Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Mar 1913, p. 2

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A despatch from Toronto says: Forging through a blinding snow~ storm under full head of steam, a Canadian Northern freight train on ‘Monday morning left the rails at :quside, and the,, engine, tearing ‘ fies, crashed down the steep em: FATAL WRECK ON THE C.N.R. Train Derailed In Blinding Snowstorm, Carries Crew to Bottom of Gully, Near Leaside gensâ€"No. 2, $1.20 to $1.25, oar lots out In 9. ~ ' Buckwheatâ€"No. 2. 530 to 530. Rye-No. 2, 630 to 650, nominal. Rolled Oatsâ€"Per bag of 90 pounds, $2.15; per barrel. 84.55; wholesale. Windsor to Montreal. . Barleyâ€"Good malting barley, outside. We w 60c. Millteedâ€"Manitoba bran, 819.50 to $20. In bags. track, Toronto; shorts. $22 to $22.50; Ontario bran, $19 to $20 in bags; shorts. $21.50. _ 1 Manitoba. Flourâ€"First. patents. $5.50 1n ute bags; second patents, $4.80 in jute g 3.33; strong bukars’, $4.60 in jute bags. Iul cotton bags, ten oean more per bar- rre . Ontario Flourâ€"Winter Wham. flour, 90 lye: cent. patents, $3.95 to $4.05. country Praline... Eggtâ€"Cold-storame eggs, 180 to 200. in Name lots; fresh eggs are selling M 220; jurictly new-laid at 280. ‘ Cheese-Twins. new, 14 3-4 to 150, and huge. new. at 141-20; old cheese. twins. gee to 151-2c: large, 15c. “ Bntterâ€"Oneunery mints, 31 to no; (10.. Hands. 29 to 300: dairy prints, 25 to 870; finial-lot (bakers). 22 to 230. are. $5.25 to $5.60. and Gammon, $4 to 35. fiutchér bulls from $5 to $5.25. and butcher ‘wwa. $4.75 to $5.50 for the best, and flown to $3 for inferior stock. Cannem, $2 to 82.50, and' cutters $2.50 to $3.50. Feed- ers from $5.25 to $560. and feeding bulls uz.15__m $435, ngqkelg.___84 to 35. 5, find bankment, hurling a. fireman and brakeman to horrible death; ' In miraculous fashion the engineer shot through the. doorway and landed unharmed farther down the hill. At the jerk and sudden stop the train crew poured from the standing cars and rushed down to extricate their comrades. Nothing, however, could be done for the two, Fireman Thomas, of Parry Sound, and leading brakesman J. Smart, of Mt. Albert. The bodies ‘dnhrior (bakers). 22 to 230. Honey.Buckwheat, 9c (mud in tins and 80 in barrels; strained c over honey. 121-20 3. pound in 60-pouud fins, 12 340 in 10-pound tins; .130 in 5-pound tins; comb honey. No. 1. 32.60 per dozen; extra. 83 per down; No. I, 82.40 per dozen. ‘ 4 V , noun-ea}. March 4.â€"A few choice steers bold at $6.75. but the bulk of the trading was done in cattle ranging from $6 to $6.50. while the lower grades moved slow- ly from that down to $4.50 per 100 lbs. yBest cows, $5 75. and the mortar ones $3.- }25 to $5.50. whi’le bulls sod from $3.25 to 135.25. Sheep sold at from $4.50 to $5.25 and {lambs at. from $7.50 to $7.75 pet 100 lbs.. )while calves brought from $3 to $12 each. § 5 to size and quality. Selected lots oi { oga, $9.80 to $10 per 100 lbs., weighed 0!! cars. A- uer_AL n nLAL- u”,.,‘,,, S'éirlirnrgsv $3 to $3.511." fiilierawaxfdwifiriwfiz era. $40 to $75, according to quality. Oslves. choice veal, $8.50 to $9.25. and down ' OntErio 'o'atsâ€"No. 2 white. 33 to 540 at oduggry points; 370 to 380 on track, To- ron . REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE ‘ CENTRES OF AMERICA. lrrloos [of Gama. cram, Choose and cum Produce a! Home and Abroad. r Toronto. March ' 4.â€"Choice butchers bmug‘lggjx‘omAfifio to §6.75: medium butqlge Toronto, March 4.â€"â€"Manitoba Wheat - Lake ports, No. 1 northern, 971-220; No. 2, 95g; No, 3,_9_20; fegd whggt, 651_-_20._ PRICES 0F HRM PRODUCTS rrbh‘tiaiio'Wfiéit:N3. "2? 936' m 96é'for car lots outside, ranging down to 700 for 9091‘ grade} I 7' ébifiLAzhéfibaB’ ’fié’.‘ ii'yiail'dw.’ 579; N01}. 560 @336 1-20.“ Manitoba. Dataâ€"No; 2 C. W. oats, 411-20. track. bay ports; No. 3 O. W.. 400; N0- 1 feed, 400 for prompt shipment. Cornâ€"American No. 2 yellow, all rail, CARTER’S $153513 SEES KnOwn, sown and grown the world over. Wherever used they make extraordinary records for productiveness. In one test continued over a period of five years, in a Canadian Agricultural College. Carter's Tested Seeds gave the highest yield against nineteen competitors. Carter's Seeds are perfectly adapted to Canadian soils and climate. To bring farming and ardening to the highest degree of success. growers shoul sow Carter's selected pedigree tested seeds. Send for 1913 Catalogueâ€"FREE PA'I'I‘ERSON, WYLDE 8: C0. Printed on fine paper. profusely illustrated with half-tones and containing (our full page pictuera in natural colors. When you write, please address Department Sole Agents in Canada for James Carter 5: Co.. of London. Eng. Seed Grower: to His Majesty King George V 133 KING ST. EAST. TORONTO. ONT; le0 'Stock Markus. Breadstufla. were discovered c103e to the engine in a terribly mangled condition. A hurried police call was sent in to the city and ambulances and patrol wagonszdispatehed .first to Based-ale an then to- the Queen street cross- ingto intercept the dead and in- jured. Upon receipt of the mes- sage at the C. N . R. headquarters, a, wrecking crew was immediately formed and dispatched to clear the me. “Next day it came/{fut the fiook made the mistake of not boiling it sufficiently, and we did not like it much. This was, however, soon remedied, and» now We like it so much that. we will never change back. Postum, being a food bever- age instead of a. drug, has been the means of banishing my stomach trouble, I verily believe, for I am “My work as chief bookkeeper in our Co.’s branch house here is of a very confining nature. During my coffeeâ€"drinking days I was sub- ject to nervousness and ‘the blues.’ These have left me since I began using Postum, and I can consci- entiously recommend it to those whose work confines them to long hours of severe mental exertion.” Name given by Canadian Postum 00.; Windsor, Ont. Ever road the abovu loner? A new om appears from time to tlme, They an genulna, try-hand full M humah lntomt. “About three and a. half years ago I had an attack of pneumonia, which left & memento in the shape of dyspepsia, or rather, to speak more correctly, neuralgia o! the stomach. My ‘cup of cheer’ had always been coffee or tea, but I be- came convinced, after a time, that they aggravated my stomach trouble. I happened to mention the matter to my grocer one day and he suggested that I give Pos- tum atrial. z; £94311 I’naln bozdéy and have used no medicine. plaihed in the little book, “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs. The three men in question were riding in the engine cab and were the only occupants of the fore part of the train. Had the main freight section followed the engine on its somersault down the hill the whole length of track would have been torn from its foundation. Head Bookkeeper Must be Reliable. The chief bookkeeper in a large business house in one of our great Western cities speaks of the harm coffee did for him.- (Tea. is just as injurious becausefi it contains caf- feine, the same drug found in 00f- feev.) “My "wife and I drank our first cup of Postum a little over two years ago and We have used it ever since, to the entire exclusion of tea. and coffee. It happened in this way: SEeETsTe'QS svjâ€"fiamsawxv'vas’ss w'sSSl Lambs 38,5010 39.5702 Fed gm; wateggqpon to $3.50_ for @mmqn_rough stockL Lisp-t ;E;t~1{-§§:55: Ricâ€"iii:â€" E33." it} 789.15. “There’s ireason,” and it is ex- CLEAR HEAD ED . m WWW V Mobil v. Wind Reached a Velocity of 78 Miles an Hour. ' A despatch from Buaffalo says: Four lives were lost here on Sun- day as the result of conditions ,ae oompanying the, worst stormpf the winter, during which the wind reached at velocity‘ of 78 miles an hour, and the temperature went down to ten degrees abdve zero. In a. rearâ€"end collision between two Nickle Plate freight trains Edward O. Hansen o‘f Pullman, 111., was WORST STORM A 01‘ WINTER. Principal and interest payable at The Canadian Bank of Commerce; Toronto, Montreal and London, England. Redeemable at maturity at par and :ubject to call a: a whole at 105 and accrued interest on the Jet February, 1916, or any intereet date thereafter, on six week:’ prior notice, or annually for :inlzing fund drawings, beginning February 1:2, 1914. DofimmmSEcUgmgs6Rpomm 26 KING 51’. EAST The Harri: Abattoir Company, Limited, distribute: it: produete, principally frexh meats, through it: branch houses-‘St. Lawrence M arhet, Toronto, Sildbury and Haileybury in Ontario; -Montreal and Quebec City in Quebec, and Sydney and Glace Bay in N o'va Scotia. By-pro- duct:,':uch 4: Hide:, ‘Wool, “Bones, Tallow and Oleo Oil are distributed my widely over Canada, the United State: and Europe. ‘ The Management of the Company is in most capable hands. Mr. James Harris and'Mf. W. '1'. Harris have from its inception'actedflas Managing Director and Sales Manager respectively, while Mr; J. McLean, ‘Secretary- Treasurer, has held that position since 1903. There hasubeen no change since then in the personnel of the Stockholders, Directâ€" on or JVIanagement of the Company. Nearly all the heads of departf menjs have been associated with the enterprise for many years. ' ASSETSâ€"Value of assets $2,022,671â€"concisting of land, buildingu} machinery and equipment $1,017,990, inveatmenta $444,300. and net current aueta, in excess of current liabilitiea, $560,380. EARNINGSâ€"Average annual net earnings for four and three-quarter yeera, March 31,’ 1908, to December 1, 1912, $158,783. or over 31/3 timei the interest on bonds now issued. . SINKING FUNDâ€"An annual sinking February Int, 1914, sufficient to retire the present issue by, m’atfity at 105 and interest. The Company has building: now under construction at the Union Stock Yank, est Toronto, which, when completed, will he” one of the most modern packing plant: in Canada. They can:th of a group of six buildings, maxtly of concrete construction and fireproof. ‘ Bond: fumed in coupon firm with privilege of "filtration of principal and in fully ngistered form. Coupon and regixttred band: are interchangmblc. We own and afar; . at 100 and interest, to yitld 6% . ‘Harris Abgitgir Comfianf The legal opinion of Mum. Blake, Lax/1, Anglin £3? Canals, Toronto, * rwill-be furnished. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED, TORONTO Capie: af the True: Deed dad of the appraisal certificate: may be seen at gur aficer. In terx'm Certtfeate: will be furnixhed pending delivery of definitive 56min TORONTO FIRST MORTGAGE FlF TEEN YEAR SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS Dated let February, 1913 - Due lat Februu’y, 1928 Interest payable lat February end Alum! DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR ON REQUEST PRICE: 100 AND INTEREST, TO YIELD 6% Denominations: $100, $500 and $1,000 Provincial supplementary estiâ€" mates call for $1,639,522.00. caught in the Wreckage and burned to death. He was in charge of five new'cars to be delivered to the Lackawanna Railroad here; His train was stalled by snow drifts. Carl K. Barf/0s, 38 years old, and Thos. Hundias, 22, laborers, both employed in clearing snow-clogged railroad. switches, were hit; by trains and killed. Hon. Martin Burrell says Ontario lagged behind in good roads. $ 7 50.000 THE with Sterling equivalfin‘: LONDON. ENG. L I M I T E D TORONTO Jan“ I WC; ESTABLISHED 1901 TRUSTEE : CANADA Ll FE 51.09; M O NTREAL. Consul at Tenerifi'e Notifies Cuban Government. A despabch from Havana says: Cuba, has est-ablishéa‘a, quarantine against the Canary Islands as a, re- sult of a, report received from the Consul at Teneriffe notifying the Government . that five deaths from bubonic plague have occurred there. Cuban sanitary officials beâ€" lieve that Cuba and .qut-o 'Rico were infected last summerthrough vessels from the Canaries. QUARA’STINED THE FLAG UE.

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