AT THE {IBERAL PRINTING I! PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL.ONT. i’i‘, F.- McMAHON. E- lazier. Grainer and. Paper-- Hanger. 7 IS PUBLISHED EVERY 2 BURSDAY MORNING Mu maed lactiaaeara tor-tho County of York. a s. u ascended no on shortest notice and at ten- aog ï¬le rates Pmtronuae solicited may R. CAMPBELL, 'W. HEWISON R’C‘rZiDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Gulls by phone ur- otherwise promptly responded bu. Phone No. 28. Licensed Auctioneer for $110 Counties of York. Ontario and Norah Toronto. Special attention iven to sales of every description. Farm and arm stock sales a. specialty. Farms bought anu sold on commission. all sales attended to on shortest. notice and conducted by the latesï¬ up-aâ€"dete memods. ‘ ‘ ' Address: 239 Baliiol Sh. N016!) Toronto, Class recitals are giVen throughout the year 43-†Von. XXXV. Prepares pupils for the grade-d 9x- aminutions held at Tmonto Conserva- tnry of Music and University of 1‘0.- roam. Special course in "Myer-’3†Kinda- gnu-ten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. ._ 7 The Newton School of Music Theoretical, Technical and Artistic. Elements Developed Systematically According to Modern Methods. 5! per annum, in advance.) '1‘ Saigeon. J x M Mum: We: Saigeon & :VlcEwen. '6 W. R. PENTLAND “(RICHMOND HILL D. H. PINKï¬ERTON, V‘s. MISS MILLIE TRENCH Fxret- house north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. HO USE PA INTER, VETERINARY SURGEON, Maple, ()nt. BU SENESS CARDS . Richmond Hill. Ont, mm (31th OFFICE AND RESIDENCE ’E‘hornhill. Emma £3 Pnornxm‘ox. RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J. H. Prentice Phone No. 2402.. 40’ etc L 5'; m: V B RESIDENCE gamma. J K McEwon Wescon Organs Repaired and Expert Work Gunrnnumd PIANO TUNING! A. G.F'. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. Telephone, Main Oetble Address. "Dedn." Money to loan on 1 and anacuattel uzol‘tgagesat . owest rates Auroraotflcaâ€"Removeu lG the old post 021mg one door west 01 the entrance to the Ontario Bank ' Newmmrkel oriï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the )3 mt oï¬ice EEnsmm-Lmnxox G va Monam Aurora. Barristers , Solicitors. Notaries, am. Home Life Building Cm. Adelaide & Vicmrm. Sts.. l‘omnto. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tor-unto Ofï¬ce. Runm Confedera- tiuu Life Bldg., Na. 12 Richmond St. E, Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Lihex'ul†Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoun. M aple, Thursday afternoon. VVnudbx-idge, Saturday fm'enoon. A. Camcéron MacNaughton Monev to loan at Five Per Cent..(5%) Tel. M. 363]. LENNQX 63 MORGAN Riohmona I-Iill NOTARY PUBLIC chiglésxonxn. coxvmz “mm. ETC. A'large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at both places Undertakers’ an. Emhnlmers. RICHMON D HILL & THORNHILL Danton, Grover & Field Lawrence 8: Dunbar, H. A. NICHOLLS w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal Cor Yong. Illd Aloxugar su. Many former! students are now earning from $700 to $2000 a year. We deal in only the BEST KIND of Practical Education. We use best systems. employ best- teachers and produce the best results. Enter now. Catalogue free. Stenographers. Bookkeepers. Cashiers. Ofl'lce Assistants. Com- mercial and Shorthand Teachers are in rent demand if they graduate mm the Commissioner, Conveyancer, etc, Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Barrister, Sclicfztcr, Natary, E‘ . . OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG., lb' KING STREET W EST REAL ESTATE . ETC. THORNHILL J‘ EDWARD FRANCIS, Barristers as"! Sollchm‘s. VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING 3011’): 5. '9avidsou THORNHILL NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers, Snlictnrs. 8w. TORONTO. ONT. WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 6. 191.3 ELLIOTT gtqal. “In Essents'alt, Unity,- in Phone Main 2984 Pm'v and lovely Easter lillips! With their odm-nus perfumt'; On their stalks erect, and stately, And immaculate their bloom; Chosen flnwer to remind us Of our Suviour’s empty tomb. HP is risvn! nnr Redeemer! Far and wide extends His fame. - Man’s salvation was His purpose, Fur hia'sake from hezu‘en H9 cnme; All on earth and sky transcending, Glory crowns His holy name. Jesus tn’u, admired the Iillies As upon} the. muunt He stood: Said. “whymtake ye thought of mi- menl?" Spenkinglo the multitude, Puints unlu than) as a leasun Nut to fret. o’el earthly 30ml. Talked untu the crowd while sitting 0n the grass henth the trees, To consider well the lillies, Waving in the gentle breeze. “Snlmnun in all his glory \Vns not clnthed as one of these." Though each ï¬lly-bulb was buried Fur awhile beneath the sod; In fresh beauty snnn appearing. Bursting through the earthy clnd; Naught in all the realms of nature Cuuld restrain the Son uf God! Lillies brought from sunny climates, Where they grow in acres broad, To supply demands for. Easter. Thore in millinns'wave-zmd n-nd. Lift, their heads to catch the dew-drops Kissed by sunshine, gift. of God. From thP earth and air absorbing In their growth, pexfume con- serves ' Which emits a sweet eï¬iuence' To dPlight olfactory nerves; v Stirring m the soul conceptions That all nature Gnd sulwserves. Could each lily breath a message; Whisper to admiring eyes. ’ anding to enhule its fragrance, Of a I'nve that never dies: 4 ' Of a hezmty never fading, 4‘ Ever binoming in Lhe skies; ' All nny learn a trusting lesson From the lilies of the ï¬eld; . Though they toil not, are provided, Never luck the neede yirld. Trusting God and right pursuing. Hewill all their footsteps Shield. MRS. P. 1;. GRANT. The Rlchmund Hill Public Library met at THE LIBERAL ulï¬ce Monday evening, March 3, 1913. Members present W. H. Pugsley. A. J. Hume, S. M. Brown, W. A. Sanderson, T. F. McM lhun. Rlchnmnd Hill, Feb. 26, 1913. The Secretary reported that Mr. W. A, Sandereon had been re-appointed by the village council a. member of Librayy boarfl for the gn‘suipg ggrm. One of the largest. crowds that ever attended an auction sale in this section of the country was that. at Mr. Albert Williams last Friday, when between 800 and 1,000 men, women and children were present. Everybod was pleased to partake of Mr: and 1-5. Williams’ hospitalitv, and the latter were just as leased to welcome all who attended. be sale Was satisfactory in every respect. and good prices were realized by auctioneer Prentice. Horses wentas, high as $285. and cows $89. Two men alone bought stuck to the value of $ 1,261. A letter from Walter R. Nursev, Esq.‘, Ins actor uf Public Libraries. acknowle‘ ged the ret'urp of a Travel- ling Library, expressed plea-sure that so many bunks had been circulated, but. wished that more uf the books circulated had been nonfiction, The Board ali'ourned to meet in the Library Room fuesdawaarch 11. at 8.30 p.m., to considep a plicatlonsthat may have been receiveg for the posi- tion of Librarian. Saiiageâ€"Brownâ€"l‘hut the seéx-etary make application fqr another Travel- ling Li_hrary.â€"-_(_)arried.__ ' Svamdersonâ€"Humeâ€"Thatthe Secre- tary apply to Markham and Vaughan Townships £011 their annual grants to the; Public ~Librayy.-â€"_Uan_-ie_d._ A communicatiï¬n dated Feb. 20. ’13. was read from Mr. Gen. Uowie, pen- dering his resignation as Librarian, to take effect on the 20m of Match. The above resi nation was accepted with regret as r. Cowie has given excel- lent satisfaction in the discharge of his duties as Librarian. Humeâ€"Sandersonâ€"That the secre- tary be instructed to insert an Adv. in THE LIBERAL asking for applications for the position of Librarian, applicat- tiona to he reeeived at the oï¬lce of the Village Clerk on or before Tuesday, Mfg-ch11 at} p_._ m. m PUBLIC LIBRARY MEETING. EASTER LILLIES. Elgin Mills. -Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity,†(Continued from last week.) On Monday moruin , Jan‘27, I left Clarence Centre for- guï¬alo, and left there at 12.60 for Chicago by way of Sarnin Tunnel.. and arrived Tuesday morning and went direct to our mili- siun at 6039 Halstead street, where I attended the prayer meeting in the evening and remained over night.’ This is a worthy cause and I believe much good-is being done. and «While it only seems like adrop out (if the ocean in Qeity of 3.250.000, yet I he~ lieve there are those there that will hear the "welldone." This is a. city of- sky scrapers. where structulea’ tower as high as 21 stories, but they "relth allowed to build more than 10 stories high now, so they are going down three. stories below the surface. ’I-{ere you can ride 20 miles for a. nick'- e. . 0n Junuarv 29 I Went 15 miles west to Maywood to visit Mrs; F. M. Pitt, who was adopted and raised by my aunt-Mrs. D. W. Eyer of Richmond Hill. This is a beautiful town of about 10.000. Here you will find a. branch of one of the largest business concerns of the world, ' The American Can 00;. a. corporation extending from Charles st,, to the Chicago and rhe North Western Railway, and from 7th to 12th Ave; Its principal ofï¬ce is located in New York. and in addition to the Muywood plant, there are thiity-ï¬ve factories scattered throughout the United States. This factory has been in existence for 11 years. and gives employment; to hun- dreds of people. Its chief industry is the manufacture of cans. fruit cans, vegetable cream and milk cons, syrup and oil cans. There are three principal varieties of cans, ï¬rst the cans made of tin, second. :those made of ï¬bre or paper cons, and third the jacket can made of tin and wood coni- hined. The cans pass through many handslin‘the grocess of making. First large sheets of tin are Cut into strips of proper size. Then these strips go to the body makers, where they are roll- ed into a circular shape forming the body of the can. The next man closes the side seams. The next soders them, the next puts .the ends in. the next soders the-m. »Next the can is tested. by applying ï¬fteen lbs. of air pressure and dipping in a. tank of water, if any leak. they are repaired. They are then tested by a. pressure of hot air of from ï¬ve to six hundred pounds, After this they are dried and then sent thru nnantonmtic counting machine, and then loaded on cars and shipped to all partsot’ the United States and Can- ada. Their average daily output is 850.000 two lb, fruit cans, 12,000 jacket cans from 1 to 15 guls,,und 150,000 one 1h, ï¬bre cans. One lioy eon 103670. 000mm“ cansina car in a. day, for which he receives three cents per thous'md. They hin Scars of small cans per week, the year round. So we see Uncle Sam keeps his boys busy. (To be continued.) More than $2,500,000 is expended annually by the Dominion Department of Agriculture in carrying on work in. the interest of the farming commu- nity. This large amount of money is divided among several Branches to carry on the special duties with which they are intrusted. [he Experimental Harms seek to solve r prohleni in all phases of agriculture including grain growing, live stock husbandy. hurti- culture, apicultm-e etc; the Seed Branch works to encourage the use of only good seed; the Live Stock Branch endeavours to increase the profits of the stock raiser; the Health ofAnimnls Branch aims to protect our herds an and flocks from disease; the dairy an Cold Storage Branch does much for the duirymen and fruit growers, while the Tobacco Division endeavours to find out and teach which are the best kinds (if tolmccn ï¬nd the best ways of trenting the cropin Canada. While all of us. unconsciously perhaps. reap benefits from‘this Work. much of it. more especially that of an inves tigntional nature, is useful only to thos who learn for themselves the lessons from investigations that are carried on. By the use of reports and bulletins the sevens! Branches of the Depmt- ment give outthe results of their work so than. all who wish to do so may pro- fit bv it. The publications are sent out to all persons who ap ly for them or to be put. on the mai ing list, In each case copies are printed to meet the popular demand so as not to deprive any who desire 10 receive them. During the lite of. the Department HELPFUL AGRICULTURAL PUBâ€; * CATIONS. these surpluses have been nccmpglating I until there are available for dlstl-ihnt- ! ion a greater nr less number of copies of a large number of useful pnhlicatiuns A list 01’ these including the latest 3 bulletins has been compiled and rinted 3 in pamphlet form copies of which are available to those whu apply for them ' to the Publications Branch of thq De- pgrbmeng pf Agriculture at Ottmva. LETTER FROM H. R. flElSE. i PEBFUMES W. A. Sandersâ€"Big 3‘- Magicure Sets Â¥ ’ flair Brushes -!-+++$+++$++*$+++++Q~M++d~¢i STIVER & RAMER Believing it will be beneï¬cial to not. buyer nnd seller, have decidedr We thank the public f_or the generous' patronage in the past, and will sum,- estjy strive to serve you faithfully in»; the future. ' ' LASKAY P. Q. 53-“ Coal, Flour, .1 Corn, Bran, Wood, 860. AT THE C.N.0. STATION AND ELEVATOR 4-4"!-+-Â¥%*¢++4~*+%¢~§~$++++~9M+0 Livery 5: Teaming JOHN ELLIS BELL Baum; DUMINIflN HOUSE STABLE ACCOMMODATION We solicit a call no trouble tn show our lines Painter, Paper-hanger General Decorator RICHMOND HILL F; C. EGAN ‘- LICENSED. AUCTIONE‘ER SATEFACTION GUARANTEED. "ZAFTER OCT. 9 TO DO BUSINESS ON A (QASH BASIS. For the County of York. My Stock of ï¬ne lines of PERFUMES for are un-todate and Reasonable‘m prices [Single copiesm 3 cts. EQR EVERYBODY. DRUGGIST RICHMOND HILL STIVER & RAMER. DEALERS 1N Comb Sets Pictural Cards int-94' '1 PRESENTS L. B. srona, Prop. ONTARIO No. 36