MONDAY, Feb. 24â€"Farni stock, im- plements &c.. lot 19, con. 9. Mark- ham. the property of Isaac Cook. Sale at 1 o’clock. 9 months credit. TUESDAY, Feb. 25â€"-Fnrm stock. im- lemcnts &c.. lot 17, rear of 2nd com, Vest Yerk. the property of Ed. Pratt. Sale at 1 p.111. 9 months credit. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 26â€"Fnrm stock. im laments &c., Yonge St. \Villow- do e. the property of Jno. McKenzie. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 months credit. THURSDAY, Feb. 27â€"Fnrm stock. im- plenwnts &c., lot 20, con. 4. Mark- ham, the property oi Lance Nicholls. Sale at. 12 o’clock. 9 months credit. FRIDAY. Feb. 28~Farm stock. imple- ments_&c., lot 27. con. 2, Markham, the property of A. E. \Villiams. Sale at 12 o’clock. 9 months credit. SATURDnY. March lâ€"Farm stock. im- plements. etc., lot 22 con. 8. Mtll'k~ mm. property of Fred Tracey. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 most. credit. MONDAY, March 3â€"Farm stock. im- plements, ctc.. lot 7 con. 4, Scarboro. the property of Thos. MuxWell. Sale at 1. Terms 8 mos. TUESDAY March 4â€"Farm stock. im- plements,~ etc.. lot 3 con. 2. Mark- bam. the property of John Fisher. Sale at I2 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. WEDNESDAY. Mmch 5â€"Fnrln stock. implements. etc.. lot 25 con. D. Scar- boro Junction. the property of Geo. Chester. Sale at 11 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. THURSDAY. March 6â€"â€"Fnrm stock, in). plclnents. etc.. lot 1 con 5. Vaughan. the property of the late Frank Mor~ hy. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. cred- “. ~ FRIDAY, March 7â€"Hegistered Jersey Herd of Cattle. Registered Oxford- down Sheep. horses. implements, furniture. hay. grain, roots &c.. lot 15 con. 4. Scan bororthe properly (If the late Thus. Weir. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. TUESDAY, March 11~Farm stock. im- Q’lements, etc. lot 18 con. 2, West urk. the property of .135. Henry. Sale at 1 o'clock. 78 mos. credit. WEDNESDAY. March lZâ€"Auction sale of 50 head of Pure Bred Holsteins with pedigrees. Yonge street. VVil- lmvdnle. the property of John Mc- .Kenzic. Sale at 1 o’clock. THURSDAY, March l3â€"Farm stock. implements. lot 30 con. B. Scarboro, the- property of A. J. Reynolds. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. FRIDAY, Man-ch l4â€"Fnrm stock. im- plmnents. etc., lot 9 con. 7. Whit- church. the property of Gideon Bu- kcr. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. SATURDAY. March 15â€"-Fm-m stock. implements, etc.. on lot7con.10. Markham, the property of Geo. Bennett. Sale, at lZu’clock. Smos. MONDAY, March 17â€"Farm stock. im- plements, etc., lot 4, con. 2. East \York. the property of Mrs. Son- hexger. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. TUESDAY. March, 18â€"Farm stock. implements, etc., lot. 12 con. 5, Min-khan], the property of A. W. Brownlee. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. MONDAY, March 24â€"Farm stock. im- plements etc., lot 8. rear of con. 5. Markham, the property of James French. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. TUESDAY. March 25â€"Farxu stock, Im- plements. etc., lot 23. con. 4. Mark- ham. the property of Wm. Burk- holder. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. WEDNESDAY. March 26â€"Farm stock. implements etc... lot 29, con. 0, Scarboro, the property of James Creighton, Sale at l. 8mos. THURSDAY. March 27â€"Farm stock. implonwntsï¬tc, Yonge $1.. Finch’s Corner, the property of Mr. Scott. Salem 12 o’clock. 8 mos. TUESDAY. April 1 ~Fnrm stock, imple- ments etc. at Thornhill. Yonge St., the property of Risehrongh & Jack- son. Sale, at l. .8 months. I wish to thank the public in general for the Luge patronage they have favoured me with for nmny years and ask them for a continuance of the same. I l g l THURSDAY, Feb. libâ€"Farm stock. im- " laments ï¬le. on lot 7. con.'8, Mark- ' am. the pmperty of D. Story. Sale v “fat. 12 o’clock. Nine months credit. 1;!3XDAY. Feb. l4â€"Farm stock. imple. ' :ments. 8w. lot 14. cnn. 3. Markham '- mc propel-t of J. 0. Ellis. Sale is; 1 o'clock. ‘erms 8 mos. - OAWRMm Feb. 15â€"Farm stock. imo piewents am, low, can. 9. Markham. the property of Norman Cinnamon. .Bule at 12 o'clock. 9 months credit. Honour, Feb. l7â€"Farm stock, in» pic-menu 6:12., lot. 29. con. 4. Scarborn. the property of Wm. Unilander. ‘ Sale at. 1 o‘clock. 9 mos. credit. " TUESDAY, Feb. lSâ€"Farm stuck. im- piemeuts &c.. 101; 83, can» 4.51:5an, the pinperw of Jan. Bean-e. Sale at l. 9 months credit. WEDNESDAY. Feb. ISL-Farm shock. implements. &c., lot 7. con. 8. Mark- ham. the P1 uperty of Robt. Bailey. Sale at. l o clock. 9 mos. credit. THURSDAY. Feb. 20â€"â€"Fm-m stuck. im- plements &c.. lot 29, con. B. Scarboro. the property of W. R. Bell. Sale at. 12 u’cluck. 9 months credit. FRIDAY. F eb. ZluRegiste-red Kulstems, horses, farm implemean 810., Yuuge Sh. Thornhiil, the Property of Oat-l James. Sale at l o clock. 8 months credit. SATURDAY. Feb. 22â€"Fax-m stock. im lemeuts &c., lot 11. (mu. 6. Mark- am, Uniouvifle, the property of Thus. R. Hagexmah. Sale at l O’clock. 9 months credit. 1.11. PRENTICE’S LIST OF Auction Sales I rem'ï¬n yours faithfully J. H. I‘RENTICE, 239 Bullinl Stu Nor 1101,0311)! Elder-’3 Mills. TUESDAY. March 25â€"W. Maxsbead, lot, 2, con. 4, York. WEDNESDAY. March 26â€"Ge0. Mason, Eldel’sMills. THURSDAY. March 27â€"0rn Mather, - near Weston. FRIDAY, March 28â€"H. Swiuton, Unledon East. SATURDAY. March l5â€"Horses and cattle at the VVuodbridge Stock Yards, VVoodbridge. all, lot 28, gnn. 8. Albion. WEDNESDAY: March lQâ€"Ruht. Orr, lot 29, con. 4. Vaughan. THURSDAY. March 2()â€"-Wm. Egan. lot 33, con. 8. Vaughan. . THURSDAY. Match 20â€"Gem-ge Robin- son. con. 5. Albion. ' , FRIDAY, March 2Uâ€"Jno. Stung. Albion. SATUIQAEQNMarch 22â€"Juhu Smith, Salgeon & McEwenis Lst of ‘ i Plant Bowman's Auction Sales » fl.†.- v V TnonanAmFe-b; 1324mm secret. etc.. : GUAM}; IEED lot 8. con. 3, Tecumneth. property of U ‘ Wm. Rouley. Sula at 1. IT WILL (mow. FRIDAY. Feb. l4â€"Auctinn sale of Reg- iptered Durham cattle. horses and implements. lot. 32. got). 5. King. _. farms 9 may. Salem. 1 p.m. . OMBDA’Y. _F¢;h.:15;¢-Fum gtock. eta. as lslin on, property of W. A. Wood. ado at 1. M'onnAY.Feb. l7â€"Farm stock, imple- ments,‘ etc" property of Robert. ‘Vhite. lot. 2!, con. 8, King. Terms _ 8 mos. Sale at. 1 pp). a MonhAY. Feb. 175Fnrm stock, imple- ments, em. 2grroperty of Henry 9‘35... s.ié’2'u“‘....‘£“’8““- mos. w. Bowman #50]! co. TUESDAY. Feb. 18-217mm mt. im~ . , plements. etc..,_prnpo_rty of R. treet W near Bradford. Termes mos. Sale at 1' p.m. WEDNESDAY. Feb. 193-Farmstock, im- lementa. cm. property of Goo. ailtet, lot 10. con. 8. Toronto Township. Terms 9 mos. Sale at. l. WEDNESDAY, Feb. ISL-Auction sale of Farm stock, implements. etc., lot. 16.0011 2'. Vaughan. Property of Wm. Bone. Terms 9 mos. Sale at. l p. m. THURSDAY. Feb. 20â€"Farm stock, in). plements etc., the property of John Castator, lot-22 con. 6, West York. Terms 9 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. THURSDAY. Feb. 20â€"Farm stock, im- plements. etc.. property of A. E. McKay, lot. 7. con. 4. Tecumseh. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l p. m. FRIDAY, Feb. 21~â€"Farm stock. imple- ments, eLc., property of A. Caldwell. near Bolton. Terms 8 mos. Sale at 1 p.111 FRIDAY, Feb. 21â€"F‘arm stock. imple merits, etc., property of \Villiam Neil Mulloy, lot. 25. rear of 5th con. Vaughan. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l. SATURDAY. Feb. 22â€"Farm stock, im- plements, otc.. property of Jesse Rowe, lot. 1. con. 8, Tecumseh. Terms 8 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. SATURDAY, Feb. 22~Sale of house and lot in Maple, also horses and fresh milch cows. m We want on. more agents in this. county. w-- RIDGEVILLE - ONTARIO Dr. de Van’s Female min A relish]. French tognlator: never tails. The" pills Ire excudlngly oweriul In regulnting tho generative portion of t e lemlle system. Rotun- all cheap imitations. Dr. do Vow. are told at Is a box. or three tor $10. lulled to my address. rho look“ Dru; 60., Inc-thorns". Ont. GASSELLS Canadian ’P u b - ï¬shing Company The monthly magazines oi the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can-l ada by yearly subsaription at , low rates. A It is not necessary send to foreign couotrie I )1 mega zines. Read the followmg:-â€"- MONDAY. Feb- 24~Juhn ‘Vilson, 1‘9!" Dessel’s Magazine, per mmnm . $1.5! ) of 7th con. King, lot 19. The Story Teller .1 . 1.70 ’ MONDAY. Feb. 24â€"â€"Fau-m stock. im- The Qlllvel‘ - . . . . 1.50 I plements, etc“ proper-Ly of H, Wil. Musxcrtl llome Journal . . 1.5! limos, near Pennville. Terms 8 The Girls Realm . . . 1.5L mos. Sale at. 1 p.m. [flue Folks - . . - 1.530 TUESDAY, Feb. 25~Fnrm Sto'ti'k, ini- (’hums ' ' ' ' ' ' 1“†é plements. etc., propel ty of . Ho - ‘ ' .» land. lot 13' con. 6’ Adjahh Terms bubscrlptmns taken at THE 8 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. ' LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may he 2 7 l TUESDAY, Feb. 25â€"Farm stock. im- plements., property of T. A. Mam ning. Wellington Street. West. Au- . K I ’ rora. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l p.m. CASDE & COM PAN ‘ sent to WEDXESDAY. Feb. 26â€"Farm stock, 42 Adelnde W implements. etc.. property of the es- . . hate of the late Henry Line. near Tommi“; . Maple. Terms 8 mos. Sale at 1. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 26â€"Fm-m stock,- """" " ******* ‘ *â€" implements, etc†roperty of John . ‘ Fletcher, con. 10. uughan. Terms ~ 8 mos. Sale at l p. m. THI'RSDAY, Feb. 27â€"Farm stock, im- plements, etc., property of E. Bar- ton, near W‘eston. Terms 8 mos. Sale at 1 p. m. THURSDAY, Feb. 27~Farm stock. im- plements, etc.. property of William McLean lot. 27, con. 7, Vaughan. Terms 8 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. FRIDAY, Feb. 28â€"â€"â€"Farm stock, imple- ments, etc.. property of Joseph Jen- nings. lot 25. con. 8. King. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l p.m. FRIDAY, Feb. 28â€"Fnrm stock, imple- ments, etc., property of David Rum- ble, lot 2. con. 3, King. Tel ms 8 mos. Sale at 1 p. m. l SATURDAY, March lâ€"â€"J. A. Brillinger, Woodbridge Stock Yards, Wood- bridge. SATURDAY, March l-â€"â€"The late E. Gullnm, Toronto Township. TUESDAY. March 4â€"-\V. J. Wallace, fownline Vaughan and York. near VVoodbridge. W N R C WEDNESDAY.March5â€"Wm. Dtuison, ' ' - \i ‘\ .1 near Melton. i TIiURSDIEY. Magi: 6â€"â€"-James Bowes. *.â€Â§â€˜*.w ’ot l, on. 2. nughan. ' ‘w r *r FRIDAY. March 7~M. F. Homer. Lot. G 26, Con. 4, Whitchurch. SATURDAY, March 8â€"John cm, 1 All Styles, lm Pnlgrave. ' ‘ MONDAY, March 10-â€"â€"R. Topper. lot 1, New T con. 7. Vï¬ighgn,lgravel road. UESDAY. are 1 â€"Giddeon Burton. ~ ' ' mu. 9, Vaughan. Hockey bucks" . . .. . . . . . . . . ... WEDNESDAY. March 12â€"J. F. Donn, Hockey Skates . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . lot; 33, con. 2, King. ' WEDNESDAY. March l2â€"Catherwood I o I I I I n u o u I e u a I. 0 James, lot 3. con. 5. Albion. . . THURSDAY, March 13â€"Wm. Woods. Slelgh Bens' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ° ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ° lot. 16. con. 9. Vaughan. FRIDAY, March l4â€"Girl. Smithson, lot. 20. can. 4, York. SANITARY CHEM TUESDAY, March 18â€"John Bowman, - . near Weston. A Modern Convemence . -. TUESDAY, March 18â€",â€"B. Weldrick, lot 35, con. 1, Vaughan, Yonge Street. \N’prEsDAY. March lQâ€"John Marsh- The Latest and Best Musical Production and Talkin‘ 1343.013 :15 with Doube"Disc Records. â€"-UALL AND SEE AND HEAR THEM: PRICES FROM $17.00 UPWARDS. §§â€+§¢§¢§§§f§¢+ HEATING STOVIES . All Styles, Including The New Perfection Oi; Hes. Hockey Sticks.... . . . . . . . . . . ......... ..... ...froml Hockey Skates...............,...... . . . . . . from 50‘ Hockey Pucks.... . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . ....fro‘m1 Sleigh Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......Irom lOc GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond. Hill Gasser: Magazine, per mmnm . The Story Teller ._ . The Quiver . . . M usical Home Journal . The Girls’ Realm . . . Little Folks . . . Uhunm . . . . . M ï¬rflPPPP guwqum OF‘CO“ Musical Home Journal . . 1.5! The Girls’ Realm . . . . 1.5L Little Folks . . , . 1.50 Chums . . . . . . 1.6x Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to ' The monthly magazines oi the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subsaription at low rates. THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU. A relish]. French tqnlator: never (ails. The" pills are excecdingly owertul In reguhting the generative portion of t e lemlle system. Refus- all cheap imitltlons. Dr. do Vnn'l are [Old at E: ng. 9r3p13a for £10. 21:“!de 19y addgesg. SANITARY CHEMICAL CLï¬SETS PHONE 18 RIGHMOND HILL HARDWARE 8%. COLUMBIA ' GRAFONBLAS WINTER SPECIALS +++++++~i~a3§iÂ¥4¢+++w++t and. in fact, m erything in the hue of Harness. Blankets. and man nthex- articles necessary for your m-ness mom. The gmds we nï¬â€˜vr are 1“thsz made and Will stand the Weak that. you ex ect nf them. elinbh- goods at reasonable prices. H. FORSTER Repawmgi Scratch Feed Groarine (Shelled Oats), And other poultry foods ALWAYS 0N EMBED» F. R. OLIVER, AGENT 30 2 “Rirrhlmmd Hill. Beef Scrap Blood Meat 6’6 Bone. Paultry Bane, ( ' O y s L e r .E \Ve haye solid comfort in the way of OPPOSITE DR. LA NS. STA F F’S L 8. HAND. Blankets, Robes, Mitts Boots and 841695 Repaired NORMAN BATTY, MANAGER. OF GAMMA Ask Us About Them .. from 10 to 250 . . . 410131 100 to $3.50 >1; Heater .......from 10 to 750 . . . .from 500 to $8.50 AND. ï¬"fl a Mun-gar. Bunche- nfdo a! “gale. "Irish-Iii. Stonffvmg. {VII-Immanuel Locust Hill. OR BEAST G rib if an advantage somedxnes to ."Eoepsbankmmiï¬ï¬‚lem of two ‘penolu‘. so that either one may make wildnwds. Such an 95ch I W" ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDEE) TO.- Stack Farm Weéges.,; March 12, ’E3: A1539 Tamwomh flags J. B. PRENTICE,A110L. 38-“ d g MCKEM ZIE, Prop L, i. WWWREB 40 HGLS‘E‘EINS Wiltowdaie AUCTION SALE We don‘t tell you why we want the nmnesâ€"becausa perhaps you don’t care: if you do, or if you yoursclf want to earn good pay for work for usâ€"why tell us in a letter and we will explain our whoie m'oneyâ€"maklag plan to you â€"â€"'and uesL‘des you will learn ‘Sansmanship.’ Mail the list complete with flvo cents in coin or. qtamps to us right away, your latter to Sales mm, m; ‘Wltnm.’ 'Wltness’ Block. Montreal. ' Should your chums have had ex- perience In magazine or newspaper ceilingâ€"so much the bettervsend THEIR ham-as. Your list of names should. be mailed within seven (7) days after you read this splendid offer. Just as soon as we get your list or names. we will send one or these beautiqu Souvenir Pins‘ to you and you will er it immense- 1y. You can earn one too, easing; You only have to do three mm. FIRST. Right away now~take a post card or a sheet or paper and writ. out the mu names (0mm names and surnames) and full'ad- dresses or TEN boy friend; or chums whom you know would 11k. to earn some pockat money. (may. between 8 and 15 you: of no two in the same family.) SECOND. Sign Your name and addrm‘ at tin bottom 0.! the card or sheet so 1.11M. wa will know who nent't‘bo PATRONAGE SOLECPX’ED AND SATISFAGW}ON GUARAM‘EED “73- have hm received 0116 0‘ our Canadian SEEING LAMB AND INTERFEBING HORSES A SPECIALTY F. J. WUDDWARD. MAPLE LEAF PINS GEN ERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley Witnï¬â€˜ ' Bleak.~ Montreal ANY 0‘ our boys and mm; TH E ‘WITN ESS,’ FREE TH IRD. .. of...