Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jan 1913, p. 5

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chnunxn gin. 0NT.. JAN. 23, 1913 Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Wright left last/Saturday for Fort Wayne. Indi- ana, U. 8.. where they will visit Mr. aild Mrs. Osmond L. \Vright of that. city. A Car of Shorts just arrived at the Elevator. Prices right. @112 yum. ,The High So'huol Carnival and Skat- ing Party. 'posmrme’d Monday evening on account, uf the: mildiPa-Lher will be held in the {ink this (Thursday) even- The ladies of St. Stephen’s Church, Maplv, purpose holding a Pancake su- sial in the Masonic Hall on Shrnve Tuesday. Februm-v 4. For particulars sue posters in a feW days. ing. We have the new spring and sum-. mer catalogue from the House of Ho!)- luerlin, Containing over 500 new and up to date samples. Call and see thum. Atkinson 6: Switzer. Men’s Black Cheviot Chesterfield (aver- cuats 7.50. Atkinson & Switzen Men’s black and quP stripe pants 01' 'm‘malls $1.00 pr. Smucks to match same $1.00 Men’s white oval-ans and smacks for painters nr masons 600. each. Atkmsnn & Switzelr. \Ve are giving big reductions in men’s Fut- line-d uvvrcnats regular $37.50and $28.00 fur $30.00 rand $20. Rev. A. F. Fukes of Vicborln‘Oollege will pleuch Micsinnm-y sermons next Sunday on Maple circuit, as: fallowsz» â€" Cuncm-d at 10.30 a. m., Ellgeley at 2.30 [).I])., and Maple at 7 o’clock. Mr, Stirling has just completed the instaflation of an Ei‘ectfic Lighting System, conststing of 21 Steam Engixw, 100 light; Dynamo. anti wiriug, at the Lake \Vilcoax Brick Cumpany’s works‘ The annual meeting of the Rate- puvers‘Association will he held on r'l‘uesday evening next. 28th inst. at 8 p.111. Election (If officers will take place and other very importimt bus- iness will be taken u-{x Avery full meeting is “requested. The illustrated lecture Thursday vvening in the Masonic Hall by Mr. VVul'sun. Field Secretary N. S. A.. on the. subject. “"1‘wlwrculnsis” was well attended. The lantern vivws were rclear. and the lecturer gave much in- formation Which should be known by men and women. AConvenbion of Centre York Lib- erals to nnminate a. candidate fur the House uf Commons will be held in the La.baneu1ple, 167 Church street, T0« i‘OlltO. on Saturday the 8th of Febru- ary. commencing at 1.30 p. m. The- annual meeting fur the election of of‘ ficers &c.. will be held at the same £i1ne and place. _ The transformer opposite Trench’s Carriage VVm-ks burned out Thursday night, cunsequently the caretaker had to resort to the street lamps. When the company was notified of the ac- cident they sent, expelt workmen who speedilv set; everything right again, much to the ad vantage of our citizens- A large number of Foresters (A;O.F. amended the funPrzil of their late Ibrother Thomas Brown. last, Thursday. The remains of deceased with the mourners came up from the City by special car. and interment, took' place in the Aurora Demeter . The church service was cnnducte by Rev. Mr. Despard. Anglican cler vmun, after which the Forester’s a( dress at the grave was read by Bro. H. A. Nicholle a Past, D.O.R. Brown’s Nurseries are faumus for their fine Peach, Apple, Plum and Cherry trees. They have the best nursery soil in Canada. and are the largest growers of trees in the Dominion. All scions and bud- sticks are cut by one man and he has been in their employ many years, so no mistakes are made by using Wrong Scions 9r buds. Send for Catalogue or write for agency, as they have some unoccupied territory in your cnuntrv. BROWN BROS. 00., Browns Nurser- ies. \Vellund 00., Ont. 16 3 mo. East Ybrk Farmers’ and Women's Institutes will hold meetings in this district as follmvs:â€"Ricbumnd Hill, Lm-ne Hall. Monday. Jan 27th atz p.m and 7.30 p.m. The ladies will meetnth. m. in the Masonic Hall. and a joint meeting will be held at 7.30 [mm Victoria Square, Tuesday, Jan. 28. Willowdale, \Vednesday, Jan. 29th. Delegates, Gavin Barbour, Crosshill. J. C. Steckley. B.S.A.. New- market, and Mrs. F. W. Watts,’1‘o- ronto. Particulaxs in posters. These meetings are all free.‘ The public is invited. WOMEN’S AUXILIARY. ‘ At a meeting held on Wednesday,- January 8. for the purpose of rem-gal). izing theWomen’s Auxiliary in con- nection with St. Mary’s Church, the following, officers were elected :â€" Pres- ident, Mrs. S. A. Lawrence; lst- Vice- Presidenb. Mrs. \V. H. Pu sley; 2nd Vice-President, .M.1-s. W. . Orrill; Secretary, Miss Bertha. Palmzéx'; T1 earn Mrs. L. E. Ranfl: Z r) Seweta LOCALS INSTITUTE MEETINGS. LEGGEâ€"GOUPLANDâ€"On Weflnesday. Jan, 8, 1913, at't‘he home of the bride's arents, “Spruce vae Farm," ' empenlnceville. 0nt.. Eliz- abeth Caroline, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Coupland. to Everett Herman Legge 0f Alcolm’ Sask. third son of T. H. Legge, Tem- permmeville, Ont; MCDougzdl «At. 40 Uoolmine Road. To- runto. on Wednesdfiv. January 15, 1913, Beheccu. widow of the late John MbDuugall. Interment. at. the Maple Cemetery. Saturday, January 18. GRAYâ€"At the residence of F. H. Kirkpatrick. 175 Grace Street. To- ronto, Thursday, Jan. lfith, 1913, David Gray. formerly of Richmond Hill. in his 85th year. Funeral on Saturday to Mount Pleas- ant Cemetery. The monthly meeting of the Thorn- hill Literary Circle was held on Mon- day evening in the beautiful and com- odious residence of F. Simpson. Esq. Upwm-ds of forty were present. al- though the weather wnsmustly un- favorable. and the evening’s enter- tainment was very enjoyable and in- structive. Principal Davidson of Richmond Hill occupied the chair. The address given by Rev. A. B. Lawrence. Anglican Rector, on “Sunny Alberta â€"the land of the ‘Sky Pilut’ " was a. unique one and afforded an intellec- tual treat to an attentive audience. The Rev. gentleman had been sla- tioned in the Pincher Creek in south- ern Alberta for a couple of years and was thoroughly conversant with the people and the country. He gave a vivid description of the scenery. cli- mate, inhabitants 8:0.1 interspersed with personal reminiscences and ad- ventures in that most interesting part of the north west. There were also brief extempore speeches from sub- jects selected by lot. which furnished more or less amusement. The musi- cal part of the programme was taken charge of by Mrs. Davidson of Rich- mond Hill and Miss Elliott and to- gether with the choruses added much to the evening’s entertainment. Votes of thanks were tendered those taking a public put and 3,150 to Mr. and Mrs. Simpson for their genuine hospitality. A series of special services will be held in the Church next week preced- ing the Communion, and promises to be of great blessing to all who will im- prove the occasion. Our own people are urgently requested to so arrange work and engagements as to he in at,- tendance if possible each evening, and a general invitation is extended to all the people in Richmond Hill. The p: ngx'anune_is as follows:â€"-â€" I Mugmduy, Jan. 27th, Rev. D. Struckâ€" au, Rusedale church, Toronto. Tuesday. Jan. 28m. Rev. S. H. Gray, St.fiAndrew’s church, Toronto. Sbécial music will also be provided by soloists and the choir. Wednesday, Jun. 29th, Rev. “7. G. 13:51:. Eglintgn chpj-qhil‘oroqtot Tblxlisazly, Jun. 30Lh,'Rev. A. Logan Geggip, Paykdab chgrch, "I‘m-gptolnu F'i-idAy, Jan. 31%, Rev.’ Dr. Mchilli- vrgiy, BoAnal' Chum}; Toronto. The Sacrament; of the Lord’s Supper will he observed on Sunday, Feb. 2nd, at 11 a. m. Two new elders have recently been elected by the congregation and the Inductinn will take place next Sunday morning. The subject. of study at the ( meeting on Friday evening is I. fellow’s “Excelsior.” Leader 1 Knights, essayist, Miss Pentlaud. On Friday evening Jan. 17th, D. D. G. M., F. J. Lucas of Toronto assisted by an Installing team, in- stalled the following officers of Hill- crest Ledge No. 409. I.0.0.F. for the ensuing yearzâ€" J. P. G., Bm. W. H. Legge; N. G., Bro. J. P. Naughton; R. S., Bro. A. Jewelt; F. S., R. I. Farr; Twas, Em. A. E. Lehman; Chap., Bro. G. E. Reaman; Wan-(1.. Bro. S. Tyndall: Cond., Bro. J. Wig- more;R. S. S.. Bx-o.‘F. Burnett. L.S.S. Bx'n. A. Wilson: R.S.N.G.. Brn. Wm. Robinson; L. S. N. G.. Bro. M. Mackie; R.S.V.G.. Bro. H.‘ Graham; L.S.V.G.. Bm. G. Hickson; I. G., Brn. H. Bur- nett. After installation, refreshments were served to the visiting brethren, and a very pleasant social hour was spent. R. Wm: Bro. Dawsnn olUnionville, D.D.G.M., paid an official visxba‘m Rich- mond Lodge, Monday evening. and brethreh were present from Tornntn, Aurora, Thornhill and other lodges. In the lodge room a candidate was passed to the second degree, after which the distinguished vi'simr highly cnm limented the Master, War. Bro. E.‘ . Byrne, and his officers on the work done. Refrpshments were after wards served in the Forester‘s Hall. and the usual toasts and responses were given, The following took part, in the pro amme in speech or song: Davison. yrne. Nicholle. Thompson. Newton, McMahon, Stevenson. Todd, Gol'm. Leg e. Padget, Oowie, Newbex-y. Hopper. ill, Trench, Savage. Helm- kay, Hand, and Currie. A most enjoyable evening was spent. 30-tf. Good frame house and lot for sale in the village of Maple. Possession given at PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. LITER ARY CIRCLE. For Sale INSTALLATION. MAR RIAGES Apply tq DEATHS MASONIC. J._I‘.\ SAIGEONl M a p19. Long- Rob’t Guild The Thornixili Brnnrh nf the East York Farmers and “'unwn‘s Institutb will hold nun-tings in the Pnhlic Schoul Hull. Willnwdale, un \Vt-dnesnay, Jan. 29m; Miiotiugs tn Commence-"L 2.30 p.111. and 8. Asn-pnrute meeting for the ludivs will beheld at same time. Mrs. \Vatts dPlegzlie and Miss Lulu Reymildu, Dim-m Srm-emry will be pl‘v‘flt‘n! .rsnd midi-(aw (hp ladies dm-ing afternmm. A gum] mueicnl program is living also pHHldt-d. Refreshments will hv‘nvxvq-d nlmnt six u‘clm-k. Join t meeting will he lwld in the evening at 8 u'ulpuk whun speaking and music will In- thvfeuture of the evening. Everyl-mlv is invith to attend this numbing. whethm- nwmhers or not, as these meetings are free._ Ynung zit-l tn assist, in light house. Wnrk. Nuluundry. 30 L. f. Afirsbclass farm of 100 acres east half of lot 23, con. 6. Vaughan. On the hum is n first clnss bunk burn and brick house. Pusession April 1st, 1913. v Apply to JOHN MoNAUGHTQN. ‘znnadian Draught Stallion. “Black- smith Buv," rising thrve years, regis- lL-led. At lot. 28, war cm]. 2, Vaughan. JOHN SLINEY. Zi-lf Elgin Mills. For Sale or Rent The Annual Meshing and Convention of the above Aseocimion to nominate a Cztndldate fur Centre York CENTRE YORK Reform Associamn Labor Temple, 167 Church St. TORONTO " On Saturday, Feb. 8313; Addresses will he delivered by a num- ber of Prominent; Gentlemen WALTER S-COTI‘, C. H. PORTER, A Pair of Good Curling Stones for Sale. May be seen an McDonald‘s harness shop. T. N E WTON. The undprsigned wish to inform the public that they have a good sup- ply of feeds. bran. shot-Ls, gluten meal. and u. car of cam just, arrived. 27-4 About 40 bags of good Seed Potatoes for sale. Lot 31, Con. 3. Vaughan. Phone Na. 1850 Maple Exchange. 29â€" t. f. Advfiiruble I'esidvnce on Centre St. \Vrst. Richmond Hill. Possession ar- ranged Ln suit. Duflihaslfl'. All Liberals Invited to Attend Curling Stones COMMENCING AT [.30 PM. by taking a mafia»! ocmr s9. in uneofSHA\ ’8 SGHGOLS. TO- RONTO. 19y attendance or. by Mail and by so duing quickly x-epare to earn a guod salary. undreds «‘11? young people do this evvry year. Why not You? Free catalogue explains. \Vrite fm- it. Address. W. H. Shaw, President. Resident, Yungé St. ,Torontu; WILL BE HELD AT THE Apply to For Sale Willowdale, Wanted I N S U R E SUBBESS For Sale For Sale For Sale Apply MRS. 11. A. NICHOLLS. Apply to m'n 'ust, arrived. JA ' vxs & RUMBLE, G. A. MCBONA LD, ALBERT JONES. Richmond Hill. Secretary. Mafile; Maple. y++m+++++¢+++++++++a~+++ I *++*HO§§O‘M+4M+%+++¢3F++§ 713 4- Comparison of Values; 1 i if Wsmpper' ECOFFEE Ji- Tiger Brand Tomato Oatsup in quart bottles . . . . . . . . . . . . Heinz‘s Tomato Catsup . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heinz’s Tomato Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + Heinz’s Sweet Mixed PICkIl-‘S, _m bulk. . . .. ... . . . . . . . .. E Maconnchie’s Marmalade, guaranteed perfech pure. 4' Kovah Jelly, Jello, and pure gold Jelly Powders . . . . . . . , . Rangoon Ri‘ce v . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Cooking Figs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . , . 3: Table Raisins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ..‘ fifCookingOnions...” Try a. pound of our del 400. and 45c. lb. icious groundnwhile-yowwait Coffee, pyices 351:. ETEAS iSOAPs 3'. Castile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . 3 cakés for 5c 4. Shell Brand Gastile, June Rose, Sweet Violet and Wild Rose Tailet iv Saap . . . . . , . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . 5c cake : Baby’s Own. Blue Bell, Witch Haze-.1 or Miladi, Toilet Soap. .3 cakes for25c 1 Assorted Toilet, Soap in Boxes . . . . l . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 cakes for 25¢ -i- iufl‘iul“! 'H' 3: PHONE 17 ++++++++++++++ Mum-9+4.“ +é~++++++++~§ M+~M~ MMMMMJ *i‘édfi+é+¢¢§$Â¥++*+++'l"§'+-Â¥+++ r++++++++al+++++ww+++4o+++4€ P. G. Savage Confederation Life AssociatiOn London Guarantee 86 Accident 00. Norwich Union Fire & Accident 00. Western Fire, Rimouski Fire Mercantile Fire, York Fire Sovereign Fire Your business will have our prompt attention. See our list of Companies below: A. G. Savage Real Estate List, enquire at our office. “ WMM++¢++++¢+Wfié$++$éfi 5'4”? +++++++++++++‘¥++W%vfi+é We have a fine valietv of the different blends and finest flavors. Black or Green per 1b., 25. 30, 40 and 55c. GROCERIES Maple Syrup Mixture. Pearl Bland . . . . . . Canned Pumpkin . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fiHi-‘I-i-Q'd" *rl-‘M‘fi‘i’wzi'ifiab *WM M+M++++$¢$°¥+Q~+++§i Â¥++++ We have just refilled’ell our different lines of Rub- bers with bright new stock of the best grades. Men's Heavy Rubbers, laced, red soles,, solid Ahee’l, snag proot' - ~. -> $2.50 Men’s, Heavy Rubbers. two buckie,.heavy 591$, solid heel. snag proof - . -. Men's Overshoe Rubber, best grade» Vx omcn's Oversh’oe Rubber, best grade THE RIGHMHNB HILL SHflE STORE NORMAN... GLASS PROPRIETOR CONCRETE HOUSE RICHMOND HILL ‘ AND yul Vauaup Ill gnarl; UULUIVE . . . . . . - . . . . - . . . . n . . . ~ ttsup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 1‘ )llp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zed PICkIl-‘S, _m bulk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . mnlade, guaranteed perfech pure . . . . . . . . . . _. . , and pure gold Jelly Powders . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 3 pk . . . ‘ . . . . 61b: . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41b: are. Pearl Bland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . Here é Real Estate AND Insurance Agents 2for35c . . . . . 15c bottle . . . . . . . . 15c tin , .....150 dnz ... .20c jnr . .3 pks. fm'25c .. 6 lbs. for 250 . 4lbs. for 250 ....25c1h 35c peck.” .. 25ctin ...10c tin $235 $51.25 $106

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