no um icnmoun ling: 0N'11:._FEB.727, 1913 i The Liberals 01’ Centre York have inside a poor beginning in their‘cain- gJaign to win the riding'ln the next Dominion election. They met .V in convention twice, but‘l'neither time did they name a candidate who was prepared to accept the honor. It is . not surprising that not a few members bf the party are inclined to blame “the Executive for not being in a position to recommend a. rtrong man trim would be willing to accept the honor and responsibility which go with a candidate’s nomination. Of Course, an executive can only rec Diumend. If the delegates at a ' convention are not satisï¬ed with the choice of the Executive it is their privilege to make other nominations. but trusting to luck at the last hour is. not a safe plan to make a selection for parliamentary honors. At a meetingplast Saturday the matter of recommending a candidate was left in the hands of the Execu- tive. Another convention will be called later to consider their recom- mendationQ CENTRE with LlBERALS. . its {mimetic SELECTED. 'Thc Exmun to Name a Standard Bearer. h.â€" The Centre York LibernlAssocia- tiun. at its Jneeting in the Labor Tem- Ple on ï¬ulsnduy afternoon postponed the selection of n ‘cundidnte for the amnion": Milan. It was decided that the Madeline Committee should Louie;- wiw Wide nominees' with a View Wu‘ï¬lWVtfliï¬hm who \vould stand If nomlwtd. (MM when this has been ilime uï¬iflVt‘htim‘i will lit- called. The human M Mir. George W. Vernal. \Ves- ton; Dr. P. D. McLean, “'oodbridge: Eat-Aid. George Rmnsdrn, Toronto, {and Dr. E. F. in win. Weston, Were in- troduced at the meeting as those of‘ men worthy to can-“y the banner of Liberalism in on t‘lor‘Llnn campaign, but none of them-consented to run. Mr. H. H. Dow 11, K.U., who had de- clined the nomination at a meeting of the uSSUClnlLlUll qu Wet-ks pre\ionsly. ions ug.|.lll pressed to IiCCt‘pL,'hllLllt‘ said he eniild not for personal reasons, Mr. Dewart Wis rendered the thanks of'thc association for having been the candidate in the general election of 1911. All those named for the honor of representing the Liberal putty as the candidate in the next «let-lion were present and spoke. except Dr. Mc~ enn. His son. D;- Garnet McLean, Woodhridge. President of the Centre York Liberal Assorrinlion. announced that Dr. P. I). McLi-nn Could 'not, no- ujpt the nomination. En‘ch speaker expressed complete syiulpniby with the principles of the Liberal party, and thanked the meeting «for naming 1.3m as n candidutv. It Was at the suggestion of Mr. F. G. IiiWuod. General SECl't-l'm’y (if the Reform Association for (hi‘lu'l'io, who Was press-M. that the meeting decided to defer the nomination iinl‘il the Ex’ ecu‘ivc Committee (:oil’l’ll rrirpoit as to *x cmulnlnte. The. suggestion was put- :-..w the loiniof n resolution on mo- tion of Mr. \\'iii._Pi-att, Richmond Hill. and was curried imnninioizsly. lull. {nwood stated that. a gems-ail Plec- lion rould not Luke pluce before June. even if the House dissohed on the urn vy~or any other guest ion.- - Mr. A. D. Bruce. Markham town- ship. was appointed convent-r of n , commit-tee to look after the finn‘ncing .u‘ the in :{t election campaign. It. was proposed to 3. 5V;- ew-ry Liberal in the iii-lg an opportunity to contribute a dullni‘. A collection was taken up at the meeting tor election. The attend- uncu was large. Mr. F. T. (.‘ongdou. Ex- M. P. for the ’ Yukon, gave :1. spirited midwss. He spoke strongly in npprovui of Sir \Vil‘e frid Laurier’s ulicy on lhl' question of the navy. andJ recommended every young man to make a study of Librrnl , principles. Thornhill. Th» monthly meeting of the Lit-er» iiry Girl-l9 was held at- lbe home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ju-n‘ies on Monday / evening of inst- week. in the absence 0f M“ Jim)†the Chill†WW“ “UCUpied Experience unm'oossury. “7;: instruct our salesmen how to 30†Fruit. Stocks by Rev. .1. ll. Oke. Au address on Canadian fuels “ms given by Rev. Dr. Smith. Herr-ml selections from Jenn Llrnclt'u moi Robert \V. Serv- ice’s \\‘l“'l\° and Cool Histin tlwir slylvs. The :ldlll‘t“‘§ was interesting and in- structit a. ' on. Burr , mud solos Wore sung by Miss Lev and Burton. A recite» tiou was gut-n by Miss Me-dd and iuL Strnmmitnl llHHli‘. by Mr. and Mrs. A. Thnmpsnn and a. piano solo bv Miss Oke. A number of conundi unis We‘re given and ansxvvred. c Hâ€"â€" Empire will be $3.0llu year when (nullin for or. THE LIBERAL uï¬iuv. Post Ofï¬ce the yemlv price will be $2.50. Orders token ill. this ofï¬ce. VVV‘YVVVWVVVWVVVVVVVVV" VVVWVYVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVWVW "V'IWYVW‘VVVVWVVVVVVVVW Mr. Highutt rin a llillll'l' l l l l l l i . - \Vlll hp .1 good chance- to get pure seed. .:1 t i . . . - ., . ' . ' ’ . Tim D ‘:-‘ Gflllï¬ â€œI Dd‘ll’ Md†& #Alsu n quanth of eating potatoes. 2:) (:onts a month or ‘ Sent. through the: , . THE new MODEL -"iuniiort ens FOR 1913 are Models of Convenience, Saleiy, (Iomlort, Beauty audReliabiiity. ' These cars are built oi the very best material, in a Canadian factory by Canadian workmen. They- 'carry a two-year guarantee and are delivered to you with a full equipment. V ' ' l The Model K 36 H. P. Car that sells at $1625 00 ' is without doubt the best car/offered iananada at any- where near that price. Manuficturing’ in Canada, thus eliminating the 35% duty you most pay on import- ed cars, saves you from $400.00 to Got) on On this ca r. ~A lull line of Tudhope Cat‘s will be Exhibited Exhibition Grounds from Feb. 20th to March 1st. A catalogue with cutS'and lull dcsï¬ription of Tudhope Cars will be mailed promptly to you on receipt of post card or phone from you: N aughton Bros, Selling Agents ELGIN MILLS Phone Bell 66, AALAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAMAAA AAAAAAAAAA A AAA . N avous DBIT 0th NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure names a. m or D “or. V611. Under its influence the brain becomes active. the hood 1) rifled So that all in: les, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become stron his ,steelLso that ervousne bashfulness and despondenc disappear: tho‘ï¬ycs, ;, _. m brick the mtulls clenr,ener returns to the dy. smiths moi-.21, pin on. and ‘m’ntal ‘ mam-e invigorate ; all drains ceaseâ€"n9 Vmore v :21 waste mm the system. on feel yourself amen and know marriage cannot. be a. failure. Don'tlel‘. quanta and laklrs rob you of your hard earned dollars. . I . - tar no NAMES USED :ziour wmrrzn consort THREATENED WETH PARALYSIS Peter E. Summers relates his experience: “I wastroubled, th Nervous Debility ‘ . formnny years. 1].:y it to indiscretion 7 and excesses in youth. I became ver 9 dc: ndent and didn’t care whether .3. wor'cd or not. 3 imagined ï¬veryhod -; who looked at me guessed my score. = Imaginative dreams at night weakened _: t ,. meâ€"m back ached, had pain in the _' backo my head. hands and feet were cold. tired in the morning, oor appetite, ï¬ngers were shaky. eyes lumd, ham loose. memory poor. etc. Numbnessln the ï¬ngers set m and the doctor told me he feared paralysis. I took all kinds of medicines and tried many ï¬rstvclass - ~ physicians. wore an electric belt for three , - months. baitt recclvclg. giztlelgaencï¬g. 8% . was a nee o 00:51: rs. enne ‘ A ' “Iâ€: Tatum“? Kennedy, though I had lost all fem}; in "T" T“â€â€œâ€˜â€œ doctors. Likeadrowning man I commenced the New Mann TREATMENT and it saved my life. The improvement was like magicâ€"I con] *1 feel the vigor going through the nerves. Iwns cured mentallyandphysicaily. Ihave sent them many patients and continue to do so. CURES GUARANTEED GR NO PAY ._ We {feel and cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBIUTY. BLOOD AND .URINAR'I COMNAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and AllDiseauu peculiar to Men. > an CONSULTATIO PP ‘ 0K3 FREE. H to ’ 'ta f0 ti Bluhkfor Home Tregmchga Bo ‘ if a "n r . cu†on [DasKENNE Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St. Detroit, Mich. HOHG - Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: _, ‘ DRS. KENNEDY &‘KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. fo ova address d I r " AGENT WANTED. â€"â€"FOR I-IILL To sell for the “The Old Reliable†' FflNTHILL NURSERIES Orders now being lZIl-I‘El'l ’i'or pring delivery, 1913. Prospects bright the season’s trade. in‘tlic country and Oi‘ilnmt'ntal trees in the town. START NOW and have your territory reserved. \Veekly-Pny. \VRITE FOR TERMS. E as WELLINGTO 3T0}: N. M For Sale 50 Rigs of early Pointoos, Eureka. 5“ bags of late Potatoes. Ni-xnll. This we]... H ENRY \VI LSON. 34-3 Rinuns Ta bulesrat drugmts. Rioans Tabules‘cure biliousnesa. 'C. H. JONES,: Hope BC. Phone 2950 Marple Exchange. 35.“? vvvvvvvvvvvvvv‘vvvvvv‘vavvvv vvvvvvvvv'vvvvvvvvvvvvvv at Toronto Motor Show in Transporzition Building. F AAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMAL “AAAAA LAKAAAKAAAAAAAAAMA KEllNE + All letters fromCanada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Departâ€" 1m "ment in Windsor, Ont. Iflyou desire to =;. 7 see 'us personally call 'at our Medical Institute in Detroit as ‘we see and treat 1‘ '. no patients in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and .7. “rm Outï¬t. 6. quantity of Early Pointoosslrish Goblrr, on Lot 27. Con. 2, Vaughan. Elgin Mills. Ripans 'l‘ahules cure constipation. 4 Epi-cinl attention siren in, Pressing Cleanigg .y Ann In the manufaemre’of h .r . _ w‘ a l -; ' testis? get no limitation of cost hinders the atto ln- ' Merritt}? ‘eppl'nxi’mate perfection. FIRST the makers build an ideal piano, 112521 they reckon the host. ' earnest-s aim iuusmn- " ,AJ.HUME NOTARY PUBL 10 Conveyancing, 77,3733? 3335- 5:; Leases. Willis, Etc. RI HAL-l9 Hi .14. sierra/tonne _ mu. RICHMONIS inch I‘- R E _ The Next Sitting of Divrsmn Court to No. 3, County of York, will be held *AXGENC Yr“ in the Court Room. J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. '- RlCHMUND Hill. ‘ MANAGER , “ON_ VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALWAYS-0N HAND. Monday’ Feb 2"? 1913 )ummcncmz at 9.30 n. m. T. F. McMAEON hurrah: For Safe _.t.~__ Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body _ ...___..â€"â€"â€"â€" to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphoric] will make you a new man. Price 83 a box or two for . soluliï¬iliélsmliligflï¬i; whombennms‘ One copy if \Vebstrr’s New Inn-r- “ national Dictionary. This is not .1 ' ‘ ‘ " ““ ‘ revised edition of \Vehster. but it new F 1 R Crv‘ntion fl'i'lli (row-r in cover; Theft; , t are 27ll0pngi-s. 600%) illustrations. not or 3‘ e / ‘ the volunn- contains more information of interest. to more people ihun uny The copy for snlv is indexed, and [he lenibrr _liinlling. should last a life-time. The publisher’s price is $13.00, less an discount of 25 per cont. Enquire at THE LIBERAL OFFICE , ’4‘“ ' A ï¬rst-rlnss form of Ill!) ilf'H‘S eï¬st liall'nf lot 28, con. 6. Vaughan. 0n the for in is a, ï¬rst clnss bunk born and brick house. l’osession April last. 1913. . Apply to JOHN MCNAUGHTON. Maple. ul llr‘l' dictionary. 43-t.f. Every family Should have both their loCel paper'and a. city . paper. ' Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken'with ‘The Liberal†at the followingrates:-~~ - 4 Family Herald and Week- 1.75 137' Star, 1 year . 1.75. 1-240 1.90 ' 350 Daily M'York 00... f er Daily» Star, outside ‘lof "towns and Villagers .‘ 2.00 Daily. NeWs , p 1.75 weekly Globe ‘Weekly Mail and Empire ' ‘ (With'premium) Farmer’s Advocate I Canadian Farm ftlr Daily Globe, York Go. [The Weekly sun