Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Feb 1913, p. 1

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uiua'ucd fluctioneers for the County of York. 3 I. w \bcou'led to on abortest noting and “1'09: um Lble rates Patronage solicitor! Thunrehcnl. Tw‘hnicnl and Artistic VEMInnnts vaelupr-d detpmai ically According to Mudex-n Methuds, The Newton School of Music Prepares pupils fur the graded ax- Mnilmtions held at. Tmonto Cnnsel-va- tm-y of Mnsie and University of 1‘0- l'untn. Special course in “Myor’s” Kinder- g'u-tml Method, particularly helpful to lu-ginnvrs. Uluss x the veal- {ii-tensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. (Mania and Noxhh Tomato. Special attention given to sales of every description. Farm and (1mm shock sales a specialty. Farms bought an I sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest; notice and conducted by the latent up-zo-dabe methods. Address; 239 Bailio} S3: , Noxth Toronto. Phone No. 28. Calls by phune or otherwise promptly responded bu. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. ’1‘ Samson. Maple AT THE £1858“. PRiNTlNG & PUBLSSI‘HNG KOUSE MONONDHLLLMT. HO USE PAINTER, ( luiar. Gz‘ainer and Paper Hanger. '1'. K. Mg MAIâ€"ION, RESIDENCE. R[CH.\IOND Hm. Is 9 UBLISHED EVERY B HURSDAY MORNING ‘JV. HEWISON MISS MIL LIE TRENCH D. H.- PINKERTON, V.S. DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL VOL. XXXV. 6! Der rmnurrh in advance,.]. ‘6 (3'41de hnuw nurth nf Atkinsun & Switzer’s store. Richmond Hill, Ont. VEI‘ERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hox'nhill. Maple, ()nt. sulgeon & McBwen. bUSINESS CARDS, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE recitals are given throughout “ 42-1y RICHMOND HILL Techer of Piano @lw :g‘p’ii'aml E one u & Paommmn. H. Prentice Phone Nu. 2102. s‘fietcrinam RESIDENCE ‘gficdiml. J K McEwen Weston A large stock of Funeral Fm'nisbirg kep at bath places COMMISSIONER. GONVEY AN”: (Juana-takers a: Emhnlmers. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHIU. W. J. ELLIOTT. Prlnclpal (’or Yonge and Alexande Sts. Richmona H111 Many former" stndonls are now Parnng fro m $700 to $2000 a. year. We dele in only the BEST KIND of Practical Education. We use best systems, employ bust teachers and producv the best results. Enter now . Catalogue free. BARRISTER. Somm'ron, NOTARY, ETC. Tux-unto Office, Rmnm Cunfedm-u- Hun Life Bldg.. Nu. 12 Richmond St. E. Richmond Hill Office (“Libel-:11” Office), every Thursday forenuun. Maple, Thursday afternuon. Wood bridge, Saturday forennnn. Monev to loan at Fin». Pm. nnm (Km Cashiers. 0m“). Assistanté. Gom- mercinl and ma‘thand Teachers are In great demand if they graduate from the owest "st-es Auroraotficeâ€"Removeu tr; the old post 01110.: one dear west at the entrance to the Outuno Bunk wamfirkel maceâ€"Three dum-s south of the pain o'flca 1‘ HERBEBTLENNOX G swv Moan“! Mouuv no loan on luudanuc LENNOX 6: MORGAN NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS ZU.K[NG ST (9.. TORONTO, Canada. Tt'll phnnv, Main Gable Address. “Dodu. Tel. M. 3631. 3051! .7. flavidson THORNHILL Grams Repaired and Expert Work Gulrantued A. Gd". Imwunce F. J. Dunbar Barristersfiouciwrs. Notaries. kc. Home Life Building Cm. Adr'lflide & Vich-m S's” I‘m-onto. PIANO TUNING REAL ESTATE. ETC. THORNIâ€"l I LL Commissinnm , Ounvcyancer, etc. Insurance. and Rem Estate Issuer 0f Marriage Licenses. Benton, Grover .. Cameron MacNaughton Stguogrqphers. Bookkeepers. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLUG.. lb’ KING STREET “'EST Lawn me 2: Dunbar, Barristers and Solicitors. TORONTO. ONT. [. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 27 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. WRIGHT BROS EDWARD FRANCIS WILUAM COOK Bnl'l'istvl's. Suiinlul‘s. &l:. VOICING AND . \ . ‘ ACTION REGULATING NOTARY PUBLIC loan at Fire Per Cent (5%) Aurora. mam. “In Essentiaiv, Unity; in Non-E G S'rV I'IOBGAN channel mortgages“ Phone Main 2994 & Field 'ER. ETC. BAKERâ€"At. the residence of her sun-in- law, Mr. John Forester. New Gormley. on Monday, Feh. 17. 1913, Mrs. Eve Baker. In her 92nd year. Interment. nem- Duntmun, Ont. ESPEY â€" 0n the second Concessinn Vaughan, on F1 iduy. Fol). let, 1913, Jean Hislnp, Wife of Josvph Espey, in hEI'GSIh year. . Interment in Richmond Hill Ovmetery Tuesday. ' Parliament Buildings, Tul'untn, Feb- ruary. 24, 1913. > Last svssion the Opposition tried to find put who had sent, the telegram ‘which was signed “J. P. VVhilney.” The Prime Minister at, that time said the telegrmn must have lu-enn fur- gery and that he Would not, he sur- prised if the man whn had sent, it was not far away. This session the Oppo- sitinn again lnought up the subject and for several days the Prime Minis- tm' refused point blank to answer the guestlon, Finally aftm-m'el- a year’s elny, he did bring down the telegram and admitted that he hm] sent it. him- self after 9 o’clock in the evening of December 9lh. 1911. The General Elections tuuk place on Dezember llth. [911. The spvctacularvvent of last Week was the admissinn by Plemier \Vhit- nuy that it was he himsvlf who had sent the. Elk La ke Telegram unly two davs before the last general electim), stating that the Government was go- ing tn build a branch line 0f the T, 8: N. 0. Railway tn Elk Lake. It was this announcement that assured the election of the Gtmservutlve candi- date in l‘ilhisknming. As a cnnlmst, [n the cunstuncv of Oppunsibiun’s temperance policy which ‘is n elem-cut, straight, funvurd issuv. the Government; this wvek Showed how vacillnting they are. Last. SPRâ€" siun thi-y intruduced a Innuun tn almi- isli (ll-eating but nothing has been dune tn put, it. into Fifi-cl. This \"L‘t'k in drfeating n mntinn Pxpn-ssing w. grab the Guvernnn-nt has lulu-.11 nu fin-ward step in temperm'cv. Hun. Mr. Hanna furecnsted smuc sun-L nl‘ ll-gislu- Linn. This is much lnanindvfiniLv than llwir policy (If Inst SPasull and is a definite prnuf that, th \Vhitnvy Government have no settle-d idvus m- principlvs :Ilmnt lvnnn-mnce lvgislw Lion but are simply lnukingumund fnrsmue policy with which Hwy can make sume slmw‘ of interest. 3. The. strict enfmcmneut «If the lil\V lly ufiicinls in sympnlhy with law enfnrcenwnt, and the elimination of pnliticul influence from the adminis‘ er-tiun of the law. 4. Regulation and inspetrtinn of all hollst'Suf public ente-i-minuwnt so as mvnsure reasmmhlv umhmmudntiun fur the travelling public. ', ’ . ' ’ "‘r ‘ l('nCP, may shuw In lwnecussnrytn limit ils opt-Intiuns and s-fl‘ective tn renwdy its P\'“s.-â€"â€"L(Il'ali Optinn Ln he maintained as a IIIHIIN nl wiping out the u-sidlw of the retail .snlv where the elvclurs so decidv. The third week was nun-de by much iqum-tzmt business. One of the outstanding feature-s was the intim- duvtinn hy the [A‘Hdi’l' nt' the Opposâ€" itiun. Mr. N. \V. Rowe-ll, of .1 rvsnlu- Linn nmfi‘inning his policy tr' Almlish the Bur. The policy is itlentic-il with lhnt‘uf last. svssnn. Thenctual resulti- [ions included drtuilswhich formerly wem pal-t uf the policy and which wvw explained clvurly by Mr. ROW?” but which were nut actually included in Ll“- fm-nml lesolutinns, fort-xmuple. the point ut' :lhnllbhlng club licenses mid the nil-thud of limintmining Local Optn-n as a inn-nus ut’ wipiugnutthe re- tnil sale when- the c-lyctm‘s so (lvcidv. The resolutian follnwszâ€" l. The iumwdiute nlmlitinn uf thv bar. invluding then-Fin tln- :almliliun uf nll hate] and club lit-mm-s and there- with the treating swtvm. Headford. Althmyzh she hftfi reached the cmnt- 2. Suvh UNIl'lt'l'l-‘Sfl'iulrihlls mm“ the rusudur uf [he liqunr traffic nnd (‘Xpr'l' Spqcial so Tim Lummu : ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. DEATHS ssentials, Liberty; inull things, Charity." The Choir of the Mothndist Church at n meeting held ml \Vodnesduy oven- ing presented Mr. J. Earle Nowtnn, their retiring organist; with a gnld handled umbrle and an address as a token of appreciation] of his svn ires as choir master and organist" Mr. New- tnn made a suitable reply. after \vhivh refreshments were served in the Gym. »â€"Newmarket Express-Herald. The. members of the Yuung Men’s Bible Glass nf the Methodist, Sabbath Schnul entertained ubnut, thirty of their friends at; the Pnl‘smmge on Mundnv evening. All report, 4 very enjoyable time. I RPV. Mr, Cnchrnne will give aleclm-e nn Northern Ontario, in the Methodist Church. next Monday evening, com- mencing at 8 o’clock. Admission 10 splits, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mum-e of Fenelon Falls spent over Sunday part. of their honeymoon at, the home nf Lheir uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs, W. Camp. Mr. G. Mchnaldund family have nde intn the house purchased fwm Mr, J. H. Kirby. ..- y.... uuyw months at the, Mr. H. Bailey left for his home in the west. .Lm'ge clmvds were presvnt at the difl’urent sessions of the Sn hlmt h Schn’nl cunveminn which was held here last week. InLPI'PStillg addresses. which called fun-discussinn. were givan, and a pleasant and profitable time was spent. 01) the second day the Indies of the cungregatiuns served meals. which were highly appreciated. Mr.E. Gnddgm who spent the pa_st two to h . ‘ . . AI.,. 0 " " ' Ithen cume on to Algonquin and looked through the Holstein herd of R. E. Hanger. Here I saw cows that fill an 8 gal can at, two milkings. They have fnur sin-s weighing from 2100 [u 2800. At. their sale on May 15, 16, 17, 1912. they offered 300 head the Highest cows bringing 1600.00. , r V. ,mu. u”.- uuwu 1WD, run- mm-y lat I returned to Crystal Lake, and as I had Lu wait. him hours fin-"1y train I walked 2 miles to the Lake \vlwru they are putting in ice. They expect to put in 50.000 tons, and also [and 30.000 tuna (m the cars this win- it?!“ ’l‘hk')’ nifered me fifteen cents an huui- but. I told them I could bent that, at Lake \Vilcux. They also haven stuck farm of Gum-nsavs here. They claim to have the bust Guernsey cow in the World, with a recnrd of 15,000 lbs. 0f milk. 730 lbs. hunter fat and ulsn raised a calf. Aftel-taking off CNS! of feeding and labor they had a pryflp of $130.00 Janum-y :flst I went 5 miles further tn visit, nlnrv flitâ€""(ls and in the after- uwm \n-nt. Z3 unit‘s ful'bher to (Hwy: stall Luke, mud lmck l7 milesonane other line to Palatine to fish, Henry S. Hvise whu lived un lot 25, con. 3, Mnlklnun. now owned by Joseph Geo. Hv is cashier in the Bank nf [his place. 1 had nut. seen him since 1880, Feb- (Continued from last week.) In concluding my visit at MayWood let me say that Mr. Pitt is the Justice of Peace here and it keeps him quite busy to keep these 10,000 in their proper place, There is an object of charity in this place. Miss Kittv Smith, 30yeau'sot' age. who lived in Chicago when 9 years old, and lost her mother-then. and her rather be- cmnen drunken-d, and she, seeing it bottle of whisky, also took some, and her tether told her to mnfike the fire. and in doing so she was‘ overcome with. the heat, and fell with both hands on the stove; and was burnt so badly that her arms “did to be um 11- mted 3 inches below the shoul er. She was cared for in difl’erent Homes until she Was 21 years, and now she has founded a home for crippled chil- dren:in Maywood. She has made umuy things with her feet. which Would lmffle many a ma n or wonmn who have two hands. She has written a. book of her life which she sells for 25 cents to help support her- self. Address, Kitty Smith, 902 South 8th Ave.. Muywood, Ill. Jmiuurv 30th I went to \Vest‘ Chi~ cugo. 30 miles from Chicago, to visit a number of relatives, also wenti through the Union Tool Mfg. Co’s} \Voiks, where they manufacture all kinds of tools for drilling oil wells. Here you can see iron 20 in. square and 3 ft. 6 in. long heated to in white heat and then placed under a 500 ton hnmmerund shaped into drills and tubes of various sizes. The men have no ditficultyin keeping warm. One man who has invented a double net- inz drill and helps to make them. gets $35 per day. Heie you can see scores of men Working with the white hot metal, and nmny more are finish- ing them with Chisels and planets. I ulso went through the Sash and Door Factory, where evelything required to build it house is made. even to putr ting in the glass. The lumber uSed is mostly oak. i LETTER FROM H. R. flElSE‘ PRESENTATION (To be canfnuud.) Maple. . 1913 354’? Livery & Teaming LASKAY P. 0. We thank the publin for the genera“: patronage in the past, and will earns estlv strive to serve you faithfully in the future. Believing it will be beneficial to not buyer find seller, have decided. MINWN HOUSE STIVER & RAMER Coal, Flour, Corn, Bran, Wood, 860. AT THE C.N.O. STATION AND ELEVATOR gyms ACCOMMODATION -++++++M++M+H++%Wi+; E w. A. WM BELL PHONE JOHN ELLIS t+++++M++N+%i-**%%WWN Painter, Paper-hanger General Decorator RICHMOND HILL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED; LICENSED AUCTION EER \Ve solicit a call no trouble to show our line-s Manicure Sets flair Brushes AFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A CASH BASIS. For the County of York. C.- E GAN FOR EVERYBODY. are up-to-date and Reasonable m prices PERFUMES My Stack of fine linés PERFUMES for STIVER 8: RAMER. DRUGGIS‘I‘ RICHMOND HILL [Single copies, 3 cm. DEALERS IN Comb Sets Pictural Cards PRESENTS 1;. B. STONE, Prom ONTA RIO No. 35

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