Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jan 1913, p. 4

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( x. din: literal. RICHMOND HILL. 0NT.. JAN. 23. 1913 WHO IS THE BETTER JUDGE? Quoting Rt. Hon. Mr. Asquith, Premier of Great Britain, in his speech in Parliament on January 14th, on the navy question, Mr. Hugh Guthrie said: “On the one hand we have the statement of the Prime Minister of this country (Hon. Mr. Borden) to the effect that in his opinion the situation issufficiently grave to demand 1m~ mediate aid, and on the other hand we have the opinion of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in these portentious words: ‘There nev- er has been a moment, and there IS net-now, when we have not been overwhelmingly superior in naval force againsr any combination WIchIl ‘could reasonably be anticipated} ” “Make the comparison” said Mr. Guthrie. “Whose opinion is likely to beoorrect? What sane man be- lieves that Mr. Borden could in a 'l‘ew short weeks obtain that know- ledge of Imperial all'airs and foreign policy obtained by Mr. Asquith only after a long career of active partici- r pation? Does it seem reasonable that Mr. Borden has formed a cor- rect estimate of the situation and and that Mr. Asquith’s estimate is incorrect?" “Lord forgive them; I not what they do” might well be ap- plied tolt‘hbse who are endeavoring to 138.18% use Church relinquish her safeguards in the holy domain of marriage.” ‘ - The above is an editorial note ta- ken from a recent issue of the Oaths olic Register. The inference is that l’rones’mn‘le Rim. protesting against the Ale Will; lil‘éerce are not capable it‘ll“ on'ln'p'i'lllierfding the meaning of llimit'i‘emarkable order given by one i1high in authority. -It would ’be diff- ilcultto make a Protestant see that Ithe marriage of a Catholic and a Protestant, solemniZed ’by a Catholic Priest, would be a valid marriage, but that the same couple married by a Protestant clergyman would be «living in sin. The Catholic Register says that The Cl rlstian Guardian is publish- ing the report that a certain priest “is going into Canadian homes and telling the Protestant wife that she is not really married to her Roman Catholic husband.” The Register denies the charge, and challenges the Guardian to give the name of the priest. Ii the Guardian has the name we believe it should be given to the public. It/I 811316. The annual meeting of the West York Farmers’ Institute will be held in the masonic hall next Saturday af- ternoon and evening. Mr. Gavin Bar- bour of Crosshill will speak at both meetings. In the afternoon the Wo- men’s nstitutc will ureebat the home of Mrs. J. A. Rose and will be ad- dressed by Mrs. F. W. Watts of To- ronto. Tea will be served in the hall by the ladies of the Institute. Missionary services were held in I [the Methodist church last Sunday. Rev. Dr. Ockley of Toronto preached in the morning. u Mr. Peter Franks, a former resident of this place passed away last week at his home in Weston in his lllst year. The remains were brought here for interment on Saturday afternoon. The funeral of Mrs. .l. McDougal, of Edgele took place here on Saturday. on the arrival of the morning train from Toronto where she died at. the home of her son Mr. Wm. MrDougal. Mrs. J. Martin of Alsask. . Sask., is visiting friends in the village. ' Miss Elba Wade entertained about thirty-five of her young friends at a birthday party on Saturday evening. Thornhill. Mural] to the surprise of the Church members here. it was learned that some unreliable person started a re- port that the Church shed was not to be used on week days. Such a state- ment is absolutely untrue. 0n the rontrnry the Trustees of the Metho- dist Church have decided to repair the shed and if funds are available they would like to enlarge it as it is not sufficient for the present. requirements When some personstarts this, kind of a storv. there may lw. others alsowith :is little foundation, so the public are :' idly requested to govern themselves loudly. .l. ,i;_:*.' n.3,; {fin/inc.” they know ' L Tender“. ~-- I Frame barn 48360. Timber in good condition. . A pl to pGEORGE QUANTZ. , Lot 12, con. 2. Markham. Langstalf. P. O. FARM PROFITS my be largely W by knowing tho Snot condition of the farmer”: market, and by learning or no best method in farm practice. This to precisely ‘ til? sort of information the Pagmers’ Weekly Sungiminmxym. ithuntlequal u a Famofl Business Paper. ’ Rood «mm rely on it. For price no so: Stlnm & Co..l’orllond, Mutual“ receive free, full information about work which may can do. and live at hmnz.thatwill my minor! in .w 20‘ In a day Eilher sex. yrulmzmo not remind. You areal-nod l'rec Those who run at on“ m ohm-lunar: um of IBM llulo formal. All k not. 30-2 tillbe of“. them from 55 lo $15 per day. Some have GU fllldl If. ecu”. bin ibis are in“. Id alpha! . .4 ’ . .. t! " Tenders will be received at the Clerk's Office. Richmond Hill, up to . 12 o’clock. noon. on Saturday, Feb- ruary Int. 1918. for any part of ill) yurdsof (}RAVEI.J to be delivered at. points in the Village as er instructions from lhe Council. be lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. ‘ A. J. HUME. Clerk. Richmond Hill, Jan. 22, 1913. 80-2 l y . - - “h ROYAL VJ 1337:2125. A. spacch monthly modk-lnfl for ham to Future and metal-u.- tho munâ€"w. " producing free, health: Mu] pdnlo. dlscnargm No when or pains on a) ‘ romh Now usud byovorSopWI-dl. Invigomb. your drug“ ii I H N ‘1" a nee used will use again. , thou orgnm. Buy of , only more with our II stur- tuo‘of l'nbel. fiyg‘ldgzu tum Lag-I In cu urn m m liox. Adar-cu, noun "duh-neg 000m. BM ‘3“ All NOTICE I0 Write for our private address. in ’ ULCERS, ,BOIIS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD narrator's KENNEDY Cm. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment in Windsor, Ont. see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat patients in our Windsor ofiices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for-Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. ~ TREATMENT We desire to cell the attention of an those amlcted With «on Blood 6‘:- Skin Dixon. to our New Method fihtment as a guaran cure for these complaints. There is no ex- -: cuse tor any person having a dlsll ured face from eruptions and blotches. o matter whether hereditary or acquired. our 5 eciflc remedies and treatment neutralize al pol- " sons in the blood and expel them fromthe __, system. Our vast experience in the treat- " ment or thousands of the most serious and complicated cases enables us to perfect a. cure without experimenting. We do business on the plan-Pal); Only for the Benefit You Derive. If you ave any blood disease. con- sult us Free of Char-go and let us prove to you how quickly our remedies will remove all evidences of disease. Under the influence of the New Method Treatment the skin be- comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up. enlarged glands are reduced. fallen out hair grows in again. the eyes become bright, ambition and‘ener return, and the gictim realizes a. new life as opened up to 1m. YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE - Sand for Booklet on Diseases of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR " FREE If unable to call. write for - Question List for Home Treatment Detroit. "Mich. letters from Canada must be addressed If you desire to Stovepipe time is here. Ikee the best polished pipe on hand. Any per- son can put together my crimped pipes. Tinsmithing, Grinding and All Kinds of Repairing. SKATES SHARPENED Electrone Coal Oil, Machine Oil, Motor Cylinder Oil, and Peerless Gasoline Charcoal, 3 Come and in stock. bags for 250. see me. ‘ JACOB EYER RICHMOND HILL MUNN & 00.. of the Scrrtmrrrc AMERICAN con- llnuc to not us Solicitors for Patents. Caveats ’l‘rnda Marks. Copyrights. for the United States. Ounuda. Erulund. r runes. (lemony. etc. Hand Book about Parents sent free. Thirty-sown yours' experience Patents obtained throw: MUNN or CO. are noticed In the SurIcN'rrrrc AMERICAN. the largest. best, and :nost wulcly circulated scientific paper. 83.203 year Weekly. Splendid enzravln s and interesting In- ~ormntmn. Specimen copy of he Scientific A mer- ~enn sent free. Address MUNN & 30-. SCIENTIFIC IIBICAN Dulce. 261 Broadway, New York. z FONTHILL T lHE__PllBlltl ONTAR‘O Tombstone. D0 YOU REAâ€"LIZE The money you can make selling fruit-trees? The present. demand for Nursery Stock is the greatest in the history of the business. Everybody who has the land is planting or pre- paring to plant. WE WANT NOW ' for Fall and Winter months a reliable man to sell in RICHMOND HILL and surrounding district. Good pay. exclusive territory, and all the advantages in representing an old established firm. Over 600 acres under cultivation. years. Write TU RONTO. ONTARIO. lZ-«lm. Lettering In ,Miu-‘ble or Granite. Good work. reasonable charges. Town 01 Country. Write, W. A. J ONES, 22 Buchanan St.. Toronto Monuments. Markers and Comer Posts. 51-3 to. -AGENT WANTED â€"-â€"â€"FORâ€"â€"- " RICHMOND Iâ€"IILL . To sell for the “The Old Reliable" , NURSERIES Orders now being taken for pring delivery, I913. Prospects bright for lxperience unnecessary. START NOW and haveyour territory reserved. ‘ \VRITE FOR TERMS. .wwxm’zn‘m .v 21' V. “.17.. :l. “1.3 not .5251: a . ".151? the season’s trade. ' ‘ Weinstruct our salesmen how to sell. Fruit Stocks. in the country and Ornamental trees In the town. Weekly. Pay. l manufacture of Wm no limitation of cont hinders the attain- ment of approximate perfection. "281' the makers from an Ideal piano, THEN they reckon the cost. » GRTALMDI AND [unma- nouo run on Illqu WRIGHT BR} o. 5:5 RIGHMDND HILL. RICEMOnD HILL H .9 c. E T A I L ll ll I N ll Special attention given to Pressing Cleaning AND G A. J. H o M s NOTARY PUBLIC Conveyancin g, Leases. Wills, Etc. menu/rosin mm; as... ESTATE lllViSllll - Ethfil. AGENCYâ€" J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALlVAYS ON HAND. Electric Restorer for Men restores every nerve in the body phOSphon°l to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make vou a new man. Price 83 a box. or two lot S5. Mailed to anv address. The Scoboll Drug 00.. St. Catlmrlnes. Out. â€"â€"â€"¥‘~ 7- ._~.â€"__._._ ____ Public Notice . ~â€" Applications for electric energy for lig t and power purposes may be fvled in the Clerk‘s Office, and connections “ill be made In the order in which a ‘plications are received. A. J. HUME. Village Clerk. Richmond Hill, Nov. 22. Zl-t.f. he Next Sitting of Divrsmn Con” 10‘ . No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. RICHMOND llllL _.()N_ Monday, Feb 24, Igr3 lomnwncmc at 9.30 n. m. T. F. MGMAPON CLERK For Safe Ono copy of \Vo-lrstor’s Now Inter» national Dictionary. This is not a revised edition of \Vclbslm'. but a new “ creation from Cowl-lo rover. Thole, are 2700 pagvs, 6000 “lush-Minus; and the volume (millains ulmv information of interest. to mow pl'vvpl“ ihan any other dictiomu-y."l'hr copy for sale is indexed, and the loarlwr binding should lasl a lifetime. The publisher’s price is $13.00, less a discount of 25 per cont. Enquire) at 43-t.f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. TEE Every family should have both their local paper and a. city paper. Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with “The Liberal” Weekly Globe _ Weekly Mail and Empire (with premium) â€" Farmer’s Advocate Canadian Farm Daily Globe, York 00. Daily Mail, York 00. outside towns and villages; Daily Star, Daily News. Free clinic. Sum, Emma 35 at the following rates:-- PELHAM NURSERY C0. Family Herald and Week- ly Star, 1 year ’ 1.90 ’ 1.75 1.75 2.40 1.90 3.50 3.50 °f 2.50 ‘ 2.50 1.75

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