WEDNESDAY. J an. 29â€"wAuctiun sale at farm stuck. implements, vtc., Int 24, rear 6th can, Vaughan. Purpleville. the property of Frqu Mm den. Sale at l o’cksc‘k.’ Ternst months. THURSDAY, Jan. mâ€"vaelling. lots and huusrhold furniture, at, Maple, the property uf Mrs. J. Martin. Sale at 1 o’uluck. Terms for furni- ture cash. FRIDAY, Jun. ï¬stâ€"Farm stock. im- glements, etc†on lot 34. con. 9. 'aughan. gravel road, prnpertyof TLns. Jordan. Terms 9 mos. Sale at. l p. m. ' ' SATURDAY. Feb. 1â€"Hnusehold Effects of the Estate of the late R. Redditt, at the residence. Church St" Rich- mnnd Hill. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale n't‘ 1 u’clnck. MONDAY. Feb. 3111â€"F'arm stock, im- ‘pirmrnta. 91.0., lot 30. can. 12. King, ruperty m James Benton. .A Terms mus. Sale at 1 pm]. 4‘ TUESDAY. ‘Fe-h. 4~Furm stock, imple- 1 News, el.c., lot 82. con; 1, King. Yunge St. Amara. property of W. Howard. Termstus. Suleat l p.m. THURSDAY, Feb. 6â€"Fm-nl stock. im- gmwms. Btu, property of John Mc- mmugh, Int, 28. run. 8..' Vaughan, gravel road. Term?! 9 mos. Sale at ’1 p. m. VVEDNESDAY., Feh’y 12â€"Fnrm stock and implements, Int, 22, con, 2. Vaughan, the properbv of J. L. ansinthwniLe. Sale an 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. FRIDAY; Fell. l4â€"Auctinn sale of Reg~ istered Dmhum (mule. hu'rsrs and implements. lot, 32, con. 5. King. Terms 9 mos. Sale at 1 p.111. WEDNESDAY. F eh. lQâ€"Aucniun sale of Farm stuck, implements. eta. lot, 16,cun 2. Vaughan. Prnperty of Wm. Bone. TermsQ 11105. Sale at l p.11). THURSDAY, Frh. 2U~Far|u stuck, im- plemeer e-Lc., the property of .John Castanm; lot 22 con. 6, \Vest York. Terms 9 nuns. Sale at l p.1n. ' 1 Every farmer should know that tho rice oflered by the dealers for cattle, oga‘, etc†is a. fair one. How can he know, this if he does not take a farm business paper? What dootor or law- yer or business man would be without his business paper? There is but 0116 farinera’ business and market paper, that is The Weekly Suni ,Stut 1910 right by wucrihinu. ‘ I , -V lements &c. on lot; 10. con. 3. ‘_-; itchurch neat White Rose, the property of Mrs. Seth Stiiith. Sale jet 1 o’clock. Nine months credit. ‘_ WEDNESDAY. Feb. 5â€"Horses, colts, ' cattle &c. lot; 25, con. 5. Markham, the property of Robt. Wags. Sale at 1 o’clock. Nine mohths credit. WEDNESDAY, Feb. lZâ€"Farm stock. implements &c. on lot 18. con. 8, Scarboio. the property of W. A. Robinson. Sale atl o’clock. Ninesl months credit. ‘ THURSDAY. Feb. l3â€"Farm stock. imi- - Elements &c. on lot 7. con. 8. Mark-- - am. the property of D. Story. Sale' at '12 o’clock. Nine months credit. I \‘FRIDAY. Feb. 14â€"-F.~u-m stock. imple- ' merits. &c. lot 14. con. 3. Markham, the property of J. 0. Ellis. Sale at '1 o‘clock. Terms 8 mos. , SATURDAY, Feb. ISâ€"Furm stock. im- plement: &c., l0b5. con. 9. Markham. the property of Norman Oluughton. Sale at 12 o’clock. 9 flionths credit. 'Ttmsmflr. Feb. l8â€"Farm stock. im- plements &c.. l’ot 33. con. 4. Scan born, the property of Jas. Bear-e. Sale at 1. 9 months credit. . THURSDAY. Feb. 20-’â€"Farm stock. im- plelnents&c.. lot 29. con. B. Scarboro. the property of W. R. Bell. Sale at. . 12o’clock. 9 months credit. FRIDAY. Feb. 21â€"Holstein cattle, ‘ horses. farm implements &c., Yonge St. Thornhill, the property of Carl James. Sale at 1 o clock. 9 months credit. SATURDAY. Feb. 2%Farm‘: stock, im plelnents &c.. lot 11*. con. 6. Mark- ham; Unionville, the property of ‘ Thus. R. Hageiman. Sale at 1 o’clock. 9 months credit. MONDAY, Feb. 24â€"Furm sfock. im- plements &c.. lot 19, con. 9. Mark- ham. the property of Isaac Cook. Sale at 1. o’clock. 9 months credit. ’ TUESDAY. Feb. 25â€"-F‘nrm stock. im- eéemcnts &c., lot'l7. rear of 2nd con.. 'est. York. the property of Ed. Pratt. Sale at 1 p.m. 9 months credit. ‘ WEDNESDAY. Feb. 26â€"Fu1'm stock. ‘ implements ,&c., Yonge St... Willow- dale. the property of Jno. McKenzie. Sale in; 12 o’clock. 8 months credit, THURSDAY. Feb. 27â€"Furm stock. im- ilements &c.,' lot. 19. con. 3, Mark- nm, the property of L. A. Nicholle. Salem: ]2 o’clock. 9 months credit. FRIDAY. Feb. 28â€"Farm stock. imple- ments &c., lol 27. con. 2. Markham, the property of A. E. Williams. Sale at 12 o’clock. 9 monthscredist. Lipans Tabules cure biliausness. Wmmnsxmv. Jan. 29tb-‘Auqtlnn Dale «1f 50 head of Cattle. fresh-‘1 cows; springer-s, steers and heifers at Queen’s Hutt‘l, Unionville. the pro- ‘perpv of Oumplin & Ash. Sale at 1 o’clock sharp. Six months credit. _- ijgtmgnAY,‘ Jap. 30th7Fa11m stock} THERE IS BUT ONEQ Saigéon & McEwen’s List of Auction Sales 'J. H. PRENTICE’S LIST OF . Auction Sales - mummmw, roadvo rm .. m'upBom'xiupQ. A WRIT! 1dr mm 01m livid-d pm. 6: L_I_E_RRIAM (30., Palmâ€, Slime“, Hun. The Latest and Best Musical Production {and Talking. Maehane, with Double Disc Records. â€"UALL AND SEE AND HEAR THEMâ€"‘a-v : ‘ PRICES FROM $17.00 UPWARDS. A Modem Convenience Ripanss Tabules: for sour stomach. QOOOOOQOOQOQNQO ‘ 4 HEATING STOVES All Styles, Including The ' New Perfection Oil Heater Hockey Sticks.u...“nunâ€........;....,_.from 10 170 750 Hockey Skates»... ............. . .......... from 500 13023.50 Hockey Pucks..a.;............................from 101.0 250 Sleigh Bells; ..... . ............ . ..... ..Irom 10c to $3.50 mmmm P "Ci KY" 35â€" ï¬'ï¬m‘Tm‘ WE?“ 1.339933% mqu inimin iï¬ï¬imzï¬ï¬uy‘ '.‘ humâ€" ‘ " "cu- Qulatgqngtï¬wgetoetmo 19am!- . 1mm Tub: Mum Bruns- . ' Common-r: go; Anyone sending a sketch and dour-I V on my quick) ascertain our opme w m In 3:78 invent on Is bah! nmunlcn. Llomatrlctlyggndexigl. a on Pm sent. tree. Olden way for “Manama. A,?,-.':ent!..t¢99..t math mm}. m THE. RICHMOND .HILL HARDWARE CU. GEO. McDONALD, flichmond‘ï¬in 'Séiéï¬tiiié'ï¬â€™ï¬iéï¬cam ‘ SANITARY CHEMICAL CLOSETS PHONE 18 :-ets 5 HICH’MUNDI Hlll. HARDWARE 00. COLUMBIA jGRA’FONOLAS WINTER SPECIALS "AME-“>5 FOB- - MAN: Bflflflm ’ ' ORIBEAST +M++++miÂ¥+++++ww~ ,,_.__._._._ .. JQASSEEE§ «aflanadiaa P 11' b - | ï¬shing Company Cassel's Magazine, per annum . $1.51 The Story Teller a . 1.70 The Quiver a 3 ¢ . . 1.50 M usicul Home Journal . . 1.50 The Girls’ Realm . ‘ . ' . . l.5( Little Folks . . , . 1.56 Chums . . . . ‘ . 1.5! unums . . . . . . 1.5( ~ Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to It is not necessary 1 send to foreign countrie: l )1 maga' zines. Read the follOwing:-â€" The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of Interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly su‘bs-aription (it low rates. Rln'ans Tabules cureft‘orpid Ilia}. Thégdods we ufl'm' are honestly-gnaw and wxll stand the Wem; thnb'y’ou expect of them, ‘ Reliabig goivdaxat réasmmble prices. ï¬nd. iuf‘fact. ei‘erything in the hue of Harnesé. Blankets, and man anther articl’qs‘ necessary for yuur nrnua I‘Oum. \Ve Have sniid cou‘i’furt‘, it: the way of “Blankets; Bogéq,,fMitts _ NORMAN BATTY. MANAGER. ASK Us About Them Its articles aï¬Ã© carefully selected and its gdltorial policy is thoroughly independent‘ A subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per‘ year -to any address in Canada. or Great Britain. It uses the most expensive engrav- ings, procuring the photbgraphs from all over the worldi MONTREAL. THE STANDARD is the NatiOnal Weekly Newspaper of thg Dominion of Canafla. It is national in all its aims. ' RIDGEVILLE THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON C0 NURSERY STOCK We want two more agents in this county. Mantras! Standard Publishing Cm, A reliable French regulator; never Iailaxrl‘hefl: pills are exceedingly glowerful in regulating the generative portion oft e (emu. system. Refuse Ill cheap imitations. _ M80 311'. are sold at '6 a box. or three for 810. Mailed to any address. the Scoboll Drug 00.. St. Catharina. Ont. Dfa de‘Van’s Female Pills am mama Beef 'Scrap ‘ ' Blbod‘ Meat '&‘~ Bane ‘ Pmlwy Bone, Grit; Oyster Shell Scratch Feed‘ Groatine (Shelled Oats) And other poultry foods ‘ALWAYS 0N MM) m? R. OLIVER, AGENT Ripans Tabules cure headache. Plant Bmean's OPPOSITE DR. LANGSTAFF’S TH E Maluabre assistance‘in collect- ing drafts, etc. \AEAD. ICE ' TORONTO RICHMOND HiLL BRANCH LE.HAND,. ..»_5554 7 . . Managua, Brancheï¬ aka It Mining; Ekrkham. Slougfviï¬is‘, Uniï¬nvme and mm“: .‘53 Boots and Shoes Repaired TRY ET FOR 1912.! .FORSTER ©F‘ @ANADA’ L? 13%?‘2, 33'»! Mishaâ€; IT WILL GROW. GUARANTEED Amman To PATENT Hoot! Alum may ba secured bi our aid. Address, THE ° "ENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md Riflhmund Hf". ONTARIO m n....-.r.... - ‘ an.-., * H business man who has customers in various parts ' of Ca'nada or elséwhera ‘ ‘ ï¬nd thesemiaes of this bank of Maluahre assistance‘in collect- mg drafts, etc. 461 é F; 3. WUDDWARD. ALL BRANCHES OF THE“ TRADE . STRICTLY A'IVI‘ENDED TO. EWiimniale 584,5 F. 1., WUUDWARD Should your chums have had ex- perience in magazine or newspaper» sellingâ€"so mud: the betterâ€"semi THFYR names. We don't tell you why We‘want the namesâ€"Jeannine petlxqp yuxj don't care; if you (19. or '1' you yourself want u eax‘n good pay for work for us-â€"why tell us in a letter and We will ‘explaln our v‘mole money-making plan to you ~~and besides you will learn Your list of names should bg ‘malled within seven (7) days aft†you read this splendid .ofrer. Just as soon wwe' get your list of names. we will send one 0; these beautiful Souvenir Bins to you and you will like it immense- 1y. THIRD. Man the gist complete with ï¬ve cents in col-11‘ or stamps to ug ï¬ght away, addressing your letter to Sales Division, the "Witness? 'Wl'tness’ Block, Montreal. You csï¬ earn one too, easily. Youonlyhavotadotineotmngs. Pl 881'. Right away newâ€"take a post can! or a sheet or paper and write out, the 11111 names (Christian names and surnames) and run ul- dtosus 01' TEN boy friends or chums whom you know would like to earn some pocket money. (Béys between 8 and 15 years at ageâ€"â€" no two In the same family.) SECOND. Sign your name and address at the bottom 01 the card or sheet use that we will know who sent the list. . Saiesmans‘hip.’ PATRONAGE SOLICITED I AND SATISFAwwN GUARANTEE?!) MAPLE LEAF PINS SHOEBNG' LAME RN13 INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY. THE ‘WITNESS,’ - Witnas-s’ Blook. Montreal HOLSTEINS _ and TAMWï¬RTH 3 all ages for sale GENERAL BLACKSMITH‘, New Gormley ANY of ourboys and glrlc ‘ Ina-3371743: received. 03292 of Esmmmm 1373 FREE Stock Farm J. MCKEN ZIE‘