Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1913, p. 4

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moanoxn mm *834 T0 WEE PUBLIC! 'On the 2nd Cnv. of Markham. North 'of Lot 40. a, Fur Coat. Reward at THE LIBERAL OFFICE -33.LE ‘on-e’iao Egg: (fibfiér’s Incubator in Run! cuudiLion. \Vill 3911 cheap. MISS VMVAPES. *88-‘2 -Timber ii) @6011 VEORGE QUANTZ- ~ "Lnt 12, con. ‘2, Mai-khan). ‘Langstafl', P. 0. Thoroughbred Shorthm'n Bull, on Lot. 28, 0va 2, Vaughan. Tenus $1 cash. , ._ . JOHN SLINEy. Elgin Mills. .60 . c Xinsmithing. Grinding an?! All Kindg 9f Repairng. "SKATES SHARPERED .Electronc: Coal Gil, Machine ('74), Motor Cyiimier Oil, and Peerless Casoline in 'sfock. (IiL‘rarcal, 3 flags for 25w Come and ’see me. JACOB EYER AUCTIGN SALE Mr. F. chnde will hnvean Auction Sale ‘crf gmo've o‘n Lot 80, Gun: 2, ‘Vhi‘tifliufg: , 1 Mile East of Aurora, on fi'firsaay. February 20. m3. SALE AT ONE o'cwcx. J. D. READMAN. Ma? fl increased by knowilig tho inéi 5558111913 of the farmer'smnket, 3nd in is :1?“wa the Mist method in fem . ‘ minim} is "pr‘écisely the 16:! Wéfifih the Fumétsrwgeguy *3??ny issue. It has nfféqual 1&1”le $933313: Business Paper.” Good My 1511 it. For 12m {to w: (“sill A grand entertainment under the finspices of The Maple Light. Com- }nittee. will be given in The Masonic Mall. Maple. 1m Suffix-duly eVeni'ng, February 15th, émnniénciné at 8 0’L‘l03k. John A. Kelly. Ventriluquist. finger and Entertainer, assisted by KMhIe-en Davis, child planistuf To~ hunt", will give two hours of Comic bong»; Funny Stories. Humurous 1M o-udoquas, Delightful Readings. son can put ‘toge‘théf’my crimped pipes. hf the ewe/nit.) will be given by Rev. Dr. Smith of Iiiichmond Hill, and a pa~ per, will! be given by Mr. Hyatt. Mrs. Daviflsbh of Richm‘dnd Hill. "and Miss e of Newton Brook will also con- irilmte musical selections. Stovepipe time is here, {keep the best polished pipe on hand. AAny per- V LITLER‘ARY CIRCLE. The, Ththill_ Literary Circle will im'kt‘at;lghe;"fiéfile of Mr‘. Diwid J ames Mohdzily evgpigg. _The _ad¢1ress .. Th9band Will give a Camival in the kink next Mnndny evening. 1%!) inst. “Cash prizes will be given for best rep. ‘resentative costume. nationgil costume, mumic cgslumg and child’s costume. The Band "will give coutinugus m- gramme. The Rink ~will 99911,!“ .30, and. the ice willbe r‘e's’erv'éa for inner h'lerndeWMn.til 8.30. General admis- z~.‘0n l5 c'e‘nts.‘ Masqueraders 10 cents. Don't. for ettlxe date. and come and giverthe . nd a boost. Rxgn‘uoxm BILL. 01m. FEB. 13. 1913 HORSES and 35 HEAD OF HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN COWS Wie‘iflihcml. ENTERTAINMENT “AT MAPLE. Far Service ram "PROFITS Q. Fear Sale Fer Sale éANfi GARSEIVAL. Ehust ONTA RIO ' mum Tannin an bud Dawn. Auctioheer, Headfm'd Apply to ALBERT JONES. Lot 31. Can. 3, Vnughan. Phone No. 1850 Maple Exchange. About '40 bags of good Se 9d Potatoes for sale. Orders now being taken for firing deiiveryJSl'B. Prospegts bright for “ - the season’s trade. “Eiperience unnecessary. We instmct o'u'r sflesméh how to sell Wait Stocks in the cmmtry and Ornamental trees m the tow-n. NEW and have your territory reserve‘a. Weekly Pay. lz‘Free Outfit. v- WRITE FOR TERMS. Grders now Being taken for AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAA AAAAAMflAlA fitilikkt‘ ALAA A write for our prlvaee address. __ v“ “.0.” \â€" 5v ‘see us personally call at our Medical Instrituter Vigflfiétfiié-as Qe see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: PR8. KENNEDY £5 KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. 'STO"NE & WELLINGTON. EVERYTHENG PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER: No matter who has treated you. write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Books Freeâ€"“The Goltlen Msnitor” (Illustrated) on Secret Disease: of Men. nllbflw‘lnll lIn-n nnn -‘__--â€" â€"__. _--__._ A7,, _ ,- ..-.... .... n nun...“ 7 , Our New Melhad Treatment can cure you and make a man=q£ 3751:. Under its influ- ence the brain bacomes active, the blood urifled, so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers piggy, the nerves becoma strong as s eel, so that nervousness. bashfulness and deso efic van-{$11, the eye becomesbrig‘at, the face full and clear, energy returns to the .1115 ‘mbral. physical andi'sexual systems are invigorated; all drains ceaseâ€"no more vital wasf‘e from the system. Don‘t-let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. \Ve will cure you or no pay. Thousands of young and middle-a,ged~men are annuallylswept ho a premature grave thl'qugh Early Indiscrefipm, Ezcfivet‘i'and-Blood Diseucl. If you have any of the fol- lowmg s mpwms consult us before it is to: late. Are you ngrvous and weak. despon- dent. an! gluou.y, specks before the eyes. with dark cirgles'under them, weak back, kiduer-irfnable, palpination of the heart, bashful. dreams and, losses, sediment. in urine. imp eson the face. eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, iteless. distrustfd. hck energy and strength, tired. mornings, restRess nights. changeable moods. weak manhood, prcmture decay. bone pains, hair looso. sore moat. etc. -.A.. ______ AGENT 'WANTED For Sale Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.. DetroiLsMi‘ch. Dre. K. & K. TAKEALL R!SKS _v_“.,.. .V.......‘.. ... “.muav I vu chrCL “Hamel ol’ 1! Quasnofl’fisr FOR HOME Thawâ€"MEET SENT ON REQUEST NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT EaN'mmL NURSERIES RIGHMOND HILL My... y.w.....yu.u uuou. wuw WILL BE young, 1.1 ml‘ 1005K A WRECJC 3’0 sell forth'e “The 01a Reliable” NERVOUS DElLlTY Cured by {he Method Tremble}; â€"-â€"-â€"FOR‘ All lettef‘s‘E‘om Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- _ment inUWinfisg', _01_1_t. If you desjre to 29- t.f. A desirable residence on Centre St. West. Richmond Hill. Possession ar- ranged to suit nurchasor. alps?” Tabulas are nausea, Apply to For Sale G. A. MCDONALD, Richmond Hm. Daily News The Weekly'Sun Daily Star, ‘ outside of mvms and villages . AfiI'Stâ€"(‘MSS fen-m of 100 news east, half (\f Int, 28, CD”. 6. Vaughan. (Jn th farm is a first class Inmk burn and brick house. Pnsegsiun April Ist, 1913. Apply tn JOHN MCNAUGHTO’N, 30-4 Maple. For Sale or Rent restores every nerve in the body PhOSphonol to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature derav and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make van a new man. Price 88;: box. or twofigQg $5. Mailed l‘f’ any address. The Scobeu Drug 00.. St. Catharines. Ont. Every family should have both their local paper and a ' City paper. 43-t.f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Ono copy of VVebstv1-’s New Inter- national Dictionary. This is not :1 revised editinn of \Veiistm'. but a new Croatian from chver to cm‘mz There are 2700 pngvs, 6000 illuetrntinns. and [he volume (cunt‘ains mm a infm-mntima of interest; to mom, people than any other dictionary. The copy fur sale is indoxm‘... and the leaihvl' ' hindng should last a lifetime. The‘pu-‘nlis‘iimi’s price is $13.00, less a 'd’isumxnb ‘Uf per cent. Me Next Sitting uf Divxsmn Cum-110 No. 3, County of York, will be bold in the Com-L Runm. RICEWEQNE HELL A. J. HU ME FINE TAILflRlNfl Monday, Feb 24, Igr3 AND )nmmencma’ at 9.30 NOTARY PUBL IQ RiCHMUND HEM. Special attention given to) Enquire at Conveyancing, For Sai'e Pressing Cleaning Repairing ages. Viills, Etc. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK ,2. 0 3L. Tn.

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