Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1913, p. 1

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weaved Auctioneers for the County of ork. (any “sanded to on shortest notice and a. ton.â€" mrihle rates - Patronage solicited UBERAL HUNTING & PUBLISH!“ HOUSE RICHMOND HILLJMIT. Prepares pupils for the graded ox. .tminations held at. Toronto Gunserva- tau-y of Music and University of 1‘0- ronto. Special course in “Myer’s” Kinder- :n-tfin Method, particularly helpful to )emnnsrs. Licensed Auctioneer tor the Counties of York. On'mrio and North Toronto. Special attention given to sales of every descripuon. Farm and Mm shock qnles a. specialty. Farms bqugyg and sold’on‘commissiun. 'All gains athendes‘d‘eo w"; shunest notice and conducted by the latest {nine-date 1116313045. .;.,,, A.» . .... _- u _ ’13; F. MuMAHON. Glass recitals are given throughout the war 43:” JOHN R. CAMPBELL. The Newton School of Music Theoretical, Technical and Artistic Elements Developed Systematictu {According to Modern Methods. ‘ Bbone 1510- 3.8- HOUSE PAINTER, C: 1,12‘13r,«Gra'1ner and Papa» Hanger. Calls by phnne or otherwise promptly . responded bu. Is PUBLISHED EVER! rH‘URSDAY MORNING 'L‘ Saiggon. N. A apig RIBIDENCE. RICHMOND HILY. W. HEWISON ldflréhé E59 Balfio‘t St . North Toronto. Von. XXXV. 61 per annum. in advance.) MISS MILLIE TRENCI-I 133.. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE Fix-st. house north 0f Atkinson dz Switzer’s stare. D. H. PINKERTUN, V.S. an: gnaw 'VE FERINARY SURGEON, ’1‘ hornhill . Maple, ()nt, bUSINESS CARDS. igeon . J McEwe 5431’}? QVWPOI! a salgeon a: McEwen. Richmond Hill, Ont. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL Techer of Piano J’a H. Prentice Emma £1 Pnornurou. Phone No. 2402. mmmm Wt‘diwi. A! THE COMMISSIONER. CONVEY A N"; A large stock of Fpnera] Furnishing kep at; both places WRIGHT BROS. v Undertakers‘ a; Embqlmers. RICHMOND HILL& THBRNHIL]. Mouev to Man 9,1; Fivei’er (5%) BARRIBTER, Somcrroa, NOTARY, Em. Toronto Oflic e. Rnpxn 338 Confederm tiuu Life‘Bldgu Nu. 1? Richmond St. E. ..~ ,« r "‘“N‘!” Richmgud Hill omce (“Libele Office), every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday aftermmp. Woodhridze, Saturday fox-enoon. Mouov to loan on land anoohutolmorlgagcsat ‘ owest rues Auroraomce-Removeu to the old pnut othoa one door wast o: the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket Nicerâ€"Three doors south of the pastotfica ' ‘1‘ Hunszn'rbnmwx G s'rV MORGAN Aurora. NATIONAL TRUST GflAMBERS 20 KING ST Eu TORONTO, Canada Telt’phnne. Main Gable Address, "Duly," Organs Repgired and Expo” Watt Gunmen! LENNOX & MORGAN Barristers,30ncitors. Notaries, Inc. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide 8; Viutiwxa $118.. I‘nrmlm. Tex; M. 863], PIANO TUNING I ELPIo'r'r‘ mnpnu'mn n‘nm W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal Cor Yonge and Alexandel Sis. Many former students are now earning from $700 to $2000 a year. We deal in nuly the BEST KIND of Practical Education. We use best;- systems, emplny’hest teachers and produce the best, results. Enter now. Catalogue free. ‘ =7 -- Cashiers. Office A‘scistanté, Unm- merbial and Shm-thand Teachers are in 'great demand if they graduate from the REAL ESLLEA'JEE. ETC. THORNHI L L 00mmissioneI,-Onpyeyancer. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Danton, Grover 89. Field J EDWARD FRANCIS, Lawrcnpe & Dunbar, ,. Cameron MacNaughton Earrister, Belicia, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3|. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST Barristers and Solicitors. Stgnogrqphens. Bookkeepers. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1913 iehmonc. Hill NOTARY PUBLIC 505119. ?auidq¢m ' THORNHILL . A. NICHOLLS TORONTO. ONT. Barristers, Snlicmrs. &c4 WILLIAM COOK VOlCING AND . . ACTION REGULATING NBTARY PUBLIE £13m. "Jm-Bamtiah. Unity,- i1 Fnone Main 2984 'ER. ETC. The managing board will meet this evvning (Thursday) in the basement/at. So’clnck sharp. The fullmving new members were added to the Board at the annual meeting, Charles Chapter, \V. D. SanL and R. S. (Jumper. Next. Sunday morning the Rev. H. R. HmnP, L. L. B., Secretau-V of the Upper Canada Tract Society. Toronto; will preach. In all probability Mr. Home will sketch the - interesting work which is dune by the atm-e-mén- tinned society on behalf of the sailors along our grPat Canadian waterways. In the evening Mr. Currie expects to continue ~his pourse «in "The Ideal Clgfiirfistiun,“ inpuin uf zeal “Batten-“than ever" is the piomise of the Yo .n'g Men's Society of VVood~ bridge ethodist Church for their an.- nual Knife and'FoI-k supps‘r on Mon- dny, Feb.'l7tb. A great, array of the best talent, is securedâ€"~Mnstcr Douglas Stunhury, Toronto, the wonderful buy singer; Mrs. Dr. Stunbuiy of musical fame (nee Fairy Morgan.) Miss Adair, elocutionist. The men's choir will as- sist in gnp‘erminment. Rev. John Locke, President of Conference will give his popular lecture \“Oue Anoth- er.” Albert Grig . M: P. P.. Algoma, will give an fldgresst Capt. Tom. VVallare will take the chair. Supper served from 6 o’clock. On Sunday thé - 16th, Anniversary Sermons will be weakened by Rev. A. P. Brace B. D” Toronto. The men’s chair will fplnisb the music. Wel- comeull. WV , ; ___. _ “um”, y. . mm. W;- le >e px-eucheaThfi-g 9n} §unday in {31ch 0 Rev. Mr. Guchmnég' The adult bible class of Ho e was entertained at, the home (If r. and Mrs. Noah Hnile-s. at an oyster supper nu Wednesday evening of last. Week, The pnnggke sugial given by the lg;- giesni‘ fit, [Su- hen’s church wm the evening pf 84 ruye Tue-sday was a qmgt en'pynble Q‘Vk'nt. The night. was paid, by the stéuming hut, pancakes Were doubly gnod after the cold “wind. Ewry wan presan acknowledged that they wvrequite as gnod as "his mother used tn make.” During the' supper a good programme of music was‘ rendered by Mr. ananquet on his Victrula. Afterwgr 5 Miss Ken- nedy, elocutiunist, of omnto de- lighted the audience with several num- bers. A comic farce Was played by u lady(?)and twu geptlemen, It was HEMP f!!!1:_ _" , ’ " After» long Him-sq, Mr. John Wat.- son passed away on Saturday. aged 76 years. The funeral took place to the Maple cemefu-ry. ‘ C'mnmunibn servicé was held in St Andrew’s church on Sun_d.~_ly_ last, Labor Temple. 107 Church Street. Tux-unto. Was filled Saundaiy- after- mmn at. the annual meefihg of the Centre 32ml; Retort»). Amciatinga The President Walter smut Win] m the chair. a mpresentath as were pres- eug from eyery part of the giding. Capital speeches were afterwards made by Sir Allen Ailsworth and Haltley Dewart K. C. The former dde at length nix the ponsistent stand tfiken by the Liberals on the Nu'vy qgestiun. contrasting their gum-'59 with that of the Unuservative leaidérs whu wéfisrépnisfitanil‘y their platfi’n-m. Mr. Ailswmth pre dicted the possibxlity of :1 general election Within the next few' munths. When nominations were called fur a standard bearer at, the next: Domin- ion Election Mr. H. H. Dewm-t was at once proposed muid great enthusiasm. Mr. Dewm-t thanked his muver, but, expressed himself as favoring at man in the riding. promising every support within his power. Aftei‘wm'ds Mr. G. W. Vex-ml! ‘uf VVesLnn. Mid Mr. John Gardhonse of Embicnke were proposed. but, as it had evidently been expected "that Mr. Dewm't Wuuid ac- cept. the meeting on the suggestion of Mr. Van-all. adjl.»umed two weeks to meetinthe same- plnce on the 22nd inst. when in all rolmhility 1). Gang]:- dete will be placesin the field: 1 ;j can now every part of the ridiu . A committee composed of of H. Cluhine, J. 8. McNem; Dr. Irwin. W. 9111“: and J. T. Stewart. was appoint/- cd to enquin: into the finances and re- The fullowiug ufficvrs were appoint.- ed:-â€"Presidem, Dr. Garnet McLean. \‘Vnodbridge; .Vice-President, Wm. Pratt. Richmond Hill: Secretary, Mr. Lorne Fraser, Weston;'1‘rensurer, W. H. Uluhiue, Thurnhill. Local Vice- Presidems:-â€"Vuughan, Frank Smith; Markham Tp. A. D. Bruce; Markham Village, Russvll Reesor; Scaxbnm, J. RSM-wart; VVnode-idge, David Nnr- tun; VVesum. Dr. 11 win; New Tot-unto W. Robinson; Mimich Y5], Sun-sun; Ecgbiqokf‘, Mr. Stfizwhousm pmf. Revz Mrj Manning, cu)- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. CENTRE YORK LIBERALS. BETTER THAN EVER. in Non-Essmtials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity." Maple. The Thornhill Hockey team jourg neved to Aurora ‘Vednesdnv evening Of last week and defeated the Aux-0m team in a League nmtch by 6-1. The Aurora seven, however, phived Thorn: h!“ Monday evening in the rink of the Jamar and won after a sharp contest. ‘ by 4-3. A special meeting of the Thnrnhiil Farmer’s and Women’s Institute was held in Wiliuwdule Public Schng Hall on Jan. 29th: .This nweLin was large 1y attended especially the pint, meet: mg which was held in th? {u‘ening Mrs. Watts and Miss Chaplin; addrgtzs- ed both meetings and held their audience spellbound, Thesa ladies are very forc‘efnl speakérs, A grind pro: gram of vocal selections was' wandered by Miss M. Gouderham, Mr, IiIIty {mg others during afternoon and évgning. Mr. Burlmur, Mr. Steckley and otheré "51130 delivered interesting addresses. We would like to see more of the men take an interest in- these meetings as there is always something to he lemm- vii.l The meetings ids“ promote suci- u ii il-V. , -. Another hockey game is advertised for this (Thursday) evening when Richmond Hill will be down to face the local seven. The puck Will be far ced at 8.15. A grand skating caulival will by: held under the auspices of the hockey club next Wednesday evening. Oust; pl‘lZPS will be given for besL gent ska:- Ler. best lady skater, lye-gt, I; »'v nlgatel: and best, girl skater: The lnlnd will, furnish music during the evcnmg: ' CHAMBERpmâ€"At 159 Jubilee awn, Winnipeg. on. Monday. M= .10. 19:3; Jghn Aiken, aged 17 months. yuung: est, snn of Fulton and Louie .Obum- berlin, formerly of Richmond Hill. RICHARDSâ€"In Vaughan. «.m Tupsdny, Feb. _11. 1913, Jesse Richards. in his 8153. year. - Funeral on Friday at, 2 o’clock. A_ public meeting of Liberals of Mini-klmm Tuwnship‘, in gongegbiun with Centre York Lifieral Assgciat-ion will be held in Vigtmpig Hull, Uniun: ville. on Tuesdgty, Feb. 18th; 1913, at. 2 o’clucg . 111.. for the purpose nf com- pleting t ,e or unizaciun within the Tuwuship. uyd %(2r 1: e consideration of ulhex- important, )usiness. Every Lilla-ml within the Township should reserve the afternoon of the above date for “93951128 this mleeling- u A. D. BRUCE. Yigér?§:tzéi@nt fqg: Markham Township. r MARRIAQES HEISE*SID§;R+05) \Vedneeday, Jan: 29th. 1913, at the hume of the bride’s parents. Pen-y Station, Out“, Ida, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Joseph Slder, to William B. Heise, sun of Mr. L. B, Heise, Victoria. Square. After the programme ‘ a banquet was held at which the W. M. Bro, E. A. James, presided and at the finest table Wbre seated R, W. Bro, , T, §mith, R. W: Bro. J. E. Francis, V. W, Bin, R? Thompson, W. Bro. R, V. Gibson and W. Bro. A. Thompson and and Bro. G. S. Henry with their lag» dies. The toast, list composed the Kin, and the Craft; The Grand Master an b}de Lndge of Canada. This toast was responded to by R. W. Bro. H. T. Smith who outlined more particularly for the ladies, the purposes and heme: fibsof Free Masonry, dwelling more particularly on Uhariby, both of tligught; and national wealth. Thé toast Canada and the Empire was res onded L0 by Bro, Gen. 8, Henryo Yul'k Lodge. Bro. Henry laid particular stress on the 0 arm: nitles in Canada for the woxkigg oqt of the social and cummercial problems of the Empire. W. Bro. R. J. Gibson responding for the ladies expressed the confidengg they bug i” Masonry as a force for good in the su‘pia} life of the commun- The programme consisted of recita- tions by Miss K. Wallace. Willowdalo, and Miss K. Ingle Toronto, and solos by Miss Gr. Sims and Mr. W. J. Law- rence, Toronto. _ icy. 'Over one hundred were present in- cluding visitors from Richmond, Yggghan. Yolk and Alpha Lodges. my. an evening of WSdéx'emy.' Feb. 5th, the ofiicers and members of Patp tel-son Lodge. Na. 265 G. R. 0., meet- ing at. 'l‘hornhill, held an At Home was! Ladies may: ., ‘-._-__ I r ' Futterann ‘1 ehas new 'qrisdic- tion on the 3533? to the city 0% Toron- to and is therefore likely to grow largely in the next few years. Al.- though ulwaye a, healthy lodge yet it hasuevex heeu financxally strong aa the increase in population in this sec: “on bus until rkcently been very slight. PAI'I'ERSQN LODGE AT nous. Thornhill Rink. Willowdale. T0 LIBERALS. DEATHS mw {misdia- citvo Toron- (fly to grow aw years. A}; lodge yet it ly strong «a tn in this sec- 7 been very‘ sted of recita- .-. Willowdalo, to, and solos '. W. J. Law- : ‘ a banquet ’. M. Bro, E. at the nest W. Bro, fl, T, Francis, V. N. Bro. R, V. 'hnmpson and (ithft‘heir 1&5» ed the Kin r1 aster an , Thin fnncf M-P'l‘i'd-WW'I' ++HW+WW‘ Muuey tn Loan, Insurance. 0011 vevnnuing. 8w. ‘ 33Lf. Several good farms in Murkbamiand Vaughan. A fine business or residential Intro};~ Yonge Street South of Onntre Street. A most denix'nhle brick residence on Uentre Street Wash near Yonge. hard and soft; water, good garden. all kinds of fruit. nice lawns, a very snug home. LASKAY P- 0. H._ A. NICHOLLS We thank the public for the gamma. patronage in thel past. and wifl earn- estlv‘atrive- to serve you faithf'flly ih the future. STIVER & RAMER. Belim‘ing it will be beneficial to 00;: buyer 4nd seller. have decided,, " STIVER & RAMiH +++++u+¢++++++++++m+++§ w. A. Sanderson Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, Wo’od, 8863. AT THE C.N.0. STATION 1 AND ELEVATOR i. PERFME RICHMOND HILL BELL PHONE - JOHN ELLIS HAS FOR SALE 143;an Paper-hangeg fiegergl Decorator E: Q, .EGAN Lgcausgn AUGTIONEER Fay me County of York. We solicit a call no trouble tp show our lines ngzmcmox GUARANQ‘ggp, Manicure Sets _ flair Brushes AFTER OCT. 9‘ TO DO BUSINESS (IN CASH QASIS. Regal Estate Agent Richmond. Hill are unto-date and Reasonable m prices My Stock of the ling: Of , BEBEUMES in? {Singmopies,-3jctp. pavgqxsr B§GHMOND HILL DEALERS 1N _ _ Comb Sets Pictur’al Cards ' PRESENTS ONTARIO Ni.» '33

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