Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jan 1913, p. 2

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The Longer Without It the Less You Long For It. Most people are in the habit of 1looking up the articles of our acâ€" custom-ed diet, and especially upo-n salt, as necessities. We have not found them so, writes Mr. Stefanie- son, the Arctic explorer. The longâ€" er you go without grain foods and vegetables the less you long for them. Salt I have found to behave like a narcotic poisonâ€"in other words, it is hard to break off its use, as it is hard to stop the use of tobacco, but after you have been a. .month or so without sold: you cease to long for it, and after Six months 21 have found the taste of meat boil- ed in salt water distinctly disagree- able. In the case of such a neces- sary element of food as text, on the other hand, I have found that the donger you are ‘without it the more gen long for it, until the craving eeomes more intense than is the hunger of- a man who fasts. (The pymptoms of starvation are those of a disease rather than of being hun- gry.) Among the uncivilized Eski- gnos the dislike of salt is so strong that a saltiness imperceptible to me would prevent them from eating at all. This circumstance was often useful to me, for whenever our Es- kimo visitors threatened to eat as out of house and home we could put in a little pinch of salt, and thus husband our resources without seeming inhospitable. .A man who tasted anything salty at our table would quickly bethink him that he‘ had plenty of more palatable fare‘ in his own house. It’s awfully hard ’00 comvince a; man that he is getting' a. square deal. PALE ANAEMIC GIRLS Find New Health Through Dr. Williams’ fink Pills for Pale People. There must be no guesswork in the treatment of pale, anaemic girls. If your daughter is languid, as a pale, sallow complexion, is short of breath, especially on going upstairs; if she has palpitation of the heart, a poor appetite, or a tendency to faint, she has anaemia â€"which means poverty of the blood. Any delay in treatment may leave her weak and sickly for the rest of her lifeâ€"delay may even result in consumption, that most hopeless of diseases. When the blood is poor and watery, there is only one cer- tain cureâ€"that is Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, coupled with nourishâ€" ing;- food and gentle out-ofâ€"door ex- ercise. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills actually make new blood, which flowing through the veins stimu- late the nerves, increase the appe~ titu, give brightness to the eye, a glt v of health to the cheek, and makes weak, despondent girls full of healthy activity. The case of Miss J. H. Lassalle, ‘Sorel, Que, is typical of the cures made by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. She says: “I Was weak and all run down. My face was pale and covered with imples. My lips were pale. I suf- fered from pains in all my limbs, which would at times be swollen. I was hardly ever free from head- aches, and I found work about the house a burden, as the least effort left me fatigued and breathless. I had no appetite, and notwithstand- ing that I was constantly doctoring I seemed to be growing worse all the time. One day mother said that she thought I ought to try Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills, and I decided to do so. I soon discovered that I had found the right medicine, and after using nine boxes I was once more enjoying the best of health, and I have not been unwell a. day since.” You can get Dr. Williams’. Pink {ills from any medicine dealer or y mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil: 'liams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. CAN WE LIVE WITHOUT SALT? 25‘ Blulngs 10 cents. Try It I Manuhctured by The Johnson-Richnrdsonpo Limited. Montreal, Can. Whlte as Snow Wash Day Makes the Clothes Li ‘ Two yearn ago at Leipsic a curiâ€" ous old man by the name of Zoe- liner died, leaving his fortune, $26,000, to the ex-Sultan with the above stipulation. He evidently had forgotten that he had a niece in very or circumstances, who was jUIBt a le to make her living by her work'.. She brought suit to break the will, but the Supreme Court of Leipsic ruled against her. The ex-Sultan gets the money then, and one wonders when he will lay the first stone of his temple of uniâ€" vemel peace. Ex-Sultan Gets $26,000 in Will to Build Peace Temple. Abdul Hamid, ex-Sultan of Tur- key, comes in’oo possession of $26,- 000, given him by a. German ad- mirer for the purpose of erecting a. temple of peace in Constantinople. Of all men in the world, Abdul would probably be the last to lay the cornerstone for. such an edifice. Being oomposed of natural vegetable, remedies, Dr. Hamilton's Pills possess great power, yet they are harmless. They aid all organs connected with the sto- mach. liver. a-nd bowels. In consequence. food is properly digested. the blood is pure and nourishing, the body is kept strong and resists disease. All druggists and storekeepers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 250. per box, 5 for $1.00, or by mail from the Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston. Canaéa. ABDUL HAMIDc’S QUEER PRIZE Headaches never come to those who use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. and this fact is vouched for by the Assistant Manager of the Poultry Success Magazine, of Spring- field, 0.. Mr. J. H. Callander, who writes: “No better medicine than Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. We use them regularly and know of marvelous cures that. resisted every- thing else. They cleanse the whole sys- tem, act as a. tonic on the blood, enliven digestion, help the stomach, and make you feel strong and well. For headaches. indigestion and stomach disorders I am confident that the one prescription is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills." When his ExcellenCy arose, a. burst of handclapping made him hesitate in his spoken introduction. That instant spelled his doom, for, when the sound of applause died down, not a word could the speaker re- call. For perhaps half a minute he faced his audience, trying desper- ately to get the introductory senâ€" tences out of his memory, but they refused to obey. The silence of the room was painful. Finally, his EX- cellency sat down Without uttering more than a few indistinct pleas- antries, and the chairman, an ofli- cial of resource, glossed the incident over by calling upon another memâ€" 'ber‘ to say something. When You’re Dull, Tired, Restless Day and Night Something Is Wrong in the Stomach. A Promlnent Publishing Man Says the Qulokest Cure Is Dr. Hamilton’s Pllls. Any Headache Cured, Tired Systems Re-toned When Earl Grey was Governor- General of Canada he never spoke in public Without first memorizing his remarks. As most platform speakers well know, the “memori- tor” system has the disadvantages incident to a nervous breakdown, as well as distinct advantages. His Excellency, however, adhered to the one method and carefully com- mitted every phrase of his speeches to memory. It is not generally known that upon his appearance. at one of the Ottawa Canadian Club’s luncheons a curious catastrophe occurred. He had taken great pains with a speech dealing with a most important subject, and an extra large audienca was on hand. EARL GREY’ S MEMORY. Earl Grey. “Shure it’s by your own. Just yesterday .ye saidâ€"“Don’rb let me come downstairs in the morning an’ see any dust on the sitting-room furniture.’ So I just put the kay in me pocket, an’, I says, ‘then she sha’n’t !’ ’ ’ Few of us who are entitled ’60 the cpnqs‘equ-ence-s are Willing to take “Shure, it’s mesilf knows that; an’ ye won’t, fur I hev the kay in me po‘cke .” “Open the door immediately.” “Will y-ez go in if I do!” “Certainly, I will.” “Then, yez won’t get, the kay.” “Open the door, I say. What do you mean.’_’ The German Emperor’s favorite Wilmer d_ish is_sm0ked bgar’s paws. them . “Bridget, I cafi’t get into {he sit- ting-room,” she cried. The wonderful era of prosperity that is now being enjoyed in Can- ada. is exemplified by the report of the “SALADA” Tea 00., which states that, during the year just ended, there were 1,223,437 pounds more “SALADA” tea sold than in 1911. This INCREASE would sup- ply every household in the Domin~ ion with one pound of tea. The mistress came downstairs and tried the door of the sitting- room, only to find it locked against her, while the key, which was us- ually in the lock, was missing. Karez, or underground canals, carry the water of this river in every direction over the country. I think the wonderful patience shown by the Persians in the labor of exâ€" cavating these underground chan- nels for water is Surprising. Every drop of water has to be bored for and tunnel‘ed through miles and miles of ground before the precious liquid reaches the crop for which it is intended. - Another instance of this confusion is shown by what people call the Abrishmi River. The name of the river is the Kal Mura, but the maâ€" jority of Persians and also Euroâ€" peans cross it on the main post- road between Meshed and Teheran by a bridge that was built by a silk merchant, and that is called “Pulâ€" Abrishmi,” or the silken bridge; so they call the river the “Abrishmi” or the Silken River, which is cer- tainly not its name. The river, which flows by Khusf, although at this point very slightly brackish, lower down becomes very salt in- deed, and finally isllost in the des- ert. ' 2 My groom was an Armenian, and very much more intelligent than or- dinary Persians, since he had been educated at a mission school at Ivspahan. One day he was swim- ming about in some water we paes- ed, and I said to him, “No doubt you I‘Barn-ed to swim in the Zayenâ€" deh Rud”~â€"the river that flows by Is‘pahan‘. “No, sir,” he replied, “I did not learn to swim in the Zayenâ€" deh Rud, but in the Is‘pahan Riv~ er.” He actually did not khow that the large river passing his naâ€" tive town was called the Zayendeh Rud, or, in other words, that the Ispahan River and the Zayendeh Rud were one and the same. Traveller Says It Is Difficult to Learn Their Right Name. In Persia a river is generally called by the name of the town on its banks, and therefore changes its name at each town it reaches. This, writes Colbnel Stewart in “Through Persia in Disguise,” makes it very difficult to learn the right name of the rivers. Send Post Card to-day for particulars. 74 ST. Antoine St., Montreal, Can. Just what you need after a. hard day’s workâ€"A Refresh- ing cup of LIPTON’S TEA _ Goes farthest for the money It’s the “Best Ever” PERSIAN RIVERS. Obeying orders. AND Don’t Miss This I , 500 / Manufac- turers of "A little thing. but with the spirit 1 her father in her,” was the way that lent.- Governor Sir John Gibson introduced Miss Eva Booth on her initial meeting in Mas- sey Hall during her recent visit. Sir James Whitney was also present to add his word of commendation for Mips Booth and the Salvation Army. which. 811' James as for many yearns greatly admired. Miss oath, who is now commander of the Army, is well known in Toronto. though she has not been here for nine years. Her recent visit was for the purpose of inaugurating a. great revival and to col- lect funds for a memorial to her father. A one examines the financial statement of the Hydro Electric Commission the tre- mendous size and daring of the enter- prise is understood in a way which be- fore has not been possible,‘ and one is filled with a corresponding admiration for the foresight which conceived it and the courage which pushed it to completion. A Tax Reform Campalgn. The fact that Mr. N. W. Bowell, leader of the Opposition, has been delivering a series of speeches on Tax Reform has caused some people to wonder if his plat- form of "abolishing the bar" is to be relegated to a second place. There seems no doubt that Mr. Rowell's temperance platform will remain in the forefront of the battle, but he apparently takes the ground that he is leader, not of a Prohi- bition party, but of the Liberal party, and that temperance is but one of the planks on which he appeals for support. Indications are for an interesting session of the legislature. though it may not be momentous as far as actual legislation is concerned. That the New York State committee's figures were given credence is no doubt due to the fact that up to a few weeks ago no detailed financial report has been made by the Hydro Electric Commission. Whence the Discrepancies? There are two reasons for the discrep- ancy between the New York State Cont mittee's figures and those now given out by the Ontario Commission. First, the exceedingly rapid development of the Hydro’s business has enabled the costs to be cut to such an extent that whereas the Commission might have been doing business at a loss a year ago it would now seem to be on the high road to pros- perity. And, second, there is a. difference of opinion as to what percentage ought to be allowed‘ for depreciation of the p ant. ‘ According to the New York State com- mittee, the Hydro Electric scheme has been losing money, their figures estimat- ing an annual loss of as high as $500,000 a year. They assert that the small munl- cipalities particularly have undertaken liabilities out of all proportion to the benefits to be derived, one specific instance being of certain municipalities whose fresh bonded debt on account of the Hydro scheme runs to $31 for every man, woman and gum in the_ villages. However, learned professors have been scratching their heads over the problem. which they admit is, after all, a compli- cated one. The consensus of opinion seems to be, however, that competent en- gineers should be able to bring the water from the heights of Scatboro into the city some way or other. and there should be no doubt as to the possibility of making the scheme practicable. An Attack on the Hydro. No little interest has been expressed on the attack made upon the Hydro Electric system of Ontario by a New York com- mittee of investigation, sent here last year by the New York State legislature. With the exception of the attacks mad! by the local competing corporations this is the first criticism of Ontario’s pet pub- lic ownership scheme. It is proposed under the new system to establish the new pumping plant at the Scarboro Cliffs, some ten miles east of the city. Here the lake has a rock bot- tom, as distinguished from the sand bot- tom at the island, and through this rock can be bored out under the lake, a tunnel which would serve as an ideal intake pipe, being absolutely unexposed to the ele- ments and being at a. location free from danger of pollution. A reservoir located on the top of the cliffs to which the water would be pumped would be some 350 feet above the level of the city. and the plan is to let the water from this reservoir run down to the city by force of gravitation. The city has been agitated bythe re- markable question of whether water will run down hill. The question arises out of the plans. for a. new water works sys- tem to cost over six million dollars. the money for which was voted by the rate- payers on New Years Day. At present Toronto’s water supply comes through a pipe extending into the lake from the island and lying more or less unprotect- ed on the lake bottom, and therefore liable to injury or total destruction under ex- treme weather and ice conditions. From the island the water is pumped to the city by means of a tunnel under the bay. Under this system there is a dan- ger of destruction to the intake pipes and also more or less remote danger of pollution getting into the tunnel under th_e sewage-filled bay. This in brief was the plan recommended by four engineering experts who collected fees to the sum of $25,000 for their report. Now comes along one of these experts with the assertion that the scheme will not do, because the water will not, run down from the reservoir with sufficient pressure to establish a practicable system of water works for the city. This remarkable statement has been greeted with mingled expressions of consternation and incredul- ity. To the average man on the street the proposition that water cannot be made to run down hill is almgegher novel. These splendid polished steel Hockey Skates free of all charge to any boy or girl.‘ All sizes. Send us your name [and address and we will send you 30 sets of Easter and other postcards to sell at 10 cents a set (six beautiful cards in each set). When sold send us the money and we will send you the skates, all charges prepaid. Write toâ€"day aml earn your skates now. Address TURUNTU CURRESPUNDENGE INTERESTING BITS 0F GOSSIP FROM THE QUEEN GITY. Is th. water Supply In noufit'F-Hydro Electrlc System ‘on' 'the‘nefenslveâ€" Migs Booth at Massey Hall. HGCKEY SKATES FREE HOMER-WARREN CO. A Typical Revlvallst. One Doubtlng Expert. DEPT. 13, TORONTO. spare the more likely he is to loss his head. Complete outfit, sumolent for 2 months! use, price $1.00, including the inhaler and liquid for filling; smaller trial sizes 250. and 500., all drugg‘ists and storekeepera. or. The Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canaga. _ As the only way to reach oatarrh is by inhaling medicated air. it follows that the healing balsams of Catarrhozone can’t fail to cure. It is a purely vege- table antisepticâ€"soothes and heals wher- ever it goes. The germ-killing vapor is inhaled at the mouth and instantly spreads through all the breathing organs. Every case of bronchitis and oatarrh is rooted out, and such health and strenzth is imparted that these troubles never again return. "I just wish I had known years ago about the wonderful efi‘ect of CATARR- HOZONE," writes Miss Norton, from her home in Georgetown. “My nose and throat were continually stopped up. and "I was seldom free from a. gag in the throat. I coughed and hawked and often at night couldn‘t sleep. Just a few breathe from a Catarrhozone inhaler and my head was cleared right. up. My throat trouble is now well and I haven't. a single vestlgo of catarrh. Catarrhozone made a. perfect cure." Many were the famous people who resided there in those lively days. The most important site then as now was that of the police eouri:4 where dwelt the poet Edmun Waller, whose loyalty was put to such severe strains during the civil war, while later a, house on this site was occupied by Henry Fielding (Thackeray’s idol and “master” ), who was living here in 1748, when he assumed the role of justice of the peace. And while here he wrote his masterpiece, the immortal “Tom Jones,” which the Doncaster Public Library has just found rboo immoral to remain longer in the library. “Head Feels Fine Breathe Freely Now’ Improved My Voice, Strengthened My Throat, Cured Me of Hawking and Spitting. 7 Mlss Emma E. Norton Gives Great Pralso to "catarrhozone." Miss Booth is a cynical revivalist and she rocked her great audienoes in the hollow of her hand. Notable Men and Women Had Once Homes 011 It. Bow Street, London, England, to-day to most people is merely an unpleasant synonym for a police court, but in .the long ago it was a. 5ashionable residential qu.arter,-.tho Bond Street of Rastoratioyn Lon- don. T.he famous Mrs. Bracegirdle began an epilogue of Dryden’s with the lines: The less brains a mam hens FASHIONABLE BOW STREET. “I’ve had {yo-day a, dozen billab- doux From fops and wits and cits and Bow Street beaux.” in N. Y. City In sold meg; old stock and fig‘hnn» 1 to' fresh ' a. We 3911 Send or doe list a (1 Ship M. . Humor 00. 5 East m 52, gen 55). New ark 6y.

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