Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Feb 1913, p. 4

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VVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVV VYVWIVVVV VVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYV $53 memos}. E‘xi‘t’. 0m. FEB. e, 1913 Special attention given to PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. a â€".-â€" Pressing ._ .“Jesus Teaching Concerning Him. “"0 will he the subject under study a "£9 at the Guild on Friday night of this week. [finder Miss Nellie Knights. i-ueuyist i. G. S. Sims. I If the attendance and interest so uell sustained in connection with the. specialism-vices held lust week _nre a safe criterion by which to estimnte Ihe‘ir success. ‘We ‘rnuy expect rich spiritual results to accrue to ~ all Who tinned aside to improve the erilege. The addresses were all that could be "desired and were not only apt but no table in this consecutive relationship. "The. Place of Prayer,” “The Respon- sibility o’f Privilege," "The Relation of B 'li'gion to Common Life," _ “Charuc tur" and' “Putting on Christ” were Themes full of appeal and should bear fruit in the strengthening and upbuild- ing of Christsan character. Nine new names were added to the Roll of membership in the congrega. tion last Sunday. This is gratifying, ‘and with the prosperous year repOrted at the animal meeting recently held should encourage our people to be- lieve “the best isyet to he" and serve "as an inspiristwm‘rm’iglli. .. P _ Next Sunday evenin‘g Mr. Currie will begin a series of addresses on”'_l‘he ideal Christian.” sroi CASH m Repairing manufacture of ~ gristh Exam 1 g; - l no limitation of cost if I E“. hinders the attain- m°“‘.°:.z::::::fm“° A. J. H U, is E mm the makers build ' an Ideal piano, _ ' THEN they reckon the 1' NOTARY PUBLIC 008t- canteen! AND ILlUmfl- I V 710.18 fll‘l OII “QUEST _V Conveyancing, “i3 VVVRIGHT BROS- -_- LeASes. Wills, RIJHMJND ELL. . .9: FOR 1913 4 ‘ 4 d 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 £ 4 4 ‘â€" 5 4 4 3’ . : 'E are Models of Convenience, Safety, (.omiort, Beauty 1 and Reliability. : These cars are bu1lt of the very best material, in a a Canadian factory by Canadian workmen. [hey 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 < 4 4 4 fl 4 4 4 4 d 4 fl 4 4 a 4 ‘ 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 with a full equipment. The Model K 36 H. P. Car that sells at $i625 00 is without doubt the best car offered in Canada at any- ; where near that priCe. Manufacturing in Canada, > t t t > . : carry a two-year guarantee and are delivered to you ’ . > > > t > > Ricnivioisn m2. .. - ' I v m “I _ W m iiiâ€"uni - Erin. E The Next Sitting of Divrsi'on 0mm in No. 3, County of York, will he held thus eliminating the 35% duty you must pay on import- ed cars, saves you from $400.00 to 600 00 on this car. > > > K . . . . A tull line of Tudhope Cars Will be exhibited i t a at Toronto Motor Show in Transporation Building, Exhibition Crounds from Feb. 20th to March ist. A __AGENCY“& , in thecmmkmm ‘ ~ catalogue Wlth cuts and full description of Tudhope a I. y I I org nésituéglgu‘lated > Cars will be mailed promptly to you on receipt of post \I- V- 0%;Q5‘ “K _ $ 00 card or phone from you. MANAGER ‘0”- . ..... ........ , 5. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY. Monday Feb. 24 1913 AL\VAYS ON HAND. â€" Commcncmg (ll 9.3;;1. m. T. F. 31031414037 CLERK Ph osphono! restores eve'ry'néWe in the body styw" “ ‘ ‘ ‘A‘"""“ to its proper tension : restores T1'8l-be; 'msiit‘Cr‘éh. Sugarl’b' I .00 1g. lbs. rBest Yellow S'Uigfitme..m...-;..';'...............$I.00 s pkgs. Rois-ins, old stock 250. 3 lbs; goo. Tea in can- Selling' Agents > E Naughton Bros, P E ELGIN MILLS Phone Bell 66. F vim and vitality. Pnemature decay and all sexual . " AAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAA LAMAAAAAAAAAAA weakness averted at once. Phosphonol Wm F01“ gage niS’iEfl-mu-.t-’>£:‘;~:..‘;........ . . . - . . . m'nke 3 new mand, Price 5%.; box_ or two for (l‘anneficmlper can ,,,,,,,, 10c, " ' "m" "‘ " ’ ’ """‘ “ ' ' figusfi‘ém'fiai’ifizsf‘m’“; T °S°°b°nnflw One Copy Pf V’Vrlistrr’s New inter- . 9 3."; ‘ _ “M y ’ national Dictionary. This is not, :Canned ate-.5 per can ........ IOC. - w" - *v‘ revised edition of \Velistei'. but :i new creation from (mu-rim (:uvvr. 'l‘hme Tomatoes per canioc. , are 2700 pnges. (5000 illustrations. and â€"gs'3â€" {Dumpkin per can. [‘00. *3;*éh‘s?icl€les,very special ioc. fbomolco Molasses, very fine. «4 lbs. Our Special Tea..$1.oo the. volume (toninins n'me infm mnlion ‘ of interest to more people than any A first-class farm of 100 acres east other dictionary. Tlll‘ copy for sale is liulf’of lot 28, con. 6. Vaughan. 0n indexed, and the, lenihm- binding the form is a first class hunk burn and should last :i lifetime. The publisher’s brickliouse. Posession April 1st. 1913. price is $13.00, less H discount of 25 DEILETATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED Mm. ' I . gsswxwxx \ the victims of eai‘flyliudiscret-ions and later ex- Apply to per cent. V 3 finsOur S peeial Bakin g ‘- .P‘x gggiefiewggn358,53?,ggnfigg’ggdfivfigg ' ' JOHN MoNAUGHTON, " “ Enquire at the spark of energy and vitality. Don't give 30-4 BIHPlL'H' 43-t.f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Towder...............;;v;..........25‘c. up in despair because on have treated with other doctors, used e ectric belts and tried various drug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds from the brink of despair, has, re- stored happinessto hundreds of homes and , has-made successful men of those who were 5, " own and out." We aprescribe specificrem- - , , iesvfor each'individu caseinccordinkto the . symptoms and, complicationsâ€"we have no "~ militant medicines. I This is one of the secrets 0! our wonderful success as our treatment can- v not mm, for we prescribe remedies adopted to ‘ each individual case. Only curable cases no- cepted- We have done business thnulhouc Very Special F20 lb. Pails Ingersoll or Swifts fresh sweet litrd at $3 00 per pail. Not more than one pail sold to each customer. CuadaforoverZOYeus. Phone orders promptly filled. CURABLE CASES GUARANTED on no PAY Are you a. victim? Have you lost - ‘ hope! Are you intending to marry! Has your blood been aisuased? Have you an weakness? Our New Method Treatment will ‘ cure you. What/it has done {or others it will do for you. Consultation Free. N0 matter who has treated you, write for an honest _ o inlon Free of Charge. Books Freeâ€"â€" “ oyhood. Manhood. Fatherhood." (Illustrat- ed) on Diseases of Men. No NAMES USED WTTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. N vel- -,lr_pea. 1Ev¢ry§hin¢ Confidential. Question List and Cost of Tr:o=;:‘:: PTBME Dns.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St. Detroit. Mich. ' fl c E All letters from Canada must be addressed 2 w to 0111: Canadian Correspondence Depart- - _ m'e'ift‘iu Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as weisee and treat gNaughton Bros, ELGIN MILLS. fidrling‘ Stones : Every family should have both their local paper and a. cit-y paper. .v Pair of Good Curling Stones for .Sale. May be Seen at Mdbonald's ::hul‘ness shop. T. NEWTON. Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with "The Liberal” at the following rates:--' ' Family Herald and Week- 1 For Sale 3; Frame barn 48x60. Timber in good condition. A‘ ply to no patients in our Windsor offices which‘ are for Corre ‘ndence and ' ” ‘IéEORGl? QUANTZ. laboratory for Canadian business 'onIy-gpshddress all letteigOu follows: I .1 1 > ‘ Let M. con. 2. Markham. DRS. KENNEDY 6’: KENNEDY, Windsor. On. 50% Langstsfl. P. O. . Write for our private midway, “ I _ Weekly Globe ‘ {A G E N w A N T E D Weekly Mail and Empire 1 ___F0R____ (Wlth premmm) RICHMOND I-IILL . , 2 To sell for the “The Old Reliable” S i . FONTHILL NURSERIE ‘ . ~ , Orders now being taken for pring de’l‘itrery, 1913. Prospecsts bright for Farm 1 ' the season’s trade. Experience unnecgssary. We igstr‘nct our salesmen how to sell Fruit Stocks 5 0 ‘ .in t; e country an Ornamental trees in the town. - ‘ I " I r START NOWimd have your territory reserved. Weekly Pay. Free Outfit. 00m . THEWPUBLIB ! ' Stove-pipe time is here. i. I keep the best polished " pine on hand. Any per- . So: Can put together my crimp'ed pipes. Tinsmitliing. Grinding and An Kinds of Repairing. SKATES SHARPENED " El :mrone Coal Olly ; Muiiiiie Oil, .5;.»"M!H-.i:‘i Cylinder Oil, and Z‘Per".ii':.:€s Gasoline glin r; ark. ([‘harcoal, 3 ' ba * s. {or 2.50. Come and “(186‘ “167 . WRITE Foe TERMS. ' I .."S"1“’C'>N E (8.6 WEPLINGTQN . Daily Mail, York Co. 3-5 if" 7 ’ 5 Daily Star, outside of > Fogfiale Foifale towns and villages ‘ About 40 bags of good Seed Potatoes A desirable residence on Centre St. ‘_ p for sale, West, Richmond Hill. Possession ar- g E Y ‘ . Apply to ranged to suit purchaser. , ‘ ' ' - 140135133? .3 0.1,“ ES, Apply to Daily News - gonna :ND Him. ONTARIO Phone No. 1850 Mike E;cfidng‘gfl “n- o. A. McDONALD, 9’ . _ - 29-4 - r ‘ 29.”. Richmond Hill. The Weekly Sun 7 5 :iRIDMS Tamales cure dizziness. i ‘ o .2 nusflgg‘ggpules assist digestion. " Riven: Tannin our. bed truth. Rina.‘*j~Tabules cure nausea.

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