Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Feb 1913, p. 5

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Mu F. Woodward uf New Gnflnley made It \vvék‘ end visit, with friends in Suffix-In ’N. Y“ Teburniug Mouqu memug At file annqu mueting nf Upn‘vre York Cunsermbives Mr. W. H. Pugs-lay (If this village was elected an Honorary President, and Mr. H. A. Nicholls n Vice-President. Snuwdrifit bleached longnlnlh 36 in. wide, 13 and 15c. yd. . Unbleached {~will. sheeting. 72 in. wide 35c. yd. Dark flaunt-Jet 34 in. wide 111:. yd. At- kinson & SwiLzer. Riciimmn H‘IL’IA OWL. FEB. 27. 1913 The receipts at the Firemen’s Skat- «iag Benefit last, evening :unountt-«l to $21.85. Those present enjuyc-d every hand. and the rink closed at 10.30. NIrs.‘(Dt.§ Shaw of Oakland. 0.1L, is "making a visit with hm- duugmei- Mrs. “Ii” Duncan. \Vc would dmw the attention (If our citizens to u numbw' of useful huuse- huld etfects tu hesold cm Centre street, and advertised elsewhere in this paper. > The Richmond Hill RS. deflated Thornhill RS. in a hockey match here last Friday. At :1 convent-ion of the \Vest York Subhnlh School Convention held ab .anle last, werk Mr. G00. 8. Sims of [his village was elected President fur the ensuing year. By a decision by Judge Middleton on Tuesday. Y-uk Uunuty will pay $1800 for repuixs ma pnl'Liun of the Vaughn!) Rand uezu' \Vnudhridgc where a wash- uuL occurred during the spring fresh- teLs. The grants the various high sclmuls me entitled m for the year frum the County Unnncil are as fulluws:â€"West- on. $1,673.03; Markham. '2,5l4.t9; Richmond Hill, $1,774.20; Newnmrkel, $2,621.36; and the Agricultural Schuol, $500; Aurora, $1,714.60. ( ptiun hy-law m Aurora. is still a mat- ter 0f doubt. L‘LS‘; Saturday J udge Mmgun sat seven hours listening to the arguments of the lawyers for and against. and Lllesituatiun is yet unaltel - 0d. Judgement is reserved on 6 votes. Mn and Mrs. Holland of Alix‘ Alta, wire ‘visitin‘g with «Mr. and Mrs. Jvhn Batman. Next; Monday being the A Golden \Vedding uf Mr. and Mrs. Ju'tmh Eyer, Mr. Eyer’a shop will be closed on that my. _ mine E’urk Blaoksmiths’ ASSOCthiuH held a business meeting and banquet in F()resLul"s Hull. \Veduesduy evenng ut' last, week. L:st week’s Amnrn Banner refers to the sudden duath of Mr. Alexander (ilaham, a resident. of that town for many years. Deceased wusuhuut 63 yezâ€"uzs of age. The winter sofar has been a remark- able easy one on lwes Winn-red out of doors says Mnrlev Pettit, the Pro- vincinl Apiarist. What; is causing uneasiness at present is the naked condition of the (-lnver. It ruuminst.) be - seen how it, will come through the freézing and tlmwing‘nf spring‘ Mr. Houston, Hick Schmal Inspector, paid an official Vile tn the High School Monday und.’1‘uesduy of this week. Miss Morgan of NiuguI-a-on-Lhe-Luke. Miss Normal. Morgan uf {Jim-011w, Miss Russdl of Markham, add Mr. E. “731-- Hey Emmy of Elohi, Were the guests ner Brule of Elohi, Were the guests of Mr. mad Mls. H. A. Nicholls last week. Remember the Illustrated Lecture on “The Origin of the Gospel” by Rev. Prof. Farmer ut‘ McMasLer University, under the auspices of the Guild nu Friday evening at eight, o’clock. No admission but the mummy collectinn of the suciely. "A M13. R. \V. Phillips, county clerk has been appointed lligh-C(..nstahle fur the County of YUl'k at, u seam-y of $300 a year. Mrs. William Dentuu died Monday morning at the home of hm- daugh- ter, Mrs. Charles Hudson, 'I‘mnntn, aged 81 years. The deceased is sur- vived by four snns and two daughtPr-S: Jung .l. H. Dentun, Frank Demon. K. 0.. M. H. Ueuum (Saskatoon). W. A. Dental). Mrs Chas. Hudson, and Mrs. Urea. Gums, (Mamba) Sulphur matches 2 large ques for 230. Uresb flouting soap,” 3 cakes fur 101:. Sheet UusLile soup 50. bur. large bar 256. Atkinsmi~& Switzvr. Large Canadian onions 350.. pk. Ans- txinn Beans 6c. 1h, A‘Ianzunilla (dives lUc. bottle. Atkinson & Switzer. (Elm fliheml. The result ofthe vote on the local A‘ca‘x- ofbmn at The Elevutm Miss Sullivan hf Bruce Mine-s has ran 14 guest of Mrs. W. D. Atkinson. L ()C A 1:)!!9‘ Th? brd‘i‘t-s Aid Sewing Qi-rclemf the Mel‘h‘mlixt '(lhmrfh hold their‘firsb "It-Pl- lug Thursday aftm'lmun. A gnnd start, 'wns made nu articles of (:lulhing fur it sale- uf wan to he held in the autumn“ The tea which followed was given by Mus. Tl'PlH‘h-r profitable iind 'enjny~ able lime \ynséfieut by {he lat-“vs .md’ Illt'll friends. The next, mreting will 'be llt‘ld in Mmch‘ , In the evening a choice. programme was rendered which was in keeping with the occasion. This was intro- -duced by an address from Dr. Smith expressing his appreciation fur the delicacies of which he had partaken and also fol his esteem for the young couple. He stated that their influence had been ofan'élevdt‘ing nature the in community and wished them a lung. prosperous and harmonioue wedded life. ‘A short addless was then tender- ed the guests by Mr. Lorne it. Perkins. Other addressess referring to the efficient service rendered in the public school hy the bride. and the faithful- ness of both bride and grown as teach- ers in the Sahhath School and their assistance in all social circles Were given with impression by Mr. G. Sanderson. Mr. Ed. Brunell. Mr. Geo. Gee. Mr. Geo. Mt'Uagflw, and Mr. Louis Nichols. Mr. A.Le\\'is favoured the guests with a. couple of instrumen- tals. Mr. R. Sanderson captivated the audience by his song and was heartily eucored. An instrumental duet by the MisSes Read and Bnyntou was capany executed and highly ap» preciated. Mrs. \V. Gordon of New Lowell played a famiiiarairin varia- tions displaying great skill In the per- formance of the same. Miss Jean Scott gave an excellent Scotch reading. The groom made a hrin reply thank- ing the speakers fer their kind re‘ marks. He said in Qaehalf of his When the parting hymn was sung and expression given for the pleasure received at. being so royally enLeI-tain- ed, all separated fur their respective homes. Besides relatives and friends from the immediate and surrnanding neighborhood, a, large number Was present from a. distance. =' At. Divisinn Gum-t on Monday JnSeph Cherry *sned \Vm. Rubinsnu for $60 for damages for ln-ench of warranty given uu the sale of a. Cow. The plain- tiff and another witness stated on oath that defendant: guaranteed that. the cow was fresh amitk. mist) that the de- fendant said the cnw Wuuld give hnlfn pail of milk after he‘l‘culf was satisfied. Robinson denied the last, statement. It, was prm‘t‘d by a former owner that the cnw was fresh. hut. judgment, was given plaintiff for $25 nu the evidence uf Cherry and mmbher wiLness that; the cow would nut give more than five quarts of milk per day. pat-tnvr and himself Mutt he felt grate- ful to the guests for their lllllllPl'tHh‘ and cnsbly gifts also t‘lemse who had given their assistance in making the event :I. success. Several pbfnmgx-nph selections added Lo the musiciul part of.t_he programme. MARKHAM LIBERALS. AL :1 meeting of Markham Township Liberals held at Uninnville on ’l‘uesdav of last week, Mr. A. D. Bruce (If Gnrlnley preside us Uice-President, and the following \vm-eelected chain- men (If the various suh-divisions:â€"â€" Thnl'nhill. Artllui‘ Thmnpsrm: Elgin Mills. Jushlm Burner; Bruwn’s Corners, D. C.‘Burr; Victoria Square, F. Nichols; Uninnville, \VnL Nuhle; Elmira, John- athan Nigh; Box vao, Gauge. Rohh; Mount; Joy, V. J. \Vintersteiu; Dixon Hill. Lewis Haner: Cedar Grove, Andrew Bresur; Mongolia, J. Turner. I A. 0. FORESTERS A regular Meeting of Cum-L Rich- mondg A. G. R, will he «held tn-lnurmw (Friday) evening. The newly-Plecth officers will‘he installed “57-th 1101!. Bro. Highlands of ’King'Gity. and a fraternal visit, is vxpected‘frnm Ouurt 9224, Dru‘isville. Members are special~ ly requested to be present. 1050 Ma pie Exchange. 353 Thu hnme uf M 1's. Hun-let M. Perkins. Virtm-in Square, was the same (If a very plwlsant event nu VVt-dnesxlny. Feb. 19. 1913. when her sistels Miss- ances Louise anly, was gix'ou in [marriage tn Mr. Rolph Fenlay Bnyutun lmth uf Vicl'mlia Square. At the sunml of the \vmdmg march played by Mix A. l'wwisnf Turmltn. the bride, pl'ettily attired in a robe of white silk. entered the drawing mum on the mm M" her hmtllcr-in-lmv, Mr. Hunwr F.:\Vilsuu. The wvdding cereruzmy Was uny per- fm-Im-d by the Rev. G. S. Smith Ph. D. of Riclmmnd Hill. After [he cvremuny almut une hundred and twvnty guests sat down tn tastefully deem-Med talulvs laden with palatable viands and in- viting daintie'ej. ' _, n I: . , .\ * ‘u n 09 JV. Dkvl. mummy (Wine. 11451 Broadway. New on. A Frvsh Milk Cow for sale. Appr [minus Tabules cure bad breath. A m1 uuumvums dua iiltaqrentfiévrn- r-Innnâ€" n'wv M “m Scientific-Amer- ' M U NA; 730;, SpmN'rum‘ 7‘ ,. 5 E17; “4%” “I “(‘7 I‘JI‘PIRIPA NLcnp 133': BOYNTONâ€"LUNDY For Sale CO \V OAS E. 1,\ fm' ."zufiuls. Haw-vita. Trad» the Univ 1! Slam“. Canaan. upr'nany. etc. than Book about ’l‘huxy . .nn yenm‘ experience 1 (1mm -‘u MUNN a (A). are noticed ‘ ~ 1' w the largest heumnd ‘ $.20}; yep: u W'M. CLEMENT. Lot 28. 0011.3, Vaughan. 32-4 3') t-f RICHMOND HILL, Feb. 3. 1913 I wish lhrnugh lhemhnnns (If THE LIBERAL m thank my numerous friends and cusmnwrs fur so large a share uf their pnu-unuge during lht‘ few years I luv» hum: in Richmnnd Hill and l hnpe hy thvstrict. :mvntion (0 business to may it n continuance of the same. I Wish alsditn-iufmm llwm thatI hHVP droided ‘tu “CLOSE MY SHQP GN ()n 1% Cnncvssiun nt' Vaughan, lot 38. Tiiil-l y-funr act-us. gm-d rough gust, hnusw. nmv stmw ‘Imindutkng inn-n, new hen house, pig pm]. yuung urchard just beginning I.“ hear. plenty (If water. Suitable fur poultry farm ur nun-km, gardening. Picturesque surroundings. Fifteen Ininutus walk Lu Metropolitan our. SATURDAY AFTERNOON uf waving week”. My I‘t‘HSOuS fm-dningsn are that“ I cannot get, any help ivfmrflove 01' mme and I fool it twine my duty to nus If tn hme a half holiday every “mak. aning my friends will bear this in mind. In MnrhloIII'GI-nl-itv. Gum] \an‘k. rousuuuhle charge-s. Tuwn m Country. 'W'l-ite, The fulani‘ng will h? Rtvld lw private sale-UU Yds. nll'wuul carp“. ()he-nille curtains :uld‘lulfle rlul hs. pnrlnr lullll‘. new organ suml, umsic ruck. fem ln-x with zinc tray, wulnnt, dining umm chairs, kitchen Chairs, kitchen cup- lmzu'd. 1 huge clock. lawn ,smt and chair. 1 hm: stun), l \Vnshingtuflgrute stove, pictures, lumps, 8m. Efi-lf I Want to introduce my gnsewt Haying strain (:f SILVER CAM PINES- intln even-y pnuluy yard in Richmond H.“ and district. Price $2.09‘pvr set- ting. gun‘rnmheed \fmtile :I-flu Avril lsty. Only u limited numher'fm- sale, su act quickly, Inunk yuur :u-dm- nmv. 258. (19- p nil, pvr Setting. ert, wwk may be two Lth Tombstone .3143 m. Small Farm for Sale 02‘ HIV East. Ym-‘k Tit-‘fu‘r‘m Associatinn ' will he hvld at the Y. M. o A. HALL 111 .\ ST T1 ) RONTO - «ON-a Saturday. March 1. 1913 coumemcma AT 2 m..- J ()XATHAN N IGH. Fur the Elm-Linn «If Otfim-rs and ullwr iIup-urbunl huainvss. By a mm;le of I’m-minan (a‘renIh-men 3.3-: f Chance of a Lifetime ALI. LIBER\LS 'INVITED 1'0 ATTENB Monuments, Murkm-s and Cnl'nt‘l‘ Pusls. EAST YORK 31mm Assnciatm niw nfh‘SrLU'V’fi SCHOOLS, TU- “ONTO. luv numdnnce m' hv Mail and 'hy su doing quixtkly prepare Lu r-m-u n. gum} sulun'. Hmndrvds ut‘ -yuung peuplw dn lhis ("Vt‘rV ywu'. \Vhy mu Yum? Fruw-Cdmiug‘uu t'xpi- ins. “The fur it; Address.- VV. H. Shaw, Presidlem’L, Yonge St. ,Tm-ouw. l|_\' (akin THE ANNUAL MEETJNG Notice to the Public \V A 111‘ E R H. \V ATSG N. I remain yours sinr-m-vlv ‘s or to Awlwzn PI‘f’l‘li‘ President. For Sale Mili Street. Richmond Hill. W. A. JONES, 23 Buunnnan St. A D I) R 11188 ES MRS. G ‘A RK. Uun‘re 51,. \\"est. pr :(ltir H. A P PLETON, Lettering 'UOVVIE. -G E0 11L 1% mum, Svmw-(ary. Cairville. T011th IConcrete House i PHONE 17 Men‘s stripe flanneleue Night Shirts, with collar & pocket. 4%.. . ...;.:;'. ...?5,and§5c Ladios’ Ten Aprons, Lawn, em- broidery trimuwd, at . . . . . . . 250 +++¢++~l¢ 2 Heavy Loch Lamond Shirts at. .750 i Clienm Qpnqug Window Shades fi~+4°+$fiw++V+§++Hm¢M+ ++*-§-+++¢I~+++ nhf'bd'++++mm Men’s Navy Knit Top Shirts. . . .1.00 Heavy Bhék Jersey Top Shirts 75c +$+i ++++++ +++++M WWW‘IM v3“?+Ԥ"Â¥'1%"?++++~§~+O§o+++éw¢+++++sFol"! +4.4»?+.§..§..;..§..§..§..§..g..;.g.,§..§..§..§..§..§..;..5 *~O‘Pd~b+i"§€‘++i‘*‘¥++MM-bfi §“§"§"§"§ §-§**$%m¢°++%%+++°fi“ifi 1* i'+-$~'a i \Vnnl Undershir‘ts rcducpd to45&65c AAAAAAAAAAMMAAAAAAAAAAAA .AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAK‘ VVVVVVVVVVVWWVVYVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VYVVVV VVVVVVV VV’V'V" .uu- .ugndnnuuL JUU' These Lots will unaégbytedly go up in value before ’y'ear is out. Get in on Ground Floor. QO‘O§¢¢§§§§N§§§§§#O§¢ O9 ¢§§6§§§9§MQOOQOOQ§¢+§O§+ Grey Uninn Flannel Blankets size 53 X 63, weight7 lbs. at) 2.85 pr. Atkinson & Switzer RICHMOND HILL \Vhite FIunm-l Sheeting. (2 ins. wide, reg. may. fm‘.-.. .. .. 65c §§§é§¢§¢§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ O ¢§§ §+§§¢§§4 9§§§§§§§§§§§§§ O ‘New sub-division in the finest residential section nf Village of Richmond Hvfli. \VIDE STKEETb‘w-AH 66 Feet. .ndies’ RuhesplerreC:)llurs,hlk. satin, trimmed with white figure and white lace, rég. 750 L‘ _.. We have just refilled all our different lines of Rub- bers with bright new stock of the best grades. Men’s Heavy Rubbers, laced, red soles, solid heel, heel, snag brow -- - Men’s Overshoe' Rubber, best grade \\ omnn‘a chrshoe Rubber, best grade snag proof - - - Men’s Heavy Rubbers, two buckle, heavy sole insm-fifin {anly. with tassel roller. at. .. .. Dry Goods DEEP LOTSâ€"VVell Drained. Only One Minute from Metropolitan Railway Station The best investment in the Village. All Streets Wlll be lighted by Electric Light, Roads kept up by Village; and Sidewalks put down. Don’t miss this Opportunity to get a Lot while Price is Cheap, $12.00 per feet down and balance on very Easy Terms. Now is your‘chance to get a Heme of You! Own 'nr The Price is only Half the Object, the Quality counts the other Half NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR ROSeView Gardens. Armand Savage giflfiffiflflfi H51}. SfiflE *STGRE REAL ESTATE AGENT. APPLY 50c hr *wwue-mm-Mwwwwwi 3 Lbs. L-mf' Sugar. fm- 3 Lb. Tuplucn. . . ZTins Pe-as .. . 3 Lb. ti'u Japan Tea, at 19 Lbs. best Granulated 51);; 20 Lbs. best, Yellow Sugar . Kipperod Herring. tin . nlumn. tin. $2.50 solid $52-35 $1.25

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