying all bills by @heque ha; many advantages. It shows this balgnce on hand, the amount expanded. prpvidea receipts for every payment and does hogequire a large deposit to begin w; . ‘ Wilmwdaie 3843 A'Lt BRANLHES OETHE‘ TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED ‘1‘0. PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFAC'ï¬ON GUARANTEW . l. WBUBWAHD SHOEINQ LAME AND INTERFEBING HSRSES A SPECIALTY 1V.- havo just received one 0! our Canadian F. 5. WUODWARD. card or a. sheet of paper and with out the fun names (Christian. names and surnames) Ind fun '0‘ dread qt TEN boy friends or 611mm whom you know would like to earn some pocket money. (Bay. between 8 and 15 years at car-- no two in the same bunny.) SECOND. Sign your name And address a! the bottom or chowder-sheet†that we will know who not (b. Youonlyhavetodomm HQLSTEINS and TAMWGRTH s: all ages for sale THIRD. mm the nu complete with 11m cents in com or mum/w on, right away, adan your We to Sales Division. the ‘WM‘ Witness' Block. “meal. Your list of names shauid mailed within seven (7) 5575 any you read this iplendld ofler. list. Just as soon as we got, your nu of names, we will pend on. of these beawtiful souvenir PHI: to you and you will was it 1y. ' Shem}! your 611235 ï¬ve had perlenc‘e‘ m mags o orvnewsm sellingâ€"so much thb betterâ€"m THEIR names. . MAPLE LEAF PINS We don't ten y‘ou‘ why we mt the namesâ€"~beoagxse perhap: you don‘t care: if yuu do, or 1'! you yourself_ want to earn good ply for woi‘k {61- us“â€"why tell us in g: Iotrer apd we will explain mi!) whoie rhdnéyâ€"maklng plan to. '_ ' __and besides 9611 will hart: ‘Bnlesmanshha.’ GEN ERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gor‘mley . THE twang“: 'Witneu’ Block. Honï¬nl. ANY of our boys and 21:).- FR‘EE Stock Farm Fl RST. J. MCKEN ZIE