ï¬'ih‘tml. RICHMOND HILL ï¬viéénae is not wanting to show that the temperance forces are fast gaining ground over their‘ op; ponentg- There are 835 municipali- Wfï¬s in: the iarovince, and 01 that 'hnmher 488, considerably more than half, are without licenses. Also of thew? municipalities where licenses~ are issued 125 have given a majority against the licensed liquor trafï¬c. Another step forward is anticipated (in the 26th and 27th of February the Ontario Branch of the Do- i‘iï¬niï¬'n .‘il’lï¬ia'nee will hold a. meeting in the Massey Mimic Halli. .yv Pine Grove. j?hone iWV-Voodbridge & vaughan. 33- 1 IS THE PUUG E The Metropolitan management '§hould certainly have an 'ektra car "H'Om R‘ibï¬ï¬ldï¬a‘ Hill south every monday ‘m‘drning at 7.36. Last Monday morning more than 20 pas~ "avengers were fbirce‘i'l’ tbï¬tand all the Way to t‘ï¬e'city‘, and that was no ex; teption to the rule; V (5+ TU». , '1 Bmley. asn \Vhite must??? GEES-,5 3:;L. 1509;! , 8,. mtgha n, . le‘sï¬N. [On the 2nd Con. of Markham, North of Lot 40, n Fur Coat. Reward at THE LIBERAL OFFICE “One 150 Egg Cyphm-’s Incubator in Eood condition. \Vill 5911 cheap. MISS MAPES, 33-3 Mr. F. chade will have anAuction -:?Sale of the above on Lot 80, 0011.2, 'Whitchurch. 1 mile East. of Aurnm, (m AUCTION SALE Thoroughbred Slim-thorn Bull, 01) Lot 28, Gun. 2, Vaughan. 'l‘euus $1 cash. JOHN SLINEY, Elgin Mills. 33JLf Rgcuubxn 11321.. 77013151)“ F23. Stovepipe time is here. 'I keep the best polished pipe on hand. Aony per- son can put together my crimped pipes. ‘V’i’insmithing. Grinding and All Kinds of Repaimg. SKATES SHARPEN ED Electrone Coal Oil, Machirie Ci], Motor Cylinder Oil, and Peerless Gasoline ' in stock. Charca], 3 bags for 25c. Come and see me. - JACOB EYER ‘H‘ORSES and 35 HEAD or HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN cows Seed Grain for Sale Rgmnn Tabular! cure dizziness. Thursday, February 20. mm. SALE AT QNE O’CLOCK. J. D. READMAN, For Service For Sale Fa? Sm Lost -_'(')"'F_ ONTA RIO Auctioneer. Headford 20,- 1913 About 40 bags’ot‘ good Seed Potatoes for sale. , Lot 31, Con. 3, Vaughan. Bhpne No. 1850.Ma.ple Exchamge. Orders now being taken f(1"pi'ing delivery, I913. Prospects bright for the season’s trade. Experience mnwvvssm'y. \Ve instruct our salesuwn hnw to 5011 Fruit Stacks in the country and Ornamental trees In the tmvn. START NO‘W‘and have ymu- territory renewed. \Veekly Pay. Free Outï¬t. \VRITE FOR TERMS. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAA AAAAAAAAAA AVAAAAV STOIJ'E <95 Wonderful Nervous System AGENT WANTED For Sale Applyis Fï¬NTE’EELL NURSEREES ALBERT :1ngs! â€"Â¥â€"‘f<‘O’R-â€"aâ€"- ‘RIOHLIOND HILL NEED NERVE To sell for the “The Old Reliable NERVOUS DEBILITY, VAFJCOSE VEiNS, BLOOD AND SKIN DXSEASES. GLEET; BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS We have treated Diseases of Men for almost a life- time and do not have to experiment. Consult. us FREE OF CHARGE and we will tell you “nether you We guarantee curable Free Booklet on Diseases of Man. if u::al_:!e to cull write fer The nerves control all actions of the body so that any-‘ thing that debilitates them will weaken all organs of the system. Early Indiscretiona and Exceuea Ila-V6 ruined thousands of promising young men. Unneturel Drains sap their vigor and vitality and they never develop 'to a proper condition of manhood. They remain weak- lings, mentally, physically and sexually. How you feel? Are you nervous and weak. despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitaiion of the heart. bashful, debilitating dreams, Sediment in urine. pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex- pression, poor memory, lifeless. distrustful, lack enervy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights. change- eblo moods, prematuredecay, bone pains, hair loose. etc. EARLY mmscnenous A8133 excesses "Ave UNDER- 1 MINED YOUR 8YSTEM This is the conditionour New Matth Treatment in GUARANTEED T0 CURE QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT kqlm’ntity of Early Potatoes, Irish Uobler, on Lot 27; Con. 2, Vaughan. HENRY WILSON, 34.3 ,. Elgin Mills. Ripans Tabuloa: at arugula“. Rinans Tabulea cure biIiougpeas. Ripans. Tabular: cure constigsuon. LINGTON. For Sale The Weï¬kw Sun Daily News Daily M90111 York 00,, u. our Daily Star, outside of P stowns and, villages 30-4 Subgsriptions for weekiy am} daily papam taken with The" Mbaml†at the folï¬ewing rates:~- - Farhily mama and Week- ‘ 137 Star, 1 year Weekly Globe W) VJeekly "Mail and Empire " r†(with premium) Eo?a} Farmer’s Advdo‘a‘te ' ' (Tamariiqh “19.71171 1: Canadian Farm A 1 . UU Daily. Globe, York Co. ‘ A ï¬rst-class fan-m of 100 news east, halfo lot, 28, can. 6, Vaughan. ()n the fa! m is a ï¬rst class bunk burn and brick house. Pusessiou April lst, 1913. Apply to ‘ _, ~ JOHN MbNAUGHTON, For Sale or Rent restores every nerve in the body PhOSphonOI to its proper tension : restores vim and vitality. Premature dcray and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make van a new man. Price $3 a box. or kwo for S5. Mailed to anv address, “£110wa0an 00., St. Catharines. 011$. yr“ TTQ‘WT‘ .37 family should have bath tLeir local paper and a Cit-Y Dagger. Maple. One 0an of \Vehst01-’s New Inter- nat'vfmml Dictfnnru‘y. This is ‘mub a revised editinn nf \Vuhsler. but a new creation frum cover“) cover. There are 2700 rmgvs, 6000 illustrnlimm, and the \‘nhflnu’humuins mme infm [nation of intvri‘sb tn rum-P ptmple than any other dictimmry. 'l'lw cr-py fur sale is indexed, and the k’arht-r binding: should last}! ï¬fe-limo. The. pub]i>hm-’.~z price is $13.00, less a. discount pf 25 per Cent. 43-t.f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Tho Next, Sitttingp f Dipsme 'Omwï¬o No. 3-, Crfdii’ï¬r‘kï¬ or , will be held in the Court Iwom. GMT. mm maximum) HILL A. J. HUME FINE TAILBRING Monday, Feb, 24, {913 AND NOTARY PUBLIC Dnmmencma (“9.80 n. m. RICHMOND HILL Spec-inf aifti-‘hQEcunag’Wéh Tn ..-eases. Wills, Etc. Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyanc'mg, E_r_1_quire at F03: Safe T. F. M CM A HOB" (Brim).va 3.50