Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jan 1913, p. 5

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Mrs. Wm. Crawford died at her home. Davisville, last Friday after giving birth to three children. Inter- ment of the mother and two infants took place in the Richmond Hill cemetery on Monday, the family hav- ing resided here for a. short time before removing to Davisville. Deceased leaves a husband and fom‘ children. ten having previously died. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Heise of Victor- ia. Square left Tuesday for Welland County to attend the marriage of their son William on \Vednesday 29th, to Miss Ida Sider of that place. The Aurora hockey team came down Tuesday eveningzmd played a league game with the ill seven. The visitors were too strong for the home team, and won the match with many pointa to spare. RICHMOND HILL, 0N1, JAN. 30. 1913 Mr. Alex. Moodie who is retiring from business this week, wishes to thank his customers for their patron- age and good wishes during many years past. Orillia. Packetâ€"“On Monday after- noon, Thomas Chadwick, formerly of Uxbridge, had his right hand taken off across the palm, by a jointer in the Tudhope-Anderson factory. He was taken to the Hospital. where he will be for a. week or two, and it will be two or three months before he will be able to do any work.” Mr. Chad- wick is the father of Mr. Silas Chad- flick of THE LIBERAL staff. The Richmond Hill curlers went to the City Thursday to play for the tank- ald. but, play was withdrawn on ac. mum, of the mild weather. 0. F., the name of Bro. R: 87.0 Cu; as V. G. was inadvertently omibte in last week’s LIBERAL. We have the new spring and sum- mer catalogue from the House of Hob- berlin, containing over 500 new and up to date samples. Call and see them. Atkinson & Switzer. A branch of the Easb‘ York Women’s Intitute was organized in Richmond Hill with the following "weary-«Presi- dent, Miss Trench; Vice-Prvs.. Mrs. Switzer; Sec.-T1-eas., Miss Bertha Palmer; Dist/riot Rep., Miss Pentland. Programme Committee, Mrs. Mc- Mahon and Mrs. Allen. The new branch starts with 20 members. The reccunt of Aurora’s local option \‘nte before Judge Morgan has been postponed. Mr. Malloy, Juninr editm‘ of The Stoufl’ville Tribune. and Mrs. Malloy spent. over Sunday with Mrs. Page and daughters. ' Men’s hluck and blue stripe pants or ovenllls $1.00 pr. Smacks to match same $1.00 Men’s white own-ans and smacks fur painters or masons 600. each. Atkinson & Switzer. The High School Skating Party and Carnival in the rink Monday evening was a great success, though the pre vious mild weather did n’nt help to keep the ice in good condition. Many of the costumes were fine, and the pwceeds amounted to nearly $50. va. Dr. Smth and Rev. E. Baker of Newton Brook had an exchange of pulpit: last Sundn y. M r. Alexander MacMurachy, Reeve M King. was on Tuesday elected Wax" den of York County. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the ‘home uf Mrs. McMahon on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Members are requested tn attend. In giving the list; of officers recent.- ‘I‘V i‘gstfl‘lled for Hillel-est, “chjgel I. 0. Before the game on Friday night the fullowing seniors are requested to be out to practice at 7.30 sharp: Atkin- sun. Tyndall, Naughton, Griffin, Red- ditt. Patton, and any others whose names have been omitted. The sacrament of the Lord’s supper will he administered next, Sunday on the Maple circuit as fnlimvmâ€"Maple at [0.30, Unncord‘ at 10.30, Edgeley at 3. Hupe at, 3. Service will be held in the evening at Maple and at, Oatrville at 7 o’clock: Rev. Dr. Speer of Toronto. :1. for- mer superintendent on the Richmond Hill Circuit, will deliver a lecture be- fur-e the Epwm-th League in the Meth- odist Church on Monday evening the 10th of February. Particulars will be given on bills. Messrs. John and Genrge Hamilton attended the funeral of Mr. Young. Don Mills Road. Toronto, on Tuesday. Mrs. Peter Sheppard. Mncphersnn Ave, Toronto. spent Tuesday with git-filaunt Mm. John Hamilton, Elgin I s. Service in the MethodistChurch next Sunday will commence at 10.30. tu be fullmved by the Sacrament, of the Lord’s Supper. @3112 flute/ml. lg()CALS In regard to a rumor that has been circulated by interested pen-Lies that the recent trouble with the street lights was through any fault: of mine, Mr. Buyd. the engineer of the Metrupolitan Railroad has made the statement, that. I had no connection with the'txouble. and that. it was due tn the transfurm- ers being- tou small to entry the load. Cherry trees. Theyrrhave the best nursery soil in Canada. and are the largest growers of trpes in the Domininn. All anions and bud- sticks are cut. by one man and he has been in their employ many years. so no mistakes are made by using wrong scions or buds. Send for Catalogue 01 write for agency, as they have. mine unoccupied territory in your cnuntrv. BROWN BROS. 00., Browns Nurser- ies. Welland 00.. Ont. 16 3 mo. 30-2 APancake Sncial by the ladies of St. Stephen’s Church, will be held in the Masonic Hall, Maple, Tuesday, February 4. A good programme or music and elncutiun Will begiven by Miss Lyle Kennedy. elocubinnist of Toronto, and others. Tea will be served from 6m 83fter which the Concert will commence. Admission ZEcents. Frame barn 48x60. Timber in good condition). The Sacrament nf the Lord’s sup- per will be nhserved on next Sunday morning at the usual time of service. Meeting of session at 7.15 on Friday evening for the reception of new com- municants. The special services held this week have been fairly well attended in spite of other engagements which interfered with the presence of a. number. Very apt and helpful discourses have been wen each evening. This evening ev. A. Logan Geggie will preach and we should have a house full. as also tn-mnrrow evening when Rev. Dr. Mchiliin-ay will be with us. These men have been for many years power- ful centres of influence in Toronto and to-day enjoy an unwaning popularity and have the ears Of a multitude. There will he a very fast, game of hockey played in our rink to-morrow (Friday) night. The Beverley Athlet- ic club are sending up a. strong team to play the local seven. This game promises to be (me of the fastest. and cleanest games that, have as yet been played in our rink. The Beveiievs are leading their league in Toronto at the present time but our bova are con- fident. than they can take a fall out of them. There will be skating afier the game, so bring your Semi-day night skates and have a good time. PLOVVMEN’S BANQUET. The King and Vaughan Plowmen’s Associatian held a must. successful han- quel at the Maple Leaf Hotel, Maple. Thursday evening, when 169 sat down to an excellent, supper prepared by the host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. R. Junes. The musical part of the program was rendered by Eddie Pigutt, and Harold Rich, aud short, addresses were made by W. H. Glubine, J. A. Cameron. W. J. Wells, J. McLean, Dr. Roubley, and the President, Han-y F|Sh91‘. During the evening Mr. Stanley Tyndall was presented with a silver medal for best plmved land in 166 or 2nd class in sod at the recent match. The secretary, Mr. Saigeon. read a number of “Regrets” from gentlemen unable to be present. Make an effort to arrange ynul‘ en- gagements so as Lu attend the Bazaar. Tea and Entertainment. in Victoria. Hall, Thm-nhill, nn Tuesday pr.4. The Wumen's Auxihmy of Trinity Chm-ch are sparing no efforts to make this event a success in every way. The sale of work and sample sale op~ ensutSpun. Tea served from 5 to 7.3!). Programme at; 8 u’clock sharp. Admission adults 35, children 25. Ar- rangements have heed made for the accummodation of horses. in the Pres- hyLm-mn. Methodist and Church of England sheds. ' Mr. Carrie's subjects for next.’ Sun~ day will be (a) “Arcommuniun medita' Lion," (b) "Gleanings from last week.” Bmwn‘s Nurseries are fanm‘us for their fine Peach. Apple. Plum _n.nd I“ . \\'e are giving big reductions in men's Fm- lined (wax-coats rogubu' $37.50and $28.00 fur $30.00 andw$20. Men‘s Black Cheviot, Che‘sberfleld m‘e’b cunts 7.50. Atkinson & SW finer. The Punt Arthur Wagon Gum any of Port Azthm and Markham wi 1 be wound up under an order made by Judge Britta“ on twa petitionsâ€" nne of the German National Bank of Pittshm'g‘ creditors for $10,523. and the other of the Imperial Bank nf Canada, creditors for $200. The judg- ments were unpaid and the concern gagjieclared to be insolvent. Mr. G. T. Clarksnn has been? afipéiaied fiéhifi; Humâ€"Star. ‘ Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Rxpans “I‘ahules cure liver Manuel. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. A GREAT HOCKEY GAME. PANCAKE SOCIAL GEORGE QUANTZ. Lot 12, con. 2, Markham. Langsmfl', P. O. CONTRADICTION. For Sale H. B. STIRLING. Addresses will be delivered by a num- ber of Prominent Gentlemen: 29¢}. The Annual Meshing and Convention of the above Association to nominate a Candidate fur Centre York WILL BE HELD AT THE Labor Temple, 167 Church St. TORONTO On Saturday, Feb. 8, ’13 Monuments. Markers and Corner 7 Posts. 513 m. 30-tf. A desirable residence on Centre St. West, Richmond Hill. Possession ar- ranged w suit purchaser. Canadian Draught Stallion, "Black- smith BOY.” rising three years, regis~ cured. At lot 28, tear con. 2, Vaughan. JOHN SLINEY. 21-“ Elgin Mills. WALTER SCOTT, C. H. PORTER, President. Secretary. In Marble or Granite. Good wm-k. reasonablephnrges. Town or Country. W rite, W. A, iJONES. Tenders will be received at the Clerk’s Office. Richmond Hill, up Lo 12 o’clock. noon. un Saturday, Feb- ruary (st. 1913. for any part of 430 yards of GRAVEL On or about. Fliday, Januan 24, be- tween Concord P. O. and the 2nd concession, a mink muff. The filldrl' will be rewarded by leaving it at the P. 0. at Concord or Thurnhil]. N. J. SMELLIE, Tombstone to be delivered at, points in the Village as per instructions from the Council. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. A. J. HUME, Clerk. 30 t.f. The undersigned wish in inform the public that they have a good sup- ply of feeds. bran, shorts, gluten meal. and a. car of co_1-n just: arrived. 27-4 Richmond Hill, Jan. 22, 1913. Gond frame house and lot for sale in the village of Maple. Possession) given at once. 31-2 Young airl to assist. in light house Work. No laundry. Reform Association All Liberals Invited to Attend Tenders Wanted by taighgg _:I._ pfacbi ' l rcom'sei in one uI‘SHAW’S SCHOOLS, TO- RONTO. by attendance m- by Mail and by so doing quickly prepare to earn a guod sulznv. Hundreds of young people do this every yeaxz \Vhy Hut, Yuu ? Free catalogue explains. \Vrite for it. Address. W. H. Shaw, President, Yonge St. 3Tomnm. CENTRE YORK COMMENCING AT 1.30 PM. Apply to For Sale IN 80 R E SUGGESS For Sale For Sale For Sale Wanted Apply t9 Apply MRS. H. A. NIGHOLLS. G. A. MCDONA LD, JARVIS & RUMBLE, Maple. Lost 22 Buchana'n St” Lettering J. T. SAIGEON. Mafia Richmond Hill. Elgin Mil-ls. Unncnrd. Toronto iSOAPs Confederation Life Association ' London Guarantee 80 Accident Go. Norwich Union Fire 86 Accident 00. Western Fire, Rimouski Fire Mercantile Fire, York Fire Sovereign Fire * ~ Real Estate List, enquire at. our office. +++++H+++++++++++++++++++ b+++41++++5++++++4 ~H~+++++++ Your business will have our prompt attention. See our list of Companies below: i Castile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 cakes for 56 , Sht-ll Brand Cnstile, June Rose, vaeet Violet and \Vild Rose Toilet, : : Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...5c cake .3»; .1. Baby’s Own, Blue Bell, Witch Hazel bx- Miladi, Toilet Soap. .3 cakes for25c 1‘: .I. . , - ._ ._ w ‘ 7 f+++++é+++++++++$+45++++++4m ++++++++++++~§+++++++44%Ȏ- .3. Try a pound of our delicious ground-while-you-wait Coffee, prices 350. : 40c. and 450. lb. SE GROCERIES §TEAs 4- We have a fine valietv of the different, blends and finest flavors. I Black or Green pet-1b., 25, 30, 40 and 55c. tnwwa-MHMMw-twwmwwwuothMwM-z-Mww r+++++++~l~l~++++ [wk-MW ++'I”!"l'+'!'+'l'+'l' Hm+¢+++°§++++; b~fi+~kf+++fi ’i~%i'*'Â¥+++i‘+M-& :‘M‘ 94"1' $++++Jr+++~b++++§vri~¢ Tiger Brand Tomato Oatsup in quzu-L bottles. . . . Heinz‘s Tomato Gatsup . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heinz’s Tumato Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heinz‘s Sweet Mixvd chkles. m bulk. .. . . . COFFEE PHONE 17 Assorted Toilet Soap in Boxes . Atkinson & Switzer heel, snag firoot - - Men’s Overshoe Rubber, best grade \\ ()men’s Overshoe Rubber, best grade We have just refilled all our different lines of Rub- bers with bright new stock of the best grades. Men‘s Heavy Rubbers, laced, red soles, solid heel, snag proof - - - $3250 Men‘s Heavy Rubbers, two buckle, heavy sole, solid THE RIGHMBNB HILL SHOE STORE Directs the Sh‘opper NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR v . Savage AND . Savage CONCRETE HOUSE RICHMOND HILL [Iere AND Insurance Agents Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . 6 cakes for 250 . . . . . . , . . 2 for 35c . . . . . . . . 15c bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c tin . . . . . . . . . . 15c doz . . . . . . . . .. .20c jar ... . . .3 pks. for 25c . . . . . . 6 lbs. for 25c . . . . . 4 lbs. for 25c . ....25ch ...35c peck 25c tin . . . . . 10c tin

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