WEDNESDAY, Feb. Ea-Horseu. colts. cattle &c. lot 23. con. 5. Markham, the property of Robt. Wagg. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Nine months credit. TVEBDAY, Feb. 11â€"Farm stock. imple- ments, &c., lot 21. con. 4. West; York, the property of James Piercey. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 9 months. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 12â€"‘Farm stock. implements &c. on lot, 18, con. 8, Scarhoxo. the property of W. A. Robinson. Sale at. l o clock. Nme months credit. THURSDAY, Feb. l3â€"Farm stock. im- ï¬lements &c. on lot. 7, con. 8. Mark- nm. the property of D. Story. Sale at 12 o’clock. Nine months credit. FRIDAY, Feb. 14â€"~Farm stock. imple- ments, &c. lot 14. con. 3. Markham, the property of J. 0. Ellis. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 8 mos. SATURDAY, Feb. Iiiâ€"Farm stock. im- plements &c., lot5. con. 9. Markham. the property of Norman Claughtun. Sale at 12 o’clock. 9 months credit. THURSDAY, Jan. ambaFm-m stock. implements 5w. on lot 10. con. 3, Whitchnrch hem White Rose. the property of Mrs. Seth Smith. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Nine months credit. TUESDAY, Feb. Iiiâ€"Farm stock. im» plements &c., lot 33. con. 4. Son: born, the property of Jas. Beare. Sale at l. 9 months credit. vl THURSDAY. Feb. 20~Farm stuck. im- plements &c.. lot, 29. con. B. Scurbom. the properw of W. R. Bell. Sale at. 12 o’clock. 9 month credit. FRIDAY, Feb. 21-Holstein cattle. horses, farm implements &c., Yunge St. Thornhill, the Property of Gill'l James. Sale at l 0 clock. 9 months credit. SATURDAY. Feb. 22â€"Farm stock. im plements 8w... lot 11, con. 6. Mark- ham, Unionville, the property of Thus. R. Hagerman. Sale at 1 o’clock. 9 months credit. v MONDAY, Feb. Ellâ€"Farm stock. im- plements &c., lot 19. con. 9. Mark- ham. the property of Isaac Cook. Sale at 1 o’clock. .9 mouths credit. TUESDAY. Feb. 25~-Falm stock. im- lemcnts &c., lot 17. war of 2nd com, gVest York. the property of Ed. Pratt. Sale at 1 p.m. 9 months credit. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 26â€"Farm stock. im laments &c.. Yonge St.. VVillow- da 9. the property of .1 no. McKenzie. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 months credit. THURSDAY, Fell. 27â€"Farm stock. im- lements &c.. lot 19. con. 3, Mark- am, the property ot L. A. Nicholls. Sale at 12 o’clock. 9 months credit. FRIDAY. Feb. 2&«Farm stock, imple- ments &c., lot 27. con. 2. Markhnm, the pro erty of A. E. Williams. Sale at 1 o’clock. 9 months credit. SATURDEY. March lâ€"Furm stock. im- plements. etc.. lot 22 con. 8. Mark- am, property of Fred Tracey. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. MONDAY, March 3â€"Fm'm stock, im- plements. etc.. lot 7 Can. 4. Scarboro. the property of Thos. Maxwell. Sale at 1. Terms 8 mos. TUESDAY March 4â€"Farm stock, im- lements, etc.. lot 3 con. 2. Mark- am. the pro erty of John Fisher. Sale at 12 do ock. 8 mos. credit. WEDNESDAY. March 5â€"Farm stock. implements. etc.. lot 25 con. D. Scar- horo Junction, the property of Geo. Chester. Sale at 11 o'clock. 8 mos. ‘ credit. THURSDAY. March Bâ€"Farm stock. im- plements, etc.. lot 1 con 5. Vaughan, the property of the late Frank Mor- by. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. cred- it. FRIDAY, March 7â€"Farm stock. imple- ments, etc.. lot 15 con. 4, Soarhoro. the property of the late Thos. Weir. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. SATURDAY. March 8â€"Farm stock. “implements. etc.. lot 23 con. 4. iMarkh-dm. the property of Wm. Burckhulder. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 .' mos. TUESDAY. March llâ€"Fm-m stock. im- lements. etc. lot 18 con. 2. West ork, the properny of Jas. Henry. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. WEDNESDAY. March 12â€"Auction sale of 50 head of Pure Bred Holsteins with pedigrees. Yonge street. \Vilâ€" lmvdale. the property of John Mc- Kenzie. Sale at 1 o‘clock. THURSDAY. March l3â€"Farm stock. implements, lot 30 con. B. Scarboro, the property of A. J. Reynolds. Szile at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. FRIDAY, Mm'ch' l4â€"Farm stock. im- plements. etc.. lot 9 com, 7. \Vhit- church. the property of Gideon Ba- ker. Sale at 12 o‘clock. 8 mos. credit. SATURDAY. March lSâ€"Fnrm stock, implements, etc.. on lot7120n.10, Markham, the property of Geo. Bennett. Sale at 12o’clock. 8mos. MONDAY, March l'Iâ€"Farm stock, im- lemenls,etc..lot 4. con. 2. East ork. the property of Mrs. Sonâ€" herger. Sale at 1 o'clock. 8 mos. TUESDAY. March. 18â€"Farm stock. implements, etc.. lot 12 con. 5, Markham, the property of A. W. Brownlee. Sale at! 1 o‘clock. 8 mos. THURSDAY, March 27â€"Farm stock. implements,etc, Yonge St... Finch’s Corner, the property of Mr. Scott. Sale. at 12o’clock. 8 mos. 1-... w... A ï¬rst-class farm nf 100 acres past half of lot 28, con. 6. Vaughan. 0n the fuxm is a ï¬rst class bank barn and brick house. vavssion April lst, 1913. Apply tn JOaIN MCXAUGHTON, 30-4 Maple. For Sale or Rent . PRENTICE’S LIST OF Auction Sales Jan. 30thâ€"â€"Fenjm stock. Tnunsnmr, Jan. BUâ€"sDwelling. lots and household fuxnltm'e. at Maple, the property of MN. J. Martin. Sale atlo'clock. Terms for furni- ture cash. FRIDAY, Jun. alstâ€"‘Fm'm stuck. im~ plemeuts, elm. on lot 34. can. 9. Vaughan, gravel mud, property of Thus. Jordan. Terms!) moo. Sale] at; l P. m. SATURDAY. Feb. lâ€"â€"Household Eï¬ects of the Estate of the late R. Redditt. at the residence. Church St... Rich- mond Hill. Terms cash. No rescue. Sale at 1 o’clock. ‘ MONDAY, Feb. 3rdâ€"â€"Farm stock, im- plements. etc., lot 30. con. 12. King. property of James Renton. Terms 9 mos. Sale at 1 p.11). TUESDAY. Feb. 4â€"Farm stock. imple- ments, etc., lot 82. con. 1, King.‘ Yonge St. Amoru. property of W. Howard. TermsDums. Sale at 1 p.m. Tmmanmz, Feb. 6â€"-Farm stock. im- ; ements. etc., property of John Mc- : onough, lot 28. con. 8.. Vaughan. ' gravel road. Term39 mos. Sale at l p.m. SATURDAY. Feb. 8â€"Horses Fresh milk cows. pringers and yuun cattle. at the Maple Leaf Hotel. aple, the property of J. H. Bri‘llinger. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 moths. WEDNESDAY.. Feb’y l2â€"Farm stock \ and implements, lot 22. con. 2. i Vaughan, the property of J.’ L. Bussingthwaite. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Terms 8 months. FRIDAY. Feb. l4â€"Auctinn sale of Reg- istered Durham cattle. horses and implements. lot 33. con. 5. King. Terms 9 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. WEDNESDAY. Feb. Iiiâ€"Auction sale of Farm stock. implements. etc., lnt 16.con 2, Vaughan. Property of Wm. Bone. Teran mos. Sale at l pan. THURSDAY, Feb. 20â€"Fm-m stock. im- plements etc.. the property of John Castatm-. lot 22 con. 6. West York. About. 40 bags of good Seed Potatoes for sale. Apply to ALBERT JONES. Lot 31, Con. 3. Vaughan. Phone No. 1850 Maple Exchange. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill HEATING STO‘VES All Styles, including The New Perfection Oil Heater Hockey Sticxs ......... 10 to 75c Hockey Skates ....................... .....from 500110850 Hockey Pucks.... . . . . . . . . . . . ................from 10 1.0250 Sleigh Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irom 100 to $3.50 A Modern Convenience The Latest and Best Musical Production and Talking Machme, with Doube Disc Records. â€"UALL AND SEE AND BEAR THEM-â€" PRICES FROM $1100 UPWARDS. giâ€"geâ€"on &Hc§wen’s Listof !C A S S E L L 8’ Auction Sales _ --‘- Canadlan P u b - [URBDAY, Jan. maDwelling. lots md household fuxnitm'e. «I. Maple, L... “mt-nnnifv “f MI-n. J. Martin. 9 kins. Sale at, l p.m. Ripanu Tubman: for sour stomnc‘h. THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU SANITARY CHEMICAL CLOSETS PHONE 18 RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE RR. For Sale CGLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS WINTER SPECIALS {M35555 FOR MAN +++++++++~933§ +++++M++~ §§§§§§§§§§§§M§§ Oassel’s Magazine, per unnum . $1. The Story Teller . . 1 The Quilter . . . . . 1 Musical Home Journal . . l The Girls’ Realm . . . . 1. Little Folks . . , . 1 Chums . . . . . . 1 The monthly magazines oi the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subatription at low rates. It is not necessary ~ send to foreign commie: 2 n maga- zmes. Read the followmgzâ€" Uhums‘. . v . > . ' . . 1.5( Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COM PAN‘ 42 Adelaide St. W Toronto Chance to Join a Club Tim: W121 Make and Ba we Blunt-y for Van. Ever bod would 10 n the Mutual Literary M: doom 0! max-lea. There in romlngelsu 1.3m : Anywhere. It costs aimowmthmg :0 Mn and tr beneï¬ts It gives are wondbrml, nevus»: you =‘ Yunnan bauts and period Kenn m 1131c and mum nutrumgnm at apecml cut prfcrs. It necuren n 011ch r-ten at many hotels. It 1mm!" queruvr tree or charge. It oflcra scholnram mun valr: ble cash prizes to membrrl. If. 1:: Eng cl: room: In many cities for l’tumembers. manic- every member rscetves the ofï¬cial magazine ar- fled " Ev’ry krona." a uthnflon h: n cuts: ‘ SnelfJncIualmg 6 pieces 0 high-flan vocal and ' ltmmenthl muflcuml 3129; each month “mac cxtn chat 0' 72 New In ore yaariu In. CAN GET Lg 0 “REESE Emu-11‘s SOP. .. ngs’r 393mm I _ ...‘.\. Them y [,1 membermmxee 1501:0110!!an which you get an above, and you luny ‘\ .u ‘drnw any "me wlthm n: rs- nmm ha if.)- ‘wnnno do so mu! : syuur dm. :- lurck. I! y ‘don'ccaro to Ipen $1.00. send ‘15 ccntl tor ch)- months membership. Nobody csn ant-rd m p.- ‘thil 0301' by. You will an \mur money bucn 1. value mun um" over. Fun paruculars wfl! " lent (me o churn, but It yrm Mo ‘f V9 ymr send In your toque". fr‘r nmsn- :rstzip yrs-l: 1. mp" fee at oncn. 'S‘hc .5cm. tin-no montns me: Bhlpoflor will soon chanze. Write pt once ' dmalngyour letter and ennui†$1.00 fr»:- n yearann'embersmn or unity-hm cent: for thr- mon ( o HDTUAL LITERARY “1793101347â€. P: {350 Nari-tun 961.. N . 'L' . Cflr “’9 have snlid cnmfm't in H)? way of Blankets, Bones. Mit ts and. in fact, on erythng in MI? lme of Hal'nrss. Blankets, and man other articles necessary fur your arm-es 11mm} Thegnnds We nflPl‘ are hum-sny mud». and \VIII stand the wvur that you expect nf thpm. Reliable goods at reasonable prices. Rimns Tahules cure bmoizsneu. NORMAN BATTY, MANAGER. Ask Us About Them OR BEAST THE Beef Scrap Blood Meat 86 Bone Poultry Bone, Grit O y s t e r S h e 1 1 Scratch Feed Groatine (Shelled Cats) 7 And other poultry foods ALWAYS 0N HAND F. R. OLIVER, AGENT 30-2 Riehmnnd Hi“. H. FORSTER I. E, HAND. 'TORONTO L______________'"_.| RICHMOND HILL BRANCH A nimble French regulator: never fails. These pilll are exceedingly owerful in regulnting the generative portion OH I: female system. Refuse all cheap knit-Hons. Dr. do VIII’I are sold at '5 a box. or three (or 810. Mailed to any address. the loch.“ Dru: 00.. t. Catharina. Ont. Dr. de Van’s Femalg Pills NURSERY STOCK THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON C0 RIDG EVILLE. We want two more agents in Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion at Canada. It is national in all the aims. It uses the mast expensive engrav- ings. Drowning: the photographs from all over the \mrldk Its articles are carefully setected and its editorial policy is, thoroughly independent. BANK A subscription to The Standard costs. $2.00 per year to any address in Canada or Great Britaim OPPOSITE DR. LANGS’I‘AFF‘S Plant Bowman's Wile gamma Montreal Standard Publishing Co. Boots and Shoes Repaired THE STANDARD is the National Ripans Tabules cure headache. 6F @ANADA TRY IT FOR 1912! Bunche- Limited. Publishers. GUARANTEED this county. MONTH EAL. WILL Ll M'I'PED U D a Manager. 1110 at Maple. Mukham. Stouffvinci Unionvilla and Locus: Hm. OFFICE To PATENT Good idea: may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md G ROW" ONTARIO ENDING money to any point in Canada, the United State‘s or Europe is safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank's dtafls and money orders are used. Wiliowdale 38-“ F. J. WGODWARB ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0. ‘PATBONAGE Strum-mm AND SATISFAC'V-‘EON‘ GUARANTEED HOLSTEINS and TAMWORTH 8 all ages for sale SEOEING LAKE AND INTERPERING 303335 A SPECIALTY . our Canadian F. i. WUUDWARD. You can earn one too. easily. You only have to do three things. FIRST. Right away nowâ€"take a post card or a sheet 0.! paper and write out the full names (Christian names and surnames) and. full ud- drossca ot TEN bay friends or chums whom you know would like to earn some mket money. (Boys between 8 and 15 years of age-â€" no two l-n the some family.) SEGON D. Sign your name and address at the bottom of the card or sheet so that we will know who sent the Hat. ' GENERAL BLACKSMITH, MAPLE LEAF PINS Mall the Hat complete with ï¬ve cent: In coin or stamps to us right away, addressing-your letter to Sales Division. the ‘Wltness,’ ‘V‘Vitness' Block, Montreal. Your list of names should be. mailed within seven (7) days alike; you' read this splendld offer. Just as seen as we get. yOur li§t of names, we will send (me of these beautiful Souvenir; Fins w, you and you will like it immense.- 1y. Should your chums have, had; ex- perience in magazine. on nqaysgapér sellingâ€"so much the: betterâ€"Send THEIR Names. New Gormley the namesâ€"beca'hsé ‘perhaps you don't care: 11“ 3.1941 do, or If you yourseif want to, earn good pay for work for usâ€"why tell us in a letter and we will explafn our whole money~making plan to you Aâ€"and hes-ides you will learn ‘Salosmanyhizp.’ We don't tell_ whx_We want; Esnmsuan 18,13 THE ‘WITNE89,' \Vimess' Block. Montreal. ANY of our boys and girl: have Just recetved on. 0' FREE Stock Farm THIRD. . MCKEN ZIE