THURSDAY, Feb. 27â€"Fnrm stock. im- lenients &c., lot 19. con. 3, Mark- am, the property of L. A. Nicholle. Sale at 12 o’clock. 9 months credit. FRIDAY, Feb. 28â€"Farm stock, imple- ments &c., 10! 27, con. 2, Markham, the property of A. E. VVillinms. Sale at 12 o’clock. 9 months credit. SATURDuY, March lâ€"F‘arm stock. im- lements. etc, lot 22 con. 8. Mark- am, property of Fred Tracey. Sale at 1. o’clock. 8 mos. credit. MONDAY, March 3â€"szm stock, im- plements, etc., lot~7 con. 4. Scar-horn, the. property of Thos. Maxwell. Sale at 1. Terms 8 mos. ‘ TUESDAY March 4â€"Farm stock, imâ€" plements, etc., lot 3 con. 2. Mark- mun. the property of John Fisher. Sale at 12 o’clock. ’8 mos. credit. WEDNESDAY. March 5â€"Farm stock. implements. etc., lot 25 con. D, Scar- boro Junction, the property of Geo. Chestel. Sale at 11 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. - THURSDAY. March 6â€"Furm stock, im- plements, etc., lot 1 con 5, Vaughan, the property of the late Frank Mor- by. Select 1 o’clock. 8 mos. cred- it. ‘ FRIDAY, March 7â€"Registered Jersey Herd of Cattle, Registered Oxford- down Sheep, horses, implements, furniture, hay, grain, roots &c., lot 15 con. 4, Scarboro, the property of the late Thus. Weir. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. TUESDAY, March 11â€"Farm stock. im- lel’nents, etc. lot 18 con. 2, \Vest ork, the property of Jas. Henry. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. WEDNESDAY. Min-ch 12-â€"Auct.ion sale of 50 head of Pure Bred Holsteins with pedigrees. Yonge street. \Vil- 1 lowdale. the property of John Mcâ€"‘ Kenzic. Sale at 1 o’clock. THURSDAY, March lib-Farm stock, implements, lot 30 con. B, Scar-hora, the property of A. J. Reynolds. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. cred-it. FRIDAY, March IIIâ€"Farm stock. im- plements, etc., lot9 con. 7, VVhit- church. the property of Gideon Ba- ker. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. SATURDAY, March leiâ€"Farm stock, implements, etc., on lot7con. 10. Markham, the property of Geo. Bennett. Sale at 12 U’Cluck. 8 mos. MONDAY, March 17â€"«Farm stock, im~ plements,etc.,lot' 4, con. 2. East York, the property of Mrs. Son- berger. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. l TUESDAY. March. lSâ€"Furm stock. implements, etc.. lot 12 con. 5, Markhmu, the property of A. W. ‘ Brownlee. Sale 3.1 lo’clock. Bums. TUESDAY, March 25â€"me stock, nu- plements. etc.‘, lot 23. con. 4, Mark- ham. the property of Wm. Burk~ holder. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. THURSDAY, March 27â€"Farm stock, implements,etc, Yonge St., Finchfs Corner, the property of Mr. Scott. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. I wish to thank the. public in general for the large patronage they have favoured me with for many years and ask them for n continuance of the some. St. Thoruhill, the property of Carl James. Sale at 1 o’clock; 8 months credit. W SATURDAY. Feb. 22â€"Farm stock. in) plements &c., lot 11, con. 6. Mark- ham, Unionville, the property of Thus. R. Hagelmun. Sale at 1 D’cluck. 9 months credit. MONDAY, Feb. 24â€"-Furm stuck, im- plements &c., Int/19, con. 9, Mark- ham. the property of Isaac Cook. Sale at 1 o’clock. 9 months credit. TUESDAY, Feb. 25â€"-Farm stock, im- e‘l/ements &c., lot 17, rearva 2nd com, 'est York. the property of Ed. Flatt. Sale at 1 p.111. 9 months credit. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 26â€"Furm stock. implements &c., Yonge St.. VVilluw- dale. the property ofJno. McKenzie. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 months credit. -MONDAY, Feb. 17â€"-Fa1-m stock. im- plemean &c., 1m 29, cnnA. Scarhom, the property of Wm. Callander. Sale at, 1 o’clock. 9 mus. credit. TUESDAY, Feb. lSâ€"Farm stuck. im~ plements &c., lot, 33, con. 4. Scan born, the property of Jas. Beare. Sale at 1'. 9 months credit. WEDNESDAY, Feb, 19â€"Farm stock, implements, &c., lot 7, can. 6. Mark- ham, the p: opercy of ROM. Bailey. Sale at 1 o’clock. 9 mos. credit. THURSDAY. Feb. 20â€"Fm-m stuck. im- plements &c.. lot 29, con. B. Scarbm-o. ,the property of W. R. Béll. Sale at 12 o’clock. 9 mouth credit. FRIDAY, Feb. 2L-Registered Hulstems, 901'sg§, faryrljmplvments 616.. yqygg TUESDAY, Feb. 11â€"Farm stock, imple- ments, &c., lot 21. con. 4. ‘West York, the pruperty of James Piércey. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 9 mgnths. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 12¢: “nu stock. implements &c. on lot“: 8, con. 3, Scurbolu. the property of W. A. Robinson. Sale Ml o’clock. Nme months credit. THURSDAY, Feb. 13â€"9Far13‘1 ato, plements &c. On lot. 7, con; 8, Mark- ham. the property of I). Story. Sale at 12 o’clock. Nine months credit. FRIDAY. Feb. 14â€"Farm stock, imple- ments. &c. lot 14. con. 3, Markham, the property of J. 0. Ellis. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 8 mos. I ’ SATURDAY, Feb. 15â€"Farm stock, im-l ple'ments 850., lob5, con. 9, ‘Markham, the property of Norman Claughton. Sale at 12 o’clock. 9 months credit. J. H. PRENTICE’S LIST OF Auction Sale I remain‘ynurs f‘ J'. u. PRENTICE. 239 Bulliul St". North Tm oulo. The Latest and Best. Musical Production and Talking Machine, with Doube ‘Disc Records. â€"UALL AND SEE AND HEAR THEMâ€"- PRICES FROM $17.00 UPWARDS. A Modern Convenience o¢+o+¢+¢+ooo+¢¢¢ HEA'PINGâ€" STOVES All Styles, Including The New Perfection 01] Heater Hockey Sticks...............................from 10 to 750 Hockey Skates................;...........from 5001303350 Hockey Pucks.... . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . ....from 10 1,0250 Sleigh Bells...............................1rom 100 to $3.50 GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill MONDAY. Feb. 17â€"Furm stock, imple- ments, etc†property of Robert, \Vhite, Int 2]. can. 8, King. Terms 8 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. MONDAY. Feb. 17â€"Fnrm stock, imple- .ments, etc.. property of Henry ward. lot 28, con. 6, Vaughan. Terms 8 mos, Sgle at, 1 p. m. THESD-AY, Feb. lSâ€"Farm stuck. im- plements. etc., property of R. Street near Bradford. TermsB mus. Sale at l p.m. \VEDNESDAY, Feb. 19~-Fal m stuck. in:- plements. eta. property of Geu. VVuikeb, lot. 10. con. 8, Tm-untu Township. Terms 9 mos. Sale at l. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 19â€"â€"Auctiuu sale of Farm stock, implements. etu. lub 16,c0n 2, Vaughan. Property 0t Wm. Bone. Teran mos. Sale at l p.m. THURSDAY. Feb. 20â€"17mm stuck, im- plements etc.. the property of John Castator, lot, 22 con. 6, \Vest York. Terms 9 mos. Sale at l p. m. THURSDAY.Feh. 20â€"Farm stock, im- lvments. eta. pruperty of A. E. McKay, 101; Z, cun. 4, Tvcmuseh. Ten-ms 8 mos. Sale at I p. m. FRIDAY, Feb. 2lâ€"~Farm stock. imple- ments. elm, property of A. Caldwell. near Bolton. Terms8uws. Sale ab 1 pun SATURDAY. Feb. 15-Farm stock. etc., at Islingtnn, property of W. A. Wood. Sale at 1. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 12â€"--Fm'mv stock, etc.. Int, 6, con. 4. Tecumseth. lump. erty of A. Greeuwny. Sale at . WEDNESDAY., Feb’y 12-Faz'm stock and’implemems, lot; 22, con. 2. Vaughan, the propeer of J. L. Bassingbhwaite. Sale at. 1 o’ulock. TermsSmonths. THURSDAY, Feb. 13â€"15mm stuck, eth, lot. 8, con. 6, Tecumseth. property of Wm. Rouley. Sale at. l. FRIDAY. Feb. 14â€"Auction sale of Reg- istered Dulham cattle. hurses and implements. lot 82, 'con. 5. King. Tex-ins 9 mos. Sale at 1 p. m. THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CD. 1THURSDAY, Feb. 6â€"Fm'm stock. 'im- ements, etc., property of John Mc- onough, lot 28. con. 8., Vaughan. mvel wad. TermB 9 mos. Sale at, pm». SATURDAY, Feb. 8*Horsps Fresh milk cows. springers and yuung cattle. M the Maple Leaf Hotel, Maple, the property of J. H. Brillinget‘. Sale at, 1 o'clock. Terms ‘8 moths. MONDAY, Feb. lOQâ€"F‘arm stock, im- plements. etc.. line 5, Albion, prop- erty of “71.11. ankhardt. Sale at I. TUESDAY, Feb. llâ€"Farm stock. etc., ‘ lot 10 con. 3. Adjala, Lenithinn Bros. Sale at; l. SANITARY CHEMICAL CLOSETS PHONE 18 Saigeon & McBwen’s List of Auction Sales BIBHMflND HILL HARDWARE [30. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS WINTER SPECIALS ‘JBL’KNKETS » +++M+m£§+w++++++' and. in fact, m crything in the hue of Harness. Blankets, and many other articles. ecvsszu'y for your Harness room. , “(is we ufl'm- are hnnpstly made and \vili‘vl‘stand the wear that you expeCt, (If them. ' Reliableâ€"goods at reasonable prices. F03. gm»: GR? BEAST I FRIDAY, Feb. 21â€"Fnrm gunk. imple | menus, etc., prurerty of William Neil Malluy, Int 2.". rear of 5th con. Vaughan. -Tgrn)s 8 mos. Sale. at l. SATURDAY, Feb. 22~Farm stock, im- lements, cth'property of Jesse owe. lab 1, can. 8, Tecumseh. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l p.m. MONDAY, Feb. ,24-râ€"Farm stuck, im- plements, e,th propel-Ly of H. Wil- liams, near Pennville. Terms 8 mos. Sale atl p.111. ‘ TUESDAY. Feb. 25â€"lerm star-k. im- plements. etc.. prupelty of T. Hol- land, lot. 13. con. 6. Adjula. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l p.111. TUESDAY, Feb. 25â€"qum stock, im- l plements., ‘pmporty of T. A. Man- ning, \Vellington Street. “lest. Au- _ rnra. Terms Smos. Sulentl p.111. ‘ WEDNESDAY. Feb. 26-47mm stuck, implements, et,c., property of the 95- tate uf the. late Henry Line. nem- Maple. Terms 8 mos. Sale at. l. ‘ WEDNESDAY, Fob. 26+Fnrm stuck, implements. eta, property hf Jnlm Fletcher, can. 10. Vaughan. Terms 8:11:03. Sale at] p.m. THT'RSDAY, Feb. 2'Z~Farm stuck. in:- plements, ebc.. property nf P}. But- tun, near Weston. Terms 8 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. _ THURSDAY. Feb. 27â€"Farfu stuck. imâ€" Rllements, etc.. property of VViHiauu cLean lot 27, con. 7, Vaughan. Terms 8 mos. Sale at 1 p.111. FRIDAY, Feb. 28~Furm stuck, imple- ments, etc., pmpm-ty of Joseph Jen- nings. lot 25. con. 8, King, Terms 8 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. FRIDAY, Feb. 28â€"Fsz stock. 'imple- ments. etc., pl‘OpPl'ly nf Dzu‘id Rum- ble. lab 2. con. 3, King. Tel ms 8 mus. Sale at _1 p. m. yew/010M Capiul <9 Thus: who uw u one. fnrww-v. Al‘ it «ï¬t can. urn 3 i: 4 dz" um w v N. You nrva sum-rm Ill wanna - “an m‘ xun: hm flu'dt IYQ «me. but (non In“ if". i ‘3 .Acusï¬ni'wï¬ku hinyï¬ï¬recain 4 re, f-nl infmmuinn Ahnm work whit-h :- ‘u-r um do. MM. I've a: hwnonhn‘ will pay par day. Home hm. yo I or old Capiul m {mm S m $' dur m-r He \Ve have splid (rnmfurt in the way at Blankets, Robes, Mitts NORMAN BATTY. MANAGER. Ask Us About Them ‘fHE STANDARD is thef NatIOnal Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada. It is national “if: all its. aims. ' It uses the most expensive engrav- Ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world. Its articles are carefully selected and 1:: editorial policy is thoroughly Independent. A subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address in Canada. or Great Britaim ‘_ RIDGEVILLE “105. W. BOWMAN & SUN A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerfui in regulagiixtgathe generative partion of the {cmifle system. 1 EMS: all Cheap imitations. Dr. do Van’s are sold at r5 a box. or threelor $10. Mailed to any address. the ooben Drug 00., St. Catharina. Ont. NURSERY STOCK Scratch Feed Groal iue (Sh; lled Oats) And other poultry fooéis ALWAYS 0N HAND F. R. OLIVER, AGENT 30 2 Ricmmmd HELL. Dr. de Van’s Femaie, Pills We want two more agents in H; FORESTER ngamngi Montreal Standard Publishing Co, Limited, Pubnshm‘a. Beef Scrap / Blood Meat 86 Bone Poultry Bone, ( THE Flam Bowman's OPPOSITE DR. LANG‘STAFF’S L. E. HAND, Rims Tabules cure headache. V‘EAD OFFICE, ever desired without delay. TORONTO RICE-IEEOND HILL BRANCH Boots and Shoes Repaired « I ,g SAVINGS deposited in this 1 Ann! kl». Naked hw‘nr rn‘ TRY IT FOR. 1313!: QF‘ @AMMA IT WILL GEO \V. D, E E a Manager. . gramme: aka at Maplc. Markham; Stouffviile, Unionvillemnd Locust Hi“. GUARANTEED this counzy. MONTREAL. LIMITED Oyster To PATENT Good flea: THE 0'1!" RECORD, Bum-lots, Md ma busecnred ouryaid. Adana: ONTARIO (int S h e l 1 F. E. mama AVINGS deposited in this bank ' draw the highest men: rake of interest. Withdrawals of pan or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0. SS-t-f Wiiï¬ewï¬ale PATRONAGE Snchme AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED THIRD. Mall th. list complete with ï¬ve cents in coin or stamps to us right away, addressing your letter to Sales Division. the 'Wltnesg,‘ 'Wltness‘ Block. Montreal. Should your chums have had ex~ perience m magazine or newspaper sellingâ€"so much the betterâ€"send TI“ch names. 'We don't tell you why we want the namesâ€"because perhapg you don't care: 1! you do, or [‘1' you your-sen want to earn good pay (or work for usâ€"why ten us in a letter and We will- explain our whole money-making plan to you â€"â€"and nesides you will learn ‘Salesmanshlp.’ Your list or names should be mailed within seven (7) .days attu- you read this splendid after. You can earn one too, easily. You only have to do thnee things. FIRST. Right away now-take a post card or a sheet of paper and write out the 11211 names (Chflatian names and surnamas) and full ad- dresses of TEN boy " friends or chums whom you know would like to earn some pocket monqv. (Boys between 8 and 16 years of age-â€" no two in the same family.) Just as soon as we get your lls: of names. we wlll send one o! ill-ego bgautlful Souvenir Pins «3 you and you will like it immense,- ly. SECOND. Sign your name and address at the beam at the card or shoe: so that w. win know who sent ch. list. ~Vl ‘have just received one 0‘1 our Canadian SHOEING LAME AND INTERTERINQ ’ HORSES A SPECIALTY F. J. WUUDWARD. MAPLE LEAF PiNS Hi3LSTEIN‘S and ’H‘AMWflRTH s all ages for sale GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gomfley THE ‘WlTNESS.’ Witnnss' Biock. Montreal. ANY of our boys and girl: FREE Stuck Farm J. MCKENZIE,