Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Feb 1913, p. 1

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Salgeon a: Mc‘Bwen. bin-.3 pfi auctioneers for the County of York. 8%.».- . waqagdod to on shortqu notice and at rear um mle rayon Patronage gqlicited‘ AT THE ' Ufi'fifi‘. PfiiNTWG a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. snecial course in “Myer‘s” Kinder- gcu'tm} Method, pm-ticulnfly helpful ((1 iSc'Efvmt-rs. - V Them-611ml, Technical and Artistic Elements Developed Systematicnlly Acorn-ding ’to Moaem Methods. Linensod Auctloneer for tho Counties of York, Quentin and North Toronto. Special attention gweu to sales of every description. Farm nd fan-x11 stock sales a. specialty. Farms haught and sold on commission. All sales attanded to .915 shortest notice and conducted by the latest gsmudate methods. fiddress: 239 Balliol sc , Nod]: Toronto. Glu’ss teditais are given fimughxmt the m;- 421v MEN R, CAMPBELL.i Prawn-es upils for the gmde 0x- gn'linations eld at Tmuntn Cnnsprvu- tury of Magic and University of 1‘0; 11mm. {ha-m, Grainer and Pager-- Gulls by phone. ur otherwisu1 prumpflv responded Lu. The Newten 851209; at Musie Richmond Hill, 0m. Blame No. 28. ‘18 PUBLISHED EVER)” I} 1â€":I URSDAY MORNING 1‘. F. McMAHON. K’GMDESGE. RiCHHGND HIL W. Ml. HEVWSON '2 Samson, Mmpie VOL. XXXV. 237.. W. R. PENTLAZ‘ID mcmnwu Hm. KISS MILLIE TRENCH 45 I per annum, in advanced D. H, PINKERTON, V.S. ‘6 Fix-st. hume mirth uf Atkinson & fiwitzer’s stare. HOUSE PAINT Maple, ()nt, BUS [NE-SS 043.1381, ETERINARY SURGEON, "fligornhill. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE @112 @ikml " “(PIANO TUNING; LETTER“55‘7";5151‘5'gg RICHMOND HILL "I‘echer of Piano J; H, Brenbice Emma & Pnomxmoa. Phuue No. 2102. fiegeriunm RESIDENCE Hang-er. gamma}, J K McEwea Weston " NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEY 1 (PER. Richmona 1-1111 A large stack of Funeral Furnishing kep at both placés BARRISTER, Somcrmn, NOTARY, ETC. Tut-1m to Oflic 3. Runm 328 Confedera- tiun Life Bldg.. No. 12 Richmnnd St. E. Richmond Hill Office (“Lima-:11” Office), every Thursde fm-enoon. M aplt- Thursday afternoon. Vvadzhrideze, Saturday forenonn. Monev to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) Undertaken-s a: Emhnlmers. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILI Honey to loan on [andsuuahaueinyrtgagesat ' owesc rates Aural-8.081;; -â€"Remove<. no the old post OflJOJ one Ear great of the entuyncg to the Outano Bugk 7' ‘ Newman-lie! ofiiceLThree doors fiouth of the pastolfirte' r if! HE§BEIWLENN()X G STV Mona“: ' Aurora. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS ‘58 KING ST E., TORONTO. Canada Orgms Repaired and Expnrt. Work Guarameed Te-Irphuno, Main Gel hie Add r955. ‘ ‘fiwhx” A.G.F. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar LENNOX ($5 MORGAN Barrisgars,Salicitor,s. Notaries, 30c. Home {fie Building Cm. Adelaide & Vietuna Sl,s.. Twonto. . Â¥ . .1 Te; M. 363;, Stenoglaphe'rs. Bookkegpers. Cashiers. Office Aswistants. Com- mercial and Shm-thnnd Teachers am "In great demand if they graduate from the w. J. ELLIOTT. Fri-elm Cor Yong. M Men-dot su. “any former students are now earning from $700 to $2000 a your. We deal in only the BEST KIND of Practical Education. We use best systems, employ best [Niche-rs and produce the heat. reults. Entpr now. Catalogue free. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNHI 1., Id Déflton, Grover & Field Commissioner, Conveyancer. etc, Inéumnce, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. J EDWARD FRANCIS, ‘. Cameron MacNaughton GF. Lawrence Phone Main 2934 J. Dunbar ’ Lawrence & Dunbar. Barrister, Selig. er, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"~SUITE 3!. TORONTO UAiLY STAR, BLDG.. hi Kle} STREET WEST RICHMOND HILL.‘ONT.. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 191.31 ’voncmc AND . . . . ACTION Raeuuflue gofin 3.‘ @auidéon THORNHILL TORONTO. ONT. arr] 51ers and 50110110 n. . WRIGHT BROS. Barristers. Sulicmrs. &t:. WILLIAM COOK ELLIOTT flax}. “In Estentialc',‘ Un’ity; Li’fil‘Z‘Non- The door receipts at the Band Car- nival Monday night were $32. A good musical programme was given. and the skating was thoroughly en- juved. The"‘-‘fefln’wing won gig-ins:â€" Best Rep. custnme, Murray Mme-r. W. Brown: National costume. E. HOPDPI'. E. Walden 00min. Miss Smith: Child's costume. E. lnnes, J. Palmerf There was a good attendance at the Seed Fair yestprdny. The judges-â€" Messrs. James Ks-ith of Toronto. and- J. C. Stackléy of Hewmfirkph awarded thp prizps as follows:â€"-Spring wheat. T.W. Stephens; Barley, T. W’.Steph9ns. ()hafi. Clark: Oats, white. Fred Clark, W. Thompson:0nt.s. black. W. Thomp} sun. hat and 2nd: Pens. Inrgé, '1‘. \V. Ste hens. Chas. Jnnes; Peas, small. \V. We lman. W. Thnmpsnn; Timothv Seed. Chg“. Clary: Pn_tat0¢-a. fairly. '1‘? ca. n. W, Stt-nhI-ns. Chas. Jones: Potatoes. late. Albert J ones. 1st, and 2nd. Inter- esting and instructive addresses were afterwards given by J. O. Steekley, B.S.-A.. Dist. Rep. Ont. Dept. of Agn. J. Keith. W. H.0luhine. ILA. Nicholle. J. McLean. R. Thompsnn and athers. A vote of thanks Was given the judges for their valunbie assistance. 1 The chnir was occupied by Mr. J. J. Lunau, Vice-president. ' Many'frienah and relatives attended I the funeral of the latgg Jess? Richards . on Friday la'st‘.‘ He was in his Slst, year and lived ittâ€" his homp on the 5th f can. nearly allhis life, and was very ! highly respected. A memmnriul ser- vice was held in Testun church on ‘ Sunday morning. 'The concert given in the Masonic I Hall on Saturday evening was Well at- I tended. The“ artists who Dunk part l were J. A. Kelly, ventriloquist. and = Miss Kathleen Davis, child singer and l Pi?“i§§a _ , r Miéé Annie Rumble entertained a large number of her friends at :1 Val- entine part-y atrher home last, Friday evgning._ RevfMl'. Cochrane smurod the Faw- cett rize fol nratqyy 4t. Victoria Cul- legg nvstAweekfi ‘ The mnmhlv mm-Ling va‘lhfl W’nm- en’s Institute wq'é held on Weahwrda of last Week at the hmne- of Mrs. Â¥ . Milka. The chief feature of {ha meet- ing was a sewing cnntvst whvn each membprwhn engaged in it, prepzu-sd a block: for u quilt. The fnllnwiug re- peivedv' prizeszâ€"For best sewing, lst. Miss Gertrude- Nixnn. 2nd Mrs. \Vm. Thomas; Prvttiest block, 1st Mrs. J. B. McLean. 2nd Mrs. D. \Vutson; ueatest block, 1st, Mia; G. Gan-ow, 2nd Mrs, H. Kefi’v’rl' ' (Continued f1 om Jan. 30.) I left Buffalo in the evening for Con- esus, a town eighty five, miles east, to Visit, an old uncle, (a [nether of my muther.) in his 84th year. This place is wmlhy (if mute. Here you can See a. snmil Bti‘eu‘fll uf water rushing down it tieep ravine and dropping 200 ft. in 1; miles hefm'e entering Luke Conesus. ‘ which is nine miles long. and is n. ‘heuutifulsnunnerzesm-t; hu- che pe0~ ple of Rmhester which is only 40 miles noxth. My uncle. has two sons here with their families. They are! both carpenters and are kept. busy must, «if Ihe lime building cottages for tourists. Allow me [:0 make mention If one turn) I visited here. to examine it bdl‘u huilt, un the Guti-rh plan. (This plan is patented.) This lmrn i886 ft. wide, 36 ft. high in centre, and 120 ft," long and not (me [nest in the interior. This hum has 8 benls, was built, about, 20 yis. 1130, and l was in it, when the . wind was hinwing about, 60 miles an hum- and could not, feel a quiver. This farmer goes into mixed farming. He 2 has 140 acres. and had last, year 12§ ncres (.f cuhlmge which usually sells fur 9 dollars per ton. but is not wunLed niiw, as Lhe market. is nver crowded. from which he gut, ahuut 100.000 l heads. which he has in; present in the basement (if his burn. He nlsn has 4 cau-loadsnfapple cures and peelings: which he ships to Germany in he. i made intn \inegm; also 6 acres of vineyard along the slnpe of this deep ravine. i'rnm “hich he made in 19:12; 2500 gals of grape juice and 250i) gals. of Wine, and us I told him we use the grape juice. fur cnmniuniun services he ’ “VP me a lmttle to test; I remained pyer Suhbgith mtg attended sex vices I in the Methodist r: arch, and I must I say I hemd an old time sernmn from a vuung man, the Rev. Mr. Bucher, snh- ' ject:“Therefm-e let, us not. sleep as (in others." I also attended the. S. and was glad to meet, with n. peiirjle. who me willing to accept, the! whole ut' Genesis, (as there are many whn‘ talk I of cutting out the first, fifteen cnup- l leis) BAND CARNIVAL. (Tube cnnfih‘n'e'd.) SEED FAIR. M aple. Esgggctials,' Liberty ; in dllr things, Charity." Cages“, N. 'Y. » From the advertisement in another column it will be seen that a new suh- I division has been opened up in our village. The sub-division is to he one of thethe most desirable locations in the cor oration. being extremely well draine and with a magnificent view to smith and met. The price of the lots are very reasonable and terms are such that anyone can buy a lot at i). gpmpnmlively few dollars a vent: In View of the fact that suitable lots for erection of dwellings have been im- possible to obtain. and the few for sale being at prices out of all reason, we would think that this sub-division Will be entirely sold out within the next few months. We. are informed ‘ that before plan was completed some '- lOlots were disposed of. and there will without doubt he houses erected on property within the next ypauz In ! View of the fact that the rice-a are very reasomible, thus‘nflordmg an ex- cellent chance for investment. we can recommend same to those wishing tn purchase. Ralph Schell, after which interment. tuuk plat-e in the Carrville Cemetery. The sympathy of her friends was ex- pressed m the beautiful floral offerings amomz which was a. wreath presented by her yuung companions of (Jun-ville. She leaves to mourn her 1035 her par- ents, one brother and four sisters. Farewell qur dearest Ada Our souls were knit to thine. ~ But the memories of thy kindness still Ahout mn- hearts entwine. We hope again to meet thee Wh‘eti “£943 short jupgney’ei o‘er. Oh yes we hope to greet thee. On Heaven’s eternal shore. The deonest sympathy of a wide circle of friends goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Prentice in the death of their lie-loved daughter Ada, after a lung and distressing illness. Though a great suffer-er she was alwavs bright and cheerful and most. considerate fur those who cared for her with untiring devotion. Being of e; happy loving disposition she had nianv friends. The simplicity of her faith and her calm resignation to the will of the Heaven ly Father, was truly a benediction to all who were with her during those long months of suffering. She missed peacefully into eternal rg'ston Feb. 3rd and on the fgllowing Thursday a nie- mm-ial service'wns held'in the Garr- ville Methodist, Church, conducted hv gey._J.~W._~Mm‘gan. assisth bv Mr. The cfinclusinhé'u‘f this Convention will be 01" theutuumbimpmtance tn fuLure temperance work in the Prov~ ince of Ontario. Thursday morning and afternoon will be given upventirely m husiness. This will be brought hefdre the con: vention by l-epm ts of Committees and discussion thereon. ' Afeature nftlae‘conventlon will he the roll call of counties on \Vednesday afternoon. when the condition ofrnf- full-sin each county will be briefly stated by the County President or other representative. In cunupctifin with the Convention there wiH he an Art, Lnnn Exhibit, of a. very valuable series of paintings. en; titled “The Drunkm-d’s Children,” by the mind English artist, George I ., I, , I u g. n ‘ .-_ . Cruikshank: alga}; utwégvi'env- tifig Diagrqmg and Qharbs. _ . . . â€" - . u . - n v n w u - e n a ‘vfiUlbufly’ A'talvll my“. Of the 885 municipalities in the Province of Ontario. 501 are now dry, up will be as a‘x-esuln of the recent voting, and the movement throughout; the Province has certaian gained much in strength during Life past; pwelve months. ’ ' Single f-ate return rates. on ail rad,- ways from ail points in Eastern Unm nda. will obtain on the Convention plan good going from Feb. let to Feb. 26th. and good returning any time up to and including M‘ong‘am March n]! AL i mâ€" This yem’s Convention of the On- tm'io Branch of thé Dominion Alli- ance promises to he one of the largest and most, intez'esmn’g in the history of that great organization. Sessions of the convention will he held in Massey Hall, Toronto, on Wednasday and Thursd_a.y, February 26th and 27th. MEMO em; CONVENTION. DESIRABLE LO,ng Uarrville 33' Li; I g‘g-Mwwwmmfim M9. A most denim hle brick residence on Centre Street West mem- Y1 ‘ 31mm} and soft Water. good gardem, ; ’ ' a of fruit. nice lawns, a very?“ Several good farms in Vanfihan. ' Money tn Loam, fffnpnfing, &c. LASKAY P. O. A fine business or residential lotupn Ynnge Street. South of Contra Stu-(it. H. A. NICHOLLS the future. "AF, “7- u v hum-qu patronage in thséX‘fias'rt, ant-i- will earn- estly ’stx‘ive to serve you faithfully in 9}... Ann...“ Believing it will he hgneflcial to-oot buyer and seller, have decided. STIVER & \RAMER $£$$§i 8 ,. arson w}A. Sand ‘ §$+§*& ++++++++++++++++++++++$+§§ Coal, Flour, 7, Corn, Bran, ’ Wood, 860. AT THE L‘.N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR ” PERFUMES BELL PHONE JOHN ELLIS We thank the puhpg fiar tbe gfpermn “huh.-- :_ A‘,- \~ HAS FOR SALE Painter, Paper-hanger General Degorator RieHMCND HILL Manicure Sets flair Brushes 3.5115840!on GUA'fikaTEED. We solicit a. call no trouble to show om- lipeg .4“- O. EGAN LIGEXSED AUGTIONEER For the County of York. AFTER OCT. 9 T9 DO BUSINESS ON A ' CASH BASIS. Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill My Stack of fine lines of PERFUMES for are un-todate and Reasbnable m prices [Sing-1e cop‘iéé} RICHMOND HILL STIVER & RAMER. DEALERS 1N " Comb Sets Pictural Cards kid-+4 PRESENTS TABIQ' '34

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