Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1913, p. 7

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EXPLSCOII‘ AND 60 MEN LOST Were at the Pole January 18; and on Returning Were Overcome by Blizzard N ‘A detspamh {mm Omaru, New Zealand, says: prtai-n Robert F. Scott and his .party' were over- whelmed; by a. bhzzardr on their re- turn journey from the Soucbh Poise. mhe entire party perished. They flan/chad the South Pole on the eigfip with 'of January, 1912. A despaxbch from London says: The death of Capt. Robert. F. Soodzt and the whom of his party who book garb in the South Polar expedition reported in a news agency desâ€" namh received her from New Zea.- A des‘paabch from Christ Church, New Zeafland, says: The Antarctic wbemmr, Terra Nova” whichflis gupâ€" EBB-8:111:61", Lena; nuvw, vuuuu M: “Mr. fised rho have on board Captain bert F. Scott» and the members oi his expedition to the South POLLa-r region, did nod: shop at Owaru, but PRIEES BF FARM PRBUUBIS "roan morn THE panama TRAN osu‘mn or 'AMEHIGA. Toronto, Feb. 11.â€"Ma,nitoba. Wheatâ€"Lake rts, No. 1 northern, 960; No. 2, 931-20; 0. 5. 910; feed wheat, 651-Zc. Ontario Wheatâ€"No. 2, 956 to 960, for car lots outside, ranging down to 700 for poor xrpdga. A . ‘1', n “Jun. 11.. us. “A 9.9: ‘L'nuvu. . Ontario Oatsâ€"No. 2 white, 550 to 349 at country points, 570 to 380 on track, To- ronto. Manitoba Oatsâ€"No. 2 C. W. oats, 471-40; track bay ports; No. 3 G. W., 59 3-40; No. £993., 59 Me. for prompt shipment. . Cornâ€"American No. 3, all rail, Toron- to. 570. 1gemsâ€"No. 8. $1.20 to $1.25. our lots out,- I e. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2. 520 no 530. Ryeâ€"No. 2, 63 to 650. Rolled Oatsâ€"Per bag of 90 pounds. 62221-2; per bm‘rel, $4.70, wholesale, Wind- bor to Montreal. Barlewaood muting barley. outside. 620 to 650. Millfeedâ€"Manimba. bran, $20 in bags. rack, Toronto; shorts, $22; middlings, fig: Ontario bran, $20 in bags; shores, Manitoba Flourâ€"«First patents. $5.30 in Jute bans; second patents, $4.80 in jute ban; strong bakers; $4.60 in Jute bags. In cotton bags, ten cents more per bar- Ono's u cams. Drain. one”. am! Olav Induce 3: Ham and Abra“. av.- Outarfo Flour-Windsor wheat flour, 90 ggrbsoen‘t. patents. is quoted at $3.95 to fol. Eggs-Cold storage, 180 to 200 in one llots; fresh, 220 to' 250; strictly now-laid. to 500. 28Enaese-Jl‘wlns. new. 14 Mo to 150. and urge, new. at 141-80; old cheese, twins. 50 to 151-20: large, 150. Butter-Creamery prints, 510 to 520; 0.0.. solids, 29a to 300: dairy prints. 250 to 870; inferior 7(bgkors’)‘. 220 tq $50. * .nd. IIU' Lunarqu \Iumuuu]. mm w uw. oney~Buokwheat. 9c pound in tins and 80 in barrels; strained clover honey, 21â€"20 a. pound in 60-pound tins, 12 3-49 in 0-pound tine; 150 in 5-pound tins; comb hone , No. 1, $2.60 per dozen; extra. $3 pe_r pzen;_No. 22 £2.40 perIdozen‘. 'iafgioehOntario potatoes, 85c per bag: our lots, 750; New Brunewicks, 950 per bag, out of gays; 800 in our lots. Poultry~mva chickens, wholesale, 120120 130 per round; fowl. 100 to lie; dunks, 150 to 140; ive turkeys, 150 to 170; geege. 9o {40 100. Dressed poultry, 2c to ac above in quotations. exoepting dressed turkeys. at 200 m_21_c. ' "Beaniirrimes. 3150, and $2.60 for hand- 9121‘9‘1: ‘ - A. . . . ,, nu, ,H, L,_ Spanish On'ions~i’_er-E§,ae.r 31% to $2.40. A dish of Toasties served either with cream or milk. or fruit. is sur- prisingly good. “The Memory Linger-s” You‘can have a taste of the summer sunshme of the corn fields by Serving a dish of Thesee crisp flavqury bits of toasted white corn make an nppetizing dish at any time of year. Try them in February and ta ate the deiicate true maize fla vour. Post - Toasties Shivery Canadian Poun- 001‘.“ 0... Ltd. Windsor. Ontario. ' Grocers everywhere soil Toutles. country Prod “00. Broadstuffs. Mornings merely «signall‘ed .as she v. V_‘, ~70,” , E-erra. Noya is pmceemifing to the pout oi Lybtlabon, where she is ex- pecig-ed tho arriVe on Thursday at this V Captain 800% had been in the AntM-otdc nearly three years. The la-sd; message f'mm ways received ]a-sd; manage f'mm him was received in April, 1912, when Lieut. Pen- n'ell, commanding the Terra. Nova, returned to New Zealrand bringing weird that Captain 800%, with a. parrty of four men, W&8 1.50 miles. from the South Pole, and: W849 push- ing on. He sent, back word that, he would remain another winter in the Antarctic to oompluelbe his -work. The Terra Nova ladd over in Christ- [she sailed to the relief of Captain Scott. and his patr- ty on Deoeambe-n 14. Provmons. Smoked and Dry Salted Meatsâ€"Bollaâ€" Smoked. 14 5-40 to 150: hams, medium, 170 to 171-20: heavy. 161-20 to 160; breakfast. bacon, 181-20 to 190; long clear baxaou, tone and cases, 141-20 to 1425-40; backs (pLain), 2_1'1-2c; backs (peameal), 220. A“; -4: _..-n1y1n 1.. 1an Hun unuqu a; ray, yaw-“ __‘_,, Green Meatsâ€"Out “sigma, 1:0. less than smoked. Porkâ€"Short cut, $26 to $28 per barrel; mess p053. $21.50 to $22. ..-. .. Ann- M... ha‘”: mesa yuln, ipuL.vv w w--. Lardâ€"Tiercee, 1555-40; tubs, 14o; pails. 141-4c. > Baled Hay and straw. Baled hay, No. '1, $12 to $15; No. 2, $9 to $10; No. 3, $8 to $9; baled straw. $9 to $9.50. Montreal, Feb. 11.â€"Cornâ€"â€"-American No. 2 yellow. 620. Oatsâ€"Canadian western, No. 2, 411-20 to 420; (10., Canadian western. No. 3, 401â€"20 to 410; do., extra. No. 1 feed, 410 to 411-20; do. No. 2 local white. 380: (10., No. 3 local White, 57%; do. No. 4 local white, 566. Barleyâ€"Manitoba feed, 550 to 540; do., ma-lting. 760 to 800. Buck- wheatâ€"No. 2, 550 to 57c. Flourâ€"Manitoba spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.40; (10.. sec- onds, $4.90; do., strong bakers’, $4.70; 4.10., ,wlnter patents, choice, $5.25; (10.. straight rollers, $4.85 to $4.90; 60.. straight. rollers in bags, $2.25 to $2.304 Rolled Oats - B-arrels, $4.50; (10., in bags of 90 lbs. $2.- 121.2. Branâ€"$20. Shortsâ€"$22. Middimge â€"$27. Mouillip, $30Mto $35. Malayâ€"No. 2, q n. A; mum-m-_ urn-ac; duxy, :wrw, uuywmwv“ _-.V-, No. 1 hard 881-401 No. 1 northern. 86 3-40 to 87 5-40; fiogz northern, 84 5-40 to 855410. Cornâ€"No. 3 yellow. 441-20 to 450. Oatsâ€" No. 3 white, 311-40 to 311-20. RyeHNo. 2, 550 to 67 LR. Bran. 19.50. Flour prices unchan ed. Dulut , Feb. 11.â€"â€"Wheatâ€"No. 1 hard, 87 5-80; No. 1 northern, 871-80; No. 2 (10.. 345-80; July, 900 to 901-80 asked: May, 88 5â€"80 asked. â€"v3m. flLVuAAAAv, V er ton. car lots. $13.50 to $14. Cheese-â€" inest weabex-na. 130; do., finest easterne, 121-20 to 12340. Butterâ€"Choiceet cream- ery, 200; do., seconds. 240 to 270. Egg:â€" Fresh. 340 to 360; do., selected. 220 to 240; do. No. 1 stock 200 to 210; do. No. 2 stock, 150 to 160. Potatoesâ€"Per bag, car lots. 6513 m 750. Minneapolis. Feb. 11.‘â€" Wheat â€"â€" May, 88 1-4c; JuAly,»_90_1-flc‘;_ S‘epggmber, 887-80; flu. _.._‘ n: 1 A» leo Stock Markots. Montreal. Feb. 11.â€"Best. steers, $6.50 30 $6.75, and the lower grades from that down to $4, while choice butchers' cows brought $5.75 to $6.00, good $5 to $5.50, and the common Itoo from $3.50 to $4550 get 100 1b. A few 0 aloe bulls sold as 1311 as $5.50. good at $5.00 to $5.25 and the lower grades trom $3.00 (034.50 per 100 lbs. Sheep sold at $7.00 to $7.50, and lambs at $4 to $5 per 100 lbs. Calves ranged from $5.00 to $12.00 each. as to size and uallty. Selected‘iota of hogs sold as his as $9.75, but the ruling prices for the day for carload lots were from $9.40 to $9.50 per 100 1115., weighed of]? care. Toronto. Feb. 11.â€"â€"Hogs, $8.80, fed and watered. and $8.45 fob. Choice calve, $8.50 to $9.50. Rough calves $4 to $4.50. Export Cattleâ€"Choice sold at. $5.75 to $1; choice butcher, $6.25 to $6.75; good medi- um, $5.50 to $6; common, $5 to $5.26; cows, $4.75 to $5.50; bulls, $5 to $5.25; can'- ners, $2 to $2.50; cutters, $3.25 to $3.75. Shockers and Feedera‘Steere, 700 to 900 11:45.. $5.26 to $5.65; feeding bulls. 900 to 1.000 lbs... $2.75 go $4.25; yearlinzs, $5.10 to Mllkers ind Springersâ€"From $50 00 . Chain of a Bucket Snapped in a British Mine. A despa’och from Mansfield, Eng- landi says: Thirteen pitsink-ers Were killed and a number of others injured on Saturday at the Bolsover Colliery by the snapping of a. chain to which was suspended a bucket containing eight hundred gallons of water. The bucket crashed down the shaft, which was five hundred feet deep, and at the bot- tom of which the men were workâ€" ting. The workers were crushed ianan unrecognizable masts. Only a. few who ha pened to ,be in- shel- ter holes at t 6 sides of the shaft escaped death. Percy William Collins is Sent to the Asylum. ' A despatch from London says: At Old Bailey on Wednesday Percy William Collins was placed on trial charged with sending-threatening letters to King George and to'Miss LiHah McCarthy, actress ahd- wife of Grpnville Barker, playwright. _L A_.,.‘.| HAN-2v... “Inn Tbndntbo is to Have a. »courrt for women. ’fhewegifience showed. Colfins Was insane, and the' Court committed him to Broadmoor Asylum. Thé Last Word Received. THIRTEEN MEN KILLED . THREAT GNED THE KING. Unllod status Markets. Montreal Markus. ‘. The Astonishing Deliverance of Woman Thought to be Hopelessly Deaf. New York Specia1.â€"Fu11y conâ€" vinced that her hearing has been permanently restored after yeams of torture with head noises and alâ€" most total deafness, Mrs. B. A. Barry of 555 W. 170th street, N.Y. City, has now been persuaded to tell the story of her wonderful de- liverance. 7 After having spent hundreds of dollars on mechenieal devices, meâ€" dicines and doctors’ ,fees, she de- cided that this latest discovery, however simple and inexpensive, should be the last she would try before resigning herself to the hopelessness of permanent and total deafness. Those interested in Mrs. Barry’s case and thehope it holds out for them, may wfi‘be to her in confidence for full details, which she ofiers to send gratuit- Fifty-four U. S. Railways Involved in Big Labor Dispute. A despetch from New York says: The committee of managers of the eastern railroads announced on Friday night that their firemen had voted almost unanimously to strike. Aistatement signed by Chairman Elisha Lee for the committee says: “Advices received by the eastern railroads indicate that “the 30,000 firemen almost to a. mam have vot~ ed “yes” on the proposition to strike and tie-up over 52,000 miles of railroads, rather than accept the offer of the companies to arbi- trate through a commission of dis- interested men of sufficient numâ€" bers adequately to consider the magnitude of the questions at issue. If the firemen announce that \as ously. a result of their strike vote their committee will call out the men, the railroads will, of course, take steps immediately to- prepare for the operation of trains under strike conditions. The companies feel, however, that such a. catastrophe should, in the public interest, be prevented at all hazards.” Prince Albert Arrives at the Island ' of St. Lucia. -Amidespatch from Kingstown, St. Vincent, B. W. 1., says 1813951 Vinceuu, L). H. .1.., >3qu . any -uw..-“ of St. Lucia was brilliant With bunting ‘on Saturday on account of the arrival there of Prince Albért, the second son of King George, who is making a tour of the West Inâ€" dies on board the British armored cruiser Cumberland, which is a training ship for the naval" cadets of Great Britain. The young Prince landed on Friday amid po- pular demonstrations. He will re- main in the Windward Islands for two weeks, proceeding to Trinidad with the other cadets on February 20: ‘ 'ho is mentioned in a. «‘able from London as the next Gover- norâ€"General of Canada. He is one of the few Liberal peers. Radical changes are to be [made in Ontario’s prisons by new legis- lation. HER HEARING RESTORED 80,000 FIREMEN T0 STRIKE. GIRLS Send Post Card to-day for particulars. 74 St. Antoine SL,‘ Montrcal, Can. EARL BEAUCIIAMP, We the "East Ever” SON OF THE KING. Miss This Don’t REVENUE] OF“, THE DOMINION 3 For Ten Months; 11: Totalflled'$138,'019,935~â€"The Big- est Was lri Customs. ‘ A despatch from Ottatwa. says:‘ For the first ten months of the fiscal year the Dominion’s revenue has been $138,019,935, an increase of $28,452,952 01' about 26 per cent, as pampered with the correspondâ€" ing ten months of 1911â€"12. For the full fiscal year the revenue will run close to $170,000,000, or about $34,- 000,000 ahead of last year. Gusto-ms receipts, which total $93,757,607 for the ten months, account for a little over $23,000,000 of the increase. EXcise receipts have increased by two millions, Postofl‘ice revenue by $2,300,000, and Intercolonial re- ceipts by over one million. For a. string of sixty-five Shorthorns‘ which passed under the hammer at ithe Union Stock Yards. Breeders from all parts of Canada. and the United States to the number of three hundred were present, and bidding was fairly keen, though hardly as spirited as in former ears. Clydesdale mares brought as much as $1,010, and Percherons as much as $980 each, at an aucâ€" tion held here on Tuesday. The horses were bred by T. H. Hassard of Markham, Ont. ‘ Champion “Mischief F” Bought by ' a Wisconsin Man. _ A despatch from Toronto, sayr: “Miechief E,” the pure Scotch Shorthorn heifer that carried off the grand championship for the beat beef animal in Canada. at the Guelph Winter Fair two months ago, was on Wednesday sold by auction for $700, which averages something like fifty cents per pound live weight. "Mischief E” was bred by Messrs. W. 33,. Elliott & Sons of Guelph, and after being exhibited“ at the Winter Fair, was sold to Mr. Robert Miller of Stouff-‘ ville, who disposed of her on Wed- nesday to Mr. Frank Harding of Wankesha, Wisconsin. The Guelph heifer brought the highest price of Murderer Departed From Montreal â€"â€"Will Go to Asylum. A devspatolh- from Montreal says: John Shepard, the murderer of Frank McKenrna, $mean mam, and Dr. Devlin, at the Bath Havel last summer, was taken to Portâ€" lwnd, Mai-no, for. deporvbaahiorn on Thursday. He will be placed in an asylum in Scotland, Where arran - ments have been made-for his 6- tention by his wife. Shepard was on his way home to Scotland, with his wife and; family from Chicago, miter bein injured in the head while. war in; in the latter city, when he nan muck in the Bath Ho- tel and short; McKemna, bartender, dea’d, and mortally wounded Dr. Devlin. A fiveâ€"monthafiold baby under went an upe-rwbion in Toronto for a broken Hahigh said to be caused by its father. 14,1000 DEATHS PREVENTABLE Tremendous [joss to Province in One Yeahâ€"Great Infant Mortality ' A des atch from Toronto says: Dr. Char es A. Hodgetts,. medical adviser to the Conservation Com- mission, Ottawa, addressed the chief officials and inspectors of‘the civic department of health in the City Hall on Wednesday on “Con- servation of Life.” Dr. Hodgetts‘ cited figures to show that infant mortality in Ontario is at the rate of 195 deaths per 1,009 population. By infant mortality he meant the death of babies w'thinja year from their birth. “The infant mortalâ€"‘ ity in eighteen cities of the Prov- ince to a casual observer cleanly indicates that there is an unwar- rantable waste of child life in many of them,” he said. “It is the 'cry of the babies. It is a plea for the ‘ education of the parents. in all that pertains to infant life..f It is the great opportunity for healthv‘de- partmonts to carry on exp oration work at the public cost, instead of: leaving it to philanthropy and social organizations. It is essen- tially a. branch of municipal health work and should be instituted and carried on as much so as any work now being done.” \Dr. Hodgetts HEIFER SELLS FOR $700. BACK TO SCOTLAND. January the revenue 'totalled $13,- 442,378, an increase of $3,368,341: ‘ Expenditures on revanue moonlit: for the ten months totalled $82},- 651,324. Capital expenditure, which totalled $25,541,785, also increaseg by nearly a. million. Railway sub- sidies at $6,400 per mile, totalling $4,641,090, were paid on over 700 miles of completed new lines dur- ing the ten months.. The 'net debt of the Dominion 8,1) the end of January was $309,308,- 436, an increase of $5,113,979 during the month, but a,_ decrease of a lit- tle over nihe milliom as oompared with January 31 of lmt‘ye‘ar. EXCITING SCENES IN TOKIO. Members of National Diet Assault- v ed onLeaving Building. A despetch from Tokio say-s! Mostre exciting scenes were witness- ed during‘ the dispersal of the J ap- anese Diet on"Wedn-esda.y after .8. vote of censure on the Government under Prince Katsura had 'been carried. The exits from the Cham- ber were thronged with people, who cheered the members of the Constitutional party when they assaulted Saburo Shimwda L and other so-called renegades of the National Liberal party. They were thrown out of their Irikishas when they attempted 'to driveaway, end efforts were made" to duck them in the canal, but these Were frus- trated by the police. Decisive Change In the German Naval Policy. A despatoh from Berlin says: The Budget Committee is now disâ€" cussing the naval estimates for 1913. According to the semiâ€"offici- al Lokalanzeiger, Admiral Von Tirpitz informed the Committee on Thursday that a “sensible agree- ment” between Great Britain and Germ-any ’With reference to the strength of the respective navies would be “something to be Ewel- comed.” If he has been accurate- 1y reported, his declaration is the first official admission from a re- sponsible quarter that Germany considers an agreement of any kind with Britain as within the range of practical politics. ' FOOLISII TO KEEP COBNS . Putnam’s Extractor Bomovos’! seas; it will remove your come, warts and callouael. [Sold in 250. bowel and recommended by druuists. No way to extract a corn Ilka painting on Putnam's Corn Extractor: We tho v.4: surest Corn Doctor ‘ever ’ ,5 known. Eases up that aw- ' ful pinch over night. hrgngs gutr‘the bani keg; 'nel of the corn and e175! H the we smooth an Ill-h. ~ Millions or people luvs ~ % ‘ proved Pumm'n Corn ,3 Extractor a genuine uno- for good roads. referred to the Dominion Govern“ ment’s enooumgemenb of the far- mers by granting money for ed_uca.« tion along agricultural lines, ‘and he said: “The Government might devote a. dollar, or two each year to the education of our people in the intricate prbblems of propa- gating the race, and the conserva- tion of the lives of our babies.” Dr. Hodgetts claimed that it WM 8.6 much a part o_f the work of the Government to spend‘money on educating the, people on these lines as to spend money on bringing men bndwomen into Canada. mfieféififié to the fact that in this Province there were 34,341 deaths in 1911, Dr: Hodgetts said {xbout 40 per cent. of them were preventable; 14,000 lives which should have been save-d to the country were lost. He calculated that each life Was worth $99,900 m the country, 933%; {201531 wlosé in ‘inofiéy wtiTS $40,660, I. In Toronto no in s than 6,000; deaths had occurred in 1911 thafi were preventable, and thiyentvailed a loss from $6,000,000 to $10,000.- 000. Education was the great need, the doctor claimed, to prgvent such wagte in future York County will spend $100,000 SEN SIBLE AGREE MENT.

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