’1‘ Sgigeon, J K McEwan Mamie Wanton Salgcon dc NlcEwen. man had ixzctioneers forthe County of York. 8 I. .u 4 3.3791161} 2.0 on shortest; notice and at. was Im x ï¬e rates Patronage solicited F’m‘pares pupils for the graded 9.x. muinntions held at) Tmontn Chum-run.- tm-y ut‘ Music and Univexsity of 1'0. mum. Spend-a! course in "Myer-’5†Kinder-- 5:: 1m: Method, particularly helpful to fungi nn (*I'S. .(Huss recitals are giVen throughout the vear 42-lv Theoretical, Technical and Artistic Elg‘ments Developed Systematicnlly Ancoyding to Modern Methods. The Newton School of Music Linensed Auctloneor for the Counties of York. Gamma and North Toxonuo. Special Attention gums no sales of every description. Farm and mr u silo-3K sales a. specialny. Farms bought nnu sold on commission. All sales attended to on s'wrbest notice and conducted by the latest up- o-«tane mechods. Address: 239 Balliol St‘, No.61] Toronto. Phone: North 6312. Phone No. 28. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. LagERALPRmea & PUBUSHWG HOUSE MGHHOND HILL,0NT. '1‘ . B‘ . MUM AHO N, REG HDENCE. RiCH AIGSD HIL‘. 3.111s by phone or ntherwise prompth responded to. (S PUISMSHEDEVEBY. E 3 URSDA'Y MORNING ‘W. HEWï¬ONfl MISS MILLIE TRENCH 3.3.3.. W. R. EENTLAND RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE FlrsL buuse north 0! Atkinson 81 Switzer’s store. VOL. XXXV. 5‘ ~61 oer annum, in advance.] VETERINARY SURGEON ’l‘hornhill. l‘Iaple, ()nt. Richmond Hill, Ont. HOUSE PAlN ’9 USINESS CAï¬DS OFFICE AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano @5312 ggibml . PINKERTON, v.5, Emmy; F. H. Prentice Phone No. 2403. «31' emissary rajnar and Paper- Hanger. aï¬sdicai. AT THE BO P3113103 5x, A large stock of Funeral Furnishing ' kep at, both places COMMISSIONER. CONVEY A N": RICHMOND HILL& THORNHIL]. Richmono. H111 BARHISTER. Somm'ma, NOTARY, ETC. anuntn Ofï¬ce. Rnnm 328 Confedera- tion Life Bldg†V0. 12 Richmond St. E. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Lihex-nl†Oï¬ice), every Thursday fun-enomr. Maple. Thursday afternoon, VVoudbridze, Saturday fmeennnn. Monev to loan at Five Per ContHï¬Z) Barristers and solicitors. Monov b0 loan on Land anucbanbei mortgages“ avast rates Auruxnolï¬ceâ€"Remo‘eu no the old post otheu one door west 01 the entrance to the Outano Bank Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the sztorï¬ne T HBaBEnTLm-mox G 817v MORGAN ‘ Aural-a. > v ELLIOT LED W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal C or Yong: and Alexander Sis. Many fm-mer students are now earning from $700 to $2000 a year. We deal in only the BEST/KIND of Practical Education. VVe\use hesb systems, emplny best teachers and produce the best, results. Enter now. Catalogue free. Tel. M Cashiers. Ofï¬ce Assistant»; Unm- merciul and Shorthand Teachers are in great. demand if they graduate fx-nm the NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E, TORONTO‘ Canada Tolvphmw, Main Cable Address. “Ded‘n.†Undertaken-s at. Elnbalm «rs Barristersï¬olicitars. Notaries, 890. Home Life Building Cm. Adelaide. & Victoria Sta. l‘nmnto. Org-ms Repaired and Expert Wo‘rk Guaranteed A. GE. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar PIANO TUNING REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHILL H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY "PUBLIC Commissioner, Cunveyancer. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer 9f Marriage Licenses. Danton, Grover ‘. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitar, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 15 KING STREET WEST St_enogra}phers. Bookkeepers. TORONTO. ONT. NNQX & MORGAN awrence & Dunbar, fiaï¬n 3. @av {risen THORNHILL EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC WRIGHT BROS WILLIAM COOK 1 Barristers, St blicl nrs. 8m RICHMOND HILL. ONT., T'ï¬URSDA’Y, FEBRUARY 6 VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING «‘Eegai. In 535m. ials, Unity; in Phone Main 2984 'ER. ETC. W†Q @ hmmk Field A lecture under the auspices of the Epwm'th League will be given in the Methudist CbIlICl], on the evening of Monday. Feb. 10; the lecture will he de~ livered by the well known Dr. J. C. Spee-r and is entitled “The Land of the Shamrock.†The Unionville Quar- tette will ltlSObt' present and render several of their Choice Vocal Felic- tinns. All who attend are assured of a rich treat. Tickets, Adults 250.. Children 150. Doors open at. 7.30; Chair taken at 8. DEATH OF MRS. POLLEY. Monday's Globe iefei-red to the death (if Mrs. A. Pulley, formerly Miss Lucy Stinger, in Lhe fullmving words:â€"â€"Mrs. A, Pulley who has been well and favor- :ihly kliuwn in educatiumil circles of Tumnto for the past thirty years, pnssed awuy at her home in Upland, California, un Friday. Mrs. Pulley was» daughter of the late Edmund Sehgernf “Bicknui†Richmond Hill. and is survived by two brothers and eight sisters. One brother. Mr. P. Seager, and three sisters, Miss M. Seager, Mrs. Morris and Mrs. J. Pher- i-ill. live in Toronto. M‘rs. Pollry taught, in the 'l‘nrnntn public schools fur several yearn and was Principal at Perth Avenue for some time befure leaving fur Califm-uiu. She was a great martyr to rheumatism, which eventually caused her death. Victoria Hall was crowded Tuvsday evening when the bazaar ten and en- tertainment, was give-n under the ans, picvs of Trinity church. After the sale table had been pretty {Yell cleared and the tea disposed of the program Cumuwnced. Trinity Unllege Male Qmu-tetle and the Mandolin Club did gUUd service, Miss Switzer sang sn~ prano Sulus, and the Misses ()Kl't‘“ gaVe pianu duets. The piano nucmu- panists were Miss Onell and Miss Me- Mahon. The drills and gliulugues by the Schonl children were also interest- ing features of the entertainment" , ,w.“ r ....... would help thuse where tempemnce sentiment, is nnL sn strong and could not put, u ) 60 pm; cent of the \‘utr, Mr. \Vhite llelieved the ,Qwumy \V. ,(J. T. U. was an. good organization to start n campaign in carry this Act, in York Ununty. IL would nnL include Tumu- Ln and wuuld not, in any way effect the status uf municipalities now un- der Local Optiuu‘ ' Aftm :1 hearty vote of thanks t0 Mr, Vl’hlte fur his. helpful address. refrele- ments were served, and everyone went home feeling it; had been a. pleasure to meet, with Mrs. McMahnn in her home and that a proï¬table af- ternuun had been spent. Rev. T. R. White'of the Methodist Church. Kleiuhm-g. being present. was‘inu‘oduced by the President, and congratulated the County Executive upon the splendid work being done in the CounLy by the W. C. T. U. He spoke of the work done in the Local Option cmupuigu -in King by the Noblemm Union. The educational work of the Unions was doing much to create senbi’nwntin‘ favor of tem- perance and better murals, while other depzu-mn-uts of vibe wu-k show/ed practical sympathy with our fellow citizens in all pai‘tsof the Province. As a large mm of the County is now under Local Option. and a longer area will he on May 15;, axe-3:11, Mr. White thought our Watchlword ought to he “York. :1 Dny )xiumy.†By making use of the Cunadai‘emperance Act he believed the desiwd’ and could be se- ems-d at, once, 11501in a. majority vote was requier to pm the act into operâ€" ation. and much of the area of the County has given already a voteot’ ov- er sixty per cent; in fmor ' of no li- cense. The excess Vote in these places ___..,11 I u The Execuuve decided to send a. speaker, Mrs. Hyslup, Dominion Or- gamizm', thruugh Lhe ('Hlllltit‘s of York and Peel. Mrs. Hyslt p is an earnest; speaker, thmoughiy understanding her subject. and we “hope that many new Uuiuue will he organized, the WC»: men already in the “'Ul‘k encouraged, and Temperance sentiment. strength- ened in the Counties-us a result of the Ripans Tabulea: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure tormd liver. Rzpans mbules cure liver t:un H D \‘ilSS. The \V. C. T. U. County Executive met at the home of Mrs. T. F. Mc- Muhon, Richmond Hill, on “Wednes- dn"): Jaguar)? 2_2pd. A, The Ouun'by President, Mrs. 0rmshy of Mimico, opened the meeting with a bible reading, and gave loving coun- sel. asking that the executive take as their motto for the year "God our help." Plans were discussed and sugges- tions given by the members as to the lnethnds to he used in» t1 ying tn lning about the best, resulLs in all depzu-L- quts qf W. C. T. U.‘ work. DR. SPEER’S LECTURE, YORK & PEEL W. C. T. U. N art-Essentials, Liberty ,- in all things, Charity Thornhill. M. GiANCY. Newmm ket, The Richmond Hill curlers lost .in cluse games in the Ontario Tunkm-d and the District Cup competitions. They lost, to Westun fur the Tankard, Mr. Pratt’s team being heatenhyl oint, and Mr. Cowne’s by two puinis lgnr the District, 0in on Tuesday Mr. A. Gr. Savage lost to Newmurket’s skip bypue shot, and Mr, J. H. Sum der'suu- by 4. noon to the Barrie Union Cemetery; Mrs.T1~icker and her daughler. Mrs. Wellington, \veie both in Surnia when the and came somewhat unexpectedly and boLh returned at once on learning of the death of Mrst‘dan. the formers mother. The deceased lady was born m Sussex. England. in 1825 and came to this country when only nine years of age. 'The family ï¬rst located at Streetsville where she married in 1846 moving to Richmond Hill seven Veal-s later and to Allendnle in 1888. Those who came from outLof-town for the funeral were Mr. F. T1ickcr,_ Swall- well, Altm, Mr. John Lance of Cold- wuter. Mrs. Joseph and Miss Maude Rumble of Hillsdale, and Mr. Wm. Rumble of Stnyner. We copy the following obituary nntize from a recth iasue of The Northern Advance, Barrie, relative to Mrs. Richard Jordan, formerly, of this \‘ill:lge:â€"~One 01" [his wards oldest resi- dents passed away (In Friday morning when Mrs. Jordan died at the home of hersnn-in-luw, Mr. Ruht. Trigker. The funeral tcxnk‘place gin Sunday Elflt‘l'r (3) The private monopolies appur- e‘nivly existing in unr big cities in canâ€" m-ctiun with someuf the businesses of fund distribution, the pour transâ€" port facilities. and" system (if Luxu- tiun unsalted to mpid ciry growth. ' (1) The world wide result of increas- ing gold supplies. of unproductive ex- pendituxe uf lnhm- and nmterial in preparation for war. and of the checkâ€" ing of agricultural development. 0w- ing to the migratiun city-wards. in. (luced by protection in the food ex- porting countries. The effect pro- duced by these causes may be gauged from the London index numbers quo- ted HIM-v9, which shuw that; fund plices have increased 9 per cent since 1900 in the one great free market. (2) The- Ommdinu policy of protec» tiuu. as may be seen trum Lhe Canad- ianindex ï¬gures, has permitted flu- ther increased prices in Canada In an average of 33 per cent ubnve their level in 1900. The Cnuncil met on Feb. 4, 1913. in the usual place. Members presentâ€" Reeve Pugsley and Councillors Tyn- dall. Sanderson and Palmer. 2 Minutps of previous meeting were ; read and conï¬rmed. , An account for $1.60 for lumber from L. Imws & Sons and one from Geo. ‘Thompsnn for $7.00 for cat-etaking I wage p1§svfl and payment ordered. follow-S: r...» "u. N-.. an“ AVAID- u. LIJUL‘flngLUHo ' A large numher of young people were entertained at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘hns. Rumble on Saturda evening. it, lwing the birthday of their daughLer Edith. The Canadian Magazine for Febru- ary is noteworthy because nf the log- ical. cmnmunsense article by Profess- ul‘ Mm'KPnzie entitled “The High Cost (If Living.†After making a, Scholarly presentation of the case, he sums up (lu- high custuf living in Canada as .c .n. h, Qum-tPI-Iy services were held in the Methodist church on Sunday. At the auction sale uf Mrs. J. Mar- tin’s property last week, the house and lot were sold to Mr. Geo. Cooper of Teslun, and the west lot to Mr. Jo- nas Shunk. Mr. and Mls. Thos. Cousins visited wilh friends in Tux-(mm m‘er Sunday. It., "' ' , ,I " 11v A ,,,...““ ... -u.-uuu nun: uuuuayn Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kurtz of Win- nipeg me at. the home of the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. McNaughtm). . A Ln,“ , . .. - _ a ,_ .. , . . Messrs. Trench and COWiE‘SlddX‘ESSPd thP Council on behalf of the Fire Brigade win] a view to obtaining the use of the link for a Carnival on Feb. 26. On nmtiun the request of the Fire Brigade Avast gm nbed. CIunmil udj‘Burnrerdnuutil Tuesday the llth Feb. Moved by Councillor Palmer, second- ed by Guuncillnr Tyndall that: the ten- der of L. B. Stong at 90C. :1. yard for gravel delivered in the village be ac- cepted. Carried. Mr. McMaHSh presented aï¬ ac- cnum fut printing for $90.10 which the I‘reesurer was instrugtâ€™Ã©ï¬ t3) pay: _ 1[,‘_._,- m , n “Mm. __...-., w..-v y». :u., u. u. ouuug, 900. per yd.: Wm. Ridden. 90¢. per yd.: Jnu. Shem-down, $1.10 per yd.: A. Savage, $1.21'Jperydq J. S. Kirkland, $1.10 per yd.: Jos. Espey, $1.20 per- yd.: J. Glass, $1.235 per‘yd. r “vâ€... u.u»;\. The Clerk repn?t,ea that he had re- ceived mnders for the delivery uf gmvel as follows :â€"â€"A. McMillan, $1.10 per yd.; Hem-y Rumble, $1.10 per yd.: Chas. Hunt,§1.103§1"yd_._; 1i. B. Stung, nn,_ “A†“.1 . THE LATE MRS. JORDAN GANADIAN MAGAZINE. CLOSE GAMES. 'JLLAGE COUNCIL; M 941318. a?!" b‘urh Solid Brick, 7 1'00de house, stable, § acre of land on Richmond Street. Frame House on Ugntre Street East; , .in l Huuse, large barn, all nearly new land with six acres of wary best land on ans. ' Mill Street. ‘ art], The above in Richmond Hill. ‘1y 1 Store and Dwelling in Garrville. m5 Must desirable residence, stable. Mr. large lot, in Thm nhill. +433 100 news s .A_, lot. 24. con. 2. Vaughan. Sum lflll'acx'os v glut. 31, con. 2. Mtu'khuuu 214$ ‘ 191.3 LASKAY P. O. H. A. N ICHOLLS We thank the public for the genech patronage in the past, and will (nu-IL~ arsth striveLto serve you faithfully in the future, Believing it buyer a! STIVEH &. HAMER Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, Wood, &0. AT THE C.N.0. STATION ‘ "AND ELEVATOR ++++++++++++++++++++¢++¢+1 'x' + i W. A. Sanderson; BELL PHONE HAS FOR SALE *%~ï¬+d-+4~+++$*++i~+++ ++++++++ JOHN ELLIS Painter, Paper-haï¬g‘er General Decorator RICHMOND HILL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. \Ve solicit a call no trouble to show our lines Manicure Sets Hair Brushes LICENSED AUCTION EER AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS 0N CASH BASIS. Real Estate Agent For the County of York. C. E GAN Richmond Hill My Stock of ï¬ne lines of _ PERFUMES for are un-to-date ' and Reasonable m prices PERFUMES RICHMOND HILL [Single copies, 3 cts. STIVER & RAM ER. it will be beneï¬cial to on! b and seller, have decided. DEALERS IN Comb Sets Pictural Cards PRESENTS DRUGGIST ONTARIO N 0,- 3:2.