An interesting meeting of the Al- 'uum-ae Asaueiatiuu (if the .R. H. H. S. iwas-held on Friday afternoon Febru- ary~7th. After the regular business "a paper was read by the President, Miss Mary Trench, on “An Apprecia- htinn of Browning’s Life,†and short upoems by Browning were read by Miss VUarpenurr, Mrs. J. Earle Newton and Miss Olive Switzer, which were gumb- nly enjoyed by all. At the closu, after- nvmn tea was served \V hich added inuch to the snoinbilihy of the «gnlhvr- mg. The annual meeting 9f~¢he Board of zEducutinn was held in the High School building on the 5th inst. when vthe following ofï¬cers were elected for ‘ule coming yamâ€"Chairman, G. Red- wlitt; Sec’y-Treas, G. A. McDonald; qummiLtee of Management. 0. Mason, all. A. Nichulls, .1. lanes, and G. Gow- The monthly meeting uf the W0- mmn’s Institute was held at the home 91' Mrs. G. Redditt yesterday after- moon. The ~President, opened the meeting with “~The Maple Leaf†and (he Secretau-y’s report. was read and .adopbed. Members present; 36‘ The Man-ch meeting will be Jack! at «the home of Mrs. Allen. Lndivs' Rnlpespierre collars, black satin. trimmed with white piquet, Nan buttons and pleated whine lace. regular price 750. [or 50c. Atkinson .& b‘witzer. ~ RICHMOND HILL. 0x13, FEE. {3.11918 ‘We rem-9f phat We are cumpelled to ’hold Mr. Heisa‘s second letter over un- ‘ifl next issue. Try our imported Potato Flour for «gate run-king, 100. My Appricuts 18c. 93%. ‘Qï¬lck puddings 3%)1‘ 250. Atkin- son & Switzer. Mr, McReynnlds of Cleveland (who has at present a contract in Toronto, 'ca‘me up and spent over Sunday with Mr. P. G. Savage. Mrs. JfH. VVulstmnhnlm is u ‘few‘flu‘ys with Mrs. ‘15. Hm. Mrs. N. (J. McLean mid Miss Lyfm Héflk‘re visiting-at, Mr. D. Hills. A Special meeting (vfflbhe Fi1~e“‘Dé- ‘4):u-tment will beheld in the Council Chamber Monday evening at 7;3U. Important business. Mn and Mls. L. B. Heise of Victor- ia Square. who have been visiting friends at Perry Stutiun and Slevgus- ville. xetumed Saturday.evening. '“ The annual cunveuzion of the West; York Sabbath Schuol Association will be held in the~Metbodist Church, M21- ple next, \Vednesday and Thursday the 19th and 20th February. A com veyance will leave Richmbnd Hill un arrival of 2.15 and 6.15 car each day to convey delegates to the convention. Mr. and Mrs. Gnidie of'Tui-hnto vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hill on Sat- ux-d'ty. The - Richmond Hill hn‘ckey team j-uu-neyed tu'l‘montu Saturday after- mum and defeated the Berkley seven. Mr. has, a student at Victoria» Col- lege. who is supplying fur Mr. McIn- tosh fm-afew weeks, assisted in the Methodist, church service Sunday evening. There will be a special attraction in the rink Friday evening when a hockey game will he. playedbeLween Lh‘e‘Over- head Dept. Met. R. R. and Richmond Hill. The game will be called at 8.30. A recent, «number of , the Olilliu" Times contains a good phutngl'avelll' of Mr. 'l‘eefyMulcahy, sun uf Mr. T. ‘ Mulcahy of that town, and a grandson of the late Mn. Matthew Teer of this village. The former has been elected President, of the Board of Trade. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. \E’right and daughter (if Regina. Sask.. made a short visa with Mr. W. A. \Vx-ight andmbher relatives previous to start- ing=r~m a nip to California, Where thev purpose remaining ‘ï¬ve months. At the February meeting of the Jnunty Uuuncil Reeve W. H. Pugsley was appointed a. delegate to the Good Rn;de Assnclatiun convention. and Deputy-reeve L S, MCNdiI‘Of Vaughan was made a commissioner for the Industrial Hunm. Children’s white shaker night owns all sizes 400 and 50c. Childrell’sgb'mck sateen drawers 25c. Children’s white lamb wool boas 35c. Atkinson & Swit- zer. " Mr. Geo. Thumpsnn vof this village has been appointed bailiff of the Third Divisiun Unm-t, County of York. in the room and stead of Mr. J. Wesley Palmer, resigned. ’19 lbs. Redpath‘s standard granula- ted~sugar $1.00. French roasted coffee in the beans or ground 35c..and 406. lb. Gmeen Rin coffee lb. 220. Amin- suu & Switzer. @3112 ‘i§’gihctn~l.s ¢(')C A.le “(nip-tenlï¬dm is spending 334! A 96%“ of spewâ€:an \v‘eek day services ‘wiil he hfld in Se: Mary’s Ghumh» dur- ing the’preseut se‘usuu of Lent. "Th'é ’ï¬l-st‘uf‘these segvices was held on A31! ' Vednesduy mtnfllii’tgï¬b' 10.30 am (Quasi er-y mended...1The-~sécoï¬ -' will "his heldnn Friday evening next, Feb. 14th: The special reacher will he the Rev. G. S. Despm- . Rector n'f'Am-m-n. The. third service on Wednesday Feb. 19th. special preacher Rev. V. O. Spen- cer. M. A.. St George‘s Chm-ch, I‘m-nu» to. The above and subsequent sets {ices will syn-t, prqgnptly at 7.15 pin.“ A-Pziir of Goad Curling Stones for Sale. May he -~se'e-n at; McDonald‘s hurn’essï¬ugp. T NEWTON Gix'l’tn (loâ€"general housework. Good wage-s. On? hundred (10an positively NPW Laid Eggs per week. Best, possible price paid for largv clean eggs. Phone or wnte me to canâ€"within village. WALTER H. \VATSON. A Purse containing Six 'Dnllars, was lost, between Mr. A. Boyle’s and Mr. Tracy’s. With the Riéhmg'md Hill Agerfcmï¬wnlém Sigciety win b Emmi“); "maï¬â€˜lfle‘ Honk; next‘*Wedgesd}£v'. lhé lv9th' ilisib. Cash prize-s win be given furv‘ml‘iuus, klgids d of grain, grass seed, unav'phtnmeshe, Entries tn he riiixd‘e with the secretary by‘-I2.8l). Public, uweting at 2 u'qltï¬ku The 'plinci ml spenke‘r will he‘ J?» (3;; Stepkley. S: ,A‘-. Dist: Rep; Ont. 1 Dept. of Agn . . _ ‘ - v _ ad The. Epwurth League is to be com granulated on their lectuie and enter- tainment iii theMethodist Church Mon- day evening. The Unionville Male. Quartette with a. lady piano accom- panist. gave a nuinbei ot appropriate choice solos and other vocal selections in a manner that could not fail to be appreciated. and Rev. D11. Spcer’s lecture on "The Landefthe Shamrock" was humorous and entertaining. The lecturer gave a true picture of Irish character, and related many anecdotes and incidents shc‘w‘ing their natural Wit and humor†Dr. Speer who Was born in Ireland paid a ViSlt last year to the land of his birth. and was therefore in 1 position to speak on his subject from experience. The Irish were pictured as a. kind hearted and loyal people. ever ready to take their place if needs be on the ï¬eld of battle in de- fence of_the British Empire, He had visited places in Ireland where the povertyr and squalor was awful-L and much of this he attributed to the drink habit. Dr. Speer referred to their great affection, especially‘in the home circle, said there “Here fewer divorces in Ireland than any other country in the world, and complimented the Catholic Church on the fact that it does not recognize divorces. He. men- tioned the names‘ of many Irishman who had honorable records all over the'world. On the question of Home. Rule Dr. Speei‘ said he would not give an opinion, but in‘ conclusion he said he hoped to see the day when a. wreath and a crown would be made from the Rose, the Thistle and the Shamrock in honor of the freedom of Ireland.“ The chairman. Rev. Dr. Smith, thanked the lecturer and the musicians for the delightful entertainment giyeiir LECTURE AND ENTERTAINMENT Canadian Draught Stallion, “Black- smith Buv," rising thrrbe years, regis- tered. At 101. 28, war con. 2, Vaughan. JOHN SLINEY. 21-tf *Elgin Mills. A gond cow due to calve the last of February 2mg also i gppdryym'k horse. No (-ollectiun \vlll Be lake-n up" .sEvs’ erybudy will be made welcome. ‘ ' Two rink-s of the Grmï¬tse‘Cux-lim Club came up Saturday and plave : friendly games with our rinks after-=5 nolm and evening. The home rinksi Won in the afternoon, but lost to the visitors in the evening. The ‘fullow- ~ ing‘ skipped the gzunesi*_ Mr. Gray 14 ° E. Barker 10 Mr. Beatty 16 \V. Pratt 8 The visitors were enter-mined at the Rustic Inn. M 1'. Mr. Wantedfor Cash '*_'r_1'ié“;4ng;a_gg sea! my in mmm'm? 10mm to curling Stones Beatty 14 Gray 9 .A pp] y MRS. EARTH UR BOYLE. For Sale ‘Wanted For Sam THE LIBERAL OFFICE. R. A. VAQDERBURG. CURLING.‘ evening Lost Reward at; Rxchmond Hill ".1. Tyndall 10 G. Gowie 15 Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Elgin Mil-ls. Mill St revt. Exotica {TCâ€"IBM l I wish through the Culumns 01’ THE 1 LIBERAL to thank my numerous friends ‘ and customers for so large a share of their patronage during the few yt-m-s ‘ I have been in Riclnnnnd Hill ï¬nd "I l hope by the strict :Lttmï¬tm‘lo business to merit a continuance of ihe same. I _.wish .nlso m inform them that I huge "(IeL-iti‘érr tn ()LOSE M~YI~*S'Ff0[’" ON } SATURDAY AFTERNOON of much ‘ week. My reasons fm- duing so are that l I cannot, grth any help' for ‘luv“e‘L or ‘ money and I feol it to he my duty to ‘ myself to have a half hnliduy every week. Hoping my friends will 'bear this in mind. I ‘ ‘ 304“. Monuments. Markers and Corner Posts. 51-3 m. ‘ On or about F1 ida.y, January 24, be- twm‘n Ouncmd P. O. and the 2nd concession, a mink muff. The finder will be rewarded by Imving it at the P. 0. at Concord or Thm-nhill. NOTICE is herlw giwn m-sunnb tn. Ghn'pt'er 129, Soqtinn 38; y @503 .tbat‘“ all persons ha'ving Mniu'l’srngninst’mï¬e Estate 0f \Villium HelmryLnn-{lntéof .the‘f Tuwnship pf Vulnéhim'. County of York; Ymvm m «ï¬rm died nu m- about [H9 30th day «f December. 4912,1131?- 'q‘ï¬eSl-t‘d“ Eu' deliu-r their claims and {ull‘pnrliculurs vxf such claims to H. A. Nicllulls, of the Villé «of Richmond HI", (m m- l): fun-(- th thh dayuf Feb.. 1913, and tiflt‘l' the 27th (in L: of Feb... 1913. the-asï¬Pts viii-(he Sa‘rg deceased: will he disprib‘uted among the patties yutillvd mZ-wm having regard nnl'v to the claims uf which notice shall have been received. 1-1. _A. NICHO‘LLS, JAMES ROE, Good frame house and lab for sale’in the village nf Maple. Pussession given at once. » ' 174 Pape A\"(-‘., Tut-(mm, 32-3 ‘ ‘Suibnbié fur ‘fmnlt’ry fz'n'm {1r murkéi gardening. . Picturesque sun-nundings. Fifteon‘ minutï¬s walk to Metropolitan Cal‘. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 32 t-f 32.; Small Farm for Sale On 1st Concession of Vaughan, lot 38. Thirty-fmu- acres. gnud rough cast. housv. new stune foupdntkm, «hm new hen szltse,{1)ig pen. yuung orchard ins} hygin‘ning tape-(n3 plem y nf water. 32-4 Under Bylaw N0. 242:1116wne-rs of dogs-in the vilhxge are required topm- cuxe tags for [1m Same at the Clerk’s Ofï¬ce. The tnge fnr*1913 are now react-15y and all whom it. may concern wil‘lppleuse gmex-n themselves accor- *dingly. r _ A. J. HUME, mam Richmond‘Hiï¬. Feb. 1st. In Marble 01‘ Granite. Good Wnrk. reasonable charges. Town ()1 \Uuunhsy. Write, ~, W. jONES, n...â€" RE ESTATE ()9 \v'. H.’ LINE, 715E; CEASED. - . Tombstone "by asking a practicfl cum-3e in one n‘fSHAW’S SUHOOLSï¬TO- RQNTO. by attendance m- my Mala and by so duing qviiu‘kly ï¬repare tn mn-n A good sulurv. ï¬llndrkas of ynnng ppnplp dn this (Wm-y year. Why umt You ? Fx-Pe catabguv oxpla‘hta. \Vrito fur it. Addy-pm. W. H. Shaw, President, thge St. ,annntn. A robe and a fur coat. Reward Notice to the ° Public ‘I remain yours sincerely RI_CHMOND HILL, Feb. 3. 1913 iNS’U'RE SUflBESS For Sale N, THE LIBERAL OFFICE. NOTICE Apply on premises or to H. APPLETON. Apply t9 Lost 22 Buchandn Sh, Lettering 3. 1‘. SAIGEQN, N. J. SM ELLIE, GEO. COWIE. Executom. 5 Cilï¬'ville. Cnném-d. T( mm to Mapie COnfederation Life Association Lonaon Guarantee 80 Accident 00. Norwich Union Fire 86 Accident 00. Western Fire, Rimouski Fire Mama-lame Fire, York Fire Sovereign Fire Real Estate List, enquire at our ofï¬ce. Your business wild‘hav'e list of Companies beldw: .G4 > ~r.‘,,_1k >-_.V Potato Flour for cake-é and puddings package . . . . _. .‘ . . . . . . . . . _ . . Mc.‘ 3 Hemsritched Pillo‘w slips, 83 x 42 in. for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . g Circular Pillow Cotton, 40, 42. 44 in., soft ï¬nish . . . . . . § Heavy T‘will Bleached Sheeting, 8/4 and 10/?wide, yard E'Checked Glass Towel]ng 26 in., yard . .4-“ ..,.-.. . . + 20 in. Plain 'peacmh; yard. .» ............... . ....... § 58 in. Turkey Red Table Linen with white or green flbr + Bleached Table Linen, yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 3 Unbleached Table Linen, yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . *+++$++M++WW+++M+++++1H* +++++%m+++é++++++ï¬h é Omo Eleac'her, package i Tip Top Soap Chips . . . . . 50-. package gAtkmson & SW1tzer '- ~R4-CHMOND Hi‘LL - ++fi~i~++ ++M+f++ F++%Wé++-l +¥§°¥+§++ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ ‘1‘+'§-'§‘+++'§‘+‘§‘+‘§‘+'§~§:’ +++++Â¥++¢+++++++++§~++++m awe-+41%++oX+++~§-+w++++++++eé X Six Dozen Clothes Pins . . . . . . . . . 10c. E Manilla Rope ClothesLine, ench.20c. :3;- Handy Ammonia, package ï¬ri+++¢+f «Bi-i ++++¢++M~b i-«I‘ $5") §*%\+*#*H+$+++++++MQ lfl'iui-é! t*****++m+rr++++.r+ï¬~zo+w+nwwo -. flask-4 Muwwwwé-w-pf ‘ i ‘ ' _ 2. ' - . / 4-. > ‘ . -. ï¬Eï¬tï¬ï¬Hï¬â€œï¬fQTEé'Mï¬ï¬ï¬E BHONE l7 Good Strong Bl-(mms. lmmbtiu 0:: wooden handles, each .. . .. 55c. Wheat Granules, 1b.. ‘We have just reï¬lled all our different lines of Rub- bers with bright new stock of the best grades. Men’s Heayy' Rubbers, llaced, red soles, solid heel, snag proof - - -‘ $2.56 Mgnls Heavy qubemartwo buckle, heavy sole, solid "h’eel, snag brooi . - » - Men’s Overshoe Rubber, best grade \\ omen’s Overshoe Rubber, best grade NORMAN 3. GLASS rdsburg S'yrup,<5 lb. pai‘l Staples ..5o. . 10c. Sc. our prompt attention. See our :5 Real Estate insurance Agents AND '35