ED. 7. An old negro, taken ill, called in a. physician of his own race. There being no signs of improvement he at last asked for a White doctor. The doctor came, felt the old man’s pulse and examined his tongue. "Did your other doctor take your temperature ’1†he asked. “I don’t know, sah,†replied the negro; “I ain’t missed anything but my watch so far.†Mlnard‘s Llnlment Cures Distemper. “Why does your servant go about the house with her hat on ?" “Oh, she’s a new girl! She only came this morning, and hasn’t made up her mind Whether she’ll stay yet!†Before starting on the road to ruin a man should secure a return ticket. The French Government has built a training establishment ad; Fonâ€" tainebleu, and the dogs are largely used for messengers. Major Richardson also gave his audience the very latest details of the employment of dogs by foreign armies. The whole of the Bulgarâ€" ian irontier is guarded by dogs, which are with the pickets and de- tach-ed posts. llllnard's Llnlment Cures colds. Eta. It Runs Hand in Hand With Bronchitis, Weak Throat, Pneumonia, Consumption. Doctors Mate that 95 per cent. of the Canadian people suffer from Oatarrh. Few escape it. You can easily recognize it from the bad taste in the mouth and from lack of appetite in the morning. In bad nae-es the mucous drops from the throat into the stoth and causes nausea. The throat ï¬lls with phlegm, the» patient svneezes and coughs continually, not infrequent- ly the-re is lassi-tude and chilliness and aching in the limbs. [8 Fatal Catarrh You send the soothing vapors of 't’he pine woods, the richest bal-sams and healing essences, right to the cause of your cold by inhaling Ca,- tarrho-zone. Little drops of wonderâ€" derful curative power are distri- buted through the Whole breathing apparatus by the air you breathe. Like a miracle, that’s how Catarrh- ozone cures bronchitis, caterrh, oolds, amd irritable throat. You Simply breathe its healing fumes, and every trace of disease flees as before ï¬re. So safe, infants can use it, so sure to relieve, doctor‘s. prescribe it, so beneï¬cial in preventing Winâ€" ter ills that no person can afford to do Without Catarrhozone. Used in thousands of cases without failure. Complete outï¬t $1.00, lasts three months, and is guaranteed ’00 cure; smaller size 50c; 3,11 dealers or the Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. In peace times the dogs oo-uild be Gained at a central establishment and drafted to the various regi- ments, where, as is done abroad, they could be used with the sentries in forts, aeroplane sheds, magaâ€" zines, etc., and incidentally reduce the number of s-entries required. Doctors recommend Czatarrho~ zone, it is nature’s own cure. It drives out the germs, heals sore spots, clean-s away every vestige of Catarrhal mind}. British Oflicer Tells How They are Used in Balkans. Lecturing in London, Major E. H. Riohardso-n, who has just re- turned from a visdt to Montenegro, strongly urged the use of dogs in the army for scouting and sentry work, for searching for the woundâ€" ed, and as messengers and ammuni- tion carriers. 'ake LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. )ruggists refund money if it falls to cure. I. W. GROVE’B signature is on each box‘ DOGS FOR SENTRY WORK. 'l'O CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY The Other Doctor. in Your Family? ISSUE 9â€"‘13. But- in writing the “8†on Pat’s defaulter~sheet the pen spluttered. Pat noticed this, and leaned for- Ward.- ' You can judge what a man hasn’t done by What he is going to do. Irish wit is a. well-head that has never been known to run dry. Pat Maguire had been misbehaving, and appeared before his command- ing ofï¬cer, charged for the third time with drunkenness. Pat stated his side of the case with all the eloquence at his com- mand, but lshe colonel was unmov- ed. “Eight; days in the guard-house I†heï¬ said, sternly. ' ' “Thry if ’twill make a ‘3’ anny aisier, sorr,†he suggested, in a persuasive whisper. Few of us are perfectly happy, and few of us deserve to be. It’s the interior of a. man’s head that counts. Your Eyes Need gareF No grunting-Feels F1neâ€"-Acta Quickly. Try lttor Red,‘Wouk, Watery h as and Granulated Eyelldl. Illuatntn Book in each Pack-Liza. MURINE is com- ï¬onnded b ourOouHstsâ€"notnflhtenfl edlcine" m. used in successful Pb 31- clans’Pmcclce for many years. ow dedicated m the Public and sold by Drugglsts at 250-500 per bottle. Murine e Salve 1n Aseptic Tubes, 26c-500. Mlnard's Llnlmont Cures Garza! In cam. “an; Young Eyesï¬ Needï¬ "Is your Wife a suffrage/ate '1†“Yes,†replied Mr. Meekton, “to a certain extent. She thinks she ought to have the ballot, but she knows a. lot of women who she is sure do not deserve it.†Via Chicago and North Western Railway. On sale daily. March 15th to April 15th inclusive, from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria. Van couver, Nelson, Rosslaud, and manv other points. Through Tourist sleepers and free reclining chair cars from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop overs. For full information as to rates. routes and literature, write or call on B. 11. Bennett, General Agent. 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. ‘71 was just making believe, moâ€" ther, that another little boy was spending the day with me.†“What do you mean, Robert, by taking more cake than I said you might have?†It happens every time you treat a corn with “Putna.m'a"â€"Corn diesâ€"never re- turns. Nothlng so certain and painless as Putnam’s Corn Extractorâ€"my it. Fifty years' success guarantees its merit. 250 bottles at all dealers. Could Lawyer Defend Him Better. Sentenced to Immediate Death The Duke is the head of the pew- erful Marlborough family. to which Mr. Winston Churchill is related. The ï¬rst Duke was the famous soldier who gained the great vic- tories of Blenheim, Ramillies, Ouâ€" denard, and Mvalplaquet, and the family have always ï¬gured conspi- cuoust in‘ military annals. The present Duke was born fortyâ€"two years ago at Simla. In 1895 he married Consuelo, the daughter of Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt, the New York millionaire. He served with the Yeomanry in South Africa, and acted as A.D.C. to Lieutenant- General Ian Hamilton. He has alâ€" ways maintained a keen interest in politics, and from 1903â€"1905 he was Underâ€"Secretary of State for the Colonies. Despite the efforts made by influ- ential persons to heal the breach between the Duke of Marlborough and his wife, no success has been echieved in this direction, and the Duke’s sister, La/dy Lilian Gren~ fell, acted as hostess. Their two sons, Who are rapidly growing out of boyhood, spent their Christmas at Blenheim and then joined their mother on the Continent. Low Colonist Rates to Paolï¬o Coast DUKE 0F MARLBOROUGH. Duke of Marlborough. Pat’s Remedy. Murlne Eye Remedy 00.. 'Chlclad _1_'r_y Muriger Eye Remedy Limitations. “I never could. understand why people dock their horses’ tails,†said Dubbleigh. “High cost of liv- ing,†said Jorrdcks. “Got to dock something these times.†An Advantage. “There’s one advantage in the high cost of living.†“What’s that ’1†“It takes all that I earn to live, so that I can never get enough ahead to invest in worthless stock.†That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip in Two Days. 25c. Mlnard's Llnlmont Cures Diphtheria. The Difference. “The unfortunate peasant women of Europe carry burdens on their heads.†' “So do the fortunate society wo- men 0L this country, but they call them hats.†The news of the death of Mme. Simon was only known at the hos- pital nine hours later, and caused a great sensation amo-ngat the doc- tors on the staff. ‘ - Montreal Man Conquered his Old Enemy by using GIN PILLS Mr. A. Beaudry of 597 Panet Streef, Montreal, thus expresses his great satisfaction with GIN PILLS. “It affords me great pleasure to infer?!) you that I have used GIN PILLS for about six months, and that they have done me a great deal of good. I have had Rheumatism for a couple of years. and last winter I saved myself from it by using GIN‘ PILLS.†At the same time, Mme. Simon’s sister, who had nod; seen or comâ€" municated with the former for the week, became hysterical, saying that her sister was dead, and that she did not want to survive her. During the temporary absence of the nunse, the woman got out of bed, opened the window, and jump- ed i‘TJlt-O the road from the ï¬rst floor. Thus Mme. Simon, a Swiss wiâ€" dow, aged 50, became greatly dislâ€" Lressed on account of the removal of her sister, who. is ï¬ve years younger, to a hospital. Sevéndays af’oerwardls, a number of persons, who had ascended the -' Slal‘eve, 4,290 feet high, by the funicular railroadx were horriï¬ed to see a woman walk out onto a ledge over- looking a sheer precipice of 300 feet, and, after carefully wrapping a shawl around her head» and face, jump into space. The woman was Mme. Simon, and she was found on the cliffs below in a, mangled condi- tion. * '5oc. aubox, 6 for 2.50. Sample free if you write Nation Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. ‘35 N9 ï¬ï¬EUEï¬ATiSM LAST WINTER Sisters Kill Themselves at Same Time Tlmugh Separated. Is there such a, thing as “suicidal telepathy†at work among-5d; us? An incident which has j ust occurred near Geneva, Switzerland, certainâ€" ly [suggests that this force may be at work in certain countries and lead to most disastrous results. “At the age of six I had Scarlet Fever,†Mr. Ladd states. “At twelve I had Typhoid Fever, and at fourteen I had Measles. About a year later I began to be troubled by swellings of the face, feet and hands. The doctor told me I had Kidney trouble. He gave me me- dicine but the swellings continued to come at intervals of a week to a. month. Loren G. Ladd only found complete relief after using the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Ladd’s Mills, Stanstead 00., Que, Feb. 24 (‘Spe‘cial).â€"That the seeds of disease left in the body after an illness are sure to cause trouble is the experience of Loren G. Ladd, a well known young man in this community. Mr. Lad-d has also learned that those seeds can be cleared out of the body and per- fect; health restored by Dodd’s Kid~ ney rPillrs. “Two years ago one box of Dodd’s Kidney Pills stopped the swellings. Last Winter the swel« lings returned and again I was cured by using Dodd’s Kidney Pills.†Healthy Kidneys strain the seeds of disease out of the blood. Dodd’s Kidney Pills make healthy Kidneys. AFTER EFFECTS OF SPEEDILY VANISII WHEN YOU USE DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. Only One "BROMO QUININE" SUICIDAL TELEPATHY. LONG ILLNESS “Well, you are all right, except as to your head,†commented the other part of the conversation. “How’s that 7†“The part you talk with is out of proportion to the part you think with.†' “I’m a self-made man,†said the proud individual. Gentlemen,-â€"-My daughter, 13 years old, was thrown from a sleigh and injured her elbow so badly it remained shit! and very painful for three years. Four bottles of MINARD'B LINIMENT completely ouréd her and she has not been troubled for two years. ' J. B. LiVESQUE. St. Joseph, P. 0., 18th Aug., 1900. Minard’s Liniment 00., Limited. , A magaZine writer who has gone “back to ,the farm,†tells about “sixteen hours of nothing but play.†We’ll leave it to any three farmers picked from any commuâ€" nity to determine just what kind of a liar that writer is. The large family size bottle, which sells at 500., is the most economical; trial size, 250. Your storekeeper or druggiat sells Nerviline, which is prepared by The Ca- tarrhozona 00., Buffalo, N. Y. 48 Dr. Morse_'s Indian Root Pills “In our home we use Nerviline frequent- ly. For cold in the chest, pleurisy, hoarse- ness, etc., it is simply wonderful. My husband uses it for rheumatism. and I oftenremploy it for neuralgia and sick headache. Nerviline has so many uses that no mother can afford to be without it.†Constipation "Bringing up young children has its re~ sponslbilitiés under the best of circum- stances," writes Mrs. E. G. Fagan, of Holmes’ Corners, “but, croupy colds add considerable to the worry. My little family of four all went through the croupy era, but, I alwaya had Nerviline on hand and never felt nervous. I just fol- lowed the directions, and I can tell you that nothing I know of is aurer to cure cx‘oupy colds than Nerviline. It Positively Brings Children; Out of, Danger and Relieves at Once. The “Slumber Saloon,†however, is to give the Berlin-er his beloved mdiday nap again, in spite of his shortened lunch time. In a quiet little side street in the heart of the city the Palace of Morpheus is being erected. The building will contain sixty little cells or cubicles, each one furnished with a. broad ottoman and a. freshly covered head cushion for each visitor. The floors of the building will be covered in thick noise-mufflng carpets and deep. and unbroken silence will be the impen ative rule of the place. For Croupy Children chp ‘Ncrvilinc’ Handy The German, despite the tremen- dous amount of work he is able to get tlhrough in the day is very fond of his afternoon nap. Until quite recently practically every business ï¬rm in Berlin although the working hours were from eight in the mornâ€" ing until eight in the evening, alâ€" lowed its employees two and a half or three hours for lunch. Every- body fro-m the chief tolrthe ofï¬ce boy had time to journey comfortably to his home in the suburbs, partake of lunch in dihe bosom of his family and enjoy, a, sound “forty winks†before waking up for coffee and cakes and returning to his labor-s in town. But with the adoption of what is generally known here as the “Eng- lisuh lunch hour†the beloved sleet-a. became a, thing impossible, and the clerk and his chief after eating lunch in a, restaurant could only spend their spare half hour in a. crowded cafe or on the streerbs. German Firm .15 Building One with Sixty Bunks. An attempt to counteract the evil effects of the “humle†of modem bwsiness Life is about to he made by an ernrbergpri‘sing Berlin (Germany) company,“ which will shortly open a. “Slumber Saloon†for Berlin workers. A MOTHER TELLS HER EXPERIENCE. In an (many within the camp. It will undermine the strongest constitution 59d. rujn the. ngpst yigorqtgg health. t leads to indigestion, biliousness, mpure blood, bad complexion, lick heedacheo. and is one of the most invent causes of appendicitis. To neg ectitie slow suicide. Dr. Mom'- In inn Root Pills positively cure Constl tion. They are entirely ve eta le In composition and do not lie en. weaken or gripe. Preserve your health by taking SLUMBER SALO0N NOW. Not Balanced Right. Another Ananias. Yours truly, to break a plate-glass . window. Dropping the ladder he started off at a run. The shopkeeper, who had witnegsed the mishap, dashed after him and caught him by the collar. “See here,†he criedan- grily, “you have broken my win- dow!†“Sure I have!†assented the Irishman. "And didn’t you see me running home to get the money to pay for it?†' 150 acre farm, good location, with half mile frontage on Shuswap lake, 31-2 miles from C. P. R. main line. About 15 acrel cleared, about 5 acres bearing orchard. some young orchard. house, barn, sheds, spring water, fencing, timber, some fur- niture and implements. A good buy suitable for fruit. or mixed farming, an will make a. good sub-division. Price $9,000; half cash, balance easy terms, or will trade for good securities or real es- tate. Write Owner, Drawer 16. Salmon Arm, B. 0., or Salmon Arm Realty 00., Ltd., Salmon Arm. B. G. While carrying a. ladder through the crowded streets of a. busy city a big Irishman had the misfortune The man who is busy never gets lonesome. Just a Minute Om be done pertsctly by our French process. Try It: can be cured by using nature’s own re- medyâ€"n0 medicineâ€"no operation. This remedy does not profess to cure internal piles. but is a certain cure for protrudin ilee. Discovery was made by sufferer o 0 years’ standing, who is now quite well. Full instructions on receipt of $1.00. WM. B. OXLEY, 294 Berkeley St, Toronto. CLEANING LADIES’ WALKING on name sun's Momreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. “\VERYBODY ENJOYS BILLIARDS -â€"- J Barbers and Liv Men in towns only 100 population make big money. Be ï¬rst to write for book, “How to Start a Bil- liard Room"~Gost, Easy Terms, etc. Cata- logues of tables for Home and Club free. If you have a table a-ak for our supply catalogue. Brunswick-Balke-Collender Com- pany, Toronto. GALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy, “Sanol.†price $1,530. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Mellitue. and sure cum. {I "Sauol’s Anti-Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druggista or direct. The Sane] Manufac- turing Company of Canada. Limited. VVDLVLL n ADM ‘4'... ._ â€" W 7 , , J. London market; 5011 clay loam; farm house; barn. Would exchange for city, town or village property or for large? farm. The Western Real Estate, London, Ont. CANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS, E10,. internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Writ: us before too late. Dr. Bellman Media: Co.; Limited. Colling‘wnod. Ont‘ Wmï¬vpez. Man EVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN ‘x Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money (or qulck saie. rl‘ WENTY ACRESâ€"FIVE; MILES FROM London mallxegtaoil 912w 103?; farm __ nun H. w. DAWEBN, Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. » ‘1 OOD STOCK FARM OF 500 ACRES I with Three Houses; large Bank Barn. Must be sold quick. Price is yet)? 10"- Album, only Seven Cnmpany. Toronto Cutlcura Soap and Ointment; are Hold thromm the world. A llberal sample or each. with Bil-mt booklet on the cam and treatment of tha akln and scalp, sent poet-from Address Pane: Druz & Chem. Cox-0.. Dem. 271). Bolton. U. s. A. ‘ TAMP COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED DIF' 3 ferenz Foreign Stamps, Catalogue. ‘lbum, 0111; Seven Cents. Marks Stamp BeflIIIYPlll'IW dIld Health: Of Skin-(and H am" Cuiicura Soap and Ointment Britigh‘Amerfogm Dyeing Go. HAVE OVER ONE HQNDREPAGOO “Lnaln Km} {11‘ Ei-ffer'eï¬tj séctione my list. If you want a f: U DAWSON; Toronto. For Quick Sale Promoted by STAMPS AND COINS Sure He Did It. FARMS FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. BILLIARDS. 1n uLvu" ions of 0mm a farm comm“ S'ï¬ï¬‚’erers from protruding or bleeding pile!