11'. Wesley Palmer left this week to e a. positiun at Miles’ undertaking hblishmenh on College street, To- to. @112 ggihemi. 19v. \V. B. Findlaly, superintendent ‘he Industrial Home will preach 1n {Methodist Uhuych Sunday morn- you the subject, of “Missions.†[‘he residents in Richmond Hill East lmore than pleased with the electric nts in the streets. Soon the west. will also be illuminated. from will plav a league hockey bwith Thoruhil] in the latter-’3 ‘Monday evening, the 10th inst. 1’11 {iss Jessie Moodie of St. Mary’s he Saturday to spend a week with father, Mr. Alex. Mondie \vhn we ‘g'et to say has been ill in bed for we time. {‘iqe caused $3000 damage tn they -«iSVille Public School Tuesdzw {ht shortly after 10 o’clock. ;Huckey match in the Metropoli- ‘Huckey League will be played in rink Friday evenng between the 19 team and Newman-ken. A fast ï¬ae may be expected. Eli’s black and blue stripe pants 01' :alls $1.00 pr. Smocks to match ‘69 $1.00 Men’s white ovumlls and cks for painters or masons 60c. ‘ Abkmson & Switzer. ’1. J. J. Davidson, piano tuner, minke professional visits to Rich- id Hill twice a mnmh. Persons ling their instrumeuts Lune-d may ‘e word at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. ,,,, .'. ».V.....b, \ljk- AUDI] IIIEIU. Wednesday evening Thomhill will ‘1 Sutton to play the northern sev- fA special car will leave Thornhill clock. matches in the rink Tuesday @mg. The senior team defeated m’s General ofï¬ce by 8-5, ‘and the urs won from the Avenue Ju- s, Toronto, by 3â€"0. *1 account, of n, muniage cér-onxnny sent hv mail for insertion in THE MAL, but as the writer did not ‘his‘br her name to the m-twl'e we ob deem it. wise to insert, as it, at: not, be genome. ‘ Woman’s Instlbute will meet at, ‘xrme of Mrs. G.Redditt on Wednesâ€" E‘eh. 12th at3.300’clock. All those ésted are cordially invited to at- 1this meeting. An address will ;ven bv Mrs. Hall, President of w‘hornhill Branch, and Vice-fres- } of the District. stopped in 20 minute! y; sure w1th Dr. Shoop‘s Group. Remedy. One test W111 surely prove. * No vomitin . no .dis- \safe andpleasmgsytupâ€"éoc. ruzn‘mts. Frank Atkinson writing from Liam, 8.0., in renewng his sub- m‘un to THE LIBERAL savszâ€"“VVe wing ï¬ne weather now. Have n unusual amount; of snow for ; st month, with the thermometer ;. to zero once.†have the new spring and sum- , Italogue from the House of Hob- 3, containing over 500 new and :5 date samples. Call and see 1. Atkinson & Switzer. g, atson, Field Secretary of the ma! Samltm'ium Association for iiuskuka Free Hospital f(){‘"Cun- itives, has written this paper ac- ‘ledging $%.79. received as col- }n and from citizens after his lec- jéecently delivered in the Masonic };nds in Richmond Hill received 1 Tuesday of the death of Mr. ‘ Booth, formerly of Oarrville, her- of Rev, W. B. Booth. De- .n Hon. R. L. Borden. premier made, setting forth the qualities ‘ H. Pugsley, Reeve (if Richmond 10 have him appointed to ï¬ll the ;cy created by the death of the chibald Campbell RS senator. ‘ouncil presented many good gs Why Mr. Pugsley would make successor to the late Mr. ‘U H: beil. gnLrp York Liberals hold their an- Tmeeting and convention to nom- gacundidate for the Commons, Pie Labor Temple Building. 167 3-ch St., Toronto, Saturday of this f. commencing at 1.30 p. m. was in his 85th year. and died Jay morning at his home 7 Fair- ‘ Ave. Eglinton. Funeral this sday) afternoon at 2.30 to Mount. gmt Cemetery. week Yoxk County Council 1 \yjaningpulaly‘a. yesnluhinn to {HMOND HILL. ONT.. FEB, 6, 1913 pans Tabules cure flatulence. I’iss Norma Morgan, a. student in Toronto University spent a. few ‘3 with her uncle and aunt Mr. and H. A. Nicholls. chmond Hil_l hqckey_ (enigjs won car of can; at the elevator. Also Led corn. 140C ALS p-o rrrrrr mmmma TOO“GCQ Cassel's’flagazine, per annum . $ . The Story Teller . . The Quiver . . . . Musical Home Journal . The Girls’ Realm . . . . Little Folks . . , ' .’ Chunw . . . . . . Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COMPANY 42 Adelalde St. W Toronto It is not necessary i : send to foreign countries 1 )r maga- zines. Read the following:â€" 32. 2 G A S S E L L 8’ Canadian Pub"- lishing Company The monthly mégazines oi the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subsaription at low rates. A Purse containing Six Dollars, was lost between Mr. A. Bo‘yle’s and Mr. Tracy’s. A gnnd cow due to cake é‘he Inst of February and also a good work horse. R. A. VANDERBURG, 32-2 Richmond Hiï¬.‘ Richmond Hill. Feb. lst. 3251i. Under By-law No. 2712 all owners of dogs in the village are required to pro. cure tags for the same at, the Clerk’s Ofï¬ce. The tags for 1913 are now ready and all whom it; may concern will please, govern themselves accor- dineg. - A. J. HUME, Clerk. wish also to inform them that I have decided to CLOSE MY SHOP ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON of 9:101) week. My reasons'for doing so are that I cannot; gm; any ‘help fm- love or money and Ifeel-it’t‘o’be‘mv duty to myst to have a half holiday every week. Hoping’ my friends will bear this in mind. RICHMOND HILL, Feb. 1913 I wish through the culumns of THE LIBERAL to thank my numm'ousfriends and CHQLOTIXE‘I‘S for so large a share of their patronage during the few years TLWL . Y... . ..... - I havé been i‘li Richmiï¬d Hili- afln\d l hape by the strict attention to business to merit a, cnptjnuance of the 33 me. I Mr. Peter. Buxklmrdt, owner of lot 26. con.2.. Markham, east of Elgin Mills. died at St. Michael’s Hospital Monday, following an operation for tubercular glands. Deceased was 44 years of age. He has been lt‘fel'l‘f’d to as one of Toronto’s foremost, business men. Afuneml service was held at his late City residence on Wednesday, after which interment, took place at Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The A\lumnae of the Richmond Hill High School will muet in the High School on Friday af-wrnmm, February 7th. at four o’clock. A paper on "The Life and Characteristics of Browning" will be given by Miss Mary Trench. and will be the ï¬rst (if a series on the Study of Browningâ€"His ’Life anti Works. «Atternmmltea will he séi-ved and a» Social time spent. Members and those entitled to become members are invited to attenfl. An inquest was held at [he Palmer House Monday evening relative to the accidental death of the late, John A. McNaughton who was run over by u G.T.R. Lmin While going for a. load of gr;ch u short distance-north of Maple. The following jurynwn were empanelJ led:â€"-J. 1‘. Suigeon, (foreman), T. Cousins. \V. O. McDonald. R. Jones, W. Camp, G. Stephenson, H. Jackson. E. Jackson, J. H. VValan. .l;'A. Rose. ’1‘. Chatburn, H. Keï¬'er. The inquest was conducted by the coroner. Dr. T. H. Robinson. and there was also pres- ent County Crown Attorney Greer. and Dr. Routley who hcld the post- mortem. Aftex listemng to the evi- dence the jury’s verdict was that the railway embloyes had done all in their power to prevent the unfortunate and lamentable accident. Notice to the Public '. BURKHARDT’S DEATH. I «nemain yours ncprely NOTICE For Sale THE LIBERAL OFFICE. THE IN QUEST. ALUMNAE. Lost Reward at GEO. O'O WIFE. 30â€" bf. On or about; Flidny, Jannarv 24, he- twwn Concord P. 0. and the 2nd concesshm, a mink muff. The ï¬nder will he. rewarded hyilm’zving it at, the P. O. at Concord m- Thou-"hill. Good frame house and lab for sale in .t-‘hewilluge of Maple. Pussessiongiven at once. 813 61-3 m. In Mzu-hle orGl-anit». Good wm'k. reasonable charges. Town 01 Country. Write, Addresses will be delivered by a num- ber of Prominent; Gentlmxen' Tombstone Labor Temple, 167 Church St. TORONTO 0n Sa‘iurday, Feb. 8, 1913 COMMENCING AT 1.30 PM. WALTER SCOTT, C. H. PORTER President. Secretary. The Annual Mesting and Convmltinn Hf the above Aswcintinn to nominate- u CandeH Le fur Uen‘u-e York Canadian Draught Stallinn, “Black- smith B(’V.â€l'isil1g1‘hrve yew-c, regis- twed. Al lot 28, 1mm- cnn. 2, Vaughan. JOHN SLINEY. 24â€"tf Elgin Mills. CE NT RE YOR li mm ' Assaciaiion 321 32 t-f On 1815 Omncessinn of Vaughan, lot 38. ThirLy-fmn- acres. gnnd I’ngh cast house. new stnne foundation, barn, new hen hnuso, pig pen, young «In-hard just‘beginning to hear. plentny water. Suitable for poultry fax-m lll‘ marks-t gardening. Picturesque surroundings. Fifteen mimle walk to Metrupuliban car. 32-3 Small Farm for Sale H. A. NIGHOLLS. JAMES HOE, 174 Pape Ava, Turontu, n.\ n Estate of \Villimn Hvury Lilw, late of the Townsal of Vw-rtg’hnn. Gummy of Ym-k. Yvnm n. “110 divd (m (u: uhnut the 36th (Lay vf Dwemln-r. 1912, are 11’- Lquestved Ln dr‘liwr their claims and full particulals :‘f such claims to H. A. Nicholls. of the VIHHgPUf Richmond Hlll, on or In fare 11w 27!!) day (if Feb.. 1913. and “fth [hv 23.7111 day of Feb.. 1913, the us<vis Inf the said deceased H1â€, on or In fare llw 27!!) day (if Feb.. 1913. and “fth [hv 23.7â€! day of Feb.. 1913, the us<vis nf the said deceased wifl‘he (“SLK‘HHIIPd "mung the parties entitled His-y Mn having wgmd (mlv to the claims wf which Hutice shall have been l'em‘h ed. All Libera!s Invited to Attend NOTICE is hm-hy givvn pursuant, to Chapter 129. Sm‘tiun 38 R.S.U.. that it}! person's ‘hilxing gluims pgninst the RE ESTATE OF \V. H. LINE, DE OEASED. Noting-in ï¬redimrs Monuments. Markers and Cox-nex- Pnsts. by taking a practical course in any. nfSHA \V’S SCHOOLS, TO- RONTO. hy attendance or in; Mail and by so doing quickly prepare to earn a. good salary. 'Hundreds of young people do this every yeaxu Why nut; You ? Free catalogue explains. \Vx-ite fur it. Address. W. H. Shaw, President, Yonge St. ,anonto. A “We and a fur cuat. Reward “'ILL BE HELD AT THE i N S U R E SUBBESS For Sale For Sale Apply on plje-n'lisvs m- to W. A. JONES. 22 Buchanan St. Apply tq THE LI BERA L OFFICE. Lost In. APPLETON,’ Lettering N. J. SMELLIE, J. '1‘. SAIGEON. 00 ncoi-d. Executors. Gill'l'vinék Mapie hmum=m++*+++m 94-4-4") I°++M+++®b+vb$+ï¬ï¬‚+é P+++41u ofï¬ce. Real Estate List, enquire at our +++++++$$~§++$+++$+M+++++W MM+++$%+*§-+§" Confederation Life Association London Guarantee 86 Accident 00. Norwich Union Fire 80 Accident Co WesternFire, Rimouski Fire Mercantile Fire, York Fire Sovereign Fire Your business wiH 13am our list of Companies below: 'i' +444“!-MW++++++++M++++++++ 5+++++++§Wr v++++++4 ~§°+++é++$4€ a. U. aaV-agfl 1'3 Agents ; PHONE 117 g Bleached Table Linen, yard. .. 2 Unbleached Table Linen, yard 31.20 in. Plain Tea Cloth, yard. . .‘ . . ‘ . . . . . . . . i 58 in. Turkey Red Table Linen with white i Hemsr'itached Pillow slips. .3 x 42 in. for. .. . . . . . . . glo'Circular Pillow Cotton, 40, 42, 44 in., soft ï¬nish... E Heavy Twill Bleached Sheeting, 8/4 and 10/4 wide, g Checked Glasx Tznvelling 26 in., yard . . . . . . . . . . j Tip Top Snap Chips . . . . . 5o vi- Omu Bleacher, package '§‘ i Handy Ammonia, packa- ipï¬tgssfl {Six Dozen Clothes Pins i Manilla Rope Clothes Line f+++++$§-%fl'++?+++++%++++'Â¥'l‘+ ’ONQ' Atkinson & Switzer RICHMOND HILL . ,,, Vi- heel, snag broof - I «77 W Men’s Overshoe Rubber, best grade V\ omen’s Overshoe Rubber, best grade snag pmot - - - Men’s Heavy Rubbers, two buckle, heavy sole, 1, We have just reï¬lled all our different lines of Rub- bers with bright new stock of the best grades. . Men’s Heavy Rubbers, laced, red soles, solid ilueel, THE mGHMflï¬ï¬‚ HIM. S’HUE STORE Good Strong Brooms, bamboo wooden handles, each . . l ...| Edwardshurg Syrup, 5 lb. 1;.“ Potato Flour for cakes :package . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . \Vheat Granules, 1b.. l'+++++M+$+*$*W+-&+++ +~$+++$~P+++é +°§+M++++~§v NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR and puddings . . . . . . ‘ . , 10c. Staples . . . . . . . . . lOc. bamboo nx' .. . .. 55c. '. each.20c. ‘. pnc'kage . .306. .100. 5c. flenvy Ribbed Grey Wool ' pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men’s Black Lama. Sox, pair Ladies Sweater Coats. navy, brown and cardinal, each . . , . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Cm-hartt Bib Overalls, blue and E: White stripe, pair. .. ... . {1.45 f prompt attention. See our Men’s Tweed Pants, neat striped pattern . . . . . . . . . 1.75 and 1.85 pair 1urdinal and Navy Toque, mitt. sets each . .. . . . or'green floral design, yd Clothing rmwl Â¥ AND Insurance é++¢é~§°3°~§++4~++w+++++Â¥ Real Estate‘ yard. . *‘$Â¥'§-+'+++++€'Z~ 20 and 250. yd. ....40 and 500. sign, yd. .600. 33 ...~75 and 1.00 V . .30, 35. 50c. scarf and 4‘2 ..... 1.00 i ~§~++++Zy