St. Thoruhill. the roperty' of Carl - James. Sale at 1 oclock. 8 months credit. . ‘ SATURDAY. Feb. ï¬â€"Fnrm stock, im laments &c., lot 11‘. con. 6. Mnrk- am, Unionville. the property of .Thos. R. Hagenuan.’ Sale at 1 . o’clock. 9rmonths credit. I MONDAY. Feb. 24~Farm stock. im- lements &c.. lot 19. conrs. Mark. am. the property of Isaac ‘ Cook. - Sale at 1 o’clock. 9 months credit. TUESDAY. Fel. 25â€"-Fnrm stock. im- lements 810.. lot 17. rear of 2nd con.. est YOrk. the property of Ed. Pratt. Sale at 1 p.m. 9 months credit. ; WEDNESDAY, Feb.‘ 26~Farm~ stock. im laments &c., Yonge St... VVillow- do 6. the property of Jno. McKenzie. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 months credit. THURSDAY, Feb. 27â€"Fnrm stock. im- lements &c.. lot 9 . con. 4. Mark- am.the groper-ty 0t Lunson Nicholle. Sale atl o’clock. 9 months credit. FRIDAY. Feb. 28â€"Farm stock. imple- ments &c.. lot 27. con. 2. Markham, the property of A. 1. Williams. Sale at 12 o’clock. 9 months credit. SATURDaY, March 1~Farm stock, im- lements. etc., lot 22 con. 8. Mark- am, property of Fred Tracey. Sale at 1. o’clock. 8 mos. credit. MONDAY, March 3-Farm stock, im- . plements. etc., lot 7 con. 4. Scarboro. the property of’l‘hos. Maxwell. Sale at 1. Terms 8 mos. . TUESDAY March 4â€"Farm stock. im- plements, etc.. lot 4 con. 2. Mark- ham. the pro erty of John Fisher. Sale at 12 do ock. 8 mos. credit. WEDNESDAY. Mulch 5â€"Farm stock. implements. etc.. lot 25 con. D. Scur- boro Junction, the property of Geo. Chester. Sale at 11 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. THURSDAY. March Gâ€"Farm stock. im- plements, etci, lot 1 con 5. Vaughan, the property of the late Frank Mor- hy. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. cred- it. FRIDAY, March 7â€"Registered Jersey Herd of (little, Registered Oxford- down Sheep. horses. implements. furniture, hny. grain. roots &c.. lot 15 con. 4, Scar boro. the property of the late Thos. \Veir. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 [908. credit. SATURDAY. March SeFariii stock. im- lements. etc.. lot 35 con. 3. Mark- .nm. the property of D. Doner. Sale" at 12. 8, mos. TUESDAY, March llâ€"Fm-m stock. img lements. etc. lot 23 con. 2. \Vest ork.“ the property of Jets. Hendry. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. " WEDNESDAY. March lZâ€"Auction sale 9f50hend of Pure Bred Holsteins with pedigrees. Yonge street. \Vil- lowdale. the property of John Mc- Kenzie. Sale at 12.30 o’clock. THURSDAY, Man ch Iiiâ€"Farm stock. implements. lot 30 con. B. Scar-horn. the property of A. J. Reynolds. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. FRIDAY, March 14â€"Farm stock. im- ‘plements. etc.. 101:9 con. 7. VVhit- church. the property of Gideon Ba- ker. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. credit. ' > SATURDAY. ‘March 15â€"Fnrm stock. implements, etc.. on lot7con.10. Markham, the property of Gen. Bennett. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. MONDAY.VMarch l'lâ€"Fnrm stock. im- lements, etc.. lot 4. con. 2, East ' n'rk. the property of Mrs. Soo- hérger. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8mos. TUESDAY. March. 18â€"Farm stock. implements, etc.. lot 12 con. 5, 'Mnrkham, the property of A. W. Brownlee. Sale a! 1 o’clock. 8 mos. “7EDNESDAY, March 19â€"Fnrm stock, implements. etc.. lot 28 con. Scor- horo. the property of Wm. White. Salient 1. Sinus. .Trm': éAY. March ailâ€"Reg. Clydes- rrses. High grade cattle. im- » .uents etc. on lot2con. 4. East York. Town Line, property of J. 0. Hunter. Saleutl. Sums. SATURDAY. March 22â€"Fa rm stochiln- lements. ctr" lot 12 con. 5. Mark. am. property of Ross Stivcr. Sale at 1. 8 mos. MONDAY, Man-ch 24â€"Fnrm stock. im- flements etc., lot 8. rear of con. 5. arkham, the. property'oi James French. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. TUESDAY, March 25â€"Fnrn stock. Im- plements. etc.. 101 23. con. 4. Mark. hum. the property of Wm. Btu-k- hulder. Sale at 1 o’clock. 8 mos. WEDNESDAY. March 26â€"an- stock. implements etc.. lot 29. con. 0. Scarboro. the property of James Creighton. Sale at l. 8 mos. THURBDAY. March 27â€"Fnrm stock. implements.etc. Yonge St. Finch‘s corner, the property of Mr. Scott. Sale at 12 o’clock. 8 mos. FRIDAY. March 28â€"First class hrul of Dairy Cattle. lot 4» con. 3.\Eust .York‘. property of Pete; W. Milne. Sale at 1.‘ 8 mos. MONDAY, March 31â€"Fnrm stock. im- leinents. elc.. lot 28cm). 0.. Scur- v oro. the property of 'I‘. A. Putter- l'on. Sale at 1. Some. TUESDAY. April 1 »-Farm stock, imples ments etc. at Thornhill. Yonge St.. the property of Risehrough a Jack- . son. Sale at l. 8 months. THGMDAY, Feb. mâ€"Fm-m stands. im- piements &c.. lot 29, con. B. Scurboror 141192 roperty of W. R. Bell.- Sale at '12 clock. 9 months credit.‘ _ FRIDAY, Feb. 2l--Registered Hulstems, 130mg. fat-pguimplements &c., 2&3ng lax-vets 5 Si L11. PRENTICE’S LIST OF Auction Sales " J. u. PRENTI-QE. 239 Bul'linl St. Nm-lh Toronto. Tnuuwgt. Feb..2uâ€"¢Farm stuck, im- _ plements etcr. the property of John Castator. lot 22 Gun. 6. West York. Terms 9 mos. 'Sale at l p.m. THURSDAY. Feb, mâ€"Fur'm~ stock; imi- laments. etc†prupén‘ty of A. F; cKay. 1017' 7, cun. 4. Tecumse I. Terms 8 mos. Sale at l p. m. FRIDAY, Feb. 21â€" -Farm stock, imple- ments. etc., prn erty of A. Onldwal), near Bulbon. {arms 8 mos. Sale at l pan ' ' FRIDAY. Feb. 21â€"Farrm stock. imple menus, etch, pmperty of William Neil Malloy, lot 25. rear of 5th con. Vaughan. ’Ijerma 8 mos. Sale at}. SATURDAY. Feb. 22~»Farm stock. rm- Iements. etc., property of Jesse owe, lot-‘ 1. con. ’8, Tecumseh. Terms 8 mos. Sule'at l p'.m.' MONDAY. Féh. 24â€"Juhn Wilson, rear of 7th con. King. lot 19. MONDAY. Feb, 24â€"qu-m stqck, in}. plements, etclpropelty of "Fl-“WE- n Elder’s Mills. . ~ ‘ TUESDAY. Max-ch 25â€"â€"W. Maxateud. lot, 2, con. 4, Ym-k'. ‘VEDNEBDAY. Max-ch 26â€"Geo. Mason, - Eldel's Mills. THURSDAY. March 27â€"0"; Mather. near Weston. V FRIDAY. March 28â€"11. Swinton, Guledon East. / SATURDAY. (“March 15â€"Horses and cattle at. the SVoodbridge Stock Yards, Wuodhridge. Kin business paper! There in but on {armern' bunimu and market paper, "at I The Weekly 8n. esun 1019 right by numbing. Io mm m M ‘ m-‘w “can, “on.†Bxick House with ode acre of land in the Villa « ut' Headturd. Stable and Drh lug bed. Every fume: stoma I:qu Hut it. '69 ofl‘erod h; the dude“ £9: at:th gs, on, i; flair one. How can I. know thin it In does not lack. : tum busineu paper! What doctor or lune yer or human mtwgguld I). _'wiï¬hoqQ “THERE IS BUT ONE» Saigeon & McEwen’s List at Auction Saks Pm} To Rent T. THOMSON. Hendford . Cnssel’s Magazine, per annum . $ . TheSLvry Teller . . The Quiver . . . . Jusical Hnme Journal . The Girls‘ Rvulm . . . Little Folks . ‘. _. . Chums . . . . . rrrrrrfl 5'} 933423% RIDGEVILLE Dr. deiVan’s Femal_e_P_i_lls A reliable French regulator: never tails. These pills are exceedingly aowerful in regulating the generative portion of t e female system; Refuse :1! cheap imitations. Dr. de “mm are sold at '5 a box. or three for s10. Mailed to any address. an emu Dungeon 6:. Gammon. Ont. If is not necessaxy send to foreign co‘uï¬rie ! u maga zmes. Read the foilowm r:â€" Canadian P u b - ï¬shing Company The monthly magazines 01 like .abovg campauy cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subsaription at low rates. TflOS. WCBO‘WMAN' & SSN CO. CASSELLS’ Subscriptinns taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to ' CASSELLS & COM PAN‘ 42 Ade-l llde \V Toror‘tloj , NURSERY-:‘STOCK WINTER SPECIALS ; §§§§§§§§Q§N§§§§ ‘ HEA'I‘ING STOVES All Styles, Including The ‘ 1 New Perfection 01] Heater StiCKBUOIDOO0.00.05ionï¬oliootooruofooofrom Hockey Skates...>.....a_..f_...........““;§ 500 to $3.50 Puck80tuloogg“qnoolnooo I o o o o o o o ooogfrom BeIISCnooIIO'; o o c o o I c o o cocoon-oovoottrom We want We more agents in this county. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill A quern Canveniahce 92119 Latest and Best Musical Production and Talking Machme, with Doube “Disc Records. *UALL AND SEE AND HEAR THEM}â€" “ PRICES FROM $17.00 UPWARDS. Pruitt: Bowman's . GUARAMEED ' THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU. SANITARY CHEMICAL CLOSETS Prion. 16 RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE RR. IT \VILL GROW. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS LlMiTED M35553 F033. MAN ONTARI‘O ’Eï¬e ï¬tmm AUCTION SALE- THE STANDARD is the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Cénada. It is national in all it! It uses the most expensive engrav- ings, pgocuring the photographs from all over the worm; Its articles are carefully selected and its editcrirfl policy is thoroughly independent. A subscription to The ’Standardv costs $2123 per year- to anysaddress in Canada. or Great Britain. “71‘ have snlid cnmfurt in the way of Blankets; Robes; Mitts and. in fact, merything in the 11nd of Harness. Blankets, and many other articles necessary for your Harness room. ‘ The g :mds we ofl'Pl' a re honestly made and Will stand the wear that you expect uf thPll‘l. Reliable goods at reasonable prices. Repairng H. FQRSTER ucpdlullcul. v: uua yumâ€"â€" q â€". -_-_. form at investment. “app CPI-fleeE TORONTO .. RICHMOND ‘ HILL ’ BRANCH L. E. HAND, 1 Montreal Standaro Publishing Co... OPPOSITE DR. LAN()S'1‘AFF"$ Bï¬ots and Shoes Repa-i ed ï¬r @ANADA THE 391mm 9411?. human Limi’md, Publishers. Ask Us About Them m1), ‘ in 5 51 j 7 _ ' Mama. any»: 1:!» at Maple. Markham. Steuffvffle,'vnionvifle ma Léétin Hi“. MONTREAL GB. BEAST both principal and: liï¬tcréfl 15 the flat essential of an investment; the ability to realize qgï¬cklyth‘e tecond. Judged by these candida. a depoin in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form at investment. 40 HOLMEINS Wiflmvc’saï¬e ’ _ Sunk Farm Wedncs., march E2, ’R-3 7 Mm _ Tamworth mags J; E. P RENTICE, Aug. as.“ u" . lvchE 1v ZIE,‘ Prop1 ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0. PATRONAGE SOLICITE-D AND SA's‘ISFAC'1‘10N GUARANTEE?) LVS have Just received one M our Canadian ' . l SEOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A S?EOIALTY Yqu can earn one too, easily. You can! have to do three things. Fl RST. Rich-t away nowâ€"take a post can! or a sheet 0! paper and wfltd out the full names (Christian men and surname.) and full ad- am of TEN boy friends on chum. whom you know would 1139. to can some melt» mow. (Boy; mwm8cnd15yeanatlso4 no two in the gun. unruly.) SECOND. Sign your name and address at the bottom at tho card or shopt no Man the Hat completo_w1th nvo am. In coin or stamps to us right any, midi-easing your letter to Sales Divislpn, the ‘Wuueaa,’ 'Wltneaa' Block; Montreal. *Your Hit of ‘mmes should he mall“! within seven (7) days 3.!th you read this splendid otter. V Should yaur chums have had‘ax- porience In mgr-zine or now-pane . “Hingâ€"so much the betterâ€"sen ‘ THEIR names. MAPLE LEAF PINS Just 13 soon as we get your flat at names. we will send one at those beautiful Souvenir Pins to you an; yqu Wu), like it lumen“, We don’t all you why: we want the namesâ€"because perhaps you qgm’t care: If you do, or If you yourself mm to earn good pay Mr work for usâ€"why tell us In 'a lettpr and we will explain our r-holo money‘maklng plan to you --nnd oesldes you will learn ’Salesmamhlp.‘ ESENERAL BLACKSMITHL New Gormley . J. WDUDWARD. 'VVitnq-u’ Block. Monti-9:1. ANY» 0.; our boys and 31m THE WITNESS? FREE THIRD.