H IS NEWS WORTH GIVING II] THE WflRll] HOW RAVAGES 0F KIDNEY DISEASE ARE CHECKED IS QUEBEC. Whitworth, . Temisooua‘ta, 00., Que., Jan. 27 (Special).â€"â€"With the coming of winter the ravages of Kidney Disease are again felt in this province, and the fact that a. sure cure is vouched for in this vil- lage is news worth giving to the world. Mrs. Julien Painchaud is the person cured and she states without hesitation that she found 'her cure in Dodd’s Kidney Pills. “For seven years my heart. and Kidneys bothered me,†Mrs. Pain- chaud states, “I was always tired and nervous. I could not sleep. My limbs were heavy and I had a dragging sensation across the loins. My eyes had dark circles under them and were puffed and swollen. I was so :ill I could hardly drag myself around to dqmy housework. Mrs. Julian Paint-hand, for seven years a sufferer, ï¬nds quick re- lief and complete cure in Dodd’s Kidney Pills. If you have any two of Mrs. Painchaud’s symptoms your Kidâ€" neys are diseased. Cure them and guard against serious, if not fatal “A neighbor advised me to try Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and I found relief in the ï¬rst box. Six boxes made me perfectly well.†Many an , eloquent sermon is wordless. Even a. fast young man can’t catch up with toâ€"morrow. ‘ Blood will tellâ€"usually the things we do not want bold. A girl marries to gain liberty; a man marries to keep it. i'esults By Pills. None- of us can afford to say all the fool things we would like to_slay. 7 Women usually Have more reli- gion than men because they need it less. r The su-coesusful man is one who ‘is on the job when the main chance comes along. HThe girl “who marries a, man beâ€" cause he is a good dancer is apt to regret it later. The mere fact that a man doesn’t laugh at his own jokvexs is no indi- cation that he doesn’t think them funny. . ' éome men won’t be happy in hea- ven because they had to leave their earthly possessioqs behind. Tonsorial Conversation. “I hate a barber that talks poli- ties all the time; don’t you ’1†A Mlnard's Linlment Cures Garza: In Cows. _“Can’t say I db. I’d father have hlm talk politics than hair tonics.†Attractive rates will be uoted via variable routes, affordng the nesn scen- ery. The Los Angeles Limited, leaving Chicago daily 10:16 pm. for Southern Cali- fornia, the Sam Francisco Overland Lim- ited. leaving Chicago 8:50 p.m., less than three days en route, provide the best of everything in railway travel. The China and Japan Mail leaves Chicago daily at 10:45 p.m. for San Francisco and Los An- geles. Illustrated literature on applica- tion to B. H. Bennett. G. A., Chicago and Iolorth Western Ry., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, nt. , Has Hopes. “How old are you, Ethel 'I†“I’m ï¬ve, an’ mamma says if I’m good an ’eat lots of oatmeal I’ll be six next birthday.†Illnard's Llnlment Cures Golds, Eta. The Royal Road to Wealth. There was a man in our town who needed money had; he went to a, newspaper and. he took a wholeâ€" page ad; and when the people read the ad the joyful throng they’d join, and straightway went unto the store and gave the mam their coin. SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA. El). 3‘. Pointed Paragraphs. using Dbdd’s Kidney ISSUE 5â€"’l3. W. H. FARRELL, Who has been appointed Superim tendent of Freight Service, over the Grand Trunk System, a new ofï¬ce: Mr. Farrell was formerly Superintendent of Terminals in To- ronto. The proprietress of a. restaurant at Paulto‘n Square, Chelsea, Eng- land, who found that many of her customers had their dogs at the same table, and in some cases 211â€" lowved them to eat from their plates on the floor, has established a sepa- raute dining-room for dogs. While their mistresses are having lunch- eon or dinner the pets are placed in a separate room, where they are fed with mutton bones, cooked beef, etc. A dog’s dinner costs ihre-e- pence, and the animal is allowed to' select his dish and to eat his ï¬ll. IF YOUR BABY IS SICK GIVE BABY’S OWN TABLETS The little ills of babyhood and childhood should be treated prompt- ly, or they may prove serious. An occasional dose of Baby’s Own Tab- lets will regulate the stomach and bowels and keep your little ones well. Or they will promptly restore health if sickness comes unexpect~ edly. Mrs. Lenora M. Thompson, Oil Springs, Ont., says:-â€"“I have used Baby’s Own Tablets for my little girls as occasion required, and have found them always of the greatest help. No mother, in my opinion, should be Without the Tab- lets.†Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a, box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockâ€" ville, Ont. _ Wise Judge. Prison-er~â€"“Judge, your honor, I’m a, foreign noblemaryfi Judgeâ€"“Then it would be useless to ï¬ne you; take 30 days. Minard's Llnlment Cures Distemper. Not Amiable. “We had to let that servant go.†“What was the matter? Would- n’t [she work 2†“Oh, she did the work all right, but she couldn’t get along with the children.†“That so '1†“Yes. She’d lose her temper every time one of them kick-ed her on the shins.†Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch- ing. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 500. The Chinese newspapers are shaking their heads (they have no longer any pigtails) over the doings of their new Prime Minister, M. Lon T‘seng Chiang. For he has just dismissed his cook, the heaven- born, all-powerful mayor of the palace, M. Yu. For M. Yu is more than a cookâ€"he belongs to the nobility, and when the Marquis Li Hung Chan-g tried to engage a European cook in his place M. Yu appealed to the Empress, and de- feated the Marquis. That was some time ago and M. Yu has been in- ‘creasing in importance since then. He possess-es a big house in the street of Miniohengpor in Pekin, a restaurant in the Zoological Gar- den at Pekin, and another estab- lishment. He naturally imagined that his services would be highly valued by the new Prime Minister, and in order to smooth the way he sent a present of his best hams to the minister. His surprise was great when his present was return- ed and he himself was dismissed. The Pekin newspapers cannot un~ derstand a minister aoti - in this way. The old rule was e more presents the better. Present of Hams to Prime Minister Cause of Cook’s Discharge. 000K WAS MISUNDERSTOOD. PILES OURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Feeds Guests’ Dogs. A Terrible Experience. “You must have had‘a. terrible experience with no food, and mos- quitoes swarming around you,†said the stranger‘to the shipwreck- ed mariner who had been cast away upon a tropical island. '11 “You just bet I had a. terrible experience,†he acknowledged. “My experience was worse than that of the man who wrote ‘Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.’ With me it was bites, bites everywhef‘e, but not a bite to eat!†Knickerâ€"‘The price of beef the hoof has advanced.†"vï¬ogkeir;“’W‘ell, we ought to be thankful a cow hasn’t got six legs.†That in LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signamure of E. W. GROVE, Cures a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip in Two Days. 250. Minard's Llnlment Cures Diphtherla. N0 Merit In It. Mother (reprovingly) â€"- "When I was young girl‘s never thought of doing the things they do toâ€"day.†ltched 'So Kept from Sleeping. Passed the Nights Scratching. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint- me_nt Stopped the Itching at Once and Entirely Cured. 69 3rd Ave. Ville Emard. Montreal, Que. -â€"“My trouble started with small pimples on my hands, which itchcd so that it kept me from sleeping, and I passed the nights scratching it. I did not know what to do with myself. I became so discouraged that I did not; have the heart. to do my work. My hands were all covered with little watery pimples. For three weeks I had my hands done up to keep them from touching the bed. for I tossed and scratched so that I made them all bloody on the bed-board. I had suflered for three years like this when I saw an advertisement for Cuticura. Soap and Cuticura, Ointment; I decided to send for samples of them. “bafughter â€"U“We1v1, that’s ‘ Why they didn’t do them.†VVhengï¬ Yourgi ne Eyes m N e ed 25% rul Qarew HANDS BUVEREI] v WITH PIMPLES “As soon as I received them. I applied the Cuticura. Ointment and washed my hands with Cuticura, Soap at night before going to bed. This stopped the itching at once. I continued to use them. using not quite two boxes of Cuticura. Ointment. with the Cuticura. Soap, and I was entirely cured. My husband had a. burn on one or his hands. He anointed it two nights with Cutlcura. Ointment and has not felt it since. We have great conï¬dence in Cuticura. Soap and Ointment. and I assure youv I shall tell all who sufler with the same disease about: them." (Signed) Mrs. Roger Hebert, Dec. 28. 1911. x Sh-eâ€"“A‘nd how is your bachelor friend?†He~“When I saw him last he was mending very slowly.†Sheâ€"“Indeed! I didn’t know he’d been ill.†Herâ€"“He hasn’t beenâ€" he was sewing fresh buttons on his underwear !’ ’ Cutlcura. Soap and Cutlcura Ointment are sold by drugglsts and dealers everywhere. For a. liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post; card ‘0 Pocter Drug 5.: Chem. Com. Dept. 31D. Boston. U. S. A. Bad Blood! FREE TO GIRLS We will give this beautiï¬ï¬‚ Bracelet free of all charge, to any girl or young lady who will sell 30 sets of our handsome Easter and other postcards at 10 cents a set, (six beautiful cards in each set). Dr. Morse’s 4‘ Indian Root Pills Send your name and we will send you the cards. When 301d send us the $3, and we will send you the bracelet. Address HOMER-WARREN CO. DEPT. 14, TORONTO, ONT. is the direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels and do ged-up kidneys and skin. The un lgested food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate poisons the blood and the whole system. Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pill: act directly on the bowels, regulating themâ€"on the kidneys, giving them ease and strength to properly ï¬lter the bloodâ€"and on the skin. opening up the pores. For pure blood and good health take ROLLED G OLD BRACELET Only One “BROMO QUVININE" 0n the Record. No Smnrtlngâ€"Feels Fineâ€".Acts Quickly. Try It for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and. Granulated Eyelids. Illustrated Boo]: In each Package. MURINE is com- pounded by our Ocullstsâ€"nota “Patent Medicine" but used in successful Ph sl- clans‘ Practice for many years. ow dedicated to the Publlc and sold by Qrugglsts sq 250-500 psr liotjzle. Murine Try Murine Eye Remedy Eié“i§ia1‘v in ’A’s’e’ï¬tic Tu’be’s’, '2'5 56}; Muran Eye Remedy 00.. Ohlcauo Will Cover the County With a Sys- tem of Main Roads. Lord Kitchener is carrying out an extensive scheme of road making in Egypt. Some time ago he ordered a road to be made between Cairo and Alexandria, and now it is an- nounced that he is studying a plan for covering the country with a complete series of main roads. These Will be undertaken by the Government itself, while minor thoroughfares will be laid by the Provincial Councils. Apart from the military standpoint, such a sysâ€" tem of roads will be of immense commercial value, as it will open up districts neglected through lack of. communications; it will further develop others that are at present dependent solely either on the river or the railan for transport, audit will give the country an additional attraction in the eyes of the tour- ist, who at present can rarely get off the beaten track or obtain any other View of Egyptian life than that to be had from the train win- dow or steamer deck. As things stand to-day tourists can motor from Alexandria. to Cairo, the road being practically ï¬nished. Indeed, so near completion is it, and so much is expected to be made of it, that the automobile clubs have ob- tained permission from the Minisâ€" try of Public Works to erect indi- cation and danger signposts all along the route. The day may not be far distant when tourists may be able to motor from the landing stage at Alexandria to the First Cataractâ€"about 600 miles. “When one comes to live {Ls long as I have,†says Sir George Birdâ€" wood, who has just celebrated‘his ‘r‘eightieth birthday, “any fear of Ede-axial) has vanished.†Quite easy now to extract any kind of A. cornâ€"dust. apply Putnam’s Corn Extrac- \ torâ€"it works wonders, , 1, stops the pain quickly, the / 4 4'9 thick tissue is softened, and healing goes right to the heart of the corn. In a few hours the hard core rfrom the toe. Out comes the corn. T06 is left smoothâ€"not a. mark left. Use only Putnam’s Painless Corn Extrac- LORD KITCHENER IN EGYPT. RID YOUR FEET OF SORE CORNS 001‘. recommended, by druggiste and sold In 250. bottles. ‘ . The publisher of the best Farmer's paper 111 the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states : Must Choose Husband for an 0r- phan Girl of Toulon. Naval ofï¬cers are not often called upon to perform such a delicate task as that set out in a circular which emanates from the French Ministry of Marine. It runs thus: 7M. Rxxyter ‘Warfusse has be- quea/Lhed to the town of Toulon a. legacy destined to promote mar- riage between an orphan girl of good character and a. sailor of proved sobriety, the former to be selected by the Mayor of Toulon and the latter by the senior Cap- tain of the squadron of vessels now anchored at Toulon. Would-be candidates for the legacy must s_end “I would say that I do not, know of a medicine that has stood the test of time like MINARD'S LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing remedy in,_ our household ever since I can remember, and has cut- lived dozens of would-196 competitors and im itators." a statement of their qualiï¬cations accompanied by documentary evi- dence to this ofï¬cer not later than December 25. Amongst the items of news con- tained in the monthly reports on the primary schools of the German Empire is the following: In one district the local authorities have decided to provide the children with felt shoes to be worn during school hours. This is at Pollwitz, near Glogau. The medical ofï¬cer had made several complaints as to the general inefï¬ciency of the foot- wear of the children, and had pointed out that it meant that the children had often to sit through the day in winter with their feet thoroughly wet. With the equip- ment of felt shoes the authorities have given orders that the other shoes shall be properly dried during the lesson time. The couple selected musty accord- ing to the terms of the will, be marâ€" ried on the forthcoming feast of the Epiphany and undertake to have at least four children. TASK FOR NAVAL OFFICERS. Left Shoes for German Pupils. Must 'ï¬Ã©ï¬séiii Vqruiwcixmrlyrice vii; very low. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. S EVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS [N k. Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for quick sale. HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED 600B farms in different sections of Ontari on my list. If you want a farm w‘tsul 4 IFTY ACRES IN MIDDLEBEx County; soil splendid clay 1021.111, 11 acres timber, 2 acres orchard. cemen block house; frame bank barn; 6 miles to market and Railway Station. Prion, Forty-eight Hundred. Owner anxious to gell.‘ going t_o Nprthvgest. The Western H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. Real Estatié, London, Ont. BRITISH AMEQIGAN DYEING 00. “ TAMP COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED DIE- b ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue} Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company. Toronto. “I Was Edubled for many years with Kidne Disease, and a friend told me to Fake AIN PILLS: After tgkmga f_ew boxes I was greatly relieved, aria after ï¬nishing the twelfth box the pain com- pletely left x_ne. My' wife is now using GIN PILLS and ï¬nds that she has been really relieved of the pain over her K' neys. ’ 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 133 VV all kinds. Pearson, Poultl'yman; Guelph, Ont. D Music at whbleéale‘ Sample cbpy 50. Specialties Agency, Box 1856, Winnipeg. ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETO., internal and external, cured with» out pain by our home treatment. er us before too late. Dr. Bellman Median 00.. Limited, Collingwood. Ont. ' Grandmother â€"~ “Whatever are you doin’ with the boy '2†Grand- fatherâ€"“He’s gone and took his medicine without shakin’ the bot- tle, so I’m shakin’ it for him.†Thou Pain: In tho Kldnoys. Mr. Thomas Stephenson, of anhut. Mills, P. Q., yritgq : Men’s Suï¬sm???“ GALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments posxtively cured with the new German RemedY. “Sancl.†price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Mellitus, and sure cure, in "Sanol‘s Anti-Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Manufac- turing Company of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. Man. GIN PILLS DRIVE AWAY Nothing) quiic so nice as a beaumul head oi hair. Lei us send you absolutely free one treatment of ' Luxurine, if it is only to preve to you that it colon grey hair and makaalt grow, slop: itching. remo- ves dandruff and makes tho hair of man or woman or child heavy and beautifully glossy. You have only to send us your address, with 10:. enclosed for mailing and packing. and we will send you anywhere our treatment, at our own expense. Writs toâ€"day. Address DR. PROSS Dept 2 203 Commissioner Street. Monire . FREE TRIAL Iï¬ï¬ï¬fiiéflï¬f mm mg ' Are your hands chapped, cracked or sore? Have you “ cold Cracks " which open and bleed when the skin is drawn tight? H:.ve you a cold soxe, frost bite, chilblains, or a "raw" place, which at times makes it agony for you to go about your household duties P If so, Zam-Bul: will give you relief, and will heal the irostâ€"dgmaged skin. Anoint the sore places at night, Zam-Buk's rich healing essences will sink into the wounds, end the smart- ing, and will heal quickly. Mrs. Yellen, of Portland, says : “My hands were so sore and cracked that it was agony to put them near .water. When I did £0 they would smart. and bum as if/I‘had scalded them. 1 séemed uito unable to get relief from anything .? ub on them until I tried Zam-Buk, an it succeeded when all else had failed. It closed the) big cracks, gave me ease, soothed the énflam‘mation, and lam-Eula also cure! chaï¬ng, rashes, winter eczema, i148, ulceru, festering sores, me head; and baa l, abscesses, yim flea, ring-warm. m. on“, burm, bruisea, sea (is, mains. Of ati muggim and stores, or post fru from the 2m Buk 00., Toronto. Price 50¢: a. box. Best Work in Canada 00D STOCK FARM OF 500 ACRES With Three Equseï¬; ‘large Bank }3: 1‘1]. ARGAIN â€" REGULAR 250. SHEET QVVQSEywahort time healed my hahda.†ANTED _~ LIyE WILD_ ANIMALS, W, ‘.. .. biwwï¬ P. 0. BOX. 233._ MONTREAL STAMPS AND COINS. FARMS FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. v D V E I) Gold Medalist FR E'flGH-OLEANED